This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
3 | |
3D printing | |
3D Printing sub-technology | |
3D Printing Technology | |
5 | |
5G | |
A | |
Achieve Supply Chain Resilience | |
active packaging | |
active systems | |
adaptation | |
Adaptation strategy | |
African countries | |
agri-food sector | |
Agricultural economics | |
agricultural plastics | |
agriculture | |
AHP method | |
anaerobic digestion | |
Analytic Hierarchy Processing | |
analytical characterisation | |
anthropogenic resource | |
Antimicrobial | |
aquaculture | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
artificial wetlands | |
asphalt mixtures | |
assessment | |
authentic communication | |
automated intelligence | |
automotive | |
awareness | |
B | |
balanced scorecard | |
Barriers | |
barriers and drivers | |
batteries | |
BBFs | |
bibliometrics | |
big data analysis | |
bio-based fertilisers | |
bio-based materials | |
bio-based plastics | |
biocapacity | |
Biochar | |
Biodegradable materials | |
bioeconomy | |
bioenergy | |
biofactories | |
biofuels | |
biogas | |
biogas production | |
biological pretreatment | |
biomass | |
biomass gasification | |
biomethane | |
biopesticides | |
botanical pesticides | |
Build environment | |
Building Adaptation | |
Building materials | |
buildings | |
business analysis | |
business intelligence | |
Business Strategies | |
Business strategy | |
business transformation | |
By-product valorization | |
byproducts | |
C | |
Campania Region | |
Capacity Building | |
Carbon capture and storage | |
Carbon Footprint | |
Carbon Footprint of Tourism | |
Carbon neutrality | |
Case study | |
Casual Loop Diagram | |
CCS | |
cement | |
challenges | |
circular | |
circular agriculture | |
circular business model | |
circular business models | |
Circular Cities and Regions | |
Circular Design | |
Circular Design Strategies | |
circular economy | |
Circular Economy (CE) | |
circular economy awareness and adoption | |
circular economy education | |
Circular Fashion | |
circular loops | |
circular materials | |
Circular Plastic Economy | |
Circular Plastics Economy (CPE) | |
circular structural design | |
Circular Supply Chains | |
circularity | |
circularity assessment | |
circularity management | |
cities | |
citizen behaviour | |
cleaner production | |
climate change | |
climate change mitigation | |
Climate Mitigation | |
co-design | |
CO2 storage | |
CO2 upgrading | |
coastal | |
collaboration | |
collection and recycling | |
Comparative case study | |
concrete | |
concrete and textile | |
constructed wetland | |
construction industry | |
Construction materials | |
construction sector | |
consumer behaviour | |
Consumers’ Behaviour | |
contract management | |
Conventional Financial Sector | |
corporate performance | |
corporate reputation | |
Corporate Responsibility | |
cotton stalk residues | |
crops | |
Cross-country analysis | |
CSR strategy | |
cultural heritage | |
D | |
DAS | |
Data | |
decarbonisation | |
decarbonise | |
decarbonization | |
decision level | |
decision support | |
DeepVaR | |
delphi study | |
demand response | |
dematerialization | |
Demolition | |
design management | |
development | |
DigiMon | |
digital applications | |
digital health | |
digital twins | |
Digitalisation | |
disaster risk reduction | |
Drivers | |
Dynamic Capabilities Theory | |
E | |
early-stage design | |
eco-efficiency | |
ecoinvent | |
ecological status | |
economic analysis | |
economic feasibility | |
Economic growth | |
economic models | |
economic regulation | |
economy policies | |
edge computing | |
education policy | |
electric vehicles | |
Embodied carbon | |
End of Life decisions | |
energy consumption | |
energy efficiency | |
energy generation | |
energy transition | |
environment | |
environmental assessment | |
environmental benefit | |
environmental benefits | |
environmental education | |
environmental management | |
environmental management systems | |
environmental marketing | |
ESG | |
EU | |
EU Policy analysis | |
EU regulation | |
European Union | |
evaluation framework | |
event legacy | |
F | |
farmers | |
Fashion | |
fashion industry | |
Fashion Textiles | |
Fast-Moving Consumer Goods | |
Financial Sustainability | |
fishing | |
flexible and renewable electricity system | |
flexible packaging | |
fly-tipping | |
Food Industry | |
Food packaging | |
food value chain | |
Food Waste | |
framework | |
functional food | |
furniture and allied products manufacturing | |
G | |
gender | |
geothermal energy | |
GIS | |
Global Value Chains | |
governance | |
Greater Bay area | |
Greece | |
green H2 | |
green hydrogen | |
green jobs | |
green strategy | |
greenwashing | |
H | |
heat integration | |
holistic management | |
Horizon Scanning | |
human aspects | |
hydrogen production | |
I | |
India | |
indicators | |
Industrial sector | |
industrial symbiosis | |
Industry 4.0 | |
Industry 4.0 Technologies | |
Influencing factors | |
Information exchange | |
infrastructure strategic planning | |
Innovation | |
Input-Output Analysis | |
Institutional Pressure | |
Intermediaries | |
Interpretive Structure Modelling | |
Italy | |
J | |
just transition | |
Justice | |
K | |
key stakeholders | |
Knowledge | |
L | |
Land application | |
legal framework | |
Life cycle assessment | |
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) | |
life cycle thinking | |
Life cycle-based policies | |
literary parks | |
literary tourism | |
literature review | |
lithium-ion batteries | |
livestock | |
Livestock systems | |
location | |
logistics service provider | |
Low-carbon infrastructure | |
M | |
macroeconomic modelling | |
Management food waste | |
Management Practices | |
managing accessibility | |
manufacturing | |
market uptake | |
marketplace | |
material cycle | |
Material flow analysis | |
material flows | |
MCDA | |
MCDM | |
mega-events | |
metal-organic frameworks | |
micro meso macro level | |
Microfinance | |
Mimetic Pressure | |
Minoan Era | |
mission-oriented innovation | |
mitigation | |
monitoring | |
Multi criteria decision analysis | |
multicriteria decision analysis | |
multinational companies | |
municipal and industrial waste | |
municipal enterprise | |
N | |
nanopesticides | |
natural resource | |
natural resource management | |
nature based solution | |
negative emissions | |
Net zero carbon building | |
network governance | |
nickel-ceria catalysts | |
Nigerian Universities | |
Nikos Kazantzakis | |
Nutrient recovery | |
O | |
offshore wind | |
Olive mill wastewater | |
open loops | |
Opportunity Identification | |
oregano | |
organisations | |
overtourism | |
P | |
Panel data | |
participatory action research | |
passive measures | |
people-centered transition | |
perception | |
performance | |
performance evaluation | |
personalized medicine | |
phenomenology | |
Phosphate mine waste rocks | |
Place-based | |
plant protection | |
plastic packaging | |
plastic waste | |
plastics | |
Policy Support Decision | |
politics | |
Polybutylene Adipate Terephthalate | |
polyester | |
post-growth | |
Poverty | |
power dynamics | |
primary education | |
procedure model | |
process simulation | |
product chains of mattresses | |
product design | |
Product flows | |
product-service system | |
public engagement | |
public governance | |
public perceptions | |
Q | |
qre tool | |
quality health care | |
R | |
radical changes | |
RE-strategies | |
reclaimed wastewater | |
recycled content target | |
recycling | |
recycling construction & demolition waste | |
regenerative agriculture | |
regional airports | |
regulated benchmarking | |
regulation | |
regulatory requirements | |
Religious Tourism | |
remanufacturing | |
renewable energy | |
Rental | |
Repair Practices | |
research agenda | |
resilience | |
resource efficiency | |
resource optimization | |
resources optimization | |
retrofit | |
Reuse | |
reused components | |
risk | |
S | |
Scope 3 | |
SCOR | |
scrap chemistry | |
scrap preparation | |
SDGs | |
Sectoral Systems of Innovation (SSI) | |
sludge | |
smart cities | |
Smart logistics | |
smart safety | |
social acceptance | |
Social Network Theory | |
Social Responsible Investment | |
social-LCA | |
societal aspects | |
societal perspectives | |
soil-borne pathogens | |
solar panels | |
solid oxide fuel cell | |
stakeholder engagement | |
stakeholder mapping | |
Stakeholders | |
Startups | |
Stoxx600 data | |
strategic niche management | |
Strategic Planning | |
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) | |
Success factors for circular business models | |
Supply Chain | |
supply chain business resiliency | |
supply chains | |
survey | |
sustainability | |
sustainability appraisal | |
sustainability quantitative assessment | |
sustainability triptych | |
sustainable agriculture | |
sustainable and safe by design | |
Sustainable consumption | |
sustainable development | |
Sustainable Development Goals | |
Sustainable development goals (SDGs) | |
sustainable food | |
sustainable manufacturing | |
sustainable packaging | |
sustainable supply chain | |
Sustainable tourism | |
SWOT analysis | |
systemic design | |
systemic innovation | |
systemic view | |
systems approach | |
Systems Thinking | |
T | |
tailormade change | |
tax optimisation | |
taxonomy | |
techno-economic assessment | |
technological innovation | |
text mining | |
text-mining | |
textile industry | |
textiles | |
theory of planned behaviour (TPB) | |
tourism | |
Tourism Ecological Footprint | |
transitions | |
transport | |
transport operators | |
transport system management | |
transportation | |
Transportation Eco-footprint | |
U | |
UCO | |
urban development | |
Urban Planning | |
used cooking oil | |
V | |
Valorization | |
value chain | |
value-focused supply chain | |
W | |
waste | |
Waste electrical and electronic equipment | |
Waste Hierarchy | |
waste infrastructure | |
waste management | |
waste modelling | |
waste-to-energy | |
wastewater | |
wastewater treatment | |
wastewater treatments | |
water | |
water and wastewater sector | |
water footprint | |
water reuse | |
water services | |
water-waste-energy nexus | |
Western Balkan countries | |
women | |
Z | |
Zero waste management |