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08:00-08:10 Session Welcome

Important: the schedule is according to US Central Time Zone (Houston, TX).

  1. Welcoming remarks by Dr. Zafar Taqvi, IMEKO TC17 Chair and executive chair of ISMCR2022
  2. Welcoming remarks by Dr. Simone Keller Füchter, ISMCR2022 chair
09:10-10:10 Session A1: Robotics for human performance, rehabilitation and medical applications I
Palpation Robot System - Reproduction Method by Deep Neural Network of Skin Palpation Judgment Focusing on Softness Classification-

ABSTRACT. In recent years, the spread of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, has increased the need for medical examinations to avoid contact between doctors and patients. Most treatments, especially dermatology, require palpation, and its impact is significant. In this study, we aimed to reproduce the judgment of the softness and surface textures of diseased parts, which is important to dermatologists for determining the condition, using a simple robot device. Five levels of softness and three types of surface textures labeled with 14 types of materials were obtained from interviews with dermatologists. To acquire a haptic response from materials during pushing, 1) a single-rod probe with a haptic sensor using a linear actuator and 2) a dual-rod type configuration to obtain vibration propagation was constructed. Frequency-analyzed images were produced from the obtained waveforms of force and acceleration. A total of 343 images from 13 materials were used for transfer learning and were classified using AlexNet. The classification accuracy of the single-rod probe was 93.0%, and that of the dual-probe configuration was 95.2%. The classification accuracy was improved using the dual probe configuration than the single one; the softness classification accuracy was improved from 93.8% (single-rod) to 95.7% (dual-rod configuration). The surface texture classification accuracy was improved from 91.9% (single-rod) to 92.8% (dual-rod configuration), respectively. Therefore, the proposed method enables the reproduction of the judgment of five-level softness and three types of surface texture judgment by dermatologists.

Study on Attention Distribution for Supernumerary Limbs in Dual-task ― Effectiveness of Vibration Feedback for Limb Posture

ABSTRACT. Dual-task using a Detachable-body is difficult, this is because a supernumerary limb does not have any proprioceptive sensation of a natural body; the operator may feel anxiety when grasping with supernumerary limb and may check the location or end-effector state repeatedly. The task on the natural body side is interrupted by unnecessarily checking the supernumerary limb frequently. In a previous study, the Haptic Feedback Belt(FB-belt) was proposed. FB-belt has a function to present the position of the limb in the horizontal plane around the abdomen with vibration. But it was unclear whether the presentation of the proprioceptive sensation of the supernumerary limb is effective for the dual-presence-task performance. In this study, we conducted two experiments during dual-presence-task; the accuracy when the FB-belt could present the proprioceptive sensation of the supernumerary limb, and effectiveness of the proprioceptive sensation feedback method to improve the performance. The accuracy of the FB-belt during identifying the posture of the supernumerary limb was compared between the single-task condition and the dual-presence-task condition. Secondly, two feedback methods were compared as the confidence in the supernumerary limb; the dual-presence-task performance with/without haptic feedback, and time spent ratio looking at the supernumerary limb during the task. The former was verified by performing the task when participants answered the position of a randomly stopped supernumerary limb while pouring a prescribed amount of water with the natural body. The latter was validated with two different dual-presence-tasks. The subjects stop the supernumerary limb at the target point during pouring a prescribed amount of water (task1) or during pressing a button while a randomly blinking LED (task2). As the results, the accuracy of the supernumerary limb localization identification was adequate as enough in the dual-presence-task condition (mean ±14.1°) as in the single-task condition (mean ±13.0°). Because the vibrators are located every 15 degrees on the FB-belt. In addition, a comparison with and without haptic feedback in dual-presence-task performance was evaluated. The error rate between the poured water and the prescribed value (mean 8.10%) was about the same under the condition with feedback (mean 7.39%) and without it. And the supernumerary limb watching duration ratio without feedback (mean 31.2%) was also significantly higher than with feedback (mean 23.8%). On the other hand, the rate of deterioration of task accuracy on the natural body side without feedback (254% on average relative to the single-task condition) was significantly worse than in the condition with feedback (mean 200%) in task 2. Furthermore, the supernumerary limb watching duration ratio in the condition without feedback (mean 26.0%) was also significantly higher than in the condition with feedback (mean 16.6%). Therefore, the supernumerary limb proprioceptive sensation presenting during the dual-presence-task is easily perceived by the subjects, and it also contributes to the performance improvement to the dual-presence-task.

Applying NASA’s Human Systems Integration Methodology in Implementing Voice-Control of Future Spacecraft Systems

ABSTRACT. Through the NASA Artemis program, a new era of space exploration will serve to lead humanity towards sustained lunar exploration in preparation for the next giant leap-human exploration of Mars. These crewed spacecraft and habitats will require more automation and autonomy to support these complex missions. Crew size will be small and therefore a more efficient command and control input method is desired. Speech recognition along with visual or auditory feedback is an alternative, providing an extra pair of hands and eyes for the crew. Yet, speech recognition demands a highly integrated development approach to ensure a successful system implementation. To ensure the voice control application is developed correctly will require a Human Systems Integration (HSI) approach. This paper provides an insight into the development of a speech/voice control application for a spacecraft system that encompasses automation and autonomy through an HSI approach. Results of the voice control experiment of the Space Shuttle camera system are provided as lessons learned about using voice control on a spacecraft. Limitations and challenges of the technology are addressed as well as how HSI along with Human Readiness Level can help develop these types of voice control command and control systems.

10:20-11:20 Session A2: AI methods and virtual worlds
Artificial intelligence applied to microbiome genetic mapping

ABSTRACT. In addition to human health, microbiome research provides a foundation for a much broader scope of applications. Advances in environmental microbiome engineering will replace toxic chemicals in agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture in the future and will encourage more sustainable use of environmental resources as well as improve our food processing. Microbiota-based agricultural products are one of the fastest growing sectors in agronomy, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15-18% and a predicted value of over US$10 billion by 2025. In addition, Microbiome research can provide solutions for how humans and other life on Earth can contribute to tackling one of our main problems: man-made climate change. Historically, the field of microbiome research has emerged from environmental microbiome research (microbial ecology) and provides an interdisciplinary platform for many fields, e.g. agriculture, food science, biotechnology, bioeconomics, mathematics (informatics, statistics, modelling), pathology plant, and especially medicine. Like the human genome, the microbiome is incredibly complex. It comprises more than 100 trillion organisms and contains 200 times more genetic material. With the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the most advanced computing hardware, the task has been reduced to minutes by identifying virtually every microorganism in a person's biome, detecting patterns and changes invisible to the human eye, and analyzing interactions. These analyzes must now be performed with other parameters, in order to identify precise relationships between the composition of microorganisms in the human intestine and individual characteristics such as diet, physical activity, sleep quality, medication use, among others. These aspects are fundamental to understand how the human organism works and how we can enhance this functioning to prevent the aging process. The present project aims to cross-reference the intestinal microbiome data of individuals with dietary and physical exercise patterns through the use of artificial intelligence technologies.

Tao Zeng et al. Gastroenterol Hepatol (2021) Apr;36(4):832-840 Berg et al. Microbiome (2020) 8:103.

Metaverse: Virtual and Augmented Reality Presence

ABSTRACT. More and more, our daily lives are entwined with technology. Our interactions with other people increasingly take part in virtual encounters. Many different concepts have appeared to describe the various virtual experiences that we might have. Immersion in a virtual context provides a perspective that allows deeper experiences and, consequently, deeper results and impacts. This review aims to bring different concepts and meanings to some technologies that sometimes work in a complementary way. Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that allows immersion for the users, and it is widely used in many fields such as healthcare, marketing, training, education, entertainment, and more. It can be accessed via computers and also using VR Glasses. Augmented Reality (AR) works in a similar way, but with this second technology, users still can see the real environment, so the experience combines the virtual and the real elements. This can bring more capabilities because sometimes the users need to visualize a real object in order to identify real components and link them to some virtual information that can be text, three Dimensional (3D) objects, videos, or other formats. Mixed Reality (MR) is similar to AR, but for most of them, but with MR, the digital components interact with the real world and can be persistent within it. The Metaverse is a concept that offers a more complete experience because, according to some authors, it permits more interactivity with other users. This often occurs in a complex virtual world where many activities, like commerce, can take place and avatars are used to facilitate the social experience and make it feel more like real interactions. The methodology used in this study is a Bibliography review and the results presented show characteristics and particularities that allow better understanding of virtual technologies and the Metaverse.

Robot Localization and Uncertainty Control with intermittent range-only measurements

ABSTRACT. In this paper, we address the robot localisation problem with intermittent range-only measurements and we analyse the conditions through which the accuracy of the localisation system can be kept under control along the robot manoeuvres and the measurements allocation time access.