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11:00 | PRESENTER: Camillo Fiorentini ABSTRACT. Intuitionistic Strong Löb logic ISL is a well-known intuitionistic modal logic with a provability interpretation. We introduce GbuSL a terminating sequent calculus with the subformula property for ISL. GbuSL modifies the sequent calculus G3iSL for iSL based on G3i, by annotating the sequents to distinguish rule applications into an unblocked phase, where any rule can be backward applied, and a blocked phase where only right rules can be used. We prove that, if proof-search for a sequent s in GbuSL fails, then a Kripke countermodel for s can be constructed. |
11:30 | Skolemization for Intuitionistic Linear Logic ABSTRACT. Focusing is a known technique for reducing the number of proofs while preserving derivability. Skolemization is another technique designed to improve proof search, which reduces the number of back-tracking steps by representing dependencies on the term level and instantiate witness terms during unification at the axioms or fail with an occurs-check otherwise. Skolemization for classical logic is well understood, but a practical skolemization procedure for intuitionistic linear logic has been elusive so far. In this paper we present a focused variant of first-order intuitionistic linear logic together with a sound and complete skolemization procedure. |
12:00 | Local Intuitionistic Modal Logics and Their Calculi ABSTRACT. We investigate intuitionistic modal logics with local modalities, where both modalities are defined locally, exactly the same as in classical logic. Semantically these logics are characterized by suitable frame properties that ensure the hereditary property, whence conservativity over intuitionistic logic. The basic logic LIK (local IK) is stronger than constructive modal logic CK and incomparable with Fischer-Servi or Simpson's IK. We propose an axiomatization of the basic logic LIK and its extensions on serial, reflexive, and transitive frames. Whereas the basic LIK does not satisfy the disjunctive property, its extension with seriality or reflexivity does. We further propose bi-nested sequent calculi for LIK and its extensions which provide both a decision procedure and finite countermodel extraction. |
14:00 | A Dependency Pair Framework for Relative Termination of Term Rewriting ABSTRACT. Dependency pairs are one of the most powerful techniques for proving termination of term rewrite systems (TRSs), and they are used in almost all tools for termination analysis of TRSs. Problem #106 of the RTA List of Open Problems asks for an adaption of dependency pairs for relative termination. Here, infinite rewrite sequences are allowed but one wants to prove that a certain subset of the rewrite rules cannot be used infinitely often. Dependency pairs were recently adapted to annotated dependency pairs (ADPs) to prove almost-sure termination of probabilistic TRSs. In this paper, we develop a novel adaption of ADPs for relative termination. We implemented our new ADP framework in our tool AProVE and evaluate it in comparison to state-of-the-art tools for relative termination of TRSs. |
14:30 | PRESENTER: Jonas Schöpf ABSTRACT. We show that (local) confluence of terminating locally constrained rewrite systems is undecidable, even when the underlying theory is decidable. Several confluence criteria for logically constrained rewrite systems are known. These were obtained by replaying existing proofs for plain term rewrite systems in a constrained setting, involving a non-trivial effort. We present a simple transformation from logically constrained rewrite systems to term rewrite systems such that critical pairs of the latter correspond to constrained critical pairs of the former. The usefulness of the transformation is illustrated by lifting the advanced confluence results based on (almost) development closed critical pairs as well as on parallel critical pairs to the constrained setting. |
15:00 | The Naproche-ZF theorem prover (short paper/system description) ABSTRACT. Naproche-ZF is a new experimental open-source natural theorem prover based on set theory; formalizations in Naproche-ZF are written in a controlled natural language embedded into LaTeX and proof gaps are filled in with automated theorem provers. Naproche-ZF aims to scale natural theorem proving beyond chapter-sized formalizations. In contrast to Naproche-SAD, the new system uses an extensible grammar-based approach, has more efficient proof automation, and enables larger interconnected formalizations based on a standard library. |
15:20 | Control-Flow Refinement for Complexity Analysis of Probabilistic Programs in KoAT (Short Paper) ABSTRACT. Recently, we showed how to use control-flow refinement (CFR) to improve automatic complexity analysis of integer programs. While up to now CFR was limited to classical programs, in this paper we extend CFR to probabilistic programs and show its soundness for complexity analysis. To demonstrate its benefits, we implemented our new CFR technique in our complexity analysis tool KoAT. |
15:40 | ABSTRACT. The support for higher-order reasoning in the Vampire theorem prover has recently been completely reworked. This rework consists of new theoretical ideas, a new implementation, and a dedicated strategy schedule. The theoretical ideas are still under development, so we discuss them at a high level in this paper. We also describe the implementation of the calculus in the Vampire theorem prover, the strategy schedule construction, and several empirical performance statistics. |