Days: Sunday, June 24th Monday, June 25th Tuesday, June 26th Wednesday, June 27th Thursday, June 28th Friday, June 29th
Sunday, June 24th
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Monday, June 25th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-09:10 Session 1: Opening Remarks
Location: Convention Hall
09:00 | Opening Remark by the President of Kobe University (abstract) |
09:10-10:25 Session 2: Plenary Talks: Overview by Countries (1)
Location: Convention Hall
09:10 | Spacecraft Charging Study in Japan (abstract) |
09:35 | USA Overview (abstract) |
10:00 | Present Day Status of Spacecraft Charging Investigations in Russia (abstract) |
10:25-10:40Coffee Break
10:40-11:55 Session 3: Plenary Talks: Overview by Countries (2)
Location: Convention Hall
10:40 | Overview of Activities Europe-wide and in France (abstract) |
11:05 | Status of Spacecraft Charging Study in China (abstract) |
11:30 | An Overview of Spacecraft Charging Research in India: Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Experiments—SPIX–III (abstract) |
11:55-12:55Lunch Break
12:55-14:55 Session 4A: Poster Session A
Location: Poster Presenting Area
12:55 | P-A-1*: Orbital and Storm Analysis of the Pulsed Electrostatic Tractor using Statical Flux Distributions (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-2: Observations of Frame Charging by the MPS-LO Instrument on GOES-16 (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-3: Updating the Europa Spacecraft Charging Environment (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-4*: Low Earth Orbit Plasma Wake Shaping and Applications to On-Orbit Proximity Operations (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-5: Tools for Understanding On-orbit Satellite Anomalies (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-6: Statistical Study of Surface-charging Events in Aurora Region over One Solar Cycle (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-7*: Development of a Real-time Risk Estimation Method of Spacecraft Surface Charging (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-8: The Impact of Auroral Electron Streams on LEO Polar Satellites as a Source of Charging (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-9: Statistical Analysis of Spacecraft Charging Environment in the Medium Earth Orbit (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-10*: Surface Charging Analysis of the Quasi-Zenith Satellite “MICHIBIKI” (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-11: Prediction of the Outer Radiation Belt Variation by Kalman Filter based on Realtime Data of the Arase Satellite and Dst Index (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-12: The Development of Space Instrumentation for In-situ Measurements of the LEO Environment and Test Facilities for Induced, High-frequency Plasma Instabilities (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-13: Arcing on Solar Generators by Collection of Ionospheric Plasma Currents (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-14: Radiofrequency Interference from Satellite Solar Array Arcing (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-15: Studying Interaction of Hot Magnetospheric Plasma with Spacecraft Solar Array Protective Coating (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-16*: XPS Investigation of the Source of GPS Arc Contamination (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-17*: Mission Report of a Double Langmuir Probe Onboard HORYU-IV Satellite (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-18: Nanosatellite Constellation for 3D Ionosphere Mapping (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-19: Result of Plasma Measurement in HTV during ISS Attached Phase (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-20: LEO Charging of the PICASSO Cubesat and Simulation of the Langmuir Probes Operation (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-21: Charging of geostationary satellite Electro-L2 in the Earth shadow (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-22: Multi-needle Langmuir Probe Operation and Acute Probe Current Susceptibility to Spacecraft Potential (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-23: Internal Charging Issues Met during Electric Orbit Raising (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-24: Measurement of Internal Charge Distribution in Dielectrics under High Energy Electron Irradiation (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-25: Study on Quantitative Evaluation Method for Charging Effect of Orbit Spacecraft (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-26: Influence of Dielectric Charging on Microwave Discharge Process in Microwave Impedance Converter (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-27: A Method of Finding Optimal Parameters of Deep Charging Environmental Indicators by Using Orbital Anomaly Data of GEO Satellite (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-28: Computer Simulations and Experimental Investigation for Heterodyne Characteristics on PCB with the Increased Resistance to Electrostatic Discharges (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-29: (Withdrawn by the Authors) (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-30: Experimental and Numerical Characterizations of Current and Magnetic Fields Produced by Electrostatic Discharge due to Internal Charging (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-31*: Effect of Damage Accumulation in Microcircuits under the Series of IESD (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-32: Internal Charging Simulation for Satellite based on Reverse Monte Carlo Method (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-33: Internal Electrostatic Discharge (iESD) Design Guidelines for Jovian Missions (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-34*: Study of Internal Charging of Polymers through Numerical and Experimental Analyses - Comparison of Different Space used Numerical Tools (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-35: Internal Charging Analysis of a Realistic Experiment with a Dedicated Modelling Chain (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-36: Experimental Study of Deep Dielectric Discharging of Polymer under Energetic Electron Irradiation (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-37: (Moved to Oral Session 12) (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-38: Characteristics of Electron - Hole Pairs Generation in Fluorinated Polymer Irradiated by an Electron (abstract) |
12:55 | P-A-39: Analysis of Deterioration Phenomena on Fluorinated Insulating Material Irradiated by Proton and Electron (abstract) |
12:55-14:25 Session 4B: Mini-oral Session A
Location: Seminar Room
12:55 | Development of a Real-time Risk Estimation Method of Spacecraft Surface Charging (P-A-7) (abstract) |
13:05 | Surface Charging Analysis of the Quasi-Zenith Satellite “MICHIBIKI” (P-A-10) (abstract) |
13:15 | Low Earth Orbit Plasma Wake Shaping and Applications to On-Orbit Proximity Operations (P-A-4) (abstract) |
13:25 | Orbital and Storm Analysis of the Pulsed Electrostatic Tractor using Statical Flux Distributions (P-A-1) (abstract) |
13:35 | Study of Internal Charging of Polymers through Numerical and Experimental Analyses - Comparison of Different Space used Numerical Tools (P-A-34) (abstract) |
13:45 | An Efficient Hybrid Approach for the Reduction of Secondary Electron Yield (P-C-31) (abstract) |
13:55 | XPS Investigation of the Source of GPS Arc Contamination (P-A-16) (abstract) |
14:05 | Mission Report of a Double Langmuir Probe Onboard HORYU-IV Satellite (P-A-17) (abstract) |
14:55-16:35 Session 5: Space Weather & Charging
Location: Convention Hall
14:55 | Suppression of Local Surface Charging on the ERG (Arase) Satellite (abstract) |
15:20 | GOES-R-series Radiation Belt Observations in Support of Internal Charging Alerts and Investigations (abstract) |
15:45 | Trapped Electron Environments of the Outer Planets (abstract) |
16:10 | Physical and Spectrometric Analysis of Electron-Damaged LDPE (abstract) |
16:35-17:00Coffee Break
17:00-18:40 Session 6: Solar Array Plasma Interactions
Location: Convention Hall
17:00 | Evidence for Arcing on the International Space Station Solar Arrays (abstract) |
17:25 | The Case for GPS Arcing and High Satellite Arc Rates (abstract) |
17:50 | Arcing Risk due to Micrometeorite/Debris Impact on Flexible Solar Array with 100V Bus Voltage (abstract) |
18:15 | Semi-analytical Model of the Current Collection by the Interconnects and Cell Edges of High Voltage Solar Panels Exposed to LEO or Thruster Plume Plasma: Numerical Models and Comparison with Experimental Data (abstract) |
Tuesday, June 26th
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09:00-10:15 Session 7: On-Orbit Investigations & Nano-Satellite (1)
Location: Convention Hall
09:00 | Charging Behavior of the H-II Transfer Vehicle by Active Electron Emission (abstract) |
09:25 | Improved Determination of Plasma Density Based on Spacecraft Potential of the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission under Active Potential Control (abstract) |
09:50 | AMBER, The French Plasma Monitor onboard JASON3 (abstract) |
10:15-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-11:45 Session 8: On-Orbit Investigations & Nano-Satellite (2)
Location: Convention Hall
10:30 | High Voltage Experiment Mission Results of HORYU-IV (abstract) |
10:55 | Photoelectron Emission Current In-Situ Measurement of Space Material in Low Earth Orbit (abstract) |
11:20 | Correlations of Volatile Space Charging Environments with Aerospace Mechanism Friction Anomalies (abstract) |
11:45-12:45Lunch Break
12:45-14:45 Session 9A: Poster Session B
Location: Poster Presenting Area
12:45 | P-B-1: The Research of Small Space Debris Impact Inducing Discharge on High Voltage (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-2: Laboratory Investigations of Electrostatic Discharge on Insulating Materials in Dusty Plasma (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-3: Materials Charging Investigations for Solar Orbiter (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-4: Electrostatic Discharges from Conductive Thermal Coatings (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-5: Plasma Plume Interaction with Chamber Walls during On ground Experiments: SPIS-EP Simulations and Comparison with Experiments (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-6: Wireless Antenna Detection of Electrostatic Discharge Events (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-7: Surface Potential Measurement of Coverglass using Electron Beam and Ultraviolet as Charging Method (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-8: 3D Printed Molybdenum for Grids and Keeper Electrodes in Ion Thruster (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-9*: Hybrid Fluid-Particle Plasma Modeling of a Radio-Frequency Gridded Ion Thruster (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-10: Model and Experimental Validation of Spacecraft-thruster Interactions for Electric Propulsion Thruster Plumes (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-11: Effect of Periodic Attitude Libration on Long-term Orbital Dynamics of the Electrodynamic Tether System (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-12: Measurements of Backflow Ions from Ion Thruster for Evaluation of Surface Erosion on HAYABUSA2 (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-13: Energy Measurement of Backflow Ions from Ion Thruster for Estimation of Erosion Rate on HAYABUSA2 Surface Material (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-14: Current Measurement of Backflow Ions from Ion Thruster for Estimation of Erosion Rate on HAYABUSA2 Surface Material (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-15: Plume Potential Analysis for Ion Thruster Varying Spacecraft Potential by a Three-dimensional Electrostatic Full Particle Code (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-16: Testing and Simulation of the µCAT Plasma Plume (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-17*: Effects of the Two-grid Optics on a Mini Gridded Helicon Ion Thruster (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-18: Design and Experiment of Hollow-Cathode Plasma Contactor by a Kind of Criterion (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-19: Instability of Potential Oscillations for Different Type and Current Hollow Cathode (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-20: Electron Current Measurement of Electrodynamic Tether with Eliminating Current Collection at Tether Edge (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-21: Prototype Design of Surface Arc Thruster (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-22: Analytic Expressions of Current Collection Behavior for a Cuboid Spacecraft in a Drifting Plasma and Preparing for Tethered CubeSat Experiments, the MiTEE Mission (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-23: Development of Vacuum Arc Thruster with Plasma Interaction Ignition for Nanosatellite (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-24: Particle Simulation on the Electromagnetic Environment of Ion Thruster Beam Neutralization (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-25: Plasma Particle Simulation of ECR Plasma Generation in Air Breathing Ion Engine (ABIE) (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-26: Electrostatic Dust Transportation due to Secondary Electron Emission and Surface Electric Field above the Lunar Terminator (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-27: (Withdrawn by the Authors) (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-28*: Laboratory Investigations of Dusty Spacesuit Arcing in Plasma (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-29*: Numerical Simulation of Charged Dust Transport around Irregularly Shaped Small Asteroids (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-30: Ground Testing and Modelling of Dust Charging and Adhesion (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-31: Techniques for Evaluating the Risk of Internal Space Charging on Long Time-Scale Orbits (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-32: Hybrid PIC Code for Active Shielding Demonstration Inspired from Magneto Plasma Sail (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-33: Comparison of Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Variations at Quasi-Zenith Orbit Based on Michibiki Observation and REPPU Global MHD Simulation (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-34: Plume Structure Study of Cathodic Plasma Contactor (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-35: Transformation of Energy and Charge Deposition Profiles between Normally Incident and Isotropically Incident Electrons for Various Materials (abstract) |
12:45 | P-B-36: Electron Range Computational Tool for Arbitrary Materials over a Wide Energy Range (abstract) |
12:45-14:15 Session 9B: Mini-oral Session (2)
Location: Seminar Room
12:45 | Hybrid Fluid-Particle Plasma Modeling of a Radio-Frequency Gridded Ion Thruster (P-B-9) (abstract) |
12:55 | Numerical Simulation of Charged Dust Transport around Irregularly Shaped Small Asteroids (P-B-29) (abstract) |
13:05 | Laboratory Investigations of Dusty Spacesuit Arcing in Plasma (P-B-28) (abstract) |
13:15 | Effect of Damage Accumulation in Microcircuits under the Series of IESD (P-A-31) (abstract) |
13:25 | On the Use of a Detailed Electron Emission Model for Spacecraft Charging at Low Energy (P-C-17) (abstract) |
13:35 | Remote Sensing of Spacecraft Electrostatic Potential using Secondary Electrons (P-C-28) (abstract) |
13:45 | Simulations of the Rosetta Spacecraft Interaction with Comet Plasma (P-C-4) (abstract) |
13:55 | Effects of the Two-grid Optics on a Mini Gridded Helicon Ion Thruster (P-B-17) (abstract) |
14:45-16:00 Session 10: Ground Testing
Location: Convention Hall
14:45 | Arc Plasma Propagation and Arc Current Profiles (abstract) |
15:10 | Electrostatic Testing of Multilayer Insulation for In-Space Cryogenic Vehicles (abstract) |
15:35 | Test Set-up Review for Arcing Test on New Solar Array Generation (abstract) |
16:00-16:15Coffee Break
16:15-17:30 Session 11: Internal Charging (1)
Location: Convention Hall
16:15 | Transient Characteristics of Charging Effects due to E-beam Irradiation: A Method of Charging Balance Mode (abstract) |
16:40 | Simulation of the Effect of Time-Dependent Electron Environment on the Internal Charging Dynamic using SPIS-IC (abstract) |
17:05 | Spacecraft Inner Charging Simulation of the Electronics Devices Plastic Cases (abstract) |
17:30-17:45Coffee Break
17:45-19:00 Session 12: Internal Charging (2)
Location: Convention Hall
17:45 | Validation of Internal Charging Tools with REEF data (abstract) |
18:10 | Electric-Orbit-Raising Induced Deep Charging Requirement and Analysis of External Satellite Harness with Shields (abstract) |
18:35 | Long Term Charge Buildup and Dissipation in Spacecraft Materials (abstract) |
Wednesday, June 27th
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09:00-10:40 Session 13: Plasma Propulsion and Tethers
Location: Convention Hall
09:00 | The Breakdown of the Fluid Approximation for Electrons in Mesothermal Plasma Expansion and Its Implications on Plasma Plume/Wake Models (abstract) |
09:25 | Coupling of a All-electric Spacecraft with its Plasma Plume and its Environment (abstract) |
09:50 | Development of a Three-dimensional Electrostatic Code for Hall Thruster Plume and Spacecraft Interaction Analysis (abstract) |
10:15 | Study on Lorentz Force Characteristics of Electrodynamic Tether System Based on Hollow Cathode (abstract) |
10:40-10:55Coffee Break
10:55-12:20 Session 14: Plenary Talk & Charging of Dusts and Small Bodies in Space
Location: Convention Hall
10:55 | *PLENARY TALK: The Effects of Dust Charging in Space and the Laboratory (abstract) |
11:30 | Numerical Modelling of the Lunar Exosphere and Lunar Lander Interactions with SPIS-DUST (abstract) |
11:55 | The Effect of Plasma Cloud Expansion Associated with Dust Impacts (abstract) |
Thursday, June 28th
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09:00-10:15 Session 15: Theory, Modeling and Computer Simulations (1)
Location: Convention Hall
09:00 | Modeling Surface Charging for NASA's Europa Clipper Mission (abstract) |
09:25 | High-fidelity Multi-Length Scale Modeling of Spacecraft Charging in GEO Orbit (abstract) |
09:50 | Advanced Numerical Schemes Implemented in SPIS to Improve the Accuracy of the Description of the Dense Cold and Drifting Plasma Populations (abstract) |
10:15-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-11:45 Session 16: Theory, Modeling and Computer Simulations (2)
Location: Convention Hall
10:30 | Impact of Miniaturized Fixed-bias Multi-Needle Langmuir Probes on CubeSats (abstract) |
10:55 | Simulation of the Electrostatic Environment of the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (abstract) |
11:20 | Numerical Simulation of Spacecraft Charging Processes in Time-varying Plasma Environment (abstract) |
11:45-12:45Lunch Break
12:45-14:45 Session 17: Poster Session C
Location: Poster Presenting Area
12:45 | P-C-1: Simulation and Analysis of the SMILE Charging using SPIS (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-2: Spacecraft Surface Charging Simulation based on 3D Electrostatic PIC Model (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-3: Simulations of Non-ideal Effects In Langmuir Probe Measurements (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-4*: Simulations of the Rosetta Spacecraft Interaction with Comet Plasma (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-5: Improvement of the Spacecraft-Plasma Interaction Software (SPIS) with a New Versatile Architecture and Enhanced Modeling Capabilities for Electric Propulsion (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-6: (Moved to Oral Session 15) (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-7: Wake Formation behind Small Satellites (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-8: Differential Charging Estimation of Spacecraft in Single and Double Maxwellian Plasma Environment (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-9: Current Status of MUSCAT (Multi-Utility Spacecraft Charging analysis tools) (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-10: Particle Simulation Analysis of Spacecraft Charging Processes in Plasma Wave Environment (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-11: Numerical Study on the Plasma Disturbance an Charging Processes by Booms of an Ionospheric Rocket (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-12: Numerical Study on Plasma Disturbance near a Low-Earth Orbit Satellite (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-13: Charging Characteristics of Electron Irradiated Polyimide Film under Cryogenic Temperature (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-14: The Secondary Electron Emission Properties and the Influence on Charging Potentials (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-15: A Consideration of Degradation of Polymeric Materials in Sub-Low Earth Orbit Space Environment (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-16: Development of a Pulsed Supersonic Valve Aimed for Martian Atmospheric Simulation (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-17*: On the Use of a Detailed Electron Emission Model for Spacecraft Charging at Low Energy (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-18: Modification of Charge Body Migration in LDPE as a Result of Electron Radiation Exposure. (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-19: Effect of Plume Interaction with Spacecraft Materials on Electron Emission Properties and Electrical Characteristics (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-20: Dielectric Charging Mechanisms Involved in the Non-typical Electron Emission Yield Observed for Thin Dielectric Layers (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-21: Secondary Electron Yield Measurements of Carbon Nanotube Forests: Dependence on Morphology and Substrate (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-22: Charging Analysis with Changing the Satellite Surface Material Property due to Space Environment (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-23: Construction of Measurement System for Carrier Mobility in Insulating Materials for Spacecraft (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-24: Measurements of the Intrinsic Electron Yield of Highly Insulating Materials (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-25: Parameterization of Secondary and Backscattered Electron Yields for Spacecraft Charging (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-26: Electron Yield of Carbon-Composite Nanodielectric Material (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-27: Method for Touchless Determination of Electrostatic Potential and Material Composition for Spacecraft (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-28*: Remote Sensing of Spacecraft Electrostatic Potential using Secondary Electrons (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-29: Detailed Charging Analysis of Exposed KAPTON in GSAT-19 (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-30: Concerning of the Spacecraft Charging for Space Debris Removal and Orbital Services (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-31*: An Efficient Hybrid Approach for the Reduction of Secondary Electron Yield (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-32: Dielectric Barriers for Arc Mitigation (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-33: Enabling Electron Beam Use in Tenuous Space Plasmas using Plasma Contactors: the Ion Emission Model (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-34: Dynamic Attenuation of Secondary Electrons Emission Yield of Fluorinated Polyimide Films (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-35: Significance of Shielding Kernel Selection for Spacecraft Charging Assessments (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-36: Improved Spacecraft Charging Roadmaps Developed to Support User Community Needs (abstract) |
12:45 | P-C-37: Testing Materials under Electron Spectra Representative of GEO Worst-case Environments for Surface Charging (abstract) |
14:45-16:25 Session 18: Material Properties (1)
Location: Convention Hall
14:45 | The Suppression of Spacecraft Charging based on Nanographene Composite (abstract) |
15:10 | Worst-case Surface Charging: On the Importance of Measuring the Electron Emission Yield under Representative Environmental Conditions (abstract) |
15:35 | Electrical Ageing of Polymers under Space Radiation Environment (abstract) |
16:00 | Analysis of Charge Accumulation Phenomena by Physicochemical Analysis for Fluorinated Polymer Films Irradiated by Proton (abstract) |
16:25-16:50Coffee Break
16:50-18:30 Session 19: Material Properties (2)
Location: Convention Hall
16:50 | Radiation-induced Conductivity in Kapton-like Polymers Featuring Conductivity Rising with Accumulating Dose (abstract) |
17:15 | Conductivity of Thermal Control White Paints as a Function of Temperature and Surface Voltage (abstract) |
17:40 | Time Evolved Constant Voltage Conductivity Measurements of Common Spaceborn Polymeric Materials (abstract) |
18:05 | Spacecraft Charging Material Properties Database (abstract) |
Friday, June 29th
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09:00-10:40 Session 20: Charging and Arcing Mitigation
Location: Convention Hall
09:00 | Quantifying Spacecraft Specific Surface-Charging Risk in Geostationary Orbit (abstract) |
09:25 | Preventing Electrostatic Discharge in the Mars 2020 PIXL X-Ray Tube (abstract) |
09:50 | Study on a Method of Stabilizing the Electron Emission of ELFs-charm (abstract) |
10:15 | The Defending Film of LEO Spacecraft High-voltage Solar Array Charging Effect (abstract) |
10:40-10:55Coffee Break
10:55-11:45 Session 21: Standards
Location: Convention Hall
10:55 | Guidelines for Space Weather Research and Operation discussed in Space Weather Expert Group (SWEG) in UNCOPUOS /LTS WG (abstract) |
11:20 | Spacecraft Potential Estimation in Worst Case Environment (abstract) |
11:45-12:00 Session 22: Poster Award Presentation & Closing Remark
Location: Convention Hall
11:45 | Poster Award Presentation (abstract) |
11:55 | Closing Remark by the Chair of SCTC2018 (abstract) |