- Session IC04 (Jan 09 13:00-14:30) Film screenings: 'Goong: Sound Through Fire' (Mendonça) and '(a)shore' (Eckman)
- Session ID04 (Jan 09 14:30-16:30) Film screening: 'Hopa Lide' (Petr Nuska)
- Session IE04 (Jan 09 17:00-18:30) Music and Dance in Hong Kong and Shanghai
- Session IIA04 (Jan 10 08:30-10:30) Film screenings: 'Devagan' (Du) and 'The Shifting Dreams of Tazumuddin' (Das)
- Session IIB04 (Jan 10 11:00-13:00) Film screenings: 'Innovation within Tradition'
- Session IIC04 (Jan 10 13:00-14:30) Film screening: 'Facing Shores' (Murer)
- Session IIE04 (Jan 10 17:00-18:30) Indigenous Music and Dance Research in Australia and Timor-Leste
- Session IIIA04 (Jan 11 08:30-10:30) Film screenings: 'San Pablo Cimarrona', 'Reviving Rongo' and 'Hou Rongo'
- Session IIIB04 (Jan 11 11:00-13:00) Film Screening: 'The Music of Our Neighbors' (Hill & Günauer)
- Session IIIC04 (Jan 11 13:00-14:30) Film screening: 'Nyejerang Swara' (Suyadnyani/Hatch), 'El Porro es Rey' (Barnat)
- Session IIIE04 (Jan 11 17:00-18:30) Hou rongo: Moriori, music, manawa
- Session VA04 (Jan 13 08:30-10:30) Film presentations and talks
- Session VB04 (Jan 13 11:00-13:00) Film presentations and talks
- Session VC04 (Jan 13 13:00-14:30) Film screening: 'Three Films Engaging with Diverse Southern African Music and Dance Traditions' (Bruinders)
- Session VD04 (Jan 13 14:30-16:30) Film screening: 'Kantar Goa' (Elvino de Sousa) and 'The griots of Kéla' (N'Daou)
- Session VE04 (Jan 13 17:00-18:30) Film screening: 'Gone to the Village' (Ampene)
- Session VIA04 (Jan 14 08:30-10:30) Film presentations and talks
- Session VIB04 (Jan 14 11:00-13:00) Film presentations and talks
- Session VIC04 (Jan 14 13:00-14:30) Film screenings: New music videos (Shib Shankar Chowdhury)
- Session VIE04 (Jan 14 17:00-18:30) Musical Responses to Social, Political and Environmental Challenges
- Session VIIA04 (Jan 15 08:30-10:30) Films: 'Sharing the Gospel with the Hakka' & 'Sounds of Weeping'
- Session VIIB04 (Jan 15 11:00-13:00) Film screening: 'The past that sounds and re-sounds' (Rubio et. al.)
- Session VIIC04 (Jan 15 13:00-14:30) Study Group Welcome Meeting — Music Archaeology
- Session VIID04 (Jan 15 14:30-16:30) Film presentations and talks