This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
$ | |
$\mathcal{H}_{\infty}$ performance | |
2 | |
2D look-up tables | |
5 | |
5G | |
A | |
Abstraction Refinement | |
Adaptive control | |
Adaptive Filtering | |
Aerial collaboration | |
Aerial Robotics | |
Aerial transportation | |
Aerospace Control | |
Agents and autonomous systems | |
Algebraic graph theory | |
algorithm abstraction | |
anomaly detectors | |
Application | |
Applied control theory | |
approximation theory | |
Attitude tracking | |
automata | |
Automated Road Vehicles | |
Automatic Control | |
Automatic parameter estimation | |
Autonomous robotic systems | |
Autonomous vehicle | |
Autonomous vehicles | |
average consensus | |
B | |
Bandwidth | |
Batteries | |
Bayesian information criterion | |
Bayesian method | |
Behavioural theory | |
Benchmark problem | |
Big Data | |
Bilinear control systems | |
bioprocess | |
black box | |
Black-box identification | |
Byzantine attacks | |
C | |
Calibration | |
Cameras | |
canonical correlation analysis (CCA) | |
Channel allocation | |
Chebyshev polynomial | |
chlorophyll fluorescence | |
Classification | |
Closed-loop identification | |
closed-loop setup | |
Closed-loop stability | |
cloud | |
Cloud computing | |
Cloud Control | |
cloud robotics | |
Collaborative driving | |
Collaborative transportation | |
Collective decision-making | |
Collision avoidance | |
column generation | |
Complex networks | |
Complex-Valued Systems | |
compositional | |
Concept inventory tests | |
Constraint Control | |
Continuous-time systems | |
Control | |
Control configuration selection | |
Control nonlinearities | |
Control of Computing Systems | |
Control refinement | |
Control Structure Design | |
Control Theory | |
Controllability | |
Controller Handoff | |
Controller Handover | |
Convergence | |
Convergence analysis | |
convex optimisation | |
Convex optimization | |
Cooperative control | |
Cooperative Coverage | |
Courses-concept matrix | |
Covariance model | |
Cruise control | |
cyber-attacks | |
Cyber-Physical Systems | |
cyber-security | |
D | |
Data assimilation | |
Data compression algorithms | |
data-queuing | |
deadline constraints | |
Decentralised control | |
decomposition of finite game | |
Deep Brain Stimulation | |
Deep learning | |
Deep Reinforcement Learning | |
Descriptor systems | |
Diesel engines | |
Directed information | |
Directed networks | |
Direction of arrival | |
Discrete event systems | |
distributed control | |
distributed estimation | |
Distributed Optimization | |
disturbance rejection | |
Dynamic models | |
Dynamic output feedback | |
dynamic process simulation | |
Dynamic Programming | |
Dynamic systems | |
dynamic task scheduling | |
E | |
education | |
EEG | |
Emerging control applications | |
EMPC | |
energy optimization | |
Estimation | |
Estimation and filtering | |
Event-based Estimation | |
Event-based sampling | |
Event-triggered scheduling | |
Exhaust aftertreatment system | |
Extended Kalman Filters | |
Extended Rao-Blackwellized particle filter | |
Eye Tracking | |
F | |
fault detection | |
Feedback linearization | |
Feedback traffic control | |
female sexual dysfunction | |
Flexible joint robotic manipulators | |
Flexible models | |
food production | |
Force control | |
forestry crane | |
Formal verification | |
Formation Control | |
Frequency control | |
Fundamental limitations | |
G | |
Game theory | |
Gaussian processes | |
generalized eigenvalue (GEV)problems | |
Generalized Lyapunov equation | |
genetic optimization | |
global stabily | |
Graceful degradation | |
Gramian | |
Gramian based pairing methods | |
greenhouse illumination | |
group inverse | |
H | |
Hammerstein system | |
harmonic game | |
Hearing Aids | |
Heavy-duty emission legislation | |
high-dimensional inference | |
Hinf control | |
Homotopy Methods | |
hovering | |
Human operator support | |
HVDC transmission control | |
Hybrid Systems | |
hydraulic system | |
I | |
impact analysis | |
Impulse response estimation | |
impulsive systems | |
IMU | |
In-use emission legislation | |
indoor positioning | |
industrial control systems | |
Industrial robots | |
Inertial Sensors | |
Information theory | |
Input output pairing | |
Instrument variable estimation | |
Instrumental variable method | |
Intelligent transportation system | |
Interarea oscillations | |
interconnected systems | |
Invariant Set | |
inverse filtering | |
Inverter drives | |
J | |
Jacobian linearization | |
Julia | |
K | |
Kalman filter | |
kernel-based regularization | |
Kinematics | |
kinetic model | |
L | |
Large Scale Systems | |
Large-scale systems | |
Lasso | |
lead-lag design | |
least-squares identification | |
least-squares methods | |
light emitting diode | |
Linear Gaussian State-Space Model | |
linear parameter varying systems | |
linear reset systems | |
Linear system identification | |
Linear Systems | |
LMI | |
Load-balancing | |
low-level control | |
LQG control | |
Lyapunov functions | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Maintenance engineering | |
MAV | |
Measurement Scheduling | |
mechanical systems | |
MIMO Systems | |
Mining | |
Model Based Design | |
Model Checking | |
Model criticism | |
Model order reduction | |
Model Predictive Control | |
Model selection | |
Model tests | |
Model-driven systems engineering | |
Modeling | |
Motion Planning | |
Multi-agent | |
multi-agent systems | |
multi-rate Kalman filter | |
Multiple equilibria | |
N | |
Narrowband IoT | |
Nash equilibrium | |
Navigation | |
Network analysis | |
network function virtualization | |
Network robustness | |
network-induced delay | |
Networked control | |
Networked control systems | |
Neural network | |
Neuron Models | |
non-linear | |
Nonlinear control | |
Nonlinear model predictive control | |
Nonlinear models | |
Nonlinear system identification | |
Nonlinear systems | |
Nonlinear systems identification | |
nonparametric estimation | |
nonstrategic game | |
Numerical Optimization | |
O | |
observer | |
OCV-curve | |
Offline gear scheduling | |
Online learning | |
Optical Navigation | |
Optimal Control | |
optimal light spectrum | |
Optimal mass transport | |
Optimal power flow | |
Optimization | |
optimization algorithms | |
Optimization problems | |
P | |
Paper machine | |
Parallelization | |
Parameter estimation | |
Parameter identification | |
parametric identification | |
Parametric model | |
Particle Accelerators | |
Particle Filter | |
Path planning | |
PD control | |
Pedestrian dead reckoning | |
performance | |
Performance evaluation | |
Physical Human-Robot Interaction | |
Pinwheel Problem | |
planning | |
Polynomial nonlinear state-space model | |
Portmanteau test | |
Positioning | |
Positive systems | |
Poster preferred | |
potential game | |
Power control | |
power method | |
Power oscillation damping | |
Power system stability | |
Power systems | |
Practical Stability | |
Prediction methods | |
Prediction-Error Method | |
Predictive control | |
Primal-dual interior-point method | |
Privacy | |
Privacy protection | |
probabilistic controlled invariant set | |
Probabilistic model | |
Probabilistic models | |
process optimization | |
progression | |
Q | |
Quadcopters | |
quadratic programming | |
Quantizers | |
R | |
Rao-Blackwellized particle filter | |
Reachability | |
Reachability analysis | |
Real time optimization | |
recirculating aquaculture | |
reconstruction | |
Recursive Least Squares | |
regularization | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
Relative Gain Array | |
Reliability analysis | |
resilient systems | |
Resource management | |
Risk | |
risk assessment | |
Robotics | |
robustness | |
Route choice | |
S | |
Safe Stop | |
Safety Analysis | |
Sampled data | |
sampled-data control | |
Satellite control applications | |
Scale Free Control | |
Schedulability | |
Secure detection | |
security | |
Security of cyber-physical systems | |
Self-Triggered Control | |
Sensor deployment | |
Sensor fusion | |
sensor networks | |
Sensor scheduling | |
Sequential Monte Carlo | |
Sequential quadratic programming | |
Signed graphs | |
Simulation | |
Simulation relations | |
Single-Pass Update | |
sliding mode control | |
Small-signal stability | |
smart manufacturing | |
Smoother | |
Spacecraft autonomy | |
sparse estimation | |
Sparse Regression | |
Spatio-temporal | |
Spectral estimation | |
speed control | |
Stability | |
state lattice | |
State-space models | |
stochastic control systems | |
stochastic convex optimization | |
Stochastic game | |
Stochastic Hybrid Systems | |
stochastic invariance | |
stochastic stability | |
Stochastic Systems | |
subset selection | |
Supervision and testing | |
switched systems | |
System identification | |
Systems biology | |
T | |
Target tracking | |
Tethered transportation | |
Tilt-Wing | |
Time-varying systems | |
Trade-off | |
Traffic light control | |
trajectory optimization | |
Trend Filtering | |
U | |
UAV | |
UAVs | |
uncertain linear systems | |
Underground Mines | |
Unmanned aerial system | |
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | |
Urban traffic control | |
Urban traffic networks | |
V | |
Vehicle Platoons | |
Verification and abstraction of hybrid systems | |
Visual Inspection | |
Visualization | |
W | |
Walking Beam Furnace | |
wastewater treatment | |
Wiener-Hammerstein | |
Wireless Control | |
Wireless sensor networks | |
Z | |
Zone pricing |