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12:55-14:55 Session 4A: Poster Session A
12:55 P-A-1*: Orbital and Storm Analysis of the Pulsed Electrostatic Tractor using Statical Flux Distributions
12:55 P-A-2: Observations of Frame Charging by the MPS-LO Instrument on GOES-16
12:55 P-A-3: Updating the Europa Spacecraft Charging Environment
12:55 P-A-4*: Low Earth Orbit Plasma Wake Shaping and Applications to On-Orbit Proximity Operations
12:55 P-A-5: Tools for Understanding On-orbit Satellite Anomalies
12:55 P-A-6: Statistical Study of Surface-charging Events in Aurora Region over One Solar Cycle
12:55 P-A-7*: Development of a Real-time Risk Estimation Method of Spacecraft Surface Charging
12:55 P-A-8: The Impact of Auroral Electron Streams on LEO Polar Satellites as a Source of Charging
12:55 P-A-9: Statistical Analysis of Spacecraft Charging Environment in the Medium Earth Orbit
12:55 P-A-10*: Surface Charging Analysis of the Quasi-Zenith Satellite “MICHIBIKI”
12:55 P-A-11: Prediction of the Outer Radiation Belt Variation by Kalman Filter based on Realtime Data of the Arase Satellite and Dst Index
12:55 P-A-12: The Development of Space Instrumentation for In-situ Measurements of the LEO Environment and Test Facilities for Induced, High-frequency Plasma Instabilities
12:55 P-A-13: Arcing on Solar Generators by Collection of Ionospheric Plasma Currents
12:55 P-A-14: Radiofrequency Interference from Satellite Solar Array Arcing
12:55 P-A-15: Studying Interaction of Hot Magnetospheric Plasma with Spacecraft Solar Array Protective Coating
12:55 P-A-16*: XPS Investigation of the Source of GPS Arc Contamination
12:55 P-A-17*: Mission Report of a Double Langmuir Probe Onboard HORYU-IV Satellite
12:55 P-A-18: Nanosatellite Constellation for 3D Ionosphere Mapping
12:55 P-A-19: Result of Plasma Measurement in HTV during ISS Attached Phase
12:55 P-A-20: LEO Charging of the PICASSO Cubesat and Simulation of the Langmuir Probes Operation
12:55 P-A-21: Charging of geostationary satellite Electro-L2 in the Earth shadow
12:55 P-A-22: Multi-needle Langmuir Probe Operation and Acute Probe Current Susceptibility to Spacecraft Potential
12:55 P-A-23: Internal Charging Issues Met during Electric Orbit Raising
12:55 P-A-24: Measurement of Internal Charge Distribution in Dielectrics under High Energy Electron Irradiation
12:55 P-A-25: Study on Quantitative Evaluation Method for Charging Effect of Orbit Spacecraft
12:55 P-A-26: Influence of Dielectric Charging on Microwave Discharge Process in Microwave Impedance Converter
12:55 P-A-27: A Method of Finding Optimal Parameters of Deep Charging Environmental Indicators by Using Orbital Anomaly Data of GEO Satellite
12:55 P-A-28: Computer Simulations and Experimental Investigation for Heterodyne Characteristics on PCB with the Increased Resistance to Electrostatic Discharges
12:55 P-A-29: (Withdrawn by the Authors)
12:55 P-A-30: Experimental and Numerical Characterizations of Current and Magnetic Fields Produced by Electrostatic Discharge due to Internal Charging
12:55 P-A-31*: Effect of Damage Accumulation in Microcircuits under the Series of IESD
12:55 P-A-32: Internal Charging Simulation for Satellite based on Reverse Monte Carlo Method
12:55 P-A-33: Internal Electrostatic Discharge (iESD) Design Guidelines for Jovian Missions
12:55 P-A-34*: Study of Internal Charging of Polymers through Numerical and Experimental Analyses - Comparison of Different Space used Numerical Tools
12:55 P-A-35: Internal Charging Analysis of a Realistic Experiment with a Dedicated Modelling Chain
12:55 P-A-36: Experimental Study of Deep Dielectric Discharging of Polymer under Energetic Electron Irradiation
12:55 P-A-37: (Moved to Oral Session 12)
12:55 P-A-38: Characteristics of Electron - Hole Pairs Generation in Fluorinated Polymer Irradiated by an Electron
12:55 P-A-39: Analysis of Deterioration Phenomena on Fluorinated Insulating Material Irradiated by Proton and Electron
12:55-14:25 Session 4B: Mini-oral Session A
12:55 Development of a Real-time Risk Estimation Method of Spacecraft Surface Charging (P-A-7)
13:05 Surface Charging Analysis of the Quasi-Zenith Satellite “MICHIBIKI” (P-A-10)
13:15 Low Earth Orbit Plasma Wake Shaping and Applications to On-Orbit Proximity Operations (P-A-4)
13:25 Orbital and Storm Analysis of the Pulsed Electrostatic Tractor using Statical Flux Distributions (P-A-1)
13:35 Study of Internal Charging of Polymers through Numerical and Experimental Analyses - Comparison of Different Space used Numerical Tools (P-A-34)
13:45 An Efficient Hybrid Approach for the Reduction of Secondary Electron Yield (P-C-31)
13:55 XPS Investigation of the Source of GPS Arc Contamination (P-A-16)
14:05 Mission Report of a Double Langmuir Probe Onboard HORYU-IV Satellite (P-A-17)
14:55-16:35 Session 5: Space Weather & Charging
14:55 Suppression of Local Surface Charging on the ERG (Arase) Satellite
15:20 GOES-R-series Radiation Belt Observations in Support of Internal Charging Alerts and Investigations
15:45 Trapped Electron Environments of the Outer Planets
16:10 Physical and Spectrometric Analysis of Electron-Damaged LDPE
17:00-18:40 Session 6: Solar Array Plasma Interactions
17:00 Evidence for Arcing on the International Space Station Solar Arrays
17:25 The Case for GPS Arcing and High Satellite Arc Rates
17:50 Arcing Risk due to Micrometeorite/Debris Impact on Flexible Solar Array with 100V Bus Voltage
18:15 Semi-analytical Model of the Current Collection by the Interconnects and Cell Edges of High Voltage Solar Panels Exposed to LEO or Thruster Plume Plasma: Numerical Models and Comparison with Experimental Data