This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(trans)local citizenship | |
1 | |
1500 | |
1600 | |
1600-tal | |
1700 | |
1700-tall | |
1900 | |
1900-talet | |
1914-1917 | |
1917 och 2017 | |
1930s | |
1940s | |
19th and 20th century | |
19th century | |
2 | |
2. verdenskrig | |
2000-talets historie | |
20th century | |
20th-century Finland | |
A | |
academia | |
Activism | |
adel | |
adfærdstilpasning | |
Administration af kirker | |
adolescents | |
Age of Reformation | |
Age of Revolution | |
agrarkris / agrarian crisis | |
agrarsamhälle / agrarian society | |
Aktørskab | |
alcohol | |
Americanization | |
Ancient historiography | |
Ancient Roman history | |
Anthropocene | |
Anti-communism | |
anti-tuberculosis work | |
Anticlericalism | |
antiquarianism | |
Antiziganism | |
Arbetarrörelsen | |
Archives | |
arkitekt | |
ars moriendi | |
art travels | |
Atlantvolden | |
autenticitet | |
Authenticity | |
authority | |
Autobiography | |
autoritet | |
B | |
Baltic states | |
bankhistorie | |
befolkning och åldrande | |
befolkningsförändring | |
Begreppsutveckling | |
behavioral ideals | |
belief in society | |
Besættelsen i Danmark 1940-1945 | |
Bildning | |
Biografiserende materiale | |
Biographies | |
biography | |
Bishop | |
Blasphemy | |
body | |
branding | |
Byhistorie | |
Bödlar | |
C | |
Cassius Dio | |
Catholic Church | |
censur | |
central middle ages | |
Central Person Registry | |
Centralisation | |
children | |
China | |
Church history | |
Churchordinance | |
cirkulation | |
Citizen movements | |
Citizen Science | |
citizenship | |
civilisationsformer | |
Civilt och militärt | |
Clergy | |
co-production of policy and research | |
Cognitive values | |
Cold War | |
Cold War historiography | |
cold war scandinavia | |
Collaboration | |
collective memory | |
colonialism | |
Commercial culture | |
commodification of nature | |
Communication | |
Comparative | |
comparative history | |
Competition regulation | |
Computers in society | |
Conceptual History | |
Confessional Culture | |
Confessionalisation | |
conflict | |
Consuls | |
Consumer co-operatives | |
Consumer credit | |
Consumption | |
Contemporary History | |
Copper | |
Corporate Social Responsibility | |
court records | |
credit markets | |
crises | |
critical thinking | |
Critique of religion | |
Crowdsourcing | |
Crusade | |
crusades | |
cultural contact | |
Cultural Diplomacy | |
cultural heritage | |
Cultural History | |
Cultural Memory | |
cultural memory studies | |
cultural radicalism | |
culture | |
curriculum | |
D | |
Danish West Indies | |
danmark | |
Danmarkshistorie | |
decolonization | |
democracy | |
Democratization | |
Demokratisk kompetanse | |
Den andra reformationen | |
Den kolde krig | |
Den svenska arbetarklassens historia | |
Denmark | |
depositions | |
det digimoderne samfunn | |
Development aid | |
dialog: dansk tidsskrift for kultur | |
Diaspora | |
didaktik | |
digital archive | |
Digital history | |
digital humaniora | |
Digital Humanities | |
digital memory | |
Digital records | |
digitalrevolusjonen | |
Digitization | |
Disability | |
discourse | |
djurhållning / animal husbandry | |
documentation | |
domkapittel | |
Drakt | |
Dramatisme | |
Drikkevaner | |
drinking culture | |
dystopia | |
E | |
early modern Europe | |
early modern period | |
early modern Sweden | |
early modern times | |
early modernity | |
early-modern families | |
East West Controversy | |
economic and bsuiness history history | |
economic and business history | |
Economic history | |
Economic inequality | |
economic transformation | |
Economy | |
Education | |
educational exchange | |
Educational history | |
Educational reform | |
Eighteenth century | |
Electronic Data Processing (EDP) | |
Ellen Key | |
emballage | |
emotional community | |
encyclopedias | |
encyclopedic | |
encyclopedism | |
energy | |
Enlightenment | |
Environment | |
environmental history | |
Erindring | |
ethics | |
Ethos | |
Europæisk integration | |
exile / diaspora | |
expeditions | |
experience | |
expertise | |
Expertise in history | |
Experts | |
F | |
faith | |
Familjeförsörjarmodell | |
family | |
family economy | |
Family planning | |
Famines | |
Fascism | |
Fattiga främlingar | |
Feilbarlige prester | |
Feminism | |
Feminisme | |
Field Survey Corps | |
Finansiell utveckling | |
Finland | |
Finland och Sverige | |
Finlands reformator | |
folk beliefs | |
Folkerett | |
forbrugshistorie | |
Foreign Policy | |
Forskningsetik | |
Fortidsbrug | |
fredspolitikk | |
Freedom of speech | |
Fæstninger | |
förkunskaper | |
förväntningar | |
fødestrategier | |
Følelseshistorie | |
Følelsespraksisser | |
G | |
gay and lesbian | |
GDR | |
gender | |
gender and migration | |
Gender differences | |
gender equality | |
gender history | |
Gender studies | |
Genus | |
Genushistoria | |
global | |
Global history | |
Global supply chain | |
Globalhistorie | |
globalisation | |
Governance | |
government business relations | |
Governmental information technology | |
Great divergence | |
green party | |
Greenland | |
greenland company | |
gruppintervjuer | |
gränsdragningar | |
Guider | |
H | |
habitation | |
healing | |
health | |
health policy | |
Heliga Birgitta | |
helighetsideal | |
Helse | |
Helsinki | |
Hemarbete | |
heritage | |
Heritagization | |
higher education | |
Historians Without Borders (HWB) | |
historical fiction | |
Historical Geographical Information System | |
Historical methodology | |
Historical synthesis | |
Historical thinking | |
historiebevidsthed | |
Historiebevissthet | |
Historiebrug | |
historiebruk | |
Historiedidaktik | |
Historiedidaktikk | |
historieformidling | |
historiekultur | |
Historieteori | |
Historieundervisning | |
historiografi | |
historiography | |
historisk tænkning | |
History and conflict resolution | |
History didactics | |
History exams | |
History of Concepts | |
history of disability | |
History of education | |
history of ideas | |
history of knowledge | |
History of science | |
history of science and ideas | |
History of technology | |
history of the book | |
History of Tourism | |
History politics | |
history seminar | |
history students | |
History teaching | |
history teaching and learning | |
history wars | |
history writing | |
holy war | |
Homogeneity | |
homophiles | |
Household | |
household budget surveys | |
household economy | |
Hub-and-spokes model | |
human rights | |
human rights education | |
Humanism | |
Humanitarianism | |
Hushåll | |
hverdagens genstande | |
Hverdagshistorie | |
I | |
I/S Datacentralen | |
ice trade | |
Iceland | |
Identitet | |
Identitetsdannelse | |
identities | |
Identity | |
ideological education | |
idéhistoria | |
Illicit labour practices | |
Image | |
images | |
Immigrants | |
Immigration | |
Impact | |
indigenous agency | |
individual | |
Inequality | |
inheritance | |
Inkompetanse | |
integrasjon | |
intellectual history | |
intellectuals | |
interactions | |
interface-læring | |
International cartels | |
international Law | |
International Organizations | |
International politics | |
International Relations | |
Interpretive indeterminacy | |
Intersectionality | |
Investeringsstrategier | |
J | |
Japan | |
Jikiri | |
just war | |
Justice | |
K | |
kalla kriget | |
kildekritik | |
kilder | |
Kirke | |
kirkehistorie | |
Kirkeregnskaber | |
Klass | |
Koncentrationslejre | |
Koncentrationslejrfanger | |
Konfessionalisering i praksis | |
Konflikt | |
Konspirationsteorier | |
Korruption | |
Krigets upplevelsehistoria | |
Krigsfinansiering | |
krigsfångar | |
Kriminalitet | |
kristendom | |
Krop | |
Kulturell transformasjon | |
Kulturhistorie | |
kunskapscirkulation | |
kunskapshistoria | |
Kvinnehistorie | |
kvinnohistoria | |
Källor | |
L | |
Labour History | |
laestadianism | |
land | |
Lars Levi Laestadius | |
Laster | |
Late 20th century | |
late medieval Europe | |
Latvian architecture | |
Legislation | |
lesbians | |
life stories | |
Life writing | |
lived religion | |
livsverden | |
Local perspective | |
Lokale samfundsforhold | |
Lovgivning | |
Lutheran Orthodoxy | |
Lutheran reformation | |
Lutheranism | |
Lutherdom | |
Luthersk ortodoksi | |
Lærebokanalyse | |
læringsmiljø | |
M | |
Magi | |
Manipulation | |
maritime history | |
Market potentials | |
Martin Luther | |
Masculinity | |
Materialitet | |
materialitetsteori/den materielle vending | |
Matriculation examination | |
meaning making | |
Medborgarskap | |
medeltid | |
Media | |
Medier | |
Medieval history | |
medieval studies | |
Mediterranean | |
mental maps | |
mercantilism | |
Mercury | |
Metal | |
methodological nationalism | |
metod | |
Metode | |
Middle Ages | |
Migrasjon | |
migration | |
military | |
Military ethos | |
Militärhistoria | |
Militær | |
Miljöhistoria | |
Mining | |
minoriteter | |
Misjon | |
Misjonskollegiet i København | |
Mission | |
mobility | |
modernhistoria | |
Modernisation | |
Modernity | |
modernization | |
monument | |
Motkrefter mot modernisering og opplysning | |
Motstand mot helsefaglige nyvinninger | |
Multikulturalitet i skolen | |
municipalisation | |
municipalities | |
Museer och lärande | |
Museipedagogik | |
museum | |
museum-skoler | |
museumsdidaktik | |
museumspædagogik | |
Music | |
N | |
Narrative | |
Narratives | |
Nasjonsbygging i skolen | |
Nathan Söderblom | |
nation building | |
national history | |
National identity | |
National Socialism | |
nationalisation | |
Nationalism | |
nationsbygge | |
Natural law | |
Nature | |
Nettsted | |
Neutrality | |
NGOs | |
nineteenth-earl-twentieth century | |
Nobility | |
norden | |
Nordic | |
Nordic cartels | |
Nordic countries | |
Nordic economic development | |
Nordic historiography | |
Nordic history | |
nordic migrants | |
Nordic welfare state | |
nordisk historia | |
Nordisk komparation | |
Nordisk politisk økonomi | |
Nordisk skolepolitikk | |
Nordkalotten | |
norge | |
normal exceptions | |
Norsk oljehistorie | |
North Africa | |
North Atlantic | |
Northern Countries | |
Northern Europe | |
Norway | |
Nya Brödrakyrkan | |
O | |
Objectivism | |
Objectivity | |
obligations | |
Observation instrument | |
occupations | |
OECD | |
Offentlighet | |
online sources | |
Order of three estates | |
Organisational culture | |
orientering | |
ortodoksi | |
P | |
papacy | |
Parlamentarisk demokrati | |
Participatory Archives | |
party history | |
Path-dependency | |
patriarchal order | |
Pay-as-you-earn | |
pearl fishing | |
Persona | |
Philippines | |
Philosophy of history | |
pietisme | |
piracy | |
plovbrug | |
Pluralistisk sikkerhetsfellesskap | |
political culture | |
political discourse | |
Political Radicalism | |
political science | |
political strategies | |
Politics | |
politisk förändring | |
Politisk historie | |
Politisk kultur | |
politisk makt | |
poor relief | |
Popular education | |
popular religion | |
popular uprisings | |
Population control | |
population policy | |
Postmodernism | |
Praksis | |
praksisfællesskaber | |
Praksisteori | |
Pressefeider | |
private | |
Private Letters | |
privatisation | |
privileges | |
problemorientering | |
Production | |
produktiva processer | |
profession | |
professionalization | |
prohibition law | |
Property | |
Property inventories | |
property rights | |
public | |
Public diplomacy | |
Public Engagement | |
public health care system | |
public history | |
publicness | |
Q | |
quantity and quality of children | |
queer | |
queer history | |
R | |
Rabalderfolkemøter | |
Ransom diplomacy | |
Redress schemes | |
reform | |
reformasjon | |
reformation | |
Reformation history | |
reformationen | |
Reformatorer | |
refrigeration | |
Refugees | |
Regulation | |
Regulering | |
reliability | |
Religion | |
religion and transition | |
religious literature | |
religious practices | |
Renlighet | |
Representation | |
Republic of Letters | |
Research infrastructure | |
Research methodology | |
Retail industry | |
Retsdannelse | |
Retsopgør | |
Rettshistorie | |
Revivalism | |
Riga | |
rights and obligations | |
Roma minority in Scandinavia and Baltic countries | |
S | |
Sacramental realism | |
sacred war | |
Saints | |
Samer | |
Samer i Norge | |
Samer i Sverige | |
Sami activism | |
Sami policy | |
Sami-state relationship | |
samisk | |
samlingskultur | |
Scandinavia | |
scholasticism | |
science-policy nexus | |
Scientific exploration | |
Seaside resorts | |
Secularisation | |
sekelskiftet 1900 | |
Seksualpolitikk | |
sekularisering | |
selection criterion | |
Session Subject areas content and historical background of history as a school subject | |
sexuality | |
shocks | |
Showroom | |
signature pedagogy | |
sjukdomsbekämpning /disease control | |
sjøfolk | |
Skandinavien | |
Skandinaviske interessemotsetninger og samarbeid | |
Skandinavisme | |
skolebyggeri | |
Skolens narrativer | |
Slavery | |
social change | |
Social democratic labor movement | |
Social förändring | |
Social History | |
social history of medicine | |
social justice | |
social movements | |
Social network | |
social norms | |
social policy | |
Social rights | |
social skam | |
social welfare | |
Socialhistorie | |
Sociality | |
soft diplomacy | |
Soviet-Scandinavian Relations | |
space | |
Spatial history | |
Spatial turn | |
spatiality | |
split households | |
State building | |
State formation | |
state-building | |
State-run registration | |
Statsformering | |
Straffefanger | |
Subjektivitet | |
subsistence | |
substance abuse policy | |
suffrage | |
Sulu Sultanate | |
Superintendent | |
supervision | |
sustainability | |
Svenska kyrkan | |
sverige | |
Sweden | |
Swedish fisheries policy | |
Swedish-Baltic relations | |
Swedish-German relations | |
Sápmi | |
söndagsskolan | |
Søfolk | |
T | |
taktilitet | |
Taxation | |
Teacher education | |
Teacher ideals | |
Teaching behaviour | |
Technocracy | |
Technology | |
temperance | |
teori | |
The "Nordic" invasion | |
the common good | |
The First World War | |
The long Reformation | |
The nordic model | |
The Past in the Present | |
The Reformation in Denmark | |
The Reformation in Sweden | |
The Societal Role of the Historian | |
Theology | |
Thomas von Westen | |
Tolfterna | |
Trade | |
trade and business in the Baltic Sea Region | |
Tradisjon | |
Tradition | |
Transatlantic slave trade | |
transformations | |
transition | |
transitländer | |
transnational | |
Transnational history of the Baltic Sea Region | |
transnational political activism | |
transnational studies | |
Transport | |
transsexualism | |
Trolddom | |
trust | |
tryckfrihet | |
Tsarist Russia | |
Turisme | |
tvångsmigration | |
Tværfaglighed | |
Twentieth Century | |
U | |
U.S. Army | |
United Nations | |
United States | |
Universalism | |
Upplysningen | |
urban cooling | |
Urban History | |
urbanisation | |
uses of history | |
utanförskap | |
V | |
validity | |
Vattenhistoria | |
Velferdsstat | |
vestlig civilisation | |
Violence | |
visuelt formsprog | |
VOKS | |
Vänern | |
Värnplikt | |
W | |
Waffen-SS | |
War and Society | |
Water | |
Wealth distribution | |
Welfare State | |
welfare states | |
whale fisheries | |
Widows | |
Women | |
Women’s health | |
Work | |
World War II | |
World War Two | |
WWI | |
Y | |
youth | |
Ytringsfrihet | |
yttrandefrihet | |
Ä | |
Ämnesövergripande | |
Ø | |
Økonomisk mobilitet | |
ä | |
äldrepolitik | |
äldres hälsa | |
äldres livsvillkor | |
äldres mat | |
ø | |
øvrighed |