This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
# | |
#SAT | |
A | |
Abstract Calculus | |
analytic cuts | |
Analyticity | |
Answer Set Programming | |
Anti-unification | |
Automated First-Order Theorem Proving | |
Automated Theorem Proving | |
automatic model building | |
automatic reasoning | |
Axiomitization | |
B | |
Bachmair-Ganzinger model construction | |
Bang calculus | |
Beth Definability | |
byzantine processes | |
C | |
Call-by-name | |
Call-by-value | |
certification | |
Chomsky algebras | |
classical logic | |
clause learning from simple models | |
completeness | |
Complexity | |
complexity analysis | |
Computation Tree Logic | |
confluence | |
context-free languages | |
control-flow refinement | |
controlled natural language | |
countermodel construction | |
Countermodels construction | |
Craig Interpolation | |
cut elimination | |
Cyclic proofs | |
D | |
Decision Procedures | |
deontic logic | |
Dependency pairs | |
Dependent Types | |
Description Logic | |
Differential dynamic logic | |
distributed computing | |
E | |
E-matching | |
Empirical Evaluation | |
Entailment problem | |
Equational Theories | |
Equational unification | |
exponentiation | |
F | |
Factorization | |
finite fields | |
first-order logic | |
Formal verification | |
formally verified proof checking | |
G | |
games | |
Generalization | |
Guarded Kleene Algebra with Tests | |
H | |
hardware verification | |
Hash table | |
Higher-Order | |
Higher-Order Logic | |
Hybrid systems | |
hypersequents | |
I | |
Induction | |
infinite trees | |
integer arithmetic | |
integer programs | |
interactive theorem proving | |
Intuitionistic linear logic | |
Intuitionistic Modal Logic | |
Intuitionistic modal logics | |
Isabelle LLVM | |
Isabelle Refinement Framework | |
K | |
Kleene Algebra | |
L | |
Lambda Calculus | |
LaTeX | |
Lemma Discovery | |
Logic Program Synthesis | |
logically constrained term rewriting | |
LongMap | |
LRAT | |
M | |
maximum satisfiability | |
MCSat | |
modal logic | |
model checking | |
model construction | |
Modular decomposition of graphs | |
multiagent systems | |
N | |
neighbourhood frames | |
non-iterative | |
non-wellfounded proofs | |
Normal Form Transformation | |
O | |
omega-languages | |
Ontologies | |
Optimization | |
Optimization Modulo Theories (OMT) | |
P | |
Passive learning | |
PCE fragment | |
polynomial arithmetic | |
Prenexing | |
preprocessing | |
probabilistic programs | |
Program Synthesis | |
Progress | |
proof automation | |
proof logging | |
Proof search | |
proof theory | |
propositional quantifiers | |
provability logic | |
proving strategies | |
Q | |
QBF | |
QCIR | |
Quantified Boolean Formulas | |
quantifier elimination | |
Quantifiers | |
Quantitative algebraic reasoning | |
Quantum circuit equivalence checking | |
Quantum Computing | |
R | |
Recursion | |
reducibility constraints | |
redundancy | |
Refinement | |
Relative rewriting | |
resolution | |
Rewriting | |
S | |
SAT | |
SAT solving | |
Satisfiability | |
satisfiability modulo theories | |
Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) | |
saturation | |
saturation theorem proving | |
saturation-based theorem proving | |
Scala | |
Separation logic | |
Sequent calculus | |
set theory | |
simplification | |
Skolemization | |
SMT | |
SMT solving | |
Solving quantitative equations | |
Stabilizer Formalism | |
Stable Model Semantics | |
Strategies | |
Strategy Scheduling | |
Stream Calculus | |
Strong Equivalence of Logic Programs | |
Superposition | |
T | |
Tableaux | |
Term rewriting | |
Terminating calculi | |
Termination | |
Termination proofs | |
theorem prover | |
Theorem Proving | |
Theory Exploration | |
U | |
undecidability | |
Unification | |
uniform interpolation | |
Uniform substitution | |
UNSAT certificates | |
V | |
Vampire | |
Verified Software | |
W | |
Weighted Model Counting |