This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
# | |
#LikeAgirl campaign | |
3 | |
360-virtual store | |
A | |
Absorptive capacity | |
Academic Research | |
Active creative imitation | |
Active healthcare | |
adolescents | |
Advergames | |
Advertising | |
Advertising content | |
Advertising copy | |
Aesthetic association | |
Affordances | |
Africa | |
African Digital landscapes | |
Africa’s Talent Challenge | |
AI Label | |
altruism | |
Amateur cycling | |
AMS | |
Analytics | |
Anime-Like Virtual Influencer | |
Anthropomorphism | |
Anxiety | |
app self-connection | |
Arousal | |
Artifical Intelligence | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | |
artist coolness | |
Assemblage | |
Assemblage theory | |
Attitude | |
attitude toward music | |
Attitudes | |
Audience Engagement | |
augmented reality | |
Authenticity | |
Automated social presence | |
Awareness | |
B | |
B2B | |
B2B Relationships | |
B2B Selling | |
Behavior | |
Behavioral intention | |
Behavioral intentions | |
Benchmark | |
Bibliometric Analysis | |
Bibliometrics | |
Big data | |
Bootlegging | |
Brand Advocacy | |
Brand applications | |
Brand commitment | |
Brand Competence | |
Brand Concepts | |
Brand Coolness | |
brand equity | |
brand extension | |
Brand growth | |
Brand hearsay | |
Brand Identification | |
Brand logo | |
Brand loyalty | |
Brand Promotion | |
Brand Purpose | |
Brand Recovery | |
Brand relationship | |
Brand Transgression | |
Brand trust | |
Brand Warmth | |
brand-cause fit | |
Brands | |
Bridging | |
Browsers | |
Buffering | |
business | |
Business disruptions | |
Business Education in Africa | |
Business models | |
Business relationaships | |
business relationships | |
Buyer-seller | |
C | |
Categorization | |
cause related marketing | |
celebrities’ death | |
Celebrity | |
Celebrity Endorsements | |
Celebrity Production Theory | |
Charity | |
charity advertising | |
Children | |
Chinese brand names | |
Choice | |
Chronic disease | |
cigarette warnings | |
circular economy engagement | |
Climate change | |
climate change concerns | |
Cluster Analysis | |
Co-creation activity | |
coalition | |
Cognitive behavior reprogramming | |
Collaboration | |
collaborative consumption | |
Colors | |
Colour | |
Communal Norms | |
communication | |
Community composting | |
Competence | |
Competitive strategy | |
Competitive unpredictability | |
Complex B2B setting | |
Concept | |
Conceptual ambiguity | |
Conceptual definition | |
Confirmatory Factor Analysis | |
Conflict management | |
Congruence | |
Congruency | |
Connectedness | |
Conservation of Resources Theory | |
construal level | |
construal levels | |
Construct | |
Constructive deviance | |
Constructivist pedagogy | |
Consumer aspiration | |
Consumer attitudes | |
Consumer Behavior | |
Consumer Behaviour | |
Consumer brand engagement | |
Consumer confusion | |
Consumer Culture Theory | |
Consumer Experience | |
Consumer interaction | |
Consumer journey | |
consumer perception | |
consumer privacy | |
Consumer Purchase Behaviour | |
Consumer stress | |
Consumer Well-being (CWB) | |
Consumer Wellbeing | |
Consumers | |
consumers' interaction | |
consumers' motivations | |
consumption | |
Content-Type | |
Controllability | |
Conversation | |
cookie | |
cooperative | |
Coopetition | |
Coopetition capability | |
Coping strategies | |
corporate hypocrisy | |
Corporate Political Activities | |
Corporate reputation | |
Corporate Social Responsibility | |
countervailing effects | |
Country of origin | |
Country Stereotypes | |
creative | |
creative industries | |
creativity-relevant skills | |
credibility | |
Crisis contexts | |
Criteria for good conceptual definitions | |
Cross-modal correspondences | |
Crowdsourcing | |
CSR attitude | |
Cultural intelligence | |
Cultural orientation | |
Culture | |
customer centricity | |
Customer engagement | |
Customer engagement on Instagram | |
Customer Experience | |
Customer Heterogeneity (CH) | |
Customer Involvement | |
customer journey | |
Customer orientation | |
Customer reacquisition | |
customer reacquisition management | |
Customer Satisfaction | |
Customer Segments | |
Customer types | |
customer win-back | |
Customer-centricity | |
Customer-Firm Relationships | |
D | |
Data | |
Data literacy | |
Data visualization | |
Decision planning | |
Decision spontaneity | |
Definition | |
Deinfluencing | |
Denomination of Origin | |
design | |
Destination Previews | |
Digital activism | |
digital assistants | |
Digital commerce | |
Digital Health | |
Digital Marketing | |
Digital Nudging | |
digital sharing platforms | |
digital tools | |
Digitalization | |
Disclosure health data | |
discontinuance | |
Disruption Management Strategy | |
Distrust | |
domain choice cause set | |
Donation | |
Donation behavior | |
donations | |
Dynamic capabilities | |
E | |
E-commerce | |
E-seller rating | |
Eco-label | |
Eco-score | |
economic job satisfaction | |
Educational experience | |
Electronic health record | |
electronic word-of-mouth | |
Emerging market | |
emerging markets | |
emerging technologies | |
Emoji | |
Emotions | |
Empowerment | |
Engagement | |
environmental innovation | |
Environmental Label | |
Environmental Practices | |
Ethical Evaluation | |
Ethics | |
Exchange Norms | |
Experiential learning | |
experiment | |
exploratory factor analysis | |
Exporting | |
Extended Parallel Processing Model | |
Eye tracking | |
F | |
Face-work Theory | |
Facilitating conditions | |
Failure severity | |
familiarity | |
fan-related behavior | |
Fashion marketing | |
Fear of recurrence | |
Femvertising | |
Field experiment | |
Field Study | |
Financial Performance | |
financial planning | |
Financial well-being | |
Firm performance | |
Firm resilience | |
Firm resources | |
Firm-generated content | |
FLOW | |
Flow Signals | |
fluency | |
Food Choice | |
Food waste | |
formal aesthetic | |
Framework | |
Front-of-pack label | |
fsQCA | |
future focus | |
future self | |
G | |
Gamification | |
Gender | |
Generation Z | |
Generative AI | |
Geographical Indications | |
Ghana | |
Gift giving | |
Gifting | |
Goal orientation | |
Goal Progress | |
Green Image | |
Green marketing | |
Green zone of conformity | |
Groundedness | |
Guilt | |
H | |
Hackathon | |
haptics | |
Hashtags | |
health apps | |
Health Halo | |
Health technology | |
healthcare | |
Healthcare services | |
Heavy buyers | |
heritage | |
Homophily | |
Hospitality | |
Human Brand | |
Human-Like Virtual Influencer | |
Humanitarian Crisis | |
Humor | |
Humour | |
Hunt-Vitell (HV) theory of Ethics | |
I | |
ICT | |
idea generation | |
Ideal type analysis | |
identification | |
Illuminance | |
Illusory Superiority | |
Imitation | |
Immersion | |
immersive branded environment | |
Immersive technologies | |
Implicit Associations | |
impression management | |
In-app advertising | |
incongruity | |
inconspicuous consumption | |
Index | |
Indulgence | |
Influencer Activism | |
Influencer Marketing | |
Information sharing | |
informational and transformational message styles | |
informativeness | |
Innovation failure | |
Instagram effectiveness | |
Institutionalisation | |
Intelligent Autonomous Systems | |
Intention | |
Intention to Donate | |
Interfaces | |
International | |
international marketing research | |
Internationalization | |
Internet Culture | |
Interpersonal communication competence | |
Islam | |
Islamic Consumption | |
J | |
JAMS | |
Jingle jangle fallacies | |
Judaism | |
K | |
Key Account | |
Knowledge Integration Capabilities (KICs) | |
knowledge repository | |
L | |
labels | |
Language Models | |
Latin America | |
Lay Theories | |
LCA | |
Leadership Education in Africa | |
Leading service teams | |
Legitimacy | |
lexicographic analysis | |
LGBTQ Advertising | |
Licensing Effect | |
Life Course Model | |
Life Events | |
link | |
literature review | |
Low-resource Contexts | |
Loyalty | |
Loyalty intention | |
Loyalty program | |
Luxury | |
Luxury addiction | |
Luxury Brand Management | |
Luxury Brand Personality | |
Luxury brands | |
Luxury consumption | |
Luxury Fashion | |
luxury marketing | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Macro-events disturbances | |
malaria treatment | |
management | |
Managerial Relevance | |
Managerial ties | |
Marketing | |
Marketing agility | |
Marketing Capabilities | |
Marketing communications | |
Marketing decision-making | |
Marketing Practice | |
Marketing Research | |
Marketing research and education in Africa | |
Marketing Strategy | |
Marketing-Sales-Interface | |
Measurement | |
Media Richness | |
Medical AI | |
menstrual product advertising | |
Mental Imagery | |
mental processing | |
menu | |
meta-analysis | |
Metaverse | |
Micro-influencer credibility | |
Micro-influencer follower similarity | |
Micro-influencers engagement behaviors | |
Middle Class | |
mind-set | |
Mindfulness | |
Mixed Methods | |
Mobile advertising | |
Mobile application | |
Mobile payment technologies | |
Money | |
Morality | |
motorsport brand loyalty | |
Multi-method study | |
Multilevel Modelling | |
music customer experience | |
N | |
Narrativity | |
Nascent Entrepreneur | |
Nation Brand Experience | |
Nation Equity | |
Negotiation styles | |
Net Promoter Score | |
netnography | |
network analysis | |
new product | |
New Product Development | |
New product development capability | |
New product failure | |
NFTs | |
Niche | |
non-economic job satisfaction | |
norm of reciprocity | |
Norway | |
Nudge | |
Nutri-Score | |
Nutrition | |
O | |
Object manipulation | |
objective performance | |
Offline Channels | |
Omnichannel retailing | |
One-on-one Personal Training | |
online brand community | |
Online Channels | |
Online community of users | |
Online consumer reviews | |
Online retail | |
Online Sharing | |
Online shopping cart abandonment | |
Open Innovation | |
Organic Label | |
Organisational culture | |
P | |
Packaging | |
Pandemic | |
para-social relationships | |
Parasocial Interaction | |
Parasocial relationship | |
Pareto law | |
Passive creative imitation | |
Patients | |
perceived emotional value | |
perceived quality | |
Perceived risk | |
perceived social value | |
Perception | |
Performance | |
Persistence | |
Personal branding in luxury service | |
Persuasion Knowledge | |
Pets | |
physical emotions | |
Physical eSports | |
physical threats | |
pilgrimage | |
playfulness | |
policy | |
Political ideology | |
Post-human | |
Post-purchase experience of Generation Z | |
posthumous products | |
Posting Day | |
price | |
price fairness | |
Price Premium | |
Privacy concerns | |
privacy paradox | |
Pro-environmental behavior | |
Product Description | |
Product design | |
Prosocial motives | |
Prosody | |
Protection Motivation Theory | |
psychological sense of artist community | |
publishing | |
Puchase Cycles | |
purchase desicion | |
Purchase Intention | |
Purchase intentions | |
Q | |
Qualitative | |
Qualitative approach | |
R | |
real estate | |
Regulatory focus theory | |
Relational benefits | |
relationship marketing | |
Relationship Performance | |
Relationship Quality | |
Religious Consumption | |
relocation strategy | |
Resale behavior | |
Resource scarcity | |
Resource-Based View | |
Resources | |
Resources utilization | |
Retail Business Model Adaptations | |
Retail surveillance | |
Retailer strategies | |
Retailing | |
Reward donation | |
ritual | |
Rootedness | |
S | |
saints | |
sales | |
Sales and Marketing Digitalization | |
sales performance | |
sales staff | |
Sales Training | |
sales-marketing interactions | |
Salespeople stereotypes | |
salesperson | |
salesperson turnover | |
saliency of online audience | |
Scale construction | |
Scale development | |
SDGs | |
Seamless shopping Journey | |
Searchers | |
Second-hand luxury shopping | |
Secondhand market | |
Self gift-giving | |
Self Status Perception | |
self-congruity | |
self-determination theory | |
Self-efficacy | |
Self-extension | |
self-identity | |
Self-quantification | |
Self-Wise | |
SEM | |
Semantic Brand Score | |
Semantic Network Analysis | |
Sense of Presence | |
Sensory complexity | |
Sensory Marketing | |
Sentiment analysis | |
Service Delivery | |
Service Dominant Logic | |
Service Ecosystem | |
service experience satisfaction | |
service failure | |
Service Innovation | |
Service Loyalty | |
service providers | |
service recovery | |
service recovery journey | |
Service robot | |
Service Robots | |
Service vulnerability | |
services firms | |
Services Marketing | |
ses-referencing | |
Smart objects | |
Smart technology | |
Smart wearables | |
Smartwatches | |
social emotions | |
social identity | |
Social Innovation | |
Social isolation | |
social learning | |
Social media | |
social media brand communities | |
Social Media Influencer | |
Social media influencers | |
Social norms | |
Social platforms | |
Social practice | |
social responsibility | |
Social Status Consciousness | |
social support | |
social threats | |
SocialChange Marketing | |
Socially sensitivecampaigns | |
Socio technical systems theory | |
socio-cultural Ad impact | |
sponsorship | |
Sponsorship Disclosure | |
Starred chef personal branding | |
Stereotype content model | |
stewardship | |
Strategic alliances | |
Structured equation modeling | |
Study tour | |
subjective performance | |
Subjective Well Being | |
Subjective well-being | |
Supply Chain Disruptions | |
Surveillance | |
Sustainability | |
Sustainability education | |
sustainable behavior | |
Sustainable consumption | |
Switching Costs | |
Switching Intention | |
symbolic immortality | |
Systematic Literature Review | |
T | |
Taste | |
Technology | |
Technology adoption | |
TED Talks | |
Terroir | |
Text Mining | |
text-mining | |
Theorization of innovation failure | |
Theory of Planned Behavior | |
third-party action | |
Time | |
Time spent | |
topic models | |
touch | |
Tourism | |
Tourism Marketing | |
trade fair | |
Transformative learning | |
Transformative Service Initiatives | |
Transformative Service Research | |
Transformative Value | |
transparency | |
Trust | |
Trust in product | |
Trustworthiness | |
Trustworthiness beliefs | |
U | |
User Engagement | |
User Generated Content | |
User-generated content | |
user’s behavior | |
V | |
Value | |
Value co-creation | |
value formation | |
value vestige | |
value-in-use | |
vegan/vegetarian | |
Vertical networks | |
Video content | |
Virtual exercise | |
Virtual influencer | |
Virtual influencers | |
virtual reality | |
Virtual Reality Tourism | |
Visual complexity | |
Visual-spatial properties | |
Voice assistance | |
Voice Assistants | |
Voice Purchasing | |
Voice skill | |
VTubers | |
W | |
Warmth | |
webatmosphere | |
Well-being | |
wildlife conservation | |
Wine | |
Wine Consumption | |
Wine festival | |
Wine Marketing | |
Women Entrepreneurship | |
Women's empowerment | |
Word-of-Mouth | |
Y | |
Young activists |