Days: Friday, July 3rd Saturday, July 4th Sunday, July 5th
Friday, July 3rd
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
11:00-12:30 Session 1: Registration
Location: Linbury
12:30-13:30Lunch Break
13:30-14:45 Session 2: PLENARY 1
Plenary 1
13:30 | The Community College Role in Education for Middle Skill Jobs in the United States. (abstract) |
14:55-16:25 Session 3A
Location: Linbury
14:55 | ‘In the driving seat’, or reluctant passengers? Employer engagement in qualifications development: some evidence from two recent 14-19 qualification reforms. (abstract) |
15:20 | Tertiarisation as a major challenge for the VET system – what happens with apprenticeships in Germany and Switzerland in the face of an “academic drift”? (abstract) |
14:55-16:25 Session 3B
Location: Morley Fletcher
14:55 | Do Summer Youth Employment Programs Make A Difference?: Evidence from Los Angeles (abstract) |
15:20 | NEETs a Conservative Praxis (abstract) |
14:55-16:25 Session 3C
Location: Seminar room A
14:55 | The impact of compulsory mathematics on post-16 vocational students in England (abstract) |
15:20 | Language awareness and sensitizing as a challenge in vocational training (abstract) |
14:55-16:25 Session 3D
Location: Lecture room B
14:55 | The gap between Widening Participation and Social Mobility: the case of Higher Education provision in English Further Education colleges (abstract) |
15:20 | Changing patterns of work, education and social mobility amongst British Sikh families: an analysis over three generations (abstract) |
14:55-16:25 Session 3E
Location: Memorial Room
14:55 | Vocational education for the future – contradictions in policy and practice (abstract) |
15:25 | Situating ‘work’ in vocational curricula - lessons from Teach Too Phase 1 (abstract) |
14:55-16:25 Session 3F
Location: Nash West
14:55 | What types of feedback support (assessors’) professional learning? (abstract) |
15:20 | Assessment in the modern age: challenges and solutions (abstract) |
14:55-16:25 Session 3G
Location: Nash East
14:55 | Impact of vocational skills competition experience to young adults’ career development (abstract) |
15:20 | Skills competitions: a winning formula for enhancing the quality of vocational education? (abstract) |
16:25-16:45Coffee Break
16:45-18:15 Session 4A
Location: Linbury
16:45 | Further, technical and vocational education and training in England: a journey through time and space (abstract) |
17:10 | Employability, knowledge and vocational learning: from Liberal Studies to Functional Skills (abstract) |
16:45-18:15 Session 4B
Location: Morley Fletcher
16:45 | Constructing new vocational pathways through school: an examination of the introduction of University Technical Colleges in England (abstract) |
17:10 | Towards preparing young people for employment and further study – the research behind the City & Guilds TechBac® (abstract) |
16:45-18:15 Session 4C
Location: Seminar room A
16:45 | Through the observer’s lens: vocational pedagogy in action (abstract) |
17:10 | Developing Knowledgeable Practice at Work (abstract) |
16:45-18:15 Session 4D
Location: Lecture room B
16:45 | Skills and Training in an underecognised occupation: the case of the Sales Assistant (abstract) |
17:10 | The limits of choice in the VET market: cautionary tales from Australia (abstract) |
16:45-18:15 Session 4E
Location: Memorial Room
16:45 | The theory-practice relationship for acupuncture education in the UK (abstract) |
17:15 | Mature Students, Resistance and Higher Vocational Education in Further Education Colleges (abstract) |
16:45-18:15 Session 4F
Location: Nash West
16:45 | Vocational pedagogy: The use of disciplinary knowledge (abstract) |
17:15 | Using VET principles to drive student engagement in a Higher Education context (abstract) |
16:45-18:15 Session 4G
Location: Nash East
16:45 | Team portrait: vital dimensions of teacher team functioning (abstract) |
17:10 | Working-class university students and experiential learning (abstract) |
Saturday, July 4th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:15-10:45 Session 7A
Location: Linbury
09:15 | Rethinking professional vocational knowledge: How teachers in Further Education in England acquire, mobilise and transport vocational knowledge from occupation to classrooms (abstract) |
09:40 | Dual or contested professionalism? English FE teachers in the age of 'lean' (abstract) |
09:15-10:45 Session 7B
Location: Morley Fletcher
09:15 | A ‘life apprenticeship’? Reclaiming the importance of the social aspect of apprenticeship (abstract) |
09:40 | Governance of apprenticeships in Europe (abstract) |
09:15-10:45 Session 7C
Location: Seminar room A
09:15 | Employers' Experience and Understanding of Higher Apprenticeships (abstract) |
09:40 | Delivering Skills Transferability in a Market Driven Training System: does it really work? A study of the Australian Vocational Education and Training System (abstract) |
09:15-10:45 Session 7D
Location: Lecture room B
09:15 | Vocational education in the post-recession scenario. What is left behind when employability is at the center? (abstract) |
09:40 | Institutional development of apprenticeship pathways in Lithuania and Estonia: issues for policy learning (abstract) |
09:15-10:45 Session 7E
Location: Memorial Room
09:15 | “Same Same But Different”? An International Comparative Case Study of the Prescribed and Enacted Curriculum in Pre-vocational Education in Germany, France and Great Britain (abstract) |
09:40 | Reform in vocational education and training: Adoption of changes in Post-Soviet Estonia (abstract) |
09:15-10:45 Session 7F
Location: Nash West
09:15 | FE colleges and the logic of incorporation 1993-2015. The failure to develop a coherent VET system and strategic purpose for further education in England. (abstract) |
09:40 | Europeanization and Policy Learning in VET: The Estonian Case (abstract) |
09:15-10:45 Session 7G
Location: Nash East
09:15 | Vocational education’s variable links to vocations (abstract) |
09:40 | Secondary school vocational education in Canada as a solution to job-work mismatch (abstract) |
10:45-11:30Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 Session 8: PLENARY 2
Location: Linbury
11:30 | Work-for-welfare: lessons from the work camps of 1930s Britain (abstract) |
12:30-13:45Lunch Break
13:45-15:15 Session 9A: Symposium: Gender and VET - Helen Colley
Location: Linbury
13:45 | Gender and VET: not just for a special issue! (abstract) |
14:15 | Increasing female participation in automotive trades in Australia (abstract) |
13:45-15:15 Session 9B
Location: Morley Fletcher
13:45 | Modularisation of VET and the dissonance between Rhetoric and Reality: a comparison of Germany, the Netherlands and Scotland (abstract) |
14:10 | Socio-epistemic analysis of vocational curricula: towards a framework (abstract) |
13:45-15:15 Session 9C
Location: Seminar room A
13:45 | Participation in further training: the role of the employment status, qualification level and nationality (abstract) |
14:10 | Experimenting with Employer Engagement in Education post 2012-what was learnt from an illuminative case study of the Step Up for Success Programme (SU4S) and how this might be used to inform other learning experiences. (abstract) |
13:45-15:15 Session 9D
Location: Lecture room B
13:45 | Transition from two-year to three-year training courses in the dual system – a comparison between Switzerland and Germany (abstract) |
14:10 | An Appraisal of Nigerian Construction Industry Crafts Skills Training Strategies. (abstract) |
13:45-15:15 Session 9E
Location: Memorial Room
13:45 | Floristry knowing displayed in funeral design – learning to see with the help of imitation (abstract) |
14:10 | Vocational Knowledge (abstract) |
13:45-15:15 Session 9F
Location: Nash West
13:45 | A conceptual framework for rethinking the links between VET and the labour market (abstract) |
13:45-15:15 Session 9G
Location: Nash East
13:45 | Fear and fortitude: Trainee Teachers and the modern moral high ground. (abstract) |
14:10 | McMindfulness in the Workplace: Vocational Learning and the Commodification of the Present Moment (abstract) |
15:15-15:45Coffee Break
15:45-17:15 Session 10A
Location: Linbury
15:45 | Title of Abstract: Supporting an Ageing Workforce: is apprenticeship appropriate for older workers? (abstract) |
16:10 | The development and status of apprenticeship training in Norway (abstract) |
15:45-17:15 Session 10B
Location: Morley Fletcher
15:45 | European active social policy meets the discipline of the marketplace: the unintended outcomes of ministerial ambition (abstract) |
16:10 | Restructuring the cooperation of learning venues in the dual VET system: Training companies and vocational schools between regulation and competition. Findings of an empirical research study in North Rhine-Westphalia/Germany (abstract) |
15:45-17:15 Session 10C
Location: Seminar room A
15:45 | High-quality engineering apprenticeships- a genuine alternative to higher education? (abstract) |
16:10 | Revealing the Educated and Experienced 21st Century Apprentice - “A Comparative Analysis of the Distinct Differences in the Quest to Obtain a Bachelor of Applied Sciences Degree from an American and Swiss Federal Institution” (abstract) |
15:45-17:15 Session 10D
Location: Lecture room B
15:45 | External assessments in VET (abstract) |
16:15 | Linking instructional verbs from assessment criteria to mode of assessment (abstract) |
15:45-17:15 Session 10E
Location: Memorial Room
15:45 | The value of early vocational exposure and experience within a traditionally doctrinal discipline (abstract) |
16:15 | Improving Teaching and Learning Together: Joint Practice Development in Further , Adult and Vocational Education (abstract) |
15:45-17:15 Session 10F
Location: Nash West
15:45 | School Partnerships with Business in Australia (abstract) |
16:10 | The experiences of apprentices and employers with fully on-the-job training (abstract) |
15:45-17:15 Session 10G
Location: Nash East
15:45 | Companies’ Practices in Recruitment and Induction of Job entrants for selected Occupations –Results of an international comparative Establishment Survey (INDUCT). (abstract) |
16:10 | Explorative comparative analyses from PIAAC about skill formation and education reform (abstract) |
Sunday, July 5th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:30-11:00 Session 14A
Location: Linbury
09:30 | The Earnings of Canadian Higher Education Graduates: A Tax Data Linkage Approach (abstract) |
09:55 | Examining capital reconversion strategies occurring on the risk management field in the Canadian oil sands mining industry (abstract) |
09:30-11:00 Session 14B
Location: Morley Fletcher
09:30 | The ‘scope’ as a ‘projective’ object: lessons for Higher Apprenticeships from Consulting Engineering (abstract) |
09:55 | ‘Enterprise training providers’ in Australia and England (abstract) |
09:30-11:00 Session 14C
Location: Seminar room A
09:30 | How local is VET policy? Global governance and VET policy in South Africa (abstract) |
09:55 | Higher education in vocational institutions: creating distinctive and valued routes? (abstract) |
09:30-11:00 Session 14D
Location: Lecture room B
09:30 | Crossing the knowledge boundary: a study of the academic challenges experienced by the non-graduate trainee teacher in the FE and Skills Sector (abstract) |
09:55 | What is the value of ‘high’ arts within ‘low level’ education? A study of young people undertaking the Gold level Arts Award within a Further Education College. (abstract) |
11:00-11:15Coffee Break
11:15-12:15 Session 15: PLENARY 3
Location: Linbury
11:15 | Challenging race, gender and class stratification through VET in practice. (abstract) |