Days: Tuesday, June 19th Wednesday, June 20th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Magnus Frodigh
Head of Ericsson Research
Abstract:The coming 5G networks will be a platform for a large number of communication applications. Higher data rates, shorter latencies, quality of service and security will accommodate many more demands than just voice communication and internet access. With a cloud moving towards the edge, compute and storage resources will move closer to the end user – or maybe we should say “end machine”, as we will se 5G coming into play in many industrial applications where for instance robot control loops can take place wirelessly over 5G
10:20 | Autonomous cooperative flight of rigidly attached quadcopters ( abstract ) |
10:40 | Cooperative UAVs as a tool for aerial inspection of the aging infrastructure ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Verification of cooperative maneuvers in flightgear ( abstract ) |
11:20 | Bar stabilization tethered to two non-identical aerial vehicles ( abstract ) |
11:40 | Guidance, navigation and control design for the e.Deorbit space debris removal mission ( abstract ) |
10:20 | Control-engineering perspective on deep brain stimulation: Revisited ( abstract ) |
10:40 | Identification of planar human movement using kinematic constraints and inertial sensors ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Data-driven modelling of pelvic floor muscles dynamics ( abstract ) |
11:20 | Reducing the human effort for human-robot cooperative object manipulation via control design ( abstract ) |
11:40 | Multi-sensor hearing aid research ( abstract ) |
10:20 | Identification of rational regression models ( abstract ) |
10:40 | Comparing water treatment topologies in recirculating aquaculture plants ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Poly-pathway dynamic models of the production process of therapeutic drug protein ( abstract ) |
11:20 | Light spectrum optimization for plant growth using biological feedback ( abstract ) ![]() |
11:40 | Attractivity of the synchronous mode in hybrid observers for the impulsive Goodwin's oscillator subject to harmonic exogenous excitation ( abstract ) |
10:20 | Computation of rational parameter dependent Lyapunov functions for LPV systems ( abstract ) ![]() |
10:40 | Sliding mode control for hydraulic actuated cranes. ( abstract ) |
11:00 | On stability for state-lattice trajectory tracking control ( abstract ) |
11:20 | Restricted-complexity characterization of control-invariant domains with application to lateral vehicle dynamics control ( abstract ) |
11:40 | Feedback linearization compared to Jacobian linearization for LQ control of an industrial manipulator ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Minimizing long vehicles overhang exceeding the drivable surface via convex path optimization ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Probabilistic controlled invariant set ( abstract ) |
13:00 | On estimating a nonlinear model of a quadcopter ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Quantifying the impact of cyber-attacks for control systems equipped with an anomaly detector ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Application of a linear PEM estimator to a stochastic Wiener-Hammerstein benchmark problem ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Nonlinear FIR identification with model order reduction Steiglitz-McBride ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Cloud application predictability through integrated load-balancing and service time control ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Abstraction refinement for control synthesis: a discrete-time hybridization approach ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Gait parameters learning for improved pedestrian dead reckoning algorithm ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Positioning in NB-IoT systems based on observed TDOA measurements ( abstract ) |
13:00 | A Graph-theoretic approach to the H_{\infty} performance of dynamical systems on directed and undirected networks ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Residual based iterations and rational Krylov for generalized Lyapunov equations ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Discretization and tuning of nonlinear PID controllers ( abstract ) |
13:00 | State-dependent data queuing in shared-resource networked control systems ( abstract ) |
13:00 | A user-friendly implementation of the extended Rao-Blackwellized particle filter ( abstract ) |
13:00 | A new method of scaling the gramian based input-output pairing methods for improved results ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Informative path planning with Gaussian target distributions ( abstract ) |
13:00 | A relative trajectory estimation algorithm based on orthogonal decomposition ( abstract ) |
13:00 | On control structure design for a walking beam furnace ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Dynamic models for the formal verification of big data applications via stochastic model checking ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Tracking and sensor fusion in direction of arrival estimation using optimal mass transport ( abstract ) |
13:00 | On event-based sampling for LQG-optimal control ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Compositional optimization of discrete event systems ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Developing concept inventory tests for Electrical Engineering (CITE): extractable information, early results, and learned lessons ( abstract ) |
13:00 | An algorithm for computing explicit expressions for orthogonal projections onto subspaces of finite games ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Parallel exploitation for tree-structured coupled QP solver in Julia ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Learning localized spatio-temporal models from streaming data ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Single-pass observation update of smoothing posterior ( abstract ) |
13:00 | How consistent is my model with the data? Information-theoretic model check ( abstract ) |
15:00 | The Electrolux Pure i9 robotic vacuum cleaner - a peek under the hood ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Towards autonomous surveying of underground mine using MAVs ( abstract ) |
15:40 | Combining homotopy methods and numerical optimal control to solve motion planning problems ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Energy and peak-power optimization of existing time-optimal robot trajectories ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Modelling and control of a tilt-wing unmanned aerial vehicle ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Detection and control of contact force transients in robotic manipulation without a force sensor ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Model predictive supervisory control for in-use emission compliance of heavy-duty vehicles ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Decentralized traffic light control with dynamic cycle length ( abstract ) |
15:40 | A safety zone based approach for effective and secure traffic control at intersections ( abstract ) |
16:00 | On the convergence of driver centric zone pricing for traffic networks ( abstract ) ![]() |
16:20 | Safety analysis for controller handover in mobile systems ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Experimental validation of a distributed MPC strategy for automated cars at intersections ( abstract ) |
15:00 | On model selection for high dimensional linear regressions ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Convex bounds for equation error in stable nonlinear identification ( abstract ) |
15:40 | An asymptotically optimal indirect approach to continuous-time system identification ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Closed-Loop identification using instruments simulated from nonlinear models ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Regularized parametric system identification: a decision-theoretic formulation ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Parametric system identication with least-squares methods ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Formal guarantees and evaluation of a event-driven bandwidth allocation scheme for camera networks ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Time-constrained multi-agent task scheduling ( abstract ) |
15:40 | Resource control of a network of smart services hosting automation applications ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Privacy-aware minimum error probability estimation: an entropy constrained approach ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Collective decision-making in multiagent networks ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Multi-agent formation control for circumnavigation of dynamic shapes ( abstract ) |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Alexandre Proutiere
Professor in the Department of Automatic Control, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Abstract: Real-world Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems often concern dynamical systems with large state and action spaces. For such systems, it is essential to identify and exploit any structural property of the system dynamics and reward function. Leveraging a known structure in turn may help minimizing the exploration of sub-optimal (state, action) pairs, and speed up the learning process. Modern RL algorithms actually implicitly impose some structure either in the model parameters (transition probabilities and reward function) or directly in the Q-function. Despite the successes of these recent algorithms, our understanding of structured RL problems remains limited. In this talk, we provide an overview of both theoretical and practical methods developed recently to tackle large-scale structured RL problems, and list important remaining challenges in the field.
10:00 | Control for Autonomous Heavy Duty Vehicles and Buses ( abstract ) |
10:20 | System-level simulation for electric vehicles: an active safety case ( abstract ) |
10:40 | Predictive velocity control in a hilly terrain over long look-ahead horizons ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Optimal speed control of a heavy-duty vehicle in the presence of traffc lights ( abstract ) |
11:20 | Design and formal verification of a safestop supervisor for an automated vehicle ( abstract ) |
11:40 | Path Planning using convex optimization for automated driving in urban settings ( abstract ) |
10:00 | Linearly constrained Gaussian processes ( abstract ) |
10:20 | Gradient compression for communication-limited convex optimization ( abstract ) |
10:40 | Data-driven impulse response regularization via deep learning ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Inverse filtering for linear Gaussian state-space models ( abstract ) |
11:20 | Improving the particle filter in high dimensions using conjugate artificial process noise ( abstract ) |
11:40 | Distributed multi-agent Gaussian regression via finite-dimensional approximations ( abstract ) |
10:00 | Wind estimation in Skeldar V-200 ( abstract ) |
10:20 | On the coherence of large-scale networks with distributed PI and PD control ( abstract ) |
10:40 | Optimal line current limitation of CPLs fed through Input LC filters ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Fundamental performance limitations utilizing HVDC to damp interarea modes ( abstract ) |
11:20 | Adaption of 2-D look-up tables applied to OCV-curves for aged battery cells ( abstract ) |
11:40 | The interconnection of quadratic droop voltage controllers is a Lotka-Volterra system: implications for stability analysis ( abstract ) |
10:00 | Network centrality measures for efficient driver node placement ( abstract ) |
10:20 | LQG control and scheduling co-design for wireless sensor and actuator networks ( abstract ) |
10:40 | Measurement scheduling in networked control systems ( abstract ) |
11:00 | Fast and resource-efficient control of wireless cyber-physical systems ( abstract ) |
11:20 | On the scale free control of mass chains ( abstract ) |
11:40 | Secure patching of an output-feedback controller for a class of nonlinear systems under adversarial attack ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Multi-criteria optimization of PD Controllers for plants including integral action ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Secure binary hypothesis testing: performance metric and sensor deployment strategy ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Calibrated predictive uncertainty in classification with neural networks ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Asymptotic and finite-time almost global attitude tracking: representations free approach ( abstract ) |
13:00 | A risk-theoretical approach to H2-optimal control under covert attacks ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Polynomial nonlinear state-space modeling applied to F-16 aircraft benchmark data ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Control refinement for discrete-time descriptor systems: a behavioural approach via simulation relations ( abstract ) |
13:00 | POLO: POLicy-based optimization library ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Dynamics of mass chains via repeated compositions of Möbius transformations ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Optimal privacy filter for LQG control with a weighted directed information measure ( abstract ) |
13:00 | A refined algorithm for curve fitting by segmented straight lines ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Self-triggered control under actuator delays ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Keeping it Real...Not! ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Economic optimization of paper machines using EMPC ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Fast convex optimization for eigenproblems and beyond ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Anomaly detector metrics for sensor data attacks in control systems ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Server state estimation using event-based particle filtering ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Flexible models for smart maintenance ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Using valued Booleans to find simpler counterexamples in random testing of cyber-physical Systems ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Distributed cooperative model predictive control for on-road autonomous driving ( abstract ) |
Magnus Egerstedt
Executive Director for the Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Professor and the Julian T. Hightower Chair in Systems and Controls in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Abstract: By now, we have a fairly good understanding of how to design coordinated control strategies for making teams of mobile robots achieve geometric objectives in a distributed manner, such as assembling shapes or covering areas. But, the mapping from high-level tasks to these objectives is not particularly well understood. In this talk, we investigate this topic in the context of long-range autonomy, i.e., we consider teams of robots, deployed in an environment over a sustained period of time, that can be recruited to perform a number of different tasks in a distributed, safe, and provably correct manner. This development will involve the composition of multiple barrier certificates for encoding the tasks and safety constraints, as well as a detour into ecology as a way of understanding how persistent environmental monitoring, as a special instantiation of the long-range autonomy concept, can be achieved by studying animals with low-energy life-styles, such as the three-toed sloth.