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11:30-13:00Welcome Lunch
13:00-14:30 Session 1: Strategizing for Better Service 1
Evelina Gillard (Cèsar Ritz Colleges, Switzerland)
Location: Shangri-La
Ryan Joseph Calinao (FEU-Manila, Philippines)
Ryan Gamoso (FEU-Manila, Philippines)
Original research paper - Vividness, Content and System Quality as Predictors of Behavioral Intention: The Mediating Effects of Hotel Virtual Reality Experience and Cognitive Absorption

ABSTRACT. The study explores the influence of vividness, content quality, and system quality in virtual reality (VR) experiences on guests’ behavioral intentions in the hotel industry in the National Capital Region. It specifically examines how these factors affect guests’ engagement and decision-making processes. Using the Partial Least Square with Hierarchical Component Model Analysis, the results highlight the importance of immersive and high-quality VR content in enhancing guest experiences and influencing their future behaviors, such as revisiting or recommending the hotels. Additionally, the study underscores the role of system quality in ensuring a seamless and engaging VR experience. The findings through the use of the mediating effect, suggest that investment in superior VR technology can be a strategic tool for hotels to differentiate themselves in a competitive market and align with evolving consumer preferences as well as the cognitive absorption of the hotel guests.

Khoa Tang (The Pennsylvania State University, United States)
John O'Neill (The Pennsylvania State University, United States)
Original research paper - The Effects of Age on the Performance of Hotels: Does an Historical Effect Exist?

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the relationship between hotel age and performance. Based on theory, the life span of commercial buildings is estimated to be approximately 40 years. This circumstance results in research questions including, does performance decline over the life of hotel assets (controlling for other variables that may be related to performance); if performance does decline, why do certain hotels continue operating well beyond 40 years of age; may an historical effect exist at which point hotel performance begins to improve; and if so, at what age may an historical effect occur when performance begins to improve? Also, to more precisely evaluate any historical effects of hotels, we analyze whether such effects may occur with different hotel types, and this research paper provides such analyses based on a large sample of hotels in the United States. This study adopts a hedonic pricing equation to analyze any historical effects that age has on hotel performance, using a sample of recent hotel profit and loss (P&L) statements (over 19,300 P&L statements). Findings are reported in detail in the paper, including plots and the breakdown of the sample into subgroups based on location types, brand affiliations, and hotel classes. The findings should be useful to academics by providing knowledge regarding the relationships between hotel age and performance, and to hotel real estate industry practitioners by permitting superior evaluation of properties for such purposes as investment/reinvestment analyses and real estate taxation.

14:30-15:00Networking Coffee
15:00-16:00 Session 2: Operational Sustainability 1
Alessandro Cavelzani (Cesar Ritz Colleges, Switzerland)
Location: Shangri-La
Alessandro Cavelzani (Cesar Ritz Colleges, Switzerland)
Eva Codina (Hotel Manager Casa di Langa Resort, Italy)
Giuseppina Menconi (Cesar Ritz Colleges, Switzerland)
Practitioner Business Case - Resilient Leadership and Environmental Sustainability in Start-Up Resorts: the case of Casa di Langa Resort in Italy

ABSTRACT. This practitioner business case presents the context and leadership challenges of the start-up of Casa di Langa resort in Piedmont (Italy), and how the human resources and the business have been successfully managed to survive during the pandemic crisis, as well as maintaining staff engagement during the post pandemic period.

Adrian Paredes (Cesar Ritz, Peru)
Practitioner Business Case - Immediately Fit into leadership positions

ABSTRACT. Brief description of my experience after three months of completition of my master.

16:00-17:00 Session 3: CRCS Research Highlights: Invited Talk, Dr Alessandro Cavelzani (Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland)
Haitao Zhang (Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland, Switzerland)
Location: Shangri-La
Alessandro Cavelzani (Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland, Switzerland)
Stress Management and Work-Life Balance: Lessons Learned from Critical Cases and Managerial Implications