
Preliminary Programme of the 48th World Conference of the International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance (ICTMD), 9-15 January 2025. 

Conference Host: Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand (UTC/GMT +13 in January)

Each session in the programme has, in addition to its title, a unique identifier consisting of three components: a Roman numeral, a capital letter, and an Arabic numeral. The Roman numeral refers to the day of the conference (I-VII). The capital letter indicates a particular time period within each day (A=early morning, B=late morning, C=lunchtime, D=early afternoon, E=late afternoon, F=early evening, and G=late evening). The Arabic numeral identifies parallel sessions. As an example, the identifier “IID05” describes the fifth parallel session held on the second day of the conference, in the early afternoon.

Please note that performances, film screenings, an ECSN mentoring programme, and some workshops and activities remain to be scheduled. Abstracts may be subject to minor editing before final publication.

To access the preliminary programme's schedule, use the navigation bar at the top of this page, or click here.

Last updated on: 16 October 2024.