Days: Monday, July 3rd Tuesday, July 4th Wednesday, July 5th
Monday, July 3rd
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:20-10:10 Session 2: Keynote Lecture 1
Location: 100
09:20 | An Overview of High Performance Computing and Future Requirements (abstract) |
10:10-10:40Coffee Break
10:40-12:20 Session 3A: MT 1
Location: 100
10:40 | Numerical simulation of the octorotor flying car in sudden rotor stop (abstract) |
11:00 | Automated identification and location of three dimensional atmospheric frontal systems (abstract) |
11:20 | Downscaling WRF-Chem: Analyzing urban air quality in Barcelona city (abstract) |
11:40 | Turning Flight Simulation with Fluid-rigid Body Interaction for Flying Car with Contra-rotating Propellers (abstract) |
12:00 | SLAM methods for Augmented Reality systems for flight simulators (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3B: MT 2-ol
Location: 303
10:40 | First-Principles Calculation to N-type Beryllium related Co-doping and Beryllium Doping in Diamond (abstract) |
11:00 | Introducing a computational method to retrofit damaged buildings under seismic mainshock-aftershock sequence (abstract) |
11:20 | Adsorption Characteristics and Thermal Stability of Hy-drogen Termination on Diamond Surface:A first-principles study (abstract) |
11:40 | Fast Electromagnetic Field Pattern Calculations with Fourier Neural Operator Networks (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3C: AIHPC4AS 1
Location: 319
10:40 | Combining Deep Learning and Computational Mechanics in structural damage assessment under environmental and operational variability (abstract) |
11:00 | Actor-based Scalable Simulation of N-body Problem\ (abstract) |
11:20 | Least-squares space-time formulation for advection-diffusion problem with efficient adaptive solver based on matrix compression (abstract) |
11:40 | Deep Learning Operator Network for Geometric Nonlinear Deformation with PyFEM (abstract) |
12:00 | Fast solver for advection dominated diffusion using residual minimization and neural networks (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3D: BBC 1
Location: 220
10:40 | Resting State Brain Connectivity analysis from EEG and FNIRS signals (abstract) |
11:00 | Phase Correction and Noise-to-Noise Denoising of Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Images using Neural Networks (abstract) |
11:20 | Anomaly detection of motion capture data based on the autoencoder approach (abstract) |
11:40 | Influence of the capillaries bed in hyperthermia for cancer treatment (abstract) |
12:00 | Investigating the Sentiment in Italian Long-COVID Narrations (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3E: QCW 1
Location: 120
10:40 | Software aided approach for constrained optimization based on QAOA modifications (abstract) |
11:00 | Solving (Max) 3-SAT via Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (abstract) |
11:20 | GCS-Q: Quantum Graph Coalition Structure Generation (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3F: MMS 1
Location: B103
10:40 | Convolutional Recurrent Autoencoder for Molecular-Continuum Coupling (abstract) |
11:00 | Developing an Agent-Based Simulation Model to Forecast Flood-Induced Evacuation and Internally Displaced Persons (abstract) |
11:20 | Epistemic and Aleatoric Uncertainty Quantification and Surrogate Modelling in High-Performance Multiscale Plasma Physics Simulations (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3G: CMCM
Location: B115
10:40 | Predicting cell stress and deformation during bioprinting (abstract) |
11:00 | Simulating the Deformation and Stress Distribution of High-shear Platelet Aggregates Under Multiple Shear Flow Conditions (abstract) |
11:20 | Simulating initial steps of platelet aggregate formation in a cellular blood flow environment (abstract) |
11:40 | Estimating Parameters of 3D Cell Model using a Bayesian Recursive Global Optimizer (BaRGO) (abstract) |
12:00 | Towards unresolved RBC – a deformable particle model for the unresolved CFD-DEM simulation of blood flow (abstract) |
12:20 | A novel high-throughput framework to quantify spatio- temporal tumor clonal dynamics (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3H: CSCx 1
Location: B11
10:40 | Toxicity in Evolving Twitter Topics (abstract) |
11:00 | Longitudinal Analysis of the Topology of Criminal Networks using a Simple Cost-Benefit Agent-Based Model (abstract) |
11:20 | Manifold Analysis for High-Dimensional Socio-Environmental Surveys (abstract) |
11:40 | Building Agent-Based Models for policy support based on Qualitative Inquiry. The case of Disaster Information Management in Jakarta, Indonesia (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3I: NMA 1
Location: B10
10:40 | Parallel Triangles and Squares Count for Multigraphs using Vertex Covers (abstract) |
11:00 | On filtering the noise in consensual communities (abstract) |
11:20 | Strokes and the brain's criticality viewed through the lens of network models (abstract) |
12:20-12:50 Session 4: Poster Session
The paper lineup is the same for all three Poster Sessions.
Location: Atrium
Transferable Keyword Extraction and Generation with Text-to-Text Language Models (abstract) |
Low-Cost Behavioral Modeling of Antennas by Dimensionality Reduction and Domain Confinement (abstract) |
Feasibility and performance benefits of directional force fields for the tactical conflict management of UAVs (abstract) |
Hierarchical Classification of Adverse Events Based on Consumer’s Comments (abstract) |
Weighted Hamming Metric and KNN Classification of Nominal-Continuous Data (abstract) |
Black Box Optimization Using QUBO and the Cross Entropy Method (abstract) |
Quantum Factory Method: A Software Engineering Approach to Deal with Incompatibilities in Quantum Libraries (abstract) |
Estimating Chlorophyll Content from Hyperspectral Data Using Gradient Features (abstract) |
PIES in multi-region elastic problems including body forces (abstract) |
r-softmax: Generalized Softmax with Controllable Sparsity Rate (abstract) |
Solving uncertainly defined curvilinear potential 2D BVPs by the IFPIES (abstract) |
Memory-based Monte Carlo integration for solving Partial Differential Equations using Neural Networks (abstract) |
Fuzzy solutions of boundary problems using interval parametric integral equations system (abstract) |
A Robust Machine Learning Protocol for Prediction of Prostate Cancer Survival at Multiple Time-Horizons (abstract) |
A Hypergraph Model and Associated Optimization Strategies for Path Length-Driven Netlist Partitioning (abstract) |
TwitterEmo: Annotating Emotions and Sentiment in Polish Twitter (abstract) |
Discovering Process Models from Patient Notes (abstract) ![]() |
Automatic structuring of topics for natural language generation in community question answering in programming domain (abstract) |
Improving LocalMaxs Multiword Expression Statistical Extractor (abstract) |
Similarity-based Memory Enhanced Joint Entity and Relation Extraction (abstract) |
Compiling Tensor Expressions into Einsum (abstract) |
TAQOS: A Benchmark Protocol for Quantum Optimization Systems (abstract) |
How to select superior Neural Network simulating inner city contaminant transport? Verification and validation techniques. (abstract) | A Multilingual Platform for Effortless Building and Analysing Linguistic Corpora (abstract) |
Knowledge hypergraph-based multidimensional analysis for natural language queries: application to medical data (abstract) |
Graph TopoFilter: a method for noisy labels detection for graph-structured classes (abstract) |
Multi-Granular Computing Can Predict Prodromal Alzheimer’s Disease Indications in Normal Subjects (abstract) |
Quantifying Parking Difficulty with Transport and Prediction Models for Travel Mode Choice Modelling (abstract) |
Cloud Native approach to the implementation of an environmental monitoring system for Smart City based on IoT devices (abstract) |
Exploring the Capabilities of Quantum Support Vector Machines for Image Classification on the MNIST Benchmark (abstract) |
Determination of lower bounds of the goal function for a single machine scheduling problem on D-Wave quantum annealer (abstract) |
Dynamic Data Replication for Short Time-to-Completion in a Data Grid (abstract) |
Oscillatory behaviour of the RBF-FD approximation accuracy under increasing stencil size (abstract) |
Detection of Anomalous Days in Energy Demand using Leading Point Multi-Regression Model (abstract) |
Numerical method for 3D quantification of glenoid bone loss (abstract) |
Solving Higher Order Binary Optimization Problems on NISQ Devices: Experiments and Limitations (abstract) |
On the Impact of Noisy Labels on Supervised Classification Models (abstract) |
Solving Complex Sequential Decision-Making Problems by Deep Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Rules (abstract) |
A New Algorithm for the Closest Pair of Points for Very Large Data Sets using Exponent Bucketing and Windowing (abstract) |
Computational Steering: Interactive Design-through-Analysis for Simulation Sciences (abstract) |
13:50-14:40 Session 5: Keynote Lecture 2
Location: 100
13:50 | Building Robust Simulation-based Forecasts During Emergencies (abstract) |
14:50-16:30 Session 6A: MT 3
Location: 100
14:50 | Towards Automatic Generation of Digital Twins: Graph-based Integration of Smart City Datasets (abstract) |
15:10 | Digital twin simulation development and execution on HPC infrastructures (abstract) |
15:30 | Improving the Resiliency of Decentralized Crowdsourced Blockchain Oracles (abstract) |
15:50 | Characterization of pedestrian contact interaction trajectories (abstract) |
16:10 | Predicting ABM Results with Covering Arrays and Random Forests (abstract) |
14:50-16:30 Session 6B: MT 4-ol
Location: 303
14:50 | Vecpar – A Framework for Portabililty and Parallelization (abstract) |
15:10 | Online Runtime Environment Prediction for Complex Colocation Interference in Distributed Stream Processing (abstract) |
15:30 | Development of 3D viscoelastic crustal deformation analysis solver with data-driven method on GPU (abstract) |
15:50 | Optimization and Comparison of Coordinate- and Metric-Based Indexes on GPUs for Distance Similarity Searches (abstract) |
16:10 | Efficiency Analysis for IA applications in HPC systems. Case study: k-means (abstract) |
14:50-16:30 Session 6C: AIHPC4AS 2-ol
Location: 319
14:50 | Intracellular Material Transport Simulation in Neurons Using Isogeometric Analysis and Deep Learning (abstract) |
15:30 | Towards understanding of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents used in Cloud Resource Management (abstract) |
15:50 | Long-term prediction of cloud resource usage in high-performance computing (abstract) |
16:10 | A Deep r- Adaptive First Order Least Squares method for solving elliptic PDEs (abstract) |
14:50-16:30 Session 6D: BBC 2
Location: 220
14:50 | Multifractal organization of EEG signals in Multiple Sclerosis (abstract) |
15:10 | A Federated Search Workflow Engine for Text Analytics Using Large-Scale BioMedical Literature (abstract) |
15:30 | CNN-based Quantifcation of Blood Vessels Lumen in 3D Images (abstract) |
15:50 | Tensor Train Subspace Analysis for Classification of Hand Gestures with Surface EMG Signals (abstract) |
16:10 | A new statistical approach to image reconstruction with rebinning for the x-ray CT scanners with flying focal spot tube (abstract) |
16:30 | Hierarchical relative expression analysis in multi-omics data classification (abstract) |
14:50-16:30 Session 6E: QCW 2
Location: 120
14:50 | Learning QUBO Models for Quantum Annealing: A Constraint-based Approach (abstract) |
15:10 | Searching $B$-smooth numbers using quantum annealing: applications to factorization and discrete logarithm problem (abstract) |
15:30 | Enabling Non-Linear Quantum Operations through Variational Quantum Splines (abstract) |
15:50 | Qubit: The Game. Teaching Quantum Computing through a Game-Based Approach (abstract) |
14:50-16:30 Session 6F: MMS 2
Location: B103
14:50 | Sensitivity Analysis of Blood Flow in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms by Lattice Boltzmann Method (abstract) |
15:10 | Hemodynamics of the coarctation of the aorta: a Lattice Boltzmann Study (abstract) |
15:30 | Towards a simplified solution of COVID spread in buildings for use in coupled models. (abstract) |
14:50-16:30 Session 6G: CoDiP 1
Location: B115
14:50 | Automating the Analysis of Institutional Design in International Agreements (abstract) |
15:10 | The Emergence of an European Consensus: A Data-Driven Analysis of UN General Assembly Voting Patterns (abstract) |
15:30 | Towards a Better Understanding of Multilateral Consensus Making: Analyzing the Complex Network of UN Security Council and WHO Resolutions (abstract) |
14:50-16:30 Session 6H: CSCx 2-ol
Location: B11
14:50 | The social graph based on real data (abstract) |
15:10 | The process of polarisation as a loss of dimensionality. (abstract) |
15:30 | Structural Validation Of Synthetic Power Distribution Networks Using The Multiscale Flat Norm (abstract) |
15:50 | OptICS-EV: A Data-Driven Model for Optimal Installation of Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles (abstract) |
14:50-16:30 Session 6I: NMA 2-ol
Location: B10
14:50 | Strengthening structural baselines for graph classification using Local Topological Profile (abstract) |
15:10 | Applying reinforcement learning to Ramsey problems (abstract) |
15:30 | Deep Learning Attention Model For Supervised and Unsupervised Network Community Detection (abstract) |
15:50 | Prediction of Urban Population-Facilities Interactions with Graph Neural Network (abstract) |
16:10 | A framework for modelling temporal networks using singular value decomposition and symbolic regression (abstract) |
16:30 | Analyzing the Attitudes of Consumers to Electric Vehicles Using Bayesian Networks (abstract) |
16:30-17:00Coffee Break
17:00-18:40 Session 7A: MT 5
Location: 100
17:00 | Ensemble Based Learning for Automated Safety Labeling of Prescribed Fires (abstract) |
17:20 | Impact of Mixed-Precision: a Way to Accelerate Data-Driven Forest Fire Spread Systems (abstract) |
17:40 | Wildfire Perimeter Detection via Iterative Trimming Method (abstract) |
18:00 | ITS4Tsunamis: An Intelligent Transportation System for Tsunamis Combining CEP, CPN and Fuzzy Logic (abstract) |
18:20 | The first scientiffic evidence for the hail cannon (abstract) |
18:40 | Implementation of Coupled Numerical Analysis of Magnetospheric Dynamics and Spacecraft Charging Phenomena via Code-To-Code Adapter (CoToCoA) Framework (abstract) |
17:00-18:40 Session 7B: MT 6-ol
Location: 303
17:00 | Excessive Internet Use in the Organizational Context: A Proposition of the New Instrument to Measure Cyberloafing at Work (abstract) |
17:20 | Multi-agent cellular automaton model for traffic flow considering the heterogeneity of human delay and accelerations (abstract) |
17:40 | Modelling the interplay between Chronic Stress and Type 2 Diabetes on-set (abstract) |
18:00 | Elements of Antirival Accounting with Shareable Non-Fungible Tokens (abstract) |
18:20 | Global network of biofuel feedstock commodity futures (abstract) |
18:40 | A Study of Imaging in the Existence of Resonance with Multiple Scattering in Isotropic Point-Like Discrete Random Media (abstract) |
17:00-18:40 Session 7C: AIHPC4AS 3-ol
Location: 319
17:00 | ML-based proactive control of industrial processes (abstract) |
17:20 | Chemical Mixing Simulations with Integrated AI Accelerator (abstract) |
17:40 | Improving Group Lasso for high-dimensional categorical data (abstract) |
18:00 | Parallel algorithm for concurrent integration of three-dimensional B-spline functions (abstract) |
17:00-18:40 Session 7D: BBC 3-ol
Location: 220
17:00 | Replacing the FitzHugh-Nagumo electrophysiology model by physics-informed neural networks (abstract) |
17:20 | Sensitivity Analysis of a Two-compartmental Differential Equation Mathematical Model of Multiple Sclerosis using Parallel Programming (abstract) |
17:40 | Toward the Human Nanoscale Connectome: Neuronal Morphology Format, Modeling, and Storage Requirement Estimation (abstract) |
17:00-18:40 Session 7E: QCW 3
Location: 120
17:00 | Simulating sparse and shallow Gaussian Boson Sampling (abstract) |
17:20 | Constructing generalized unitary group designs (abstract) |
17:40 | Simulation of quantum computers on tensor streaming processors (abstract) |
17:00-18:40 Session 7F: MMS 3-ol
Location: B103
17:00 | Scale-bridging workflows in materials science using FireWorks (abstract) |
17:20 | Integrating remote sensing data in an agent-based modeling of the Tigray conflict (abstract) |
17:00-18:40 Session 7G: CoDiP 2-ol
Location: B115
17:00 | An Approach for Probabilistic Modeling and Reasoning of Political Networks (abstract) |
17:20 | An Analysis of Political Parties Cohesion based on Congressional Speeches (abstract) |
17:40 | Leveraging Social Contagion to Foster Consensus in Collective Decision-Making (abstract) |
18:00 | Modeling mechanisms of school segregation and policy interventions: a complexity perspective (abstract) |
18:20 | The complexities of policy, data and computational methods: Charting a new, case-based, social science grounded, AM-Smart methods approach (abstract) |
17:00-18:40 Session 7H: CSCx 3
Location: B11
Tuesday, July 4th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-09:50 Session 8: Keynote Lecture 3
Location: 100
09:00 | Leading the Way in European Supercomputing. User’s Opportunities and Latest Updates from the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (abstract) |
09:50-10:20Coffee Break
10:20-12:00 Session 9A: MT 7
Location: 100
10:20 | Graph-level representations using ensemble-based readout functions (abstract) |
10:40 | Data Integration Landscapes: The Case for Non-Optimal Solutions in Network Diffusion Models (abstract) |
11:00 | RAFEN - Regularized Alignment Framework for Embeddings of Nodes (abstract) |
11:20 | Influence of activation functions on the convergence of Physics-Informed Neural Networks for 1D wave equation (abstract) |
11:40 | Comparative analysis of community detection and transformer-based approaches for topic clustering of scientific papers (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 9B: MT 8-ol
Location: 303
10:20 | Alternative platforms and privacy paradox: A system dynamics analysis (abstract) |
10:40 | RL-MAGE: Strengthening Malware Detectors against Smart Adversaries (abstract) |
11:00 | Application of genetic algorithm to load balancing in networks with a homogeneous traffic flow (abstract) |
11:20 | Self-supervised Deep Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks with Contrastive Learning (abstract) |
11:40 | Improving the Performance of Task-based Linear Algebra Software with Autotuning Techniques on Heterogeneous Architectures (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 9C: AIHPC4AS 4
Location: 319
10:20 | Goal-oriented Deep Ritz and Least-Squares methods (abstract) |
10:40 | An Adaptive Strategy to Solve Parametric PDEs to Generate Massive Databases for Deep Learning Inversion (abstract) |
11:00 | Deep Learning Inversion of Geophysical Data Generated with Parametric PDEs (abstract) |
11:20 | Adaptive physics-informed Spectral Learning to simulate discrete Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition (abstract) |
11:40 | Deep Fourier Residual method for PDEs with H1 and H(curl) test function spaces (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 9D: COMS 1
Location: 220
10:20 | Expedited Metaheuristic-Based Antenna Optimization Using EM Model Resolution Management (abstract) |
10:40 | Model of perspective distortions for a vision measuring system of large-diameter bent pipes (abstract) |
11:00 | Optimization of asynchronous logging kernels for a GPU accelerated CFD solver (abstract) |
11:20 | Dynamic core binding for load balancing of applications parallelized with MPI/OpenMP (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 9E: QCW 4-ol
Location: 120
10:20 | Double-bracket flow quantum algorithm for diagonalization (abstract) |
10:40 | Sub-Exponential ML algorithm for predicting local ground state properties (abstract) |
11:00 | Multi-objective Quantum-inspired Genetic Algorithm for Supervised Learning of Deep Classification Models (abstract) |
11:20 | Classification of Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing (abstract) |
11:40 | Translating Constraints into QUBOs for the Quadratic Knapsack Problem (abstract) |
12:00 | A polynomial size model with implicit SWAP gate counting for exact qubit reordering (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 9F: CGIPAI 1
Location: B103
10:20 | Radial Basis Function Neural Network with a Centers Training Stage for Prediction Based on Dispersed Image Data (abstract) |
10:40 | Database of fragments of medieval codices of the 11th-12th centuries - the uniqueness of requirements and data (abstract) |
11:00 | Global optimisation for improved volume tracking of time-varying meshes (abstract) |
11:20 | Detection of objects dangerous for the operation of mining machines (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 9G: SmartSys 1
Location: B115
10:20 | Multimodal Emotion Classification Supported in the Aggregation of Pre-Trained classification models (abstract) |
10:40 | Cyber-physical system supporting the production technology of steel mill products based on ladle furnace tracking and sensor networks (abstract) |
11:00 | Resource consumption of Federated Learning approach applied on edge IoT devices in the AGV environment (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 9H: SOFTMAC 1
Location: B11
10:20 | A space-time multiscale mortar mixed finite element method for flow in porous media (abstract) |
10:40 | Two-field finite element solvers for linear and nonlinear poroelasticity problems (abstract) |
11:00 | Numerical simulation of virus-laden droplets transport from lung to lung by using eighth generation airway model (abstract) |
11:20 | Component-wise and unconditionally energy-stable VT flash calculation (abstract) |
11:40 | Deswelling Dynamics of Chemically-Active Polyelectrolyte Gels (abstract) |
12:00 | Constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale finite element method for highly heterogeneous compressible flow (abstract) |
12:20 | Unconditionally Energy-Stable SPH Methods for Incompressible Single-Phase and Two-Phase Flows (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 9I: CompHealth 1
Location: B10
10:20 | Estimation of the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdowns on Breast Cancer Deaths and Costs in Poland using Markovian Monte Carlo Simulation (abstract) |
10:40 | Named Entity Recognition for De-identifying Real-World Health Records in Spanish (abstract) |
11:00 | Handwriting Analysis AI-based System for Assisting People with Dysgraphia (abstract) |
12:00-12:30 Session 10: Poster Session
The paper lineup is the same for all three Poster Sessions.
Location: Atrium
13:30-14:20 Session 11: Keynote Lecture 4
Location: 100
13:30 | Adaptive-Multilevel BDDC: A Scalable Domain Decomposition Method for Problems in Computational Mechanics (abstract) |
14:30-16:10 Session 12A: MT 9
Location: 100
14:30 | On Irregularity Localization for Scientific Data Analysis Workflows (abstract) |
14:50 | Linking scholarly datasets — the EOSC perspective (abstract) |
15:10 | Heuristic Modularity Maximization Algorithms for Community Detection Rarely Return an Optimal Partition or Anything Similar (abstract) |
14:30-16:10 Session 12B: MT 10-ol
Location: 303
14:30 | An application of evolutionary algorithms and machine learning in four-part harmonization (abstract) |
14:50 | Performing Aerobatic Maneuver with Imitation Learning (abstract) |
15:10 | A Moral Foundations Dictionary for the European Portuguese Language: The Case of Portuguese Parliamentary Debates (abstract) |
15:30 | Exploring Counterfactual Explanations for Predicting Student Success (abstract) |
15:50 | Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Learning Approach Based on Feature Extraction for Anxiety Detection (abstract) |
16:10 | Siamese Autoencoder-based Approach for Missing Data Imputation (abstract) |
14:30-16:10 Session 12C: SPU 1
Location: 319
14:30 | Ontological Modelling and Social Network: from expert validation to consolidated domains (abstract) |
14:50 | Semantic Hashing to Remedy Uncertainties in Ontology-Driven Edge Computing (abstract) |
15:10 | Global Sensitivity Analysis Using Polynomial Chaos Expansion on the Grassmann Manifold (abstract) |
15:30 | Creating Models for Predictive Maintenance of Field Equipment in the Oil Industry with Simulation Based Uncertainty Modelling (abstract) |
15:50 | A Bayesian Optimization through Sequential Monte Carlo and Statistical Physics-Inspired Techniques (abstract) |
14:30-16:10 Session 12D: COMS 2
Location: 220
14:30 | Optimal Knots Selection in Fitting Degenerate Reduced Data (abstract) |
14:50 | Performance of selected Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms used for Extreme Learning Machine (abstract) |
15:10 | Minimal Path Delay Leading Zero Counters on Xilinx FPGAs (abstract) |
14:30-16:10 Session 12E: MLDADS 1
Location: 120
14:30 | Graph neural network potentials for molecular dynamics simulations of water cluster anions (abstract) |
14:50 | Clustering-based Identification of Precursors of Extreme Events in Chaotic Systems (abstract) |
15:10 | Human-Sensors & Physics awared Machine Learning for Wildfire Detection and Nowcasting (abstract) |
15:30 | Rules' Quality Generated by the Classification Method for Independent Data Sources Using Pawlak Conflict Analysis Model (abstract) |
15:50 | Convolutional autoencoder for the spatiotemporal latent representation of turbulence (abstract) |
16:10 | Data-driven stability analysis of a chaotic time-delayed system (abstract) |
14:30-16:10 Session 12F: CGIPAI 2
Location: B103
14:30 | A Novel DAAM-DCNNs Hybrid Approach to Facial Expression Recognition to Enhance Learning Experience (abstract) |
14:50 | Classification performance of Extreme Learning Machine Radial Basis Function with k-means, k-medoids and mean shift clustering algorithms (abstract) |
15:10 | Impact of text pre-processing on classification accuracy in Polish (abstract) |
15:30 | Radius Estimation in Angiograms using Multiscale Vesselness Function (abstract) |
14:30-16:10 Session 12G: SmartSys 2-ol
Location: B115
14:30 | Payload Level Graph Attention Network for Web Attack Traffic Detection (abstract) |
14:50 | Smart Head-mount Obstacle Avoidance Wearable for the Vision Impaired (abstract) |
15:10 | ATS: A Fully Automatic Troubleshooting System with Efficient Anomaly Detection and Localization (abstract) |
15:30 | SocHAP: a new data driven explainable prediction of battery state of charge (abstract) |
14:30-16:10 Session 12H: SOFTMAC 2-ol
Location: B11
14:30 | Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulations for Drug Release from PLGA Nanoparticles (abstract) |
14:50 | Numerical simulation of propeller hydrodynamics using the open source software (abstract) |
15:10 | Numerical Solution on Nonaffine Grids by Least-Squares FEM for Convection-Dominated Problems (abstract) |
15:30 | DNS of thermocapillary migration of a bi-dispersed suspension of droplets (abstract) |
15:50 | Numerical simulation of supersonic jet noise using open source software (abstract) |
14:30-16:10 Session 12I: CompHealth 2-ol
Location: B10
14:30 | Comparative study of meta-heuristic algorithms for damage detection problem (abstract) |
14:50 | Supervised machine learning techniques applied to medical records toward the diagnosis of rare autoimmune diseases (abstract) |
15:10 | Universal machine-learning processing pattern for computing in the video-oculography. (abstract) |
15:30 | Machine Learning for Risk Stratification of Diabetic Foot Ulcers using Biomarkers (abstract) |
15:50 | RuMedSpellchecker: correcting spelling errors for natural Russian language in electronic health records using machine learning techniques (abstract) |
16:10-16:40Coffee Break
16:40-18:20 Session 13A: MT 11
Location: 100
16:40 | Memory-efficient all-pair suffix-prefix overlaps on GPU (abstract) |
17:00 | Parallel Adjoint Taping using MPI (abstract) |
17:20 | Experimental Study of a Parallel Iterative Solver for Markov Chain Modeling (abstract) |
17:40 | Accelerating Multivariate Functional Approximation Computation with Domain Decomposition Techniques (abstract) |
18:00 | Tempo and Time Signature Detection of a Musical Piece (abstract) |
16:40-18:20 Session 13B: MT 12-ol
Location: 303
16:40 | Image Recognition of Plants and Plant Diseases with Transfer Learning and Feature Compression (abstract) |
17:00 | Identifying Users of IoT Wearables by Heart rate (abstract) |
17:20 | Improving Patients' Length of Stay Prediction Using Clinical and Demographics Features Enrichment (abstract) |
17:40 | Attribute Relevance and Discretisation in Knowledge Discovery: A Study in Stylometric Domain (abstract) |
18:00 | What will happen when we radically simplify t-SNE an UMAP visualization algorithms. Is it worth to do that? (abstract) |
18:20 | Automatic Delta-Adjustment Method applied to Missing Not At Random Imputation (abstract) |
16:40-18:20 Session 13C: SPU 2-ol
Location: 319
16:40 | Distributionally-Robust Optimization for Sustainable Exploitation of the Infinite-dimensional Superposition of Affine Processes with an Application to Fish Migration (abstract) |
17:00 | On the Resolution of Approximation Errors on an Ensemble of Numerical Solutions (abstract) |
17:20 | Allocation of Distributed Resources with Group Dependencies and Availability Uncertainties (abstract) |
16:40-18:20 Session 13D: MESHFREE
Location: 220
16:40 | Biharmonic scattered data interpolation based on the Method of Fundamental Solutions (abstract) |
17:00 | Spatially-varying meshless approximation method for enhanced computational efficiency (abstract) |
17:20 | On the weak formulations of the Multipoint meshless FDM (abstract) |
16:40-18:20 Session 13E: MLDADS 2
Location: 120
16:40 | Learning Neural Optimal Interpolation Models and Solvers (abstract) |
17:00 | A kernel extension of the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (abstract) |
17:20 | Bayesian optimization of the layout of wind farms with a high-fidelity surrogate model (abstract) |
17:40 | Using machine learning, data assimilation and their combination to improve a new generation of Arctic sea-ice models (abstract) |
16:40-18:20 Session 13F: CGIPAI 3
Location: B103
16:40 | 3D tracking of multiple drones based on Particle Swarm Optimization (abstract) |
17:00 | Sun Magnetograms Retrieval From Vast Collections Through Small Hash Codes (abstract) |
17:20 | Artificial Immune Systems Approach for Surface Reconstruction of Shapes with Large Smooth Bumps (abstract) |
16:40-18:20 Session 13G: SmartSys 3-ol
Location: B115
16:40 | Prediction of casting mechanical parameters based on direct microstructure image analysis using deep neural network and graphite forms classification (abstract) |
17:00 | Breaking the Anti-Malware: EvoAAttack based on Genetic Algorithm against Android Malware Detection Systems (abstract) |
17:20 | Smart Control System for Sustainable Swimming Pools (abstract) |
17:40 | Feature importances as a tool for root cause analysis in time-series events (abstract) |
16:40-18:20 Session 13H: SOFTMAC 3-ol
Location: B11
16:40 | Molecular dynamics study of hydrogen dissolution and diffusion in different nonmetallic pipe materials (abstract) |
17:00 | Unstructured conservative level-set (UCLS) simulations of film boiling heat transfer (abstract) |
16:40-18:20 Session 13I: CompHealth 3-ol
Location: B10
16:40 | Coupling between a finite element model of coronary artery mechanics and a microscale agent-based model of smooth muscle cells through trilinear interpolation (abstract) |
17:00 | Does complex mean accurate: comparing COVID-19 propagation models with different structural complexity (abstract) |
17:20 | Accounting for data uncertainty in modeling acute respiratory infections: influenza in St. Petersburg as a case study (abstract) |
17:40 | A web portal for real-time data quality analysis on the Brazilian Tuberculosis Research Network: A Case Study (abstract) |
18:00 | Use of Decentralized-Learning Methods Applied to Healthcare: A Bibliometric Analysis (abstract) |
Wednesday, July 5th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-09:50 Session 14: Keynote Lecture 5
Location: 100
09:00 | Towards In-silico Design of Fusion Power-plant Systems (abstract) |
09:50-10:20Coffee Break
10:20-12:00 Session 15A: MT 13
Location: 100
10:20 | Variable Discovery with Large Language Models for Metamorphic Testing of Scientific Software (abstract) |
10:40 | CLARIN-Emo: Training Emotion Recognition Models using Human Annotation and ChatGPT (abstract) |
11:00 | Constituency Parsing with Spines and Attachments (abstract) |
11:20 | Inference of over-constrained NFA of size k+1 to efficiently and systematically derive NFA of size k for grammar learning (abstract) |
11:40 | Differential Dataset Cartography: Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Comparative Personalized Sentiment Analysis (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 15B: MT 14-ol
Location: 303
10:20 | User Popularity Preference Aware Sequential Recommendation (abstract) |
10:40 | B2-FedGAN: Balanced Bi-directional FefAvg based GAN (abstract) |
11:00 | FAIR-FATE: Fair Federated Learning with Momentum (abstract) |
11:20 | Data Heterogeneity Differential Privacy: From Theory to Algorithm (abstract) |
11:40 | Learning shape-preserving autoencoder for the reconstruction of functional data from noisy observations (abstract) |
12:00 | Timeseries Anomaly Detection Using SAX and Matrix Profiles Based Longest Common Subsequence (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 15C: WTCS 1
Location: 319
10:20 | The idea of a student research project as a method of preparing a student for professional and scientific work (abstract) |
10:40 | Empirical studies of students behaviour using Scottie-Go block tools to develop problem-solving experience (abstract) |
11:00 | Symbolic calculation behind floating-point arithmetic: didactic examples and experiment using CAS (abstract) |
11:20 | Code Semantics Learning with Deep Neural Networks: an AI-based Approach for Programming Education (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 15D: COMS 3-ol
Location: B103
10:20 | Constrained aerodynamic shape optimization using neural networks and sequential sampling (abstract) |
10:40 | Outlier detection under False Omission Rate control (abstract) |
11:00 | Symbolic-Numeric Computation in Modeling the Dynamics of the Many-Body System TRAPPIST (abstract) |
11:20 | Simulation-Based Optimisation Model as an Element of a Digital Twin Concept for Supply Chain Inventory Control (abstract) |
11:40 | Real-time reconstruction of complex flow in nanoporous media: linear vs non-linear decoding (abstract) |
12:00 | SPMD-based Neural Network Simulation with Golang (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 15E: MLDADS 3
Location: B115
10:20 | An analysis of Universal Differential Equations for data-driven discovery of Ordinary Differential Equations (abstract) |
10:40 | Non-local Neural closure models of partial differential equations (abstract) |
11:00 | Battery voltage response prediction with physics-informed machine learning (abstract) |
11:20 | Physics-Informed Long Short-Term Memory for Forecasting and Reconstruction of Chaos (abstract) |
11:40 | Fixed-Budget Online Adaptive Learning for Physics-Informed Neural Networks. Towards Parameterized Problem Inference. (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 15F: CGIPAI 4-ol
Location: B11
10:20 | Champion Recommendation in League of Legends Using Machine Learning (abstract) |
10:40 | A Method of Social Context Enhanced User Preferences for Conversational Recommender Systems (abstract) |
11:00 | Forest Image Classification based on Deep learning and XGBoost algorithm (abstract) |
11:20 | Cerebral vessel segmentation in CE-MR images using deep learning and synthetic training datasets (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 15G: CCI 1
Location: B10
10:20 | The role of conformity in opinion dynamics modelling with multiple social circles (abstract) |
10:40 | CA-based Collective Behavior Approach to Solve Coverage and Lifetime Optimization Problems in Wireless Sensor Networks (abstract) |
12:00-12:30 Session 16: Poster Session
The paper lineup is the same for all three Poster Sessions.
Location: Atrium
13:30-15:10 Session 17A: MT 15
Location: 100
13:30 | From Online Behaviours to Images: A Novel Approach to Social Bot Detection (abstract) |
13:50 | Combining Outlierness Scores and Feature Extraction Techniques for Improvement of OoD and Adversarial Attacks Detection in DNNs (abstract) |
14:10 | Machine learning detects anomalies in OPS-SAT telemetry (abstract) |
14:30 | Forecasting Cryptocurrency Prices using Contextual ES-adRNN with Exogenous Variables (abstract) |
14:50 | Feature Extraction for Bankruptcy Prediction Using Autoencoder (abstract) |
13:30-15:10 Session 17B: MT 16-ol
Location: 303
13:30 | Enhanced Emotion and Sentiment Recognition for Empathetic Dialogue System Using Big Data and Deep Learning Methods (abstract) |
13:50 | A Contrastive Self-Distillation BERT with Kernel Alignment-Based Inference (abstract) |
14:10 | DeBERTNeXT: A Multimodal Fake News Detection framework (abstract) |
14:30 | Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for Answering Programming Questions with Code Snippets (abstract) |
14:50 | Bayesian Networks for Named Entity Prediction in Programming Community Question Answering (abstract) |
13:30-15:10 Session 17C: WTCS 2
Location: 319
13:30 | A Framework for Effective Guided Mnemonic Journeys (abstract) |
13:50 | Analysis of outcomes from the gamification of a collaboration intensive course on computer networking basics (abstract) |
14:10 | Towards an Earned Value Management Didactic Simulation Tool to Engineering Management Teaching (abstract) |
13:30-15:10 Session 17D: COMS 4-ol
Location: B103
13:30 | Efficient uncertainty quantification using sequential sampling-based neural networks (abstract) |
13:50 | Reduction of the computational cost of tuning methodology of a simulator of a physical system. (abstract) |
14:10 | Surrogate-Assisted Ship Route Optimisation (abstract) |
14:30 | Hierarchical Learning to Solve PDEs Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks (abstract) |
14:50 | Transparent Checkpointing for Automatic Differentiation of Program Loops through Expression Transformations (abstract) |
15:10 | Semi-supervised Learning Approach to Efficient Cut Selection in the Branch-and-Cut Framework (abstract) |
15:30 | A Case Study of the Profit-Maximizing Multi-Vehicle Pickup and Delivery Selection Problem for the Road Networks with the Integratable Nodes (abstract) |
13:30-15:10 Session 17E: MLDADS 4-ol
Location: B115
13:30 | An efficient ViT-based spatial interpolation learner for field reconstruction (abstract) |
13:50 | Learning 4DVAR inversion directly from observations (abstract) |
14:10 | Towards Online Anomaly Detection in Steel Manufacturing Process (abstract) |
14:30 | Taking a Shortcut Through Phase Space: Neural Networks Solving Differential Equations (abstract) |
13:30-15:10 Session 17F: CCI 2-ol
Location: B10
13:30 | Balancing agents for mining imbalanced multiclass datasets - performance evaluation (abstract) |
13:50 | Decision Tree-Based Algorithms for Detection of Damage in AIS Data (abstract) |
14:10 | Impact of Input Data Preparation on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Results (abstract) |
15:40-16:10Coffee Break