Days: Thursday, September 29th Friday, September 30th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Danishes and quiches will be available along with coffee and tea.
Dr Aaron Opdyke and Dr Liberty de Rivera (Conference Co-Chairs, The University of Sydney)
Professor Syamsidik (Director, Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Universitas Syiah Kuala)
Professor Marwan (Rector, Universitas Syiah Kuala)
Professor JC Gaillard (Waipapa Taumata Rau / The University of Auckland)
Dr Alex Robinson (The University of Melbourne)
Dr Michelle Villeneuve (The University of Sydney)
Ms Leyla Craig (The University of Sydney)
Mr Rofikul Hidayat (Arbeiter Samariter Bund Office)
Sandwiches and drinks will be provided. Halal and vegetarian options will be available.
13:00 | The possibility of geographic area and time distribution of DRR education to represent disaster collective memory: A time geographic study of newspapers in Japan (abstract) PRESENTER: Ryo Saito |
13:12 | Indonesia disaster knowledge updates: Trends, patterns, and leverage points for harvesting knowledge to enhance disaster management (abstract) PRESENTER: Mizan Bustanul Fuady Bisri |
13:24 | Disaster education for higher education: Curriculum and implementation in Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Syahrul Ridha |
13:36 | Smong revisited and compared: Knowledge production and the role of academics on disaster risk reduction in Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Fakhriati Fakhriati |
13:00 | The role of the innovation hub in fostering inclusion in the community-led DRR innovation lessons learnt from IDEAKSI in community-led innovation partnership program (abstract) PRESENTER: Jessica Novia |
13:12 | Women participation in disaster risk management practices in Indonesia: A systematic review (abstract) PRESENTER: Janine Febe Karistie |
13:24 | Institutional and operational structure for community based disaster risk management in the Andaman coastline: A case study of Phang-Nga Province, Thailand (abstract) |
13:36 | The ‘tsunagari’ to recovery: Social capital and place in facilitating infrastructure reconstruction after the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (abstract) PRESENTER: Emily Ha |
13:00 | Biomimicry approach in the design of coastal protection structures (abstract) PRESENTER: Eldina Fatimah |
13:12 | Determinants of participation in a disaster insurance programme in Indonesia: A probit regression with SMOTE approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Siskarossa Ika Oktora |
13:24 | New York City 2100: The climate resilience master plan for Lower Manhattan (abstract) PRESENTER: Travis Bunt |
13:36 | Social and technical sustainability of a tsunami early warning system (tews) - a case study of Patong, Thailand (abstract) |
13:00 | Using agent-based modelling to analyse typhoon displacement in the Philippines (abstract) PRESENTER: Emily Nabong |
13:12 | Crafting effective tsunami evacuation measures using multi-agent simulation: A case study of Khao Lak, Thailand (abstract) PRESENTER: Nattapon Trumikaborworn |
13:24 | Analyzing tsunami route choice factors using binomial logistic regression (abstract) PRESENTER: Juliana Fisaini |
13:36 | Digital twin computing for enhancing resilience of disaster response system (abstract) PRESENTER: Shunichi Koshimura |
13:00 | Type and distribution of tsunami heritage objects in Aceh (case study in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar) (abstract) PRESENTER: Myna Agustina Yusuf |
13:12 | Disaster preparedness in reconstruction of infrastructures and preservation of disaster heritages in and around Banda Aceh City (abstract) |
13:24 | Urban regeneration in flood-prone areas: a case study of the rehabilitation of wooden public bathhouses in Hitoyoshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan (abstract) PRESENTER: Miku Okuba |
13:36 | A review of the resilience of historical mosques in Indonesia in mitigating natural disaster toward the environmental-friendly mosque design (abstract) PRESENTER: Laina Sari |
14:45 | Resonance from the 1674 Ambon tsunami: Extreme run-up caused by an earthquake-triggered landslide (abstract) PRESENTER: Kwanchai Pakoksung |
14:57 | Developing flood vulnerability curves for Leyte, Philippines (abstract) PRESENTER: Isaac Besarra |
15:09 | Burni Telong’s volcano risk assessment and mitigation (abstract) PRESENTER: Irin Caisarina |
15:21 | Overview of spatiotemporal dynamics of coastal residential areas affected by tsunami, co-seismic land subsidence, and river flood at Aceh Singkil Regency of Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Ella Meilianda |
15:33 | The mapping of tsunami inundation area around the Palu Bay using spatial analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Nazriatun Nisa |
14:45 | The implementation of weather modification technology for forest fire mitigation in Indonesia: The evaluation and challenges (abstract) PRESENTER: M. Bayu Rizky Prayoga |
14:57 | Monitoring land use and land cover changes in Aceh Province, Indonesia for sustainable spatial planning (abstract) PRESENTER: Ashfa Achmad |
15:09 | Environmental consideration in humanitarian action: Uptake, challenges and opportunities for community resilience (abstract) |
15:21 | Spatial factors impacting wildfire management in case of local community living in forest area in Chiang Mai, Thailand (abstract) PRESENTER: Wanchart Na Chiangmai |
15:33 | The role of land subsidence induced by palm oil plantation land clearing to escalating flood disaster events at Trumon Area, South Aceh Regency of Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Dedy Alfian |
14:45 | Understanding Acehnese framing the disaster : Socio-cultural perspective (abstract) PRESENTER: Sofia Sofia |
14:57 | The next wave of risk reduction: Fostering urban flood resilience in rapidly urbanizing mid-tier cities (abstract) PRESENTER: Travis Bunt |
15:09 | Sequential decision analytics and its application to flood risk reduction and evacuation advisory optimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Erick Mas |
15:21 | Community-led multi-hazard adaptation and risk reduction in Indonesian coastal communities: A case study towards a SEARCH model (abstract) PRESENTER: Gavin Sullivan |
15:33 | Innovative coastal communities resilience through nexus social, ecosystem, and technology: Opportunities and challenges in Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Gusti Ayu Ketut Surtiari |
14:45 | Development of a rapid visual survey tool for multi-hazard housing safety of non-engineered construction (abstract) PRESENTER: Arvin Hadlos |
14:57 | The environmentally substitution of shellfish shells on the strength of concrete (abstract) PRESENTER: Andi Yusra |
15:09 | Bayesian optimization of convolutional neural networks for categorizing the height and nonregularities of low to mid-rise buildings in Google street view (abstract) PRESENTER: Paolo Giancarlo Guzman |
15:21 | Reviewing the earthquake performance of typical confined masonry residential houses in Aceh (abstract) PRESENTER: Adrian Ulza |
15:33 | Effects of wall aspect ratio in computational modeling of the confined masonry walls structure using pushover analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Nora Abdullah |
Bus to depart in front of ABS main entrance at 4:30pm for Circular Quay.
Departs from Circular Quay Wharf 6 promptly at 5:30pm. Please make sure you are onboard at 15 minutes prior to departure.
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Danishes and quiches will be available along with coffee and tea.
10:45 | Introduction of a new SATREPS project in Indonesia: Building sustainable system for resilience and innovation in coastal community (abstract) PRESENTER: Anawat Suppasri |
10:57 | A new method for evaluating tsunami damage to coral reefs in Maldives (abstract) PRESENTER: Elisa Lahcene |
11:09 | Living with water: Coping and adapting in flood-prone areas in Bangkok-Nonthaburi communities along the Mahasawat canal. (abstract) PRESENTER: Piyapak Vatanasrimongkol |
11:21 | Development of an indicator approach for measuring building flood vulnerability in data-scare regions of the Philippines: A case study in Carigara, Leyte (abstract) PRESENTER: Rowzen Caro |
11:33 | Tsunami spatial vulnerability index using multi-source satellite imageries and geospatial big data in Aceh, Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: M Rifqi Jundullah |
10:45 | The impact of psychosocial training as an effort to strengthen BPPA’s capacity for better disaster risk governance in Aceh province (abstract) PRESENTER: Vera Nova |
10:57 | Religiosity, empathy and prosocial behavior of Indonesian Red Cross volunteers (abstract) PRESENTER: Safrilsyah Safrilsyah |
11:09 | Public mistrust of drinking water quality in Puerto Rico post hurricane Maria (abstract) PRESENTER: Toby Nii Tairo Nelson |
11:21 | Preventive nature of governance in risk reduction and disaster management (abstract) PRESENTER: Satgur Singh |
10:45 | Development of local level storm surge hazard maps for potential use in storm surge evacuation and development planning (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Cristina Uson |
10:57 | Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment (PTHA) for West Coast of Aceh Besar (abstract) PRESENTER: Ibrahim Ibrahim |
11:09 | Optimization of fire station distribution based on geographic information system in Sabang (abstract) PRESENTER: Yasmin Yasmin |
11:21 | Reinforcement learning optimization of emergency relief supply delivery with multi-UAVs (abstract) PRESENTER: Daiki Hachiya |
11:33 | An open-source mobile geospatial platform for coastal climate resilience: Application to the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai volcano eruption in Tonga, 2022 (abstract) PRESENTER: Billy Tusker Haworth |
10:45 | Enhancing planning for inclusive response: Lessons learned from the PIONEER model (abstract) PRESENTER: Chrysant Lily Kusumowardoyo |
10:57 | Deconstructing the victim/agent binary in post-disaster spaces: How women bargain with the patriarchy in Sitio Macapaya, Philippines (abstract) PRESENTER: Niki Graziella Baroy |
11:09 | Disaggregating gender data in the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 (abstract) |
11:21 | Psychological preparedness of at-risk Indonesian communities to disasters: A systematic review (abstract) PRESENTER: Pradytia Putri Pertiwi |
11:33 | Determinants of disability in a vulnerable population - the elderly of Indonesia. (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Taly Purwa |
10:45 | Does work engagement mediate the effect of motivation on occupational commitment during Covid-19 pandemic? (abstract) PRESENTER: Teuku Roli Ilhamsyah Putra |
10:57 | Residential satisfaction in the COVID-19 pandemic era: A case study in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Aulina Adamy |
11:09 | Personal protective behaviour of health care workers during the early phase of COVID-19 pandemic in Aceh, Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Ichsan Ichsan |
11:21 | Interaction competency on work performance through smartphone self-efficacy during COVID-19 pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Teuku Roli Ilhamsyah Putra |
Sandwiches and drinks will be provided. Halal and vegetarian options will be available.
13:00 | Investigation of potential earthquake zone by seismic stress changes analysis in subduction zone at west coast of Sumatra (abstract) PRESENTER: Abdi Jihad |
13:12 | Earthquake performance evaluation and possible strengthening the typical school buildings in Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Yunita Idris |
13:24 | Transferability assessment of a global model for multi-hazard building damage classification (abstract) PRESENTER: Sesa Wiguna |
13:36 | Generating multimodal data by fusing physical demand parameters and remote sensing data for tsunami damage estimation (abstract) PRESENTER: Ruben Vescovo |
13:48 | On the use of ray tracing to understand building damage in SAR imagery (abstract) PRESENTER: Chia Yee Ho |
13:00 | Tsunami hazard and area vulnerability of Mohammedia City in Morocco - simulation on the reference tsunami 1755 (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Jadouane Abderrahmane |
13:12 | Systems for capturing and modelling the impact of tsunami vertical-evacuation (TVE) practices (abstract) PRESENTER: Jorge León |
13:24 | Tsunami evacuation simulation in the Barrio Barretto, The Philippines (abstract) PRESENTER: Natt Leelawat |
13:36 | Assessing tsunami inundation by coupling numerical simulation and machine learning (abstract) PRESENTER: Bruno Adriano |
13:48 | Tsunami arrival times for the Bay of Ambon: Linking tsunami hazards information to the city’s evacuation procedure (abstract) PRESENTER: Syamsidik Syamsidik |
13:00 | Recovery and housing safety for residents after the 2014 earthquake, Thailand (abstract) PRESENTER: Titaya Sararit |
13:12 | Design thinking used by informal builders in Puerto Rico (abstract) |
13:24 | Owner-driven transformations to post-tsunami houses in Aceh, Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Ifte Ahmed |
13:36 | Involvement of residents in disaster risk reduction toward community space and activities in a post-disaster housing projects (abstract) |
13:00 | An overview of school selection as a school hubs after the 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami (a case study in Kota Palu and Sigi Regency) (abstract) PRESENTER: Annisa Sri Sugiarti |
13:12 | Retrieving small area population dynamic trends after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake (abstract) PRESENTER: Martin Garcia-Fry |
13:24 | The transformation of the annual memorial ceremony ten years after the Great East Japan Earthquake (abstract) PRESENTER: Shiti Maghfira |
13:36 | Aceh’s memorial sites for the dead of the 2004 tsunami (abstract) PRESENTER: Sebastien Boret |
13:48 | Integrated the green-school in ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (eco-DRR): Lesson learned from educational practices in the schooling (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum |
14:45 | The memory and the perception of risk in Sebesi Island (abstract) PRESENTER: Devi Riskianingrum |
14:57 | Environments for education and agency in child-centred DRR in the Philippines (abstract) |
15:09 | Disaster narrative of post the 2018 Central Sulawesi earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction (abstract) PRESENTER: Alfi Rahman |
15:21 | The conditions of inclusion: Interrogating the rhetoric of global disaster risk reduction (DRR) policy texts on knowledge integration and inclusion (abstract) |
14:45 | A comparative analysis of mass burials in post-disaster Indonesia and Japan (abstract) PRESENTER: Sebastien Boret |
14:57 | Measuring social vulnerability to natural disasters and delineation of natural risk zones in Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Ian Tryaldi Halim |
15:09 | A case study of psychosocial and resilient of post the 2018 Central Sulawesi disaster (abstract) PRESENTER: Yulia Direzkia |
15:21 | Negotiating risk and leisure-resilience: Visiting tourism sites during the COVID-19 pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Cut Dewi |
15:33 | Mapping civic engagement in the face of disaster through Machizukuri Japan's resilience: A social capital perspective (abstract) |
14:45 | DRR delivery lessons not only for children but also teachers: A motivational typology of schools in DRR education and beyond (abstract) PRESENTER: Mari Yasuda |
14:57 | Empowering technopreneurship education in a disaster-prone region: Experience of Atsiri Research Center (abstract) PRESENTER: Ratna Mulyany |
15:09 | Inquiry-based learning: A pedagogical tool to improving understanding of natural hazard among geography students (abstract) PRESENTER: Furqan Ishak Aksa |
15:21 | Development and validation of disaster curriculum model based on independent learning program (abstract) PRESENTER: Rina Suryani Oktari |
14:45 | Identification of the changing of mobility pattern during COVID-19 pandemic in Banda Aceh, Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Dea Rezkika Ananda Isti |
14:57 | People’s preparedness and perception on disaster risk reduction in fisheries applied by SEM: A case study of the damage in Japan caused by the tsunami following the Tonga submarine volcanic eruption in January 2022 (abstract) PRESENTER: Daisuke Sasaki |
15:09 | Community preparedness in regular flooding: A case study of North Aceh (abstract) PRESENTER: Rizanna Rosemary |
15:21 | Social network analysis of stakeholders in area-business continuity management: A case study of flood in Thailand (abstract) PRESENTER: Kunruthai Meechang |
Conference Awards
Announcement of AIWEST-DR 2023
Closing Remarks