![]() | Hryhorii Tereshchuk
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Bio Tereshchuk Hrygorii ‒ the First Vice-Rector of Ternopil Volodymyr HnatiukNational Pedagogical University, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Full Professor,corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Grygorii Tereshchuk was born in 1954 in the Ternopil region. In 1976, hegraduated from the Ternopil Pedagogical Institute, received a qualification of ateacher of general technical disciplines and physics. He worked as a teacher ofphysics, astronomy, labour training in Skalat and Ternopil. Doctor of PedagogicalSciences, speciality “Theory and methods of labour training”. The theme of thedoctoral dissertation: “Didactic bases of individualization of labour training ofpupils of comprehensive schools”. Since 1994 - Head of the Department ofFundamentals of Pedagogical Skills of Ternopil Pedagogical Institute, and sinceSeptember 1995 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and at the same timeProfessor, Head of the Department of Labour Training. Chairman of the Scientificand Technical Council of Ternopil Pedagogical University. Since 2006 - the firstVice-Rector. Published about 150 scientific and methodological works (5 monographs, 12 manuals). |