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08:30-10:00 Session 18: Unification
Solving Quantitative Equations

ABSTRACT. Quantitative equational reasoning provides a framework that extends equality to an abstract notion of proximity by endowing equations with an element of a quantale. In this paper, we discuss the unification problem for a special class of shallow subterm-collapse-free quantitative equational theories. We outline rule-based algorithms for solving such equational unification problems over generic as well as idempotent Lawvereian quantales and study their properties.

Equational Anti-Unification over Absorption Theories

ABSTRACT. Interest in anti-unification, the dual problem of unification, is on the rise due to applications within software analysis and related areas. For example, anti-unification-based techniques have found uses within clone detection and automatic program repair methods. While syntactic forms of anti-unification are enough for many applications, some aspects of software analysis methods are more appropriately modeled by reasoning modulo an equational theory. Thus, extending existing anti-unification methods to deal with important equational theories is the natural step forward. This paper considers anti-unification modulo pure absorption theories, i.e., some operators are associated with a special constant satisfying the axiom f(x,ε_f) = f(ε_f,x) = ε_f. We provide a sound and complete rule-based algorithm for such theories. Furthermore, we show that anti-unification modulo absorption is infinitary. Despite this, our algorithm terminates and produces a finitary algorithmic representation of the minimal complete set of solutions.

Unification in the Description Logic ELHR+ without the Top Concept modulo Cycle-Restricted Ontologies

ABSTRACT. Unification has been introduced in Description Logic (DL) as a means to detect redundancies in ontologies. In particular, it was shown that testing unifiability in the DL EL is an NP-complete problem, and this result has been extended in several directions. Surprisingly, it turned out that the complexity increases to PSpace if one disallows the use of the top concept in concept descriptions. Motivated by features of the medical ontology SNOMED CT, we extend this result to a setting where the top concept is disallowed, but there is a background ontology consisting of restricted forms of concept and role inclusion axioms. We are able to show that the presence of such axioms does not increase the complexity of unification without top, i.e., testing for unifiability remains a PSpace-complete problem.

10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 Session 19: Satisfiability Modulo Theories

Additional information: After this session, the conference will be closed by the IJCAR co-organisers and PC co-chairs.

Model Completeness for Rational Trees
PRESENTER: Silvio Ghilardi

ABSTRACT. We analyze the theory of rational trees with finitely many constructors, infinitely many atoms and an atomicity predicate. We design a new decision procedure, proving in addition that this theory is model-complete. We also show that the enrichment of the language with selectors and simultaneous parametric fixpoints enjoys quantifier elimination.

Satisfiability Modulo Exponential Integer Arithmetic

ABSTRACT. SMT solvers use sophisticated techniques for polynomial (linear or non-linear) integer arithmetic. In contrast, non-polynomial integer arithmetic has mostly been neglected so far. However, in the context of program verification, polynomials are often insufficient to capture the behavior of the analyzed system without resorting to approximations. In the last years, incremental linearization has been applied successfully to satisfiability modulo real arithmetic with transcendental functions. We adapt this approach to an extension of polynomial integer arithmetic with exponential functions. Here, the key challenge is to compute suitable lemmas that eliminate the current model from the search space if it violates the semantics of exponentiation. An empirical evaluation of our implementation shows that our approach is highly effective in practice.

A Formal Model to Prove Instantiation Termination for E-matching-based Axiomatisations

ABSTRACT. SMT-based program analysis and verification often involve reasoning about program features that have been specified using axioms. These axioms often require quantifiers, but incorporating quantifiers into SMT-based reasoning is challenging. If quantifier instantiation is not carefully controlled, then runtime and outcomes can be brittle and hard to predict. In particular, uncontrolled quantifier instantiation can lead to unexpected incompleteness and even non-termination. E-matching is the most widely-used approach for controlling quantifier instantiation, but when axiomatisations are complex, even experts cannot tell if their use of E-matching guarantees completeness or termination.

This paper presents a new formal model that facilitates the proof, once and for all, that giving a complex E-matching-based axiomatisation to an SMT solver, such as Z3 or cvc5, will not cause non-termination. Key to our technique is an operational semantics for solver behaviour that models how the E-matching rules common to most solvers are used to determine when quantifier instantiations are enabled, but abstracts over irrelevant details of individual solvers. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique by presenting a termination proof for a set theory axiomatisation adapted from those used in the Dafny and Viper verifiers.

Generalized Optimization Modulo Theories

ABSTRACT. Optimization Modulo Theories (OMT) has emerged as an important extension of the highly successful Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) paradigm. The OMT problem requires solving an SMT problem with the restriction that the solution must be optimal with respect to a given objective function. We introduce a generalization of the OMT problem where, in particular, objective functions can range over partially ordered sets. We provide a formalization of and an abstract calculus for the generalized OMT problem and prove their key correctness properties. Generalized OMT extends previous work on OMT in several ways. First, in contrast to many current OMT solvers, our calculus is theory-agnostic, enabling the optimization of queries over any theories or combinations thereof. Second, our formalization unifies both single- and multi-objective optimization problems, allowing us to study them both in a single framework and facilitating the use of objective functions that are not supported by existing OMT approaches. Finally, our calculus is sufficiently general to fully capture a wide variety of current OMT approaches (each of which can be realized as a specific strategy for rule application in the calculus) and to support the exploration of new search strategies. Much like the original abstract DPLL(T) calculus for SMT, our Generalized OMT calculus is designed to establish a theoretical foundation for understanding and research and to serve as a framework for studying variations of and extensions to existing OMT methodologies.