Days: Monday, June 19th Tuesday, June 20th Wednesday, June 21st
Monday, June 19th
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08:45-09:20 Session Opening
Location: Room 1
09:20-10:50 Session Plenary 1: Plenary Session
Evangelos Grigoroudis (Technical University of Crete, Greece)
Location: Room 1
09:20 | Building a Circular Future A Dutch comparative study of mattresses, concrete and textile (abstract) |
10:05 | Systems, Life Cycles and the Circular Economy: Identifying Sustainable Solutions (abstract) |
10:50-11:20Coffee Break
11:20-13:20 Session 1A: Waste management, recycling and circular economy
Lorna Bennet (Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, UK)
Location: Room 1
11:20 | Almost Circular: Six Systemic Actions for Polyester (abstract) PRESENTER: Rosie Hornbuckle |
11:40 | Learnings from failures to implement circular economy: a case study of three industries (abstract) PRESENTER: Pankaj Ravindra Gode |
12:00 | Recycling Issues in Solar Power – Case Study in Beijing, China (abstract) PRESENTER: Yuting Xie |
12:20 | Water-Waste-Energy Nexus modelling to support the implementation of Circular Actions: Industrial water and energy consumption (abstract) PRESENTER: Joao Ribeiro |
12:40 | Review of Circular Economy Drivers and Case Studies (abstract) PRESENTER: Lorna Bennet |
13:00 | Advances in the characterization of circular practices related to agricultural systems in Argentine Rolling Pampa (abstract) PRESENTER: Renato Passaro |
11:20-13:20 Session 1B: Circular economy and green strategies
Ana Mat Said (University of the West of Scotland, UK)
Location: Room 2
11:20 | Assessment 2030 like policy support decision tool (abstract) PRESENTER: Paola Caselli |
11:40 | Circular economy support policies in Cyprus towards sustainable development (abstract) |
12:00 | Assessing public policy on enabling circular economy in Scotland: the case of curb side collections (abstract) |
12:20 | Green Balanced Scorecard and Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: An Application in a Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company (abstract) |
12:40 | Systemic implications of recycled content targets (abstract) PRESENTER: Mattia Maeder |
13:00 | Circular Coastal Tourism and Sustainable Development: Case Study Nestos Delta, Keramoti Lagoon and Thasopoula Island in the Region of Eastern Macedonia - Thrace (Greece) (abstract) |
11:20-13:20 Session 1C: Transportation and circularity co-organized with ENIRISST- ENIRISST PLUS
Dimitrios Dimitriou (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)
Location: Room 3
11:20 | A LinkedIn Investigation of Sustainability in the Transportation Sector for the EU-27 Countries (abstract) PRESENTER: Georgios Tsironis |
11:40 | Evaluation Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategy towards Circular Economy: The case of Transport Operators (abstract) PRESENTER: Triantafyllia Karampini |
12:00 | Evaluation Framework for the Strategy of Regional Airports towards Circular Economy: The case of Alexandroupolis Airport (abstract) PRESENTER: Aristi Karagkouni |
12:20 | Appraisal of Corporate Performance towards Sustainability in Supply Chain: The case of Airports (abstract) PRESENTER: Aristi Karagkouni |
12:40 | Regional Interoperability Observatory towards Business Intelligence and Sustainability: An analysis for transportation and supply chain (abstract) PRESENTER: Dimitrios Dimitriou |
13:00 | The INCODE (INtelligent COllaborative DEployments) European Project: Logistics and Transport quality value chain application area (abstract) PRESENTER: Panagiotis Zikos |
13:20-14:20Lunch Break
14:20-16:20 Session 2A: Waste management and sustainability policies
Nikolia Stoikou (ecoinvent Association, Switzerland)
Location: Room 1
14:20 | ecoinvent database as a tool for waste modelling, Life Cycle Assessment, and Circular Economy (abstract) PRESENTER: Nikolia Stoikou |
14:40 | Mapping the transformation of the municipal solid waste infrastructure system in Almere, the Netherlands (abstract) PRESENTER: Zhaowen Liu |
15:00 | A European comparative study of circular bioeconomy governance strategies and good governance practices for supporting local operators and innovation developers in the circular bioeconomy. (abstract) |
15:20 | Recycling cement at the national scale – A conceptual model (abstract) PRESENTER: Ana Teresa Lima |
15:40 | Recycling of mine wastes in the construction sector for sustainability and the circular economy (abstract) PRESENTER: Aiman El Machi |
16:00 | Circular Economy Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in Italy: Comparison and perspectives. (abstract) PRESENTER: Renato Passaro |
14:20-16:20 Session 2B: Economic policy, greenwashing and sustainability
Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod (Universitat Rovira i Virgili (ECO-SOS) & INFER, Spain)
Location: Room 2
14:20 | Influencing Factors of Circular Economy at Economic Growth: A Comparison of Western Balkan Countries with EU (abstract) |
14:40 | Is greenwashing a definition or only an hinderance of sustainable finance ? (abstract) |
15:00 | Macroeconomic Models for Assessing the Transition towards a Circular Economy: A Review (abstract) |
15:20 | Circular economy implementation in companies: An analysis of its impacts on sustainable development and corporate reputation (abstract) |
15:40 | Sustainability, local environmental behaviour and firm location decisions (abstract) |
14:20-16:20 Session 2C: Smart cities, CSR and environmental management
Dimitrios Paparas (Harper Adams University, UK)
Location: Room 3
14:20 | Sustainable Corporate Responsibility: Reducing Emissions Across Global Value Chains (abstract) PRESENTER: Stelios Papadakis |
14:40 | Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction Tools towards Circular and Resilient Cities (abstract) PRESENTER: Sotirios Kavouras |
15:00 | Could be ISO 14001 an efficient management tool for individual organization’s transition to Circular Economy? (abstract) |
15:20 | The impact of digital smart-city applications on the circular economy (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Bakatsaki |
15:40 | Place-based strategies for Circular Cities: exploring the contribution of strategic planning approaches to drive circular transition of urban systems. (abstract) |
16:00 | Quantifying the case for policy and industry measures for sustainable, circular and resilient wind energy supply chains (abstract) PRESENTER: Anne Velenturf |
16:20-16:50Coffee Break
16:50-18:10 Session 3A: Circular business models consumer behaviour and environmental performance
Catriona Tassell (Imperial College London, UK)
Location: Room 1
16:50 | Circular economy as a sustainable development marketing tool (abstract) PRESENTER: Agnieszka Wójcik-Czerniawska |
17:10 | A novel hierarchy of actual consumer behaviour for reusable fast-moving consumer goods (abstract) PRESENTER: Catriona Tassell |
17:30 | Human-in-the-circular-loop (HITCL): Toward the systematisation of a humanistic approach in circular economy ecosystems research (abstract) PRESENTER: Anastasia Vayona |
17:50 | Examining citizens’ perceptions and behaviour towards circular economy practices in the construction sector (abstract) PRESENTER: Spyridon Karytsas |
16:50-18:10 Session 3B: Sustainable building and construction
Wolfgang Eisenreich (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Location: Room 2
16:50 | Targeting preservation strategies for buildings at risk of demolition: A visual MCDM framework (abstract) PRESENTER: Rune Andersen |
17:10 | The material recycling options and current research activities for the circular use of the construction composite concrete (abstract) PRESENTER: Wolfgang Kunther |
17:30 | Drivers and restraints of a circular economy in the built environment (abstract) PRESENTER: Patrick Teuffel |
17:50 | Barriers, Drivers, and Stakeholders towards the Circular Economy: The Construction Sector Perspective in Albania (abstract) PRESENTER: Julinda Keci |
16:50-18:10 Session 3C: Culture, sustainability and industrial growth
Evanthia Dova (Neapolis University Pafos, Cyprus)
Location: Room 3
16:50 | Role of Circular Economy Factor to Achieve Supply Chain Resilience (abstract) |
17:10 | Events, urban heritage and sustainability: identifying circular economy principles in the Charter for Mega-events in Heritage-rich Cities (abstract) PRESENTER: Evanthia Dova |
17:30 | The 5G-INDUCE European Project: Smart-safety proliferation as an Industry 4.0 Enabler (abstract) PRESENTER: Panagiotis Zikos |
17:50 | European policies on Circular Economy and Climate Mitigation: synergies or antagonisms? (abstract) PRESENTER: Paula Trindade |
Tuesday, June 20th
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09:00-10:30 Session Plenary 2: Plenary Session
Spiros Papaefthimiou (Technical University of Crete, Greece)
Location: Room 1
09:00 | Towards Food Supply Chain Decarbonisation: Challenges of the European Policies and Stakeholders’ Initiatives (abstract) |
09:45 | Performance evaluation of companies based on ESG criteria: a multicriteria approach |
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Session 4A: Circular economy transition - organized in cooperation with ProCEedS, ReTraCE and Co2nstruct
Andrea Genovese (The University of Sheffield, UK)
Location: Room 1
11:00 | A Horizon Scanning Exercise for a Just Transition to Circular Economy (abstract) PRESENTER: Panayiotis Ketikidis |
11:20 | Contract management in used cooking oil supply chain – comparative analysis of Italian and Polish markets (abstract) |
11:40 | A Decision Support Tool for exploring a Just Transition to a Circular Economy (abstract) PRESENTER: Azar Mahmoumgonbadi |
12:00 | Societal perspectives on CCS infrastructure: Comparative empirical results from seven European countries (abstract) PRESENTER: Constantine Karytsas |
12:20 | Barriers and drivers of circular economy for climate change mitigation in the construction sector (abstract) PRESENTER: Theoni I. Oikonomou |
12:40 | Augmenting climate mitigation models for Circular Economy policymaking: a Supply Chain approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Safaa Mabroum |
11:00-13:00 Session 4B: Circular business models
Rebecca Earley (University of the Arts London, UK)
Location: Room 2
11:00 | Evaluation of Circular Business Models: Using a multi criteria decision analysis for decision support in selecting Circular Business Models for SMEs. (abstract) PRESENTER: Simon Harreither |
11:20 | Revisiting opportunity identification in industrial symbiosis in light of shifting paradigms towards sustainable development (abstract) PRESENTER: Shane Carnohan |
11:40 | BioTEN BURRR: Exploring current use, reuse, repair and recycling practices for bio-based clothing towards guidelines for circular fashion designers (abstract) PRESENTER: Rebecca Earley |
12:00 | Circular economy and resilience: application possibilities to strengthen the resilience at the micro, meso and macro level (abstract) PRESENTER: Tom Pettau |
12:20 | Co-designing knowledge flow for systemic innovation in textiles: Bio-based, Local, Circular (abstract) |
12:40 | Circular economy, cleaner production, and environmental management: A longitudinal study to assess the companies' sustainability performance in an emerging economy (abstract) PRESENTER: Rafael Mora-Contreras |
11:00-13:00 Session 4C: Food waste and policies
Giacomo Di Foggia (University of Milano - Bicocca, Italy)
Location: Room 3
11:00 | The role of biodegradable materials in food packaging in the context of circular economy (abstract) |
11:20 | Assessing environmental sustainability by integrating LCA, SDGs and CE indicators in food industry (abstract) PRESENTER: Marco Serafini |
11:40 | Legal Framework for the circular food waste management in the Republic of Serbia (abstract) |
12:00 | Development of recycling-friendly polyolefin-based food packaging films (abstract) PRESENTER: Katharina Pavlovic |
12:20 | The role of socioeconomic factors on households management food waste in the European Union through a macroeconomic investigation (abstract) PRESENTER: Stamatina Papadaki |
12:40 | From agrifood waste to bio-based materials: an economic analysis of the dairy industry (abstract) |
13:00-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-16:00 Session 5A: Circular economy in buildings and tourism
Galiegue Xavier (University of Orléans, France)
Location: Room 1
14:00 | Biochar as an adaptation tool to climate change in Africa: context, levers and barriers to deployment (abstract) PRESENTER: Galiegue Xavier |
14:20 | The Carbon Footprint of Inbound Tourism in Greece: A Global Value-Chain Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Markaki |
14:40 | Sustainable Tourism modeling & Characteristics: An assessment of the touristic ecofootprint in Platanias (abstract) PRESENTER: Georgia Skiniti |
15:00 | Religious Tourism and the Circular Economy (abstract) |
15:20 | The contribution of Nikos Kazantzakis to the strengthening of literary tourism and the sustainable development of Heraklion (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Manola |
15:40 | Perception and Awareness of Circular Economy in the Calgary’s Furniture and Allied Manufacturing Sector: An Analysis of the Extent, Causes and Opportunities (abstract) |
14:00-16:00 Session 5B: Business and innovation
Mahak Sharma (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Location: Room 2
14:00 | Implementing circular economy for sustainability: a comparative case study of high, medium, and low-tech industries. (abstract) PRESENTER: Krishnendu Saha |
14:20 | Role of Institutional Pressures for Utilising Dynamic Capabilities: From the Focal Lens of Industry 4.0 (abstract) PRESENTER: Mahak Sharma |
14:40 | The 21 Re Strategies from a Global Investigation of LinkedIn Companies (abstract) PRESENTER: Georgios Tsironis |
15:00 | The shift towards circular fashion business models: The link between management practices, business strategies and consumers’ behaviour (abstract) PRESENTER: Aya Abdelmeguid |
15:20 | Circular Economy Transition in Brazilian Startups: looking for the business model and innovation level (abstract) PRESENTER: Simone Sehnem |
15:40 | Sustainable waste management of greenhouse covers using 3D printing (abstract) PRESENTER: Chrysanthos Maraveas |
14:00-16:00 Session 5C: Section co-organized with the IWA SG on Statistics and Economics
Ed Smeets (EDMADI BV, Netherlands)
Location: Room 3
14:00 | New recommendation for the wastewater reuse in Portugal (abstract) |
14:20 | Circular Economy in the Romanian Water Sector (abstract) |
14:40 | Biofactories and Circular Economy Models: Wastewater Treatment Plant 4.0 (abstract) PRESENTER: Lledó Castellet-Viciano |
15:00 | Conventional technologies and natural solutions in wastewater treatment: economic analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Vicent Hernández-Chover |
15:20 | Approach towards model-based implementation of remanufacturing using the example of automated guided vehicle industry (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Fabian Holly |
15:40 | Circular Economy and Olive Mill Wastewater. From Production to Direct Land Application (abstract) PRESENTER: Iosif Kapellakis |
16:00-16:30Coffee Break
16:30-18:30 Session 6A: Applied digital systems and circular economy indicators
Dimitrios Georgakopoulos (Swinburne University of Tehcnology, Australia)
Location: Room 1
16:30 | Digital Healthcare: Moving Towards a Quality Global Medical Care System (abstract) PRESENTER: Aristi Karagkouni |
16:50 | Sustainable Manufacturing via digital twins and artificial intelligence-supported closed loop production (abstract) |
17:10 | Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in Circular Food Industry Processes (abstract) PRESENTER: Malahat Ghoreishi |
17:30 | The Impact of Design for Recycling on the Current PET Recycling Potential: A Market Analysis Based on the Austrian Retail Sector (abstract) PRESENTER: Manuel Pfitzner |
17:50 | Consensus and contestation: reflections on the development of an indicator framework for a just transition to a circular economy (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrea Genovese |
16:30-18:30 Session 6B: Sustainable projects and circular design
Eleni Iacovidou (Brunel University London, UK)
Location: Room 2
16:30 | Fashion rental and the Circular Economy (abstract) |
16:50 | Benefits and challenges of adopting Circular Economy: the perceptions of company’s managers in Sweden (abstract) PRESENTER: Mariana C. Chrispim |
17:10 | Uncovering Practical Challenges in Sustainability Projects: A Case Study of a Multinational Company (abstract) PRESENTER: Carolina Bettker Vasconcelos |
17:30 | Interpretative phenomenological analysis of circular design experiences (abstract) PRESENTER: Marc van den Berg |
17:50 | Tax optimisation and sustainability : proposal of a research agenda (abstract) |
18:10 | Circular economy for transport systems: towards a radical vision (abstract) PRESENTER: Miying Yang |
16:30-18:30 Session 6C: Wastewater and circular economy
Husam Sameer (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
Location: Room 3
16:30 | A sustainable wastewater treatment management in the textile industry: economic feasibility within the circular economy framework (abstract) |
16:50 | Anaerobic digestion under economic, environmental and social point of view: The influence of circular economy and biogas upgrading (abstract) |
17:10 | Constructed wetlands to ensure the effluent quality management t: An approach based on water ecosystems restoration (abstract) |
17:30 | Matchmaking Framework for Water and Sludge Based Industrial Symbiosis Interactions (abstract) PRESENTER: Lucyna Łękawska-Andrinopoulou |
17:50 | Water footprint analysis of recycled concrete (abstract) PRESENTER: Husam Sameer |
18:10 | The sustainable dynamics of battery technology: a knowledge-based assessment from article publications (abstract) PRESENTER: Bruno Damásio |
Wednesday, June 21st
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09:00-11:00 Session 7A: Energy and fuels
Michalis Konsolakis (Technical University of Crete, Greece)
Location: Room 1
09:00 | Circular economy and geothermal energy: A systematic literature review (abstract) PRESENTER: David Knäble |
09:20 | Transforming a School of Crete into Intelligent Nearly Zero Energy Building (abstract) PRESENTER: Zacharenia Drosou |
09:40 | Catalysis for circular economy & environmental sustainability exemplified by CO2 upgrade to value-added fuels via green hydrogen (abstract) PRESENTER: Michalis Konsolakis |
10:00 | Techno-economic analysis of a biomass-to-power sustainable system: The case of olive kernel utilization towards electricity and bio-fuels (abstract) PRESENTER: Dimitrios Ipsakis |
10:20 | Evaluating the Social Dimension of Sustainability in the Waste-to-Energy sector: a preliminary review (abstract) |
10:40 | Evaluating the load capacity factor for selected OECD countries (abstract) PRESENTER: Dimitrios Paparas |
09:00-11:00 Session 7B: Business models and manufacturing
Simone Sehnem (Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - UNISUL, Brazil)
Location: Room 2
09:00 | Innovation Status and Adoption of Sustainable Business Models in Ecological Product Manufacturing Companies (abstract) |
09:20 | Investigating factors impairing information exchange in a Circular Economy from a stakeholder perspective (abstract) PRESENTER: Anastasia Vayona |
09:40 | Circular Supply Chains and Industry 4.0: An Analysis of Interfaces in Brazilian Startups (abstract) |
10:00 | A Sectoral Systems of Innovation Perspective on the Circular Plastics Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa (abstract) PRESENTER: Silifat Abimbola Okoya |
10:20 | Going circular with what we wear and how we build: Parallelisms between the Dutch and French Catwalks of Fashion and Construction (abstract) PRESENTER: Norman Dytianquin |
10:40 | Systematic framework for early-stage sustainable product-service system (PSS) design in capital goods manufacturing companies (abstract) PRESENTER: David Sarancic |
09:00-11:00 Session 7C: Sustainable agriculture and environmental risks
Iosif Kapellakis (Neapolis University Pafos, Cyprus)
Location: Room 3
09:00 | How to reuse agro-industrial by-products as new source for novel applications (abstract) PRESENTER: Olimpia Pitirollo |
09:20 | Carbon footprint and water consumption of oregano essential oil production with life cycle assessment and circularity indicators (abstract) PRESENTER: Georgios Archimidis Tsalidis |
09:40 | Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)-based pesticide nano-formulations for sustainable agriculture and reduction of environmental risk (abstract) PRESENTER: Marianna Kotzampasaki |
10:00 | Diachronic olive oil production and by-product management under the prism of circular economy in Crete, Greece (abstract) PRESENTER: Iosif Kapellakis |
10:20 | Employing a systems approach to unravelling the complexities of the agricultural plastics value chain (abstract) PRESENTER: Spyridoula Gerassimidou |
10:40 | Sustainability in Livestock production systems: A case study of intensive sheep farms (abstract) PRESENTER: Vasiliki Papanikolopoulou |
11:00-11:30Coffee Break
11:30-13:30 Session 8A: Bio-energy and emissions
Maria Johansson (Linköping University, Sweden)
Location: Room 1
11:30 | Lithium-ion battery technology on the move: A long-run account of breakthroughs and progress (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrea da Cruz |
11:50 | Bioenergy production from sustainable use of cotton stalk residues within the context of circular economy (abstract) PRESENTER: Paraschos Melidis |
12:10 | Geological storage of CO2: present status in four European countries and recent developments on field geophysical monitoring (abstract) |
12:30 | How clean is your Hydrogen? (abstract) PRESENTER: Bruno Damásio |
12:50 | A review of options for flexible operations of biogas plants: opportunities to provide balancing capacity to the electricity system (abstract) |
13:10 | Examining the societal perspectives toward biomethane in the context of the GreenMeUp European project (abstract) PRESENTER: Spyridon Karytsas |
11:30-13:30 Session 8B: Education and environmental awareness
Eleni Iacovidou (Brunel University London, UK)
Location: Room 2
11:30 | Exploring the gender similarities in Africa's circular plastic economy (abstract) PRESENTER: Silifat Abimbola Okoya |
11:50 | Circular Economy and Sustainable Development in Primary Education (abstract) PRESENTER: Aikaterini Kosta |
12:10 | Exploring adolescents’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards the concepts and practices of circularity and sustainability (abstract) PRESENTER: Kiriaki Keramitsoglou |
12:30 | Accelerating the transition to a circular plastic economy in Nigeria through 3D printing technology: Investigating knowledge and capacity in Universities (abstract) PRESENTER: Silifat Abimbola Okoya |
12:50 | Employing a systems approach to unpacking the complexities of the Indonesian plastic value chain: Focus on stakeholders (abstract) PRESENTER: Eleni Iacovidou |
13:10 | Poverty, Microfinance and Conventional Financial Sector: A Trade-Off Analysis on African Countries (abstract) |
11:30-13:30 Session 8C: Supply chain and recycling
Georgios Archimidis Tsalidis (Brunel University London, UK)
Location: Room 3
11:30 | The Facilitating Role of Intermediaries in Circular Supply Chains (abstract) PRESENTER: Stella Viscardi |
11:50 | Sustainability of the Archimedean Drum Screen clean-up technology in aquatic ecosystems: A comparative supply chain analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Devrim Murat Yazan |
12:10 | Greening the Plastic Value Chain: Obstacles and Strategies in the French Landscape (abstract) |
12:30 | Value and the Circular Economy – A study on circular value-focused supply chains in remote areas (abstract) |
12:50 | Circular economy professionals in Europe – A LinkedIn approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Paraskevas Kremezis |
13:10 | Circular Economy in open loops: Buildings and Road pavements (abstract) PRESENTER: Konstantinos Mantalovas |
13:30-14:30Lunch Break
14:30-15:50 Session 9A: Circular and sustainable practices
Bruno Damásio (NOVA IMS, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Location: Room 1
14:30 | A review of current practices and opportunities for increasing scrap consumption in recycled steel production (abstract) |
14:50 | Biogas Utilization for Energy Production in Heraklion Wastewater Treatment Facility (abstract) PRESENTER: Kristallia Sifakaki |
15:10 | Realising the Circular Economy Vision for Electric Vehicle Supply Chains: The Role of Logistics Service Providers (abstract) PRESENTER: Aitana Ucles Fuensanta |
14:30-15:50 Session 9B: Sustainable agriculture
Spyridon Ntougias (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)
Location: Room 2
14:30 | Barriers and driving forces for the use of bio-based fertilisers (BBFs) - a comprehensive analysis of Polish farmers (abstract) PRESENTER: Paulina Marcinek |
14:50 | Screening for effective botanicals to replace chemical pesticides: suppressive properties of lavender against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici (abstract) PRESENTER: Aikaterini Gropali |
15:10 | Managing Circularity in the Agrifood Sector: A Look at Opportunities and Possible Challenges (abstract) |
15:30 | Assessment of ecological status of freshwater habitats in Thrace, Greece (abstract) PRESENTER: Spyridon Ntougias |
16:00-16:20 Session Closing
Location: Room 1