Days: Wednesday, June 28th Thursday, June 29th Friday, June 30th Saturday, July 1st
Wednesday, June 28th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
12:00-13:00 Session 3: Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award Presentation: Dr. Rolf Zwaan
Location: Auditorium 1 (click for Zoom link)
12:00 | Comprehension: From Clause to Conspiracy Theory (abstract) |
13:00-14:30Lunch Break (Mentorship Meeting Lunch)
14:30-16:10 Session 4A: Narrative Processes
Location: Auditorium 1 (click for Zoom link)
14:30 | The Influence of Event-Congruent Emotions and Narrative Transportation on the Persuasiveness of Stories with Emotional Shifts (abstract) PRESENTER: Marie-Luise C. R. Schmidt |
14:50 | Hearing the Words while Reading: An Investigation of Different Types of Verbal Thoughts and their Relation to Narrative Transportation (abstract) PRESENTER: Püren Öncel |
15:10 | How Did I Get Here? The Dynamics of Reflection Across Genres (abstract) PRESENTER: Lauren Flynn |
15:30 | How do readers construct situation models when reading text vs. comics? (abstract) PRESENTER: Marianna Pagkratidou |
15:50 | Evaluating the strength of perspective information in discourse processing: Evidence from pronoun resolution (abstract) PRESENTER: Tiana V. Simovic |
14:30-16:10 Session 4B: Reading and Writing from Multiple Sources
Location: Auditorium 2 (click for Zoom link)
14:30 | The influence of textual genre in the comprehension of multiple texts (abstract) PRESENTER: Lidia Casado Ledesma |
14:50 | Metacomprehension in multiple document reading – Does generating delayed summaries lead to improved judgment accuracy? (abstract) PRESENTER: Marc Stadtler |
15:10 | Validation Processes and Reading Instructions: Is Validation Against Background Knowledge and Prior Text Influenced by Reading Instructions? (abstract) PRESENTER: Marloes van Moort |
15:30 | Learning to Draw Conclusions From Multiple Scientific Documents: Effects of Strategic and Metacognitive Epistemic Scaffolds (abstract) PRESENTER: Sarit Barzilai |
15:50 | Students’ Historical Reasoning in Process and Product: Distinctions across modes of production (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Bolz |
14:30-16:10 Session 4C: Dialogue & Discourse
Location: Auditorium 3 (click for Zoom link)
14:30 | The influence of theory of mind and perspective-taking on feedback production in dialogue (abstract) PRESENTER: Dominique Knutsen |
14:50 | Discourses about teaching dialogue and argumentation in a Community of Practices (abstract) PRESENTER: Theresa Ruwe |
15:10 | Agency and Authority in Classroom Discussion of Literary Texts (abstract) PRESENTER: Allison Hall |
15:30 | Developing Argument skills through engagement in Discourse: The Effect of Different Forms of Presentation of Information (abstract) |
15:50 | “I gave myself an actual voice”: A Critical Discourse Analysis on Latinx Youth Activists (abstract) PRESENTER: Corina De La Torre |
16:30-18:00 Session 5: Poster Session A & Opening Reception
Comprehension as a Function of Belief Consistency: Null Results (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Wolfe |
Promoting Students’ Argument Comprehension and Evaluation Skills: Implementation of Two Training Interventions in Higher Education (abstract) PRESENTER: Hannes Münchow |
The influence of task instructions and text structure on standards of coherence in adolescent readers with autism spectrum disorder and with typical development: An eye-tracking study (abstract) PRESENTER: Pablo Delgado |
Effects of a source evaluation intervention on sourcing skills: Replication and extension (abstract) PRESENTER: Magalí A. Martínez |
ERP indicators of word-to-text integration (WTI) during reading comprehension: Can engagement with the text influence the reader’s situation model and override word meaning retrieval effects? (abstract) PRESENTER: Anne Helder |
Critical reading skills and analytic thinking styles among upper secondary school students (abstract) PRESENTER: Annika Svedholm-Häkkinen |
The becoming of readers. An exploration of the reading habitus (abstract) |
Do deaf students adapt their reading strategies to task goals and text structure as hearing readers do? (abstract) PRESENTER: Pablo Delgado |
Learning from Anecdotal Descriptions of Psychology: The Role of Prior Knowledge (abstract) |
Highlighting in Printed and Digital Reading: Effects on Reading Time, Text Comprehension, and Metacognitive Calibration of Comprehension (abstract) PRESENTER: Angelica Ronconi |
Automating Debunking: Can Chatbots Correct Misconceptions? (abstract) PRESENTER: Justine Scattarelli |
Does a Reader’s Standards of Coherence Affect their Inference Activation During Reading? The Effects of Task Manipulation (abstract) PRESENTER: Sarah Carlson |
What is it about live video interaction that makes some people uncomfortable? (abstract) PRESENTER: Shlomit Okon |
Do 21st century Soft Skills predict reading comprehension? (abstract) PRESENTER: Gerardo Pellegrino |
The role of source expertise on memory recognition: Accuracy and response times (abstract) PRESENTER: Rina Miyata Harsch |
Effects of Textual Constraint and Emojis on Emotion Inferences (abstract) PRESENTER: Catherine M. Bohn-Gettler |
Reading Value and Self-Concept in Students with Poor and Typical Reading Skills: A Mixed-Methods Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Elvira Jéldrez |
The Structure of Common Experimental Dialogue Tasks: A Systematised Review & Taxonomy (abstract) PRESENTER: Ella Cullen |
Feedback on Feedback: Automated Detection of Peer Feedback Quality (abstract) PRESENTER: Caitlin Mills |
Learning a sign language as a second language: Exploring sensitivity to the situational structure of narratives. (abstract) PRESENTER: Joseph Magliano |
Thursday, June 29th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:40 Session 6A: Misinformation & Inconsistencies
Location: Auditorium 1 (click for Zoom link)
09:00 | Retrieval of misinformation prior to debunking: How does it affect the continued influence effect? (abstract) PRESENTER: Benedikt Seger |
09:20 | Can evaluation strategies make the difference in a post-truth world? Fostering adolescents’ resilience against online misinformation (abstract) PRESENTER: Philipp Marten |
09:40 | Illusion of truth? Effects of repeated exposure to textual misinformation on readers’ knowledge and response confidence (abstract) PRESENTER: Steffen Gottschling |
10:00 | Controversial Information in a Bilingual Setting: Document Language as a Moderator of the Text-Belief Consistency Effect (abstract) PRESENTER: Lisa Pilotek |
10:20 | The influence of headlines and text structure on acceptance of false claims in news stories (abstract) PRESENTER: William Horton |
09:00-10:40 Session 6B: Metacognition & Executive Functions in Reading
Location: Auditorium 2 (click for Zoom link)
09:00 | How does meta-awareness relate to metacomprehension accuracy during reading? (abstract) PRESENTER: Mya Urena |
09:20 | Did screen reading habits steal children’s focus? (abstract) PRESENTER: Ladislao Salmerón |
09:40 | Paper and digital reading and writing in school-aged children: the role of Executive Functions (abstract) PRESENTER: Chiara Pecini |
10:00 | Comprehension Monitoring: Cognitive Abilities Explain Performance Differences Between Younger and Older Adults (abstract) PRESENTER: Catharina Tibken |
10:20 | Comprehension Monitoring in Older Adults: Effects of Cognitive Abilities and Educational Attainment (abstract) PRESENTER: Wienke Wannagat |
09:00-10:40 Session 6C: Corpus Analysis & Natural Language Processing
Location: Auditorium 3 (click for Zoom link)
09:00 | Are news posts on social media more subjective than news articles online? A comparative study of four major English newspapers (abstract) PRESENTER: Elena Savinova |
09:20 | Power and Vulnerability: Managing Sensitive Language in Organisational Communication (abstract) PRESENTER: Patrick Healey |
09:40 | The Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Morphological Information (TAMMI): A use case. (abstract) PRESENTER: Scott Crossley |
10:00 | Automated Analyses of Students’ Difficulties with Explanations in Science Inquiry (abstract) PRESENTER: Janice Gobert |
10:20 | Profiles of Persuasive Writing: Development of a Writing Analytics Tool (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrew Potter |
10:50-12:00 Session 7: Tom Trabasso Young Investigator Award Presentation: Dr. Laura Allen
Location: Auditorium 1 (click for Zoom link)
10:50 | Leveraging Dynamic Systems to Understand the Multidimensional and Dynamic Nature of Discourse Processing (abstract) |
12:00-13:20Lunch Break (DP Editorial Board Meeting)
13:20-15:00 Session 8A: Sourcing
Location: Auditorium 1 (click for Zoom link)
13:20 | Advanced Theory of Mind as a lens for detecting conflicts of interest? (abstract) PRESENTER: Yann Dyoniziak |
13:40 | Flip-Flopping or Making Progress? Explaining Why Scientists Change Their Minds (abstract) PRESENTER: Sarit Barzilai |
14:00 | In Expert Scientists We Trust? Benevolence vs. Integrity (abstract) PRESENTER: Victoria Johnson |
14:20 | The Effects of Cognitive and Metacognitive Sourcing Prompts on Source Evaluation (abstract) PRESENTER: Fayez Abed |
14:40 | Fostering source evaluation skills by means of interleaved presentation of untrustworthy and trustworthy online sources (abstract) PRESENTER: Roman Abel |
13:20-15:00 Session 8B: Assessing and Promoting Comprehension
Location: Auditorium 2 (click for Zoom link)
13:20 | Metacognitive Training Prevents Mindless Reading (abstract) PRESENTER: Marina Klimovich |
13:40 | Removing Hidden Barriers: Efficiently Identifying At-Risk College Students (abstract) PRESENTER: John Sabatini |
14:00 | Evaluating Conceptual Growth and Change Using Thought Experiment, Refutation, and Standard Expository Texts (abstract) |
14:20 | What is the relation between reading fiction, empathy and pro-social skills in children? (abstract) PRESENTER: Jane Oakhill |
14:40 | Teaching purposeful reading strategies to vocational school students: A quasi-experimental intervention study (abstract) PRESENTER: Anna Potocki |
13:20-15:00 Session 8C: Meet the Discourse Processes Editors
Location: Auditorium 3 (click for Zoom link)
13:20 | Discussion on replication studies and meet & greet the Discourse Processes editors (abstract) PRESENTER: Catherine Bohn-Gettler |
15:20-16:30 Session 9: Keynote Presentation: Dr. Stephen Lewandowsky
Location: Auditorium 1 (click for Zoom link)
15:20 | When Liars are Considered Honest: From Alternative Conceptions of Honesty to Alternative Facts in Communications by American Politicians (abstract) |
16:40-18:10 Session 10: Poster Session B
Teaching children’s inference skills using a video-based vs. text-based training program (abstract) PRESENTER: Brechtje van Zeijts |
How the distinguishability of meta-information about the veracity of sentences affects memory (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicole Antes |
Is this Website Reliable? Fostering the Evaluation of Internet Sources using a Collaboration Script and a Reflection Prompt (abstract) PRESENTER: Carolin Baumgarten |
Supports for Discipline-specific reading in introductory psychology (abstract) PRESENTER: M. Anne Britt |
Sourcing with citations: The effect of source information and sourcing instructions on multiple text comprehension (abstract) PRESENTER: Ali Fulsher |
Does full-page view when reading comics improve understanding? Studying the effect of panels’ visibility and reader’s expertise on reading time and understanding of two comic books excerpts. (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicolas Louveton |
Epistemic perspectives and evaluation of changes in scientific claims regarding COVID-19 (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Weinstock |
Impact of emotional content on visual search for answers to questions in short texts by children aged 9 to 11 years (abstract) PRESENTER: Sabine Févin |
Do speakers align at the discourse level? The role of discourse segments in task-oriented dialogue (abstract) PRESENTER: Junfei Hu |
For Beginning Readers, the Time Spent Reading is Related to Some of the Component Skills of Reading but the Time Spent Playing Video Games is not. (abstract) |
SCIP: Identifying Learner Roles through Group Communication and Interpersonal Network Positioning in Scaled Digital Environments (abstract) PRESENTER: Nia Nixon |
Exploring the incongruity between digital natives and their reading media preferences after COVID times (abstract) PRESENTER: Lidia Altamura |
Reducing the impact of false information on memory: Are readers more influenced by the lie or the liar? (abstract) PRESENTER: Emily Smith |
Cognitive mechanisms underlying common ground use in dialogue: evidence from a developmental study in normal aging (abstract) PRESENTER: Vincent Bovet |
Text comprehension and idiomatic expressions: An eye-tracking study (abstract) PRESENTER: Christian Tarchi |
The impact of social cues in written feedback on learners’ non-cognitive reactions (abstract) PRESENTER: Theresa Ruwe |
Measuring Facial Gestures- Using the Depth Camera to Quantify the Intensity of Facial Action Unit Components (abstract) PRESENTER: Ella Cullen |
Exploring Translanguaging through Dialogic Talk among Arabic-Speaking Heritage Language Learners (abstract) PRESENTER: Ayah Issa |
Technology-Mediated Social Interactions During COVID-19: Perspectives from a Women’s College Community (abstract) PRESENTER: Mya Urena |
Being aware of the other’s mental load affects how partners collaborate in dialogue (abstract) PRESENTER: Dominique Knutsen |
19:30-21:30 Conference Dinner @ Nedre Løkka
This dinner is ticketed (attendees who added the dinner on to their registration may attend).
Address: Thorvald Meyers gate 89, 0550 Oslo
Friday, June 30th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:40 Session 11A: Digital Literacies
Location: Auditorium 1 (click for Zoom link)
09:00 | Highlighting or Highlighted Information for Text Comprehension When Reading on Screen? (abstract) PRESENTER: Lucia Mason |
09:20 | Can intellectual humility support more appropriate online reading practices? (abstract) PRESENTER: Jason Braasch |
09:40 | The Effects of Linguistic forms on Clicking and Sharing Intentions (abstract) PRESENTER: Yewon Kang |
10:00 | Format and text type effects on reading comprehension in adolescent readers (abstract) PRESENTER: Aisha Futura Tüchler |
10:20 | Methodological and Theoretical Concerns Regarding Digital Literacy Research (abstract) PRESENTER: Jasmine Kim |
09:00-10:40 Session 11B: Processing Oral and Written Language
Location: Auditorium 2 (click for Zoom link)
09:00 | Impact of Global Text Cohesion on Informational Listening Comprehension (abstract) PRESENTER: Anke Schmitz |
09:20 | Reading Comprehension Word-by-Word: Comparing L1 and L2 readers using authentic texts and multiple measures (abstract) PRESENTER: Charles Perfetti |
09:40 | Time Shifts and Grammatical Aspect Constraints on the Construction of Situation Models (abstract) PRESENTER: Anita Eerland |
10:00 | Top-Down versus Bottom-Up Development of Semantic Processes in Listening Comprehension (abstract) PRESENTER: Patrick Dahdah |
10:20 | The influence of pictures on knowledge revision processes during reading (abstract) PRESENTER: Pauline Frick |
09:00-10:40 Session 11C: Reading and Writing
Location: Auditorium 3 (click for Zoom link)
09:00 | The Functional Role of Perceptual Simulations in Reading Comprehension (abstract) PRESENTER: Emily Buchner |
09:20 | Reinventing the Think-Aloud: A Study Exploring Alternative Delivery Methods for the Traditional Think-Aloud Protocol (abstract) PRESENTER: Amanda Jensen |
09:40 | Yea, Nay, or IDK: The Effects of Ballot Simplification on Voter Roll-Off (abstract) PRESENTER: Kathryn McCarthy |
10:00 | The Cascaded Model of Writing (abstract) PRESENTER: Rebecca Kreutz |
10:20 | Making Sense of L1 and L2 Written Argumentation with Keystroke Logging (abstract) PRESENTER: Yu Tian |
10:50-12:30 Session 12A: Symposium Multiple Document Processing in the 21st Century: Advances in Theory, Research, and Interventions (Part 1: Explorations of Theory, Interventions, and Assessments)
Location: Auditorium 1 (click for Zoom link)
10:50 | How do Students Represent Information from Multiple Texts?: Expanding the Documents Model Framework (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexandra List |
11:10 | Supporting Students’ Multiple Document Comprehension: What we have learned about Multiple Document Interventions (abstract) PRESENTER: Danielle McNamara |
11:30 | What Helps Students to Understand How to Understand? (abstract) PRESENTER: M. Anne Britt |
11:50 | Teaching and Assessing Multiple Document Literacy with Document Maps (abstract) PRESENTER: Danna Tal-Savir |
12:10 | The Calling of Mawses: Measuring Writing Motivation in the Context of Multiple Document Literacy (abstract) PRESENTER: Ivar Braten |
10:50-12:30 Session 12B: Eye-tracking and Neuropsychological Measures
Location: Auditorium 2 (click for Zoom link)
10:50 | Perspective influences use and processing of German pronouns (abstract) PRESENTER: Magdalena Repp |
11:10 | The Influence of Story Event Structure on Children’s and Adults’ Eye Movements during Reading (abstract) |
11:30 | Processing Ironic Text: evidence from scanpaths (abstract) PRESENTER: Diane Mézière |
11:50 | Sentence context modulates idiom disambiguation: and ERP study (abstract) PRESENTER: Marta Vergara-Martinez |
12:10 | Reading Code for Comprehension: Expert Programmers Show Language-Related Brain Responses to Meaning and Form (abstract) PRESENTER: Chu-Hsuan Kuo |
12:30-14:00Lunch Break (Governing Board Lunch)
14:00-15:30 Session 13: Poster Session C
Effect of Media Multitasking on Multiple Text Comprehension (abstract) PRESENTER: Ymkje Haverkamp |
Beliefs about the Malleability of Working Memory Guide College Students’ Evaluations of Belief-Inconsistent and Belief-Consistent Journal Articles (abstract) PRESENTER: Anette Andresen |
Examining Summarization as a Tool for Supporting Multiple Document Comprehension (abstract) PRESENTER: Kathryn McCarthy |
How Reading Medium and Distractions Affect Adolescents’ Conflict Detection in Multiple Documents (abstract) PRESENTER: Lidia Altamura |
Fostering text integration in primary education: What type of task instruction should teachers provide? (abstract) PRESENTER: Raquel Cerdan |
Triangulating Data Sources in Multiple Document Comprehension Tasks (abstract) PRESENTER: Lauren Flynn |
Self-Explanation and Think-Aloud in Multiple Document Contexts (abstract) PRESENTER: Püren Öncel |
Collaborative Design of Professional Development for Multiple Document Comprehension: A Teacher Focus Group Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Tracy Arner |
Constructed Response Prompt Effects in Multiple Document Comprehension (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrew Potter |
Exploring the relation between semantic priming and instrument inferencing in discourse reading: An individual differences approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Sonny Wang |
Exploring Researcher-Participant interactions during a think-emote aloud protocol (abstract) PRESENTER: Indigo Rudduck |
Not as Easy as It Seems: Does the Combination of an Instructional Video and an Elaboration Prompt Mitigate the Seductive Effect of Text Easiness? (abstract) PRESENTER: Katharina Bauer First Author |
Reading Comprehension Instruction and Reading Media: Evidence From Teachers’ Self-Reports and Interviews (abstract) PRESENTER: Laura Gil |
From Meaning Inference to Reading Comprehension: Exploring the Contribution of Morphological Knowledge to Reading Comprehension in Sixth Grade (abstract) PRESENTER: Louise Chaussoy |
“Is that Right? How Sure Am I?” The Role of Refutation Text on Metacognitive Monitoring (abstract) PRESENTER: Eleonora Pizzigallo |
Processing consistent and inconsistent information in social-situation narratives by readers higher and lower in aggression (abstract) PRESENTER: Irene-Anna Diakidoy |
[CANCELLED] Representation of mental states in 9-14-year-old children’s narrative writing (abstract) PRESENTER: Sanne van der Kleij |
The written language network from proficiency to disability: data-driven evidence from a transdiagnostic dimensional graph modelling (abstract) PRESENTER: Elise Lefevre |
The development of semantic processing during text reading: an eye-movement study (abstract) PRESENTER: Katharina Gloria Hugentobler |
How do readers with deafness process idioms? Eye movement data supporting the direct retrieval hypothesis (abstract) PRESENTER: Inmaculada Fajardo |
Reliable reasoning processes: A function of epistemic aims or epistemic perspective? (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Weinstock |
Epistemological and stance marking in academic discourses and writing (abstract) |
15:30-17:20 Session 14: Symposium Multiple Document Processing in the 21st Century: Advances in Theory, Research, and Interventions (Part 2: Empirical Studies Exploring the Impact of the Reader, Texts, Tasks, and Contexts)
Location: Auditorium 1 (click for Zoom link)
15:30 | Reading controversial texts: effects of beliefs and stakes on undergraduates’ argument integration (abstract) PRESENTER: Raquel Cerdan |
15:50 | Do Facets of Intellectual Humility Guide Comprehension of Belief-Consistent and Belief-Inconsistent Texts? (abstract) PRESENTER: Taylor Clark |
16:10 | Does Presentation Order of Scientific Principles Affect Reading Processes and Learning? (abstract) PRESENTER: Matthew T McCrudden |
16:30 | Studying Multiple Documents for Academic vs. Personal Purposes: Does the Physical Context Matter? (abstract) PRESENTER: Jean-François Rouet |
16:50 | Discussion of the Multiple Document Processing in the 21st Century Symposium |
17:30-18:30 Session 15: Closing Ceremony and Business Meeting
Location: Auditorium 1 (click for Zoom link)
Saturday, July 1st
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
08:00-12:00 Session 16: Remote Presentations (Note: date and time is only a placeholder. These will be posted asynchronously)
View, comment, and reply with video to the remote presentations here:
Does Reading While Listening to Text Improve Comprehension Compared to Reading Only? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (abstract) |
Reading the pictures: romance fiction covers uncover readers’ desires (abstract) |
Is authenticity of a virtual apology affected by an emoji? (abstract) PRESENTER: Monica Riordan |
Text and video comprehension in E-learning: Effects of presentation format on metacomprehension judgments (abstract) PRESENTER: Magali A. Martínez |
The effects of reading instruction on recall rate: A focus on second language learners (abstract) PRESENTER: Ryuya Komuro |
Examining the Benefits of Strategic Processing While Reading Multiple Academic Texts in a Second Language (abstract) PRESENTER: Burcu Demir |
Effects of Centrality and Relevance on Text Memory in EFL Reading (abstract) |
The Impact of Medium of a Narrative on Bridging Inferences (abstract) PRESENTER: Virginia Troemel |
Understanding How Media Affects the Comprehension of Narratives (abstract) PRESENTER: Shu Hu |
An NLP investigation into writing profiles in successful and less successful academic writing (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Goldshtein |
Biases in automating writing evaluation: pitfalls and solutions (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Goldshtein |
Effects of Processing- and Conviction-Based Measures on Myside Bias (abstract) |
“Nuff Said”: Understanding comprehension processes and products for reading text and non-linguistic graphic narratives (abstract) PRESENTER: Heather Ness-Maddox |
Causal Connectivity and Elaboration Question Condition in the Comprehension of Discourse about the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence by Ecuadorian College Students (abstract) PRESENTER: Jazmín Cevasco |
Exploring What Differentiates Struggling from Non-struggling College Readers (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniel Feller |
Examining the Linguistic Characteristics of Discourse on Twitter (abstract) PRESENTER: Michelle Banawan |
Revisiting Place on the Page Effects: Fifty Years Later (abstract) PRESENTER: Russell Adams |
Text mining the contents of a literacy tutoring system (abstract) PRESENTER: John Hollander |
Effects of referential form on pronoun choice: On the production of she, he and singular they (abstract) PRESENTER: Elsi Kaiser |
Linguistic Patterns of Development Among Speakers of African American English for Enhanced Computerized Language Sample Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Shaleeta Jones |
How much does sourcing affect other skills? (abstract) |
Leveraging Natural Language Processing to Detect Gaming the System in Open-ended Questions in a Math Digital Learning Game (abstract) PRESENTER: Jiayi Zhang |
Limitations of Adjunct Questions for Situation Model Construction (abstract) PRESENTER: Tricia Guerrero |
Supporting Comprehension: The Advantages of Multiple-Choice over True-False Practice Tests (abstract) PRESENTER: Lena Hildenbrand |
Enhancing Reading Comprehension through Question Processing Intervention (abstract) PRESENTER: Shani Levy Shimon |
Grammatical Aspect, Temporal Adverbs, and Situation Models (abstract) PRESENTER: Valerie Hemeon |
12:00-16:00 Session 17: Remote Multiple Document Symposium Presentations (Note: date and time is only a placeholder. These will be posted asynchronously)
View, comment, and reply with video to the remote presentations here:
Scenario-Based Assessment of Multiple Document Comprehension (abstract) PRESENTER: Zuowei Wang |
Skill vs. Belief: Does Reading Skill Moderate the Text-Belief Consistency Effect? (abstract) PRESENTER: Micah Watanabe |
Statistical Effects of Prior Knowledge in Multiple Document Comprehension: Methodological Considerations (abstract) PRESENTER: Jonna Kulikowich |