This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
2 | |
22nm | |
22nm CMOS | |
22nm Technology | |
22nm-FDSOI | |
28 nm technology | |
2D image recognition | |
2D-ECC | |
3 | |
32-bit Microcontroller | |
360° image compression | |
360º videos | |
3D sensing integration | |
4 | |
4D Transform | |
A | |
ABP (Activation By Personalization) | |
AC-DC converter | |
accelerator | |
accuracy-metrics | |
active rectifier | |
Adaptive capacitor | |
Adaptive controller | |
Adaptive Loop Filter | |
Adaptive Optics (AO) | |
ADC | |
ADC Calibration | |
Advanced Metering Infrastructure | |
AES Optimization | |
Affine Motion Estimation | |
Agile Encryption | |
All-digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL) | |
alto desempenho | |
Analog ANN | |
analog circuit optimization | |
Angular Modes | |
Animal traceability | |
Approximate Adders | |
approximate computing | |
Approximate Multiplier | |
Approximate multipliers | |
Approximate parallel prefix adder | |
Approximate Storage | |
aprendizado de máquina | |
arithmetic | |
Arithmetic Coding | |
Arm architecture | |
Arquitetura de Computadores | |
Arrhythmia | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
ASIC | |
Asynchronous digital | |
Automated harvesting system | |
Automatic License Plate Recognition | |
AV1 | |
AxA | |
AxAs | |
AxRSU | |
B | |
back-gate control | |
Backward EKF | |
Backward UKF | |
bandgap reference | |
Bandgap voltage reference | |
bandpass filter (BPF) | |
Battery charger/discharger | |
BCAM | |
beamforming | |
behavioral simulation | |
Beyond-CMOS | |
Biasing | |
binary CAM | |
Bio-recording | |
Bio-sensing | |
Bioimpedance Readout | |
BLDC motors | |
Block Compression | |
block partitioning | |
Bluetooth Low Energy | |
Body biasing | |
body-driven | |
Boolean Logic Gates | |
Boost converter | |
C | |
CAM | |
camera | |
Capacity test | |
carrier-based IR-UWB transmitter | |
Cascode | |
CERN | |
charge trapping | |
charging/discharging | |
chopper stabilization | |
CIFB | |
CIFF | |
Circuit | |
Circuit design | |
clock generation circuits | |
clonal selection algorithm | |
cloud | |
Cloud computing | |
Clustering | |
CMOS | |
CMOS front-end | |
CMOS Instrumentation Amplifier | |
CMOS inverter | |
CNN | |
Co-design methodology | |
codificação de vídeo | |
Codificação Residual | |
codingefficiency | |
Coherent noise | |
combinational circuits | |
combinational logic | |
comparator | |
complexity reduction | |
compressors | |
Computational Effort Reduction | |
computer arithmetic | |
Computer Vision | |
content-addressable memory | |
Continuous glucose monitoring | |
continuum | |
Convolution Neural Networks | |
Convolutional Neural Network | |
Convolutional Neural Networks | |
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) | |
Correlation | |
Cosine annealing | |
Cosmic Rays | |
Cost Objectives | |
critical input vectors | |
cryptographic | |
Cryptography | |
crystal oscillator | |
CUDA | |
Current | |
current generator | |
current mirror | |
Current References | |
D | |
Data Aggregation Points | |
DC-DC Buck | |
DC-DC converter | |
dc-dc converters | |
DC-link | |
DCT | |
decision tree | |
decision trees | |
Deep Learning | |
Deep Neural Networks | |
delay | |
Delay Estimation | |
Design de Hardware | |
Design Heterogeneity | |
DHWT | |
difference differential amplifier | |
digital arithmetic | |
Digital filter | |
digital magnitude comparators | |
digital signal processing | |
digital-to-analog converter (DAC) | |
Digital-to-Time Converter | |
Discharge test | |
Discrete-space chaotic map | |
DMTJ | |
DNA strand displacement | |
DoA | |
Domain shift | |
Driver | |
DSD analog circuits | |
Dual-Phase Buck Converter | |
DUT | |
DWHT | |
DWT | |
dynamic current control | |
Dynamic leakage suppression | |
Dynamic Transprecision | |
Dynamical Systems | |
E | |
EDA | |
Edge | |
Edge Computing | |
EEG signal classification | |
Efficiency | |
EIC | |
Electrical impedance | |
ELT Layout | |
Embedded system | |
Embedded Systems | |
Energy | |
Energy Efficiency | |
Energy Harvesting | |
Energy Quality Measurement | |
Energy-efficient | |
Energy-efficient memory | |
enhanced transconductance | |
Entropy | |
Entropy Capture | |
Entropy Coding | |
envelope detector | |
Environmental control | |
Epilepsy | |
epilepsy detection | |
Error Correction Code (ECC) | |
error resilience | |
ESP32 | |
estimação de movimento fracionária | |
Ethernet APL | |
explicit MTS | |
F | |
fast intra-prediction | |
Fast mode decision | |
fast start-up | |
fault injection | |
Fault Tolerance | |
fault-masking logic circuits | |
Fault-Tolerance | |
FCNs | |
Feature extraction | |
Federated Learning | |
Ferramentas de EDA | |
Field Coupled Nanotechnology | |
field mapping | |
Field-Coupled Nanocomputing | |
Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) | |
filtros de interpolação | |
FinFET | |
FinFETs | |
finite impulse response (FIR) | |
FINN | |
FINN accelerator | |
Fixed-point | |
flicker noise | |
Flight software | |
Floating-point | |
Floating-point arithmetic | |
floating-point unit design | |
Floorplanning | |
FPGA | |
Fractional Motion Estimation | |
Fractional motion vectors | |
FreeRTOS | |
frequency | |
frequency generation | |
Fully Differential Difference Amplifier | |
Fully Homomorphic Encryption | |
G | |
GaAs | |
Gait Analysis | |
gallium arsenide | |
Gate development | |
gate-level mitigation | |
Geant4 | |
Global Routing | |
Goldschmid | |
GPU | |
GPU Acceleration | |
graphene field effect transistor | |
greenhouse | |
H | |
Haar | |
hardware | |
Hardware Acceleration | |
Hardware Architecture | |
Hardware Design | |
Hardware encoder | |
Hardware Implementation | |
Hardware Trojan (HT) | |
hardware Trojan horse injection | |
Hazardous Areas | |
HBM | |
Healthcare | |
HEVC | |
high amplitude | |
High energy physics | |
High sensitivity | |
High-density applications | |
Homomorphic encryption | |
HT localization | |
hybrid system | |
I | |
IA detection | |
implantable medical devices | |
imprecise subtractors | |
In-Memory Computing | |
incremental sigma-delta analog-to-digital converte | |
Industrial Networks | |
Inertial Measurement Unit | |
initial condition | |
injection locking | |
Integrated Circuit | |
Integrated Photonics-based Wavefront Sensor (IP-WFS) | |
inter prediction | |
Inter-Frame Prediction | |
Inter-prediction | |
Intermittent Scenarios | |
Internet of Things | |
internet of things (IoT) | |
Internet-of-Things | |
Interpolation filter | |
Interpolation Filters | |
intra prediction | |
Intra-frame Prediction | |
Intra-Prediction | |
inverter-based | |
inverter-based amplifier | |
Ion lithium battery | |
IoT | |
ISO 11784/5 | |
J | |
JPEG Pleno | |
K | |
Kelvin Source | |
Kinematic Data | |
KVCO | |
L | |
Large Integer Multiplication | |
latitude-adaptive quantization | |
Launch Point Prediction | |
LDO | |
Lead one bit | |
Learned B-frame coding | |
Legalization | |
Light Field coding | |
Lightweight Cryptography | |
Load Dump | |
Logic | |
logic gates | |
Logic Styles | |
LoRaWAN | |
low power | |
low voltage | |
Low-Code | |
low-complexity quantization | |
low-complexity transform | |
low-noise | |
low-power | |
low-voltage | |
Lyapunov Exponents | |
M | |
MAC operation | |
Machine Learning | |
magnetic tunnel junction | |
Mediacodec | |
Median finding | |
Memristor | |
Microelectronics | |
microgrid | |
microphone array | |
Microsoft SEAL | |
minimum variance distortionless response | |
Mixed-signal ASIC | |
MLP classification | |
Molecular computing | |
Monte Carlo simulations | |
Motion compensation | |
Motion Estimation | |
motional current | |
MPCitH | |
MTJ | |
Multi-Domain Learning | |
Multi-FPGA | |
Multi-height | |
multi-spectral | |
Multiplexer 2:1 | |
multiplicadores | |
multipliers | |
Multipor converter | |
Mutual coupling matrix | |
N | |
N-path | |
Nanocomputing | |
Nanomagnetic Logic | |
Nanotechonology | |
Near-data processing | |
negative resistance | |
Network Interfaces | |
Networks-on-Chip | |
neural networks | |
neuromorphic computing | |
New space | |
Newton-Raphson | |
NoC-based manycores | |
Noise | |
noise reduction | |
Non-volatile TCAM | |
nonlinearity (NL) | |
Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) | |
Nuvens de Pontos | |
O | |
Offloading | |
offset | |
on-cortex implants | |
Open Source | |
open source silicon | |
Open-Source | |
OpenMP | |
Optical Wireless Communications | |
optimization | |
oscillator | |
OTA | |
OTAA (Over-The-Air Activation) | |
Otimização | |
Overvoltage Protection | |
P | |
Particle Swarm Optimization | |
passive mixer | |
PFM | |
phase noise | |
phased array antenna | |
Photonic crystal | |
Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) | |
Photovoltaic Generation | |
Physical Design | |
Physical forearm model | |
PI control | |
PID control | |
pipeline | |
Placement | |
Placement and Routing | |
point cloud | |
Posicionamento | |
Post Quantum Cryptography | |
Post-Quantum Encryption | |
post-synthesis | |
Power Amplifier | |
power combiner | |
power dissipation | |
power efficiency | |
Power Electronics | |
Power management | |
power management integrated circuit | |
power-of-two | |
PQC | |
Prediction | |
Predictive maintenance | |
Pressure estimation | |
Profinet PA | |
Projectile Trajectory | |
Pseudo-random number generator | |
PV system | |
Python | |
Q | |
quality-configurable | |
Quantization | |
quantum circuits | |
quantum vulnerability factor | |
R | |
Radar Measurements | |
Radiation Faults | |
random forest | |
Random Number Validation | |
Raspberry Pi 5 | |
Reconfigurable | |
Reconfigurable Intellingent Surface (RIS) | |
Reconfiguration | |
rectifier | |
Reference Software | |
relaxation oscillator | |
reliability | |
Renewable Energy | |
Residual network | |
resolution | |
resource-constrained hardware | |
Reverse Polarity Protection | |
Reversible computing | |
Reversible logic | |
RFID | |
ring oscillator | |
Ring Oscillator(RO-PUF) | |
RISC-V | |
Routing with cell movement | |
RTN | |
S | |
S-Box Reduction | |
SAD Architecture | |
Search Error Rate (SER) | |
Security | |
sensitivity | |
SEU | |
shift | |
SiDB | |
Sigma-delta modulator | |
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) | |
signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SINAD) | |
silicon | |
Silicon Dangling Bonds | |
SIMD | |
simulation | |
Simulação | |
single event effects | |
Single Event Transient | |
Single Event Transient (SET) | |
SM7325 | |
Small satellites | |
small-area | |
Smart wearable devices | |
SMC | |
SMOTE–Tomek | |
Soft Errors | |
Solar physics | |
Space systems | |
Speculative execution | |
speech enhancement | |
SquASH | |
SRAM-based FPGA | |
Standard cell library | |
start-up | |
StEFCal | |
Strawberry maturity detection | |
switched capacitor | |
Switching Losses | |
synapse | |
synthesis | |
System on Chip design | |
System-on-Chip (SoC) | |
Systems Modeling | |
síntese standard cell | |
T | |
temperature coefficient | |
temperature sensor | |
Temperature Variations | |
Test Zone Search | |
thin-film transistor | |
Throughput | |
Throughput-to-Area Efficiency | |
Thévenin Theorem | |
TID | |
time efficiency | |
Time Mode Circuits | |
Time-based signal processing | |
time-dependent variability | |
time-domain jitter | |
Time-domain modeling | |
TMR | |
True Random Number Generator(TRNG) | |
tuning range | |
U | |
UHF RF energy harvesting | |
ULA | |
ultra-low power | |
ultra-low voltage | |
UTBB-FDSOI transistor | |
V | |
V-PCC | |
VCO gain | |
Vectorization/SIMD | |
Vernier principle | |
Versatile Video Coding | |
Vibration monitoring | |
Video Coding | |
Video Quality Enhancement | |
Vivado HLS | |
VLSI | |
voltage controlled | |
Voltage Regulator | |
Voltage ripple | |
voltage-control oscillator (VCO) | |
Voltage-controlled state switching | |
VVC | |
VVC Encoder | |
VVenC | |
W | |
Watermarking | |
Wavelet | |
Weapon Locating Radar | |
Wearable Devices | |
Wireless Communications | |
wireless power transfer | |
wireless power transmission | |
Wireless Sensor Network | |
Wireless Sensor Nodes | |
WSN | |
X | |
X-ray | |
Y | |
Yolov5x | |
Z | |
ZynqNet Inference engine |