- Session ID08 (Jan 09 14:30-16:30) Sustaining Local and Translocal Connections through Music
- Session IE08 (Jan 09 17:00-18:30) Music, Water and Ritual
- Session IIB08 (Jan 10 11:00-13:00) Musics in Africa II
- Session IIC08 (Jan 10 13:00-14:30) Study Group Welcome Meeting — Audiovisual Ethnomusicology
- Session IIE08 (Jan 10 17:00-18:30) Long-term Participatory Action-Research as Praxis for Social Change
- Session IIF08 (Jan 10 18:45-20:15) Meeting of the ICTMD Early Career Scholars Network (ECSN)
- Session IIIA08 (Jan 11 08:30-10:30) Music, Dance and Embodiment
- Session IIIB08 (Jan 11 11:00-13:00) Musics and Dance in Asia
- Session IIIC08 (Jan 11 13:00-14:30) Study Group Welcome Meeting — Indigenous Music and Dance
- Session IIIE08 (Jan 11 17:00-18:30) The Role of Technologies in Keeping Communities Vital
- Session VA08 (Jan 13 08:30-10:30) Women, Gender, Voices
- Session VB08 (Jan 13 11:00-13:00) Indigenous Voices and Song Collections
- Session VD08 (Jan 13 14:30-16:30) Experimental Approaches in Chinese Musics
- Session VE08 (Jan 13 17:00-18:30) Dance Histories
- Session VIA08 (Jan 14 08:30-10:30) Musics in Asia IX - Aesthetics, Analysis, Documentation
- Session VIB08 (Jan 14 11:00-13:00) Dance, Music and Song
- Session VIC08 (Jan 14 13:00-14:30) Study Group Welcome Meeting — Applied Ethnomusicology
- Session VIE08 (Jan 14 17:00-18:30) Theories and Methods in Performance Practice
- Session VIIA08 (Jan 15 08:30-10:30) Nationalisms, Identities and Global Concerns
- Session VIIB08 (Jan 15 11:00-13:00) Critical Approaches to Music Education
- Session VIID08 (Jan 15 14:30-16:30) Aesthetics and "Otherness" in Musical Performance