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17:00-19:00 Session 1: Games & programming

Games & programming, Google Meet room:

Detection of plagiarism in algorithms - a case study using Algorithmi
PRESENTER: Antonio Manso

ABSTRACT. Learning to program is essential in computer science courses. For students to achieve this competence, they need to practice a lot, since programming is a difficult and complex process. The curricular units of algorithm and introduction to programming have therefore become almost insurmountable barriers, with high failure rates. To overcome these barriers, researchers have been looking for new ways to teach. For their part, students have been looking for ways to succeed with less effort by repeatedly resorting to plagiarism. The need for classes to be taught at a distance due to the pandemic has further aggravated this problem. To combat it, we created the Algorithmi tool and provided it with a plagiarism detection module. This tool promotes autonomous study, allowing for self-correction of exercises, and simultaneously validates their authorship. In this communication we present a case study, from the application of the plagiarism module to the resolutions of the exercises delivered by the students in their personal repository. By analyzing the results obtained, we can conclude that there was a high level of plagiarism. The current version of the tool needs to be extended with new features, not only to make it more accurate, but especially to prevent plagiarism from happening

Educational Game for Laterality Development in Early Childhood Education: the importance of participatory design

ABSTRACT. The learning process in Early Childhood Education focuses on the development of children and their different forms of expression. Learning can be established by body language, because, by movement, the child establishes symbolic relationships, and constructs his thinking. So, in Early Childhood Education a dialogue with other areas of knowledge is necessary, seeking to provide an immersion in various learning situations. In this context, the present work focuses on analyzing the development of a digital game in Scratch with the participation of students, which reflects paths and levels identified in Physical Education classes, aiming to develop laterality. The research is qualitative and used the scientific procedures of bibliographic research, participant observation, discursive textual analysis, and participatory design for the elaboration of the game. The subjects were children aged between four and six who are in Early Childhood Education. As a result, the digital game really became a strategy to assist in the development of laterality of children, as it enhanced the appropriation of psychomotor schemes related to spatial and temporal orientation.

Plataformas de aprendizagem baseadas em jogos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
PRESENTER: Leticia Morais

ABSTRACT. O presente artigo corresponde à primeira etapa do estágio de iniciação científica realizado no Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. O objetivo era criar recursos educativos interativos usando ferramentas de autoria de objetos de aprendizagem, nomeadamente plataformas online de aprendizagem baseada em jogos. Esta pesquisa, por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, destacou os conceitos de aula invertida e gamificação assim como os benefícios da sua utilização no meio académico e então, a partir disso, foram escolhidas e comparadas quatro ferramentas: Kahoot!, Socrative, Quizizz e Nearpod, tendo sido apresentada uma grelha comparativa com as funcionalidades gratuitas disponíveis em cada plataforma.

Experiencia de enseñanza de programación en niños y niñas siguiendo un enfoque gamificado

ABSTRACT. La enseñanza de la programación en Educación Primaria es un tema de interés investigador a nivel mundial. En la actualidad, hay varios enfoques que se están analizando con mayor o menor éxito en términos de ganancias de aprendizaje, niveles de motivación y satisfacción. En este artículo, la propuesta es el uso de un enfoque gamificado. La hipótesis 1 (H1) es que el enfoque gamificado aumentará las ganancias de aprendizaje de los estudiantes al tiempo que aumentará también su nivel de satisfacción y motivación. La hipótesis 2 (H2) es que no habrá diferencias significativas entre niños y niñas de 10 a 12 años. Durante el curso 2019/2020, se ha realizado un experimento con 100 estudiantes de 10 a 12 años. Todos los estudiantes han iniciado su aprendizaje de la programación mediante un enfoque gamificado, variando el recurso usado (profesor, Blockly, Blockly+videojuego). Los resultados registrados soportan H1 y H2 y arrojan interesantes resultados para seguir analizando las diferencias entre los recursos usados.