This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
AAE | |
abilities | |
academic publishing | |
Academic reading | |
Academic writing | |
Activism | |
Adolescent readers | |
adolescents conflict detention | |
adult deaf readers | |
adult writers | |
Adulthood | |
Adults | |
African American English | |
agency | |
Aggression | |
algorithmic bias | |
Ambiguity | |
Analytic thinking styles | |
apology | |
Argument | |
argument comprehension | |
argument evaluation | |
Argumentation | |
Argumentative writing | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Assessment | |
Attitude and stance marking | |
audio-assisted reading | |
auditory imagery | |
authenticity | |
Autism | |
automated detector | |
Award | |
AWE | |
B | |
beginning readers | |
belief consistency | |
belief consistency/inconsistency | |
beliefs | |
Bridging Inferences | |
C | |
Causal Connections | |
causal models | |
chatbots | |
children | |
civics | |
Claim-Evidence-Reasoning | |
classroom discourse | |
Climate Science | |
Cluster analysis | |
cognition | |
Cognitive Abilities | |
Cognitive Processes | |
cohesion | |
Collaborative Learning | |
Comics | |
comics vs texts | |
Common ground | |
Communication | |
Competency Level | |
composition | |
comprehension | |
Comprehension Monitoring | |
Comprehension of text and graphics | |
comprehension reading strategies | |
Computational Linguistics | |
computer-mediated communication | |
Computerized Language Sample Analysis | |
Conceptual Change | |
Conceptual Growth | |
conceptual knowledge | |
Confidence in Knowledge | |
confirmation bias | |
connecting online | |
context | |
Continued Influence Effect | |
Contradiction effect | |
Conversation | |
conversational discourse unit | |
Conversational memory | |
Conversational/Discourse Analysis | |
Corpus Analysis | |
Corpus data | |
Corroboration | |
Cover art | |
COVID-19 | |
Credibility evaluation | |
Critical Discourse Analysis | |
critical thinking | |
D | |
data sources | |
Deafness | |
Debunking | |
development | |
Developmental Education | |
Dialogic Talk | |
Dialogue | |
Dialogue Game Approach | |
Dialogue tasks | |
digital | |
Digital literacy | |
Digital reading | |
Digital Text | |
Digital vs. print | |
direct retrieval hypothesis | |
disciplinary literacy | |
Discipline-specific reading | |
disclosure | |
Discourse | |
discourse alignment | |
discourse analysis | |
discourse processing | |
Discourse-Analysis | |
Discourse-level processes | |
Discussant | |
Document Language | |
document maps | |
documents model framework | |
Domain Knowledge | |
DSCA | |
Dyad | |
dynamic systems | |
E | |
e-learning | |
Early Readers | |
easiness effect | |
Education | |
EEG / ERPs | |
Effects of media | |
EFL reading | |
Elaboration Questions | |
emotion | |
emotional shifts | |
emotions | |
empathy | |
Epistemic aims | |
Epistemic cognition | |
Epistemic modality and evidentials | |
Epistemic perspectives | |
Epistemic understandings of science knowledge | |
ERP | |
ERPs | |
evaluation | |
Evaluation strategies | |
event related potentials | |
Event Structure | |
event-congruent emotions | |
event-related potential | |
executive functions | |
experimental linguistics | |
Expertise | |
Explanations | |
explicit instruction | |
expository text | |
expository text processing | |
Expository texts | |
eye movement | |
Eye Movements | |
eye-tracking | |
eyetracking | |
F | |
Facial action units | |
Fact checking | |
fairness and accountability | |
False information | |
Feedback | |
feedback markers | |
Feedback Provider | |
Female gaze | |
figurative language | |
fluency | |
Focus Group | |
Free dialogue | |
G | |
gaming the system | |
gender features | |
grammatical aspect | |
Group Communication Analysis | |
H | |
Headlines | |
Health Science | |
high-level subskills | |
higher education | |
Highlighting | |
historical reasoning | |
I | |
ICT self-efficacy | |
ICT use | |
Identity Development | |
idiomatic processing | |
Idioms | |
Individual differences | |
inductive learning | |
Inference | |
inference generation | |
inference skills | |
Inferences | |
Inferencing | |
Information evaluation | |
inhibitory control | |
instructional videos | |
instructions | |
instructive sequence | |
integration | |
intellectual humility | |
Intelligent tutoring | |
Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) | |
interleaving | |
internet | |
Intervention | |
interventions | |
irony | |
J | |
judgment accuracy | |
K | |
keystroke logging | |
Knowledge | |
knowledge revision | |
L | |
language background | |
language comprehension | |
Language development | |
Language Style | |
last-name reference | |
Latinx youth | |
Learning | |
Learning & Instruction | |
Learning Progressions | |
Learning strategies | |
Lexical Decision | |
lexical development | |
linguistic bias | |
Linguistic forms | |
Listening comprehension | |
listening text | |
literacy | |
literary interpretation | |
Literary reading | |
Literature review | |
Long form reading | |
Longitudinal research | |
LSA | |
M | |
Mapping | |
Mawses | |
Media Impact | |
Memory for Text | |
Memory-based processing | |
mental load | |
mental model construction | |
Mental Models | |
mental state language | |
mental states | |
meta-analysis | |
meta-awareness | |
meta-information | |
Metacognition | |
Metacognitive calibration | |
metacomprehension | |
Metadiscourse | |
Methodological | |
mind wandering | |
mindless reading | |
misconceptions | |
Misinformation | |
Misinformation Effect | |
Modality of Presentation | |
mode of interaction | |
monitoring | |
MOOCs | |
Morphological Analysis | |
Morphological Inference | |
multi-tasking | |
Multilingualism | |
multimedia learning | |
multiple document comprehension | |
Multiple document literacy | |
multiple document reading | |
multiple documents | |
Multiple Text Comprehension | |
myside bias | |
N | |
Narrative Comprehension | |
narrative persuasion | |
Narrative processing | |
Narrative texts | |
Narrative timelines | |
narrative writing | |
Narratives | |
Natural Language Processing | |
naturalistic stimuli | |
Network modelling | |
Next Generation Science Standards | |
NLP | |
Normal aging | |
O | |
on-screen reading | |
Online Community of Practice for teachers | |
Online Information | |
online learning | |
Online misinformation | |
online news | |
Online reading comprehension | |
open science | |
P | |
paper | |
PCA | |
peer feedback | |
Perceptual Simulations | |
Personal qualities | |
Personalisation | |
Perspective-taking | |
persuasive writing | |
Place-on-the-page | |
playing with video games | |
Politeness | |
Poor readers | |
Power | |
Pragmatic facial gestures | |
prediction | |
primary education | |
Priming | |
Principal Component Analysis | |
principal component analysis (PCA) | |
Print reading | |
Prior Beliefs | |
Prior Knowledge | |
pro-social behaviour | |
problem solving | |
Professional Development | |
programming languages | |
Prompting | |
pronoun resolution | |
pronouns | |
Propositions | |
psycholinguistics | |
purposeful reading | |
Q | |
Quasi-dialogue | |
Question processing | |
question-answering | |
R | |
Reactivation during reading | |
Readability | |
Reader preferences | |
Reading | |
reading at home | |
Reading Components | |
reading comprehension | |
reading comprehension and its component skills | |
reading comprehension processes | |
Reading difficulties | |
Reading fluency | |
Reading for understanding | |
reading goals | |
reading habits | |
reading instruction | |
Reading media preference | |
Reading medium | |
Reading motivation | |
reading processes | |
Reading Proficiency | |
Reading self-concept | |
Reading strategies | |
Reading Time | |
Reading value | |
reading while listening | |
Reasoning processes | |
recall test | |
recognition memory | |
reference | |
reference resolution | |
reflection | |
refutation text | |
Refutation texts | |
replication studies | |
Romance fiction | |
S | |
Scaffolding | |
scaffolds | |
scanpaths | |
Scenario-based assessment | |
Science Education | |
Science Inquiry | |
science text understanding | |
Scientific change | |
scientific literacy | |
SCIP | |
screening | |
Second Language Learning | |
Second Language Readers | |
second language reading | |
secondary students | |
self-explanation | |
self-paced reading | |
SEM | |
Semantic associations | |
Semantic processing | |
semantics | |
sensitive topics | |
sentence processing | |
Signed Languages | |
singular they | |
Situation Models | |
Skill vs belief | |
social media | |
Social Media Discourse | |
Social Network Analysis | |
sociolinguistics | |
Soft skills | |
source credibility | |
source evaluation | |
source memory | |
Sourcing | |
sourcing training | |
spatial situation models | |
Special Session | |
Special Talk | |
speech-to-text | |
Spelling | |
spoken English | |
Standards of Coherence | |
Strategic Processing | |
subjectivity | |
summarization | |
supervised machine learning | |
survey interview | |
systematic review | |
T | |
task effects | |
task instructions | |
task-oriented dialogue | |
Task-oriented reading | |
teaching | |
Teaching dialogue and argumentation | |
teenagers | |
temporal dynamics | |
test Stakes | |
test-enhanced learning | |
Text | |
text complexity | |
Text comprehension | |
text features | |
text memory | |
text messaging | |
Text mining | |
text processing | |
Text Reading | |
Text structure | |
text writing | |
Text-belief consistency effects | |
Textual genre | |
The origin of readers | |
theory of mind | |
think-aloud | |
Think-aloud methods | |
think-alouds | |
Thought Experiments | |
Time shifts | |
training | |
Transactivity | |
transcription skills | |
Translanguaging | |
transportation | |
Trust in science and scientists | |
TTYI | |
V | |
vaccine hesitancy | |
validation | |
variance | |
veracity | |
verbal-thinking | |
video comprehension | |
video interaction | |
virtual communication | |
Virtual Lab | |
visual encoding | |
Visual imagery | |
visual narrative comprehension | |
visual search | |
Visuo-Spatial Working Memory | |
Vocabulary | |
vocational school students | |
W | |
Word-to-text integration | |
working memory | |
world-knowledge | |
writing behaviors | |
writing competence | |
writing profiles | |
Written argumentation | |
Y | |
young women |