Days: Monday, July 4th Tuesday, July 5th Wednesday, July 6th Thursday, July 7th
Monday, July 4th
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08:00-11:00 Session 1A: Tutorial: Multitarget Tracking and Multisensor Information Fusion: Recently Developed Advanced Algorithms
Location: Verdefoajén
08:00-11:00 Session 1B: Tutorial: Graph based, Localization, tracking and mapping
Location: Spegelsalen
08:00-11:00 Session 1D: Tutorial: Multi sensor and Data Fusion Approaches for Vehicular Automation Applications - Autonomous Driving: Concepts, Implements and Evaluation
Location: Operetten
11:00-12:00 Lunch
Location: Lobby
12:00-15:00 Session 2A: Tutorial: An Introduction to Track-to-Track Fusion and the Distributed Kalman Filter
Location: Verdefoajén
12:00-15:00 Session 2B: Tutorial: Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixtures for multiple target tracking
Location: Spegelsalen
12:00-15:00 Session 2D: Tutorial: Decision Making Under Risk, Uncertainty, and Ignorance.
Location: Musikalen
12:00-15:00 Session 2E: Tutorial: Stone Soup: an open source tracking and state estimation framework; principles, use and applications (Part 1)
Location: Operetten
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
Location: Lobby
15:30-18:30 Session 3A: Tutorial: Algorithms for Estimation of Noise Parameters in State Space Models
Location: Verdefoajén
15:30-18:30 Session 3B: Tutorial: Analytic Combinatorics for Multiple Object Tracking
Location: Spegelsalen
15:30-18:30 Session 3E: Tutorial: Stone Soup: an open source tracking and state estimation framework; principles, use and applications (Part 2)
Location: Operetten
Tuesday, July 5th
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10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
Location: Lobby
10:30-12:10 Session 5A: SS2: Advanced Nonlinear Filtering - Part I
Location: Verdefoajén
10:30 | Marginalized Particle Filters for Constant Velocity Models (abstract) PRESENTER: Jakob Åslund |
10:50 | Asynchronous Multi-Radar Tracking Fusion with Converted Measurements (abstract) PRESENTER: Donglin Zhang |
11:10 | Efficient Implementation of Marginal Particle Filter by Functional Density Decomposition (abstract) PRESENTER: Ondrej Straka |
11:30 | On the Role of the Diffusion Matrix in Stiffness Mitigation for Stochastic Particle Flow Filters (abstract) PRESENTER: Liyi Dai |
11:50 | Deterministic Sampling on the Circle Using Projected Cumulative Distributions (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniel Frisch |
10:30-12:10 Session 5B: SS1: Context-based Information Fusion
Location: Spegelsalen
10:30 | Ontology for Multi-Level Data Fusion (abstract) |
10:50 | Error reduction in autonomous multirotor vision-based landing system with helipad context (abstract) PRESENTER: Juan Pedro Llerena |
11:10 | Multimodal feature fusion for concreteness estimation (abstract) PRESENTER: Lauro Snidaro |
11:30 | A robotic knowledge base to model and update real-world information from indoor environments (abstract) PRESENTER: Joris Sijs |
11:50 | Aggregating Ordinal Confidences (abstract) |
10:30-12:10 Session 5C: SS9: Estimation and Fusion for Navigation - Part I
Location: Operan
10:30 | On the Use of Multi-correlator Values as Sufficient Statistics as Basis for Flexible Ultra-tight GNSS/INS Integration Developments (abstract) PRESENTER: Mohamed Bochkati |
10:50 | Temporal Gaussian Process Regression in Logarithmic Time (abstract) PRESENTER: Simo Särkkä |
11:10 | An Adaptive δ-GLMB Filter Under Noise Statistics Mismatch (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Yiru Lian |
11:30 | A Hybrid Analytical-Machine Learning Approach for LEO Satellite Orbit Prediction (abstract) PRESENTER: Zaher M. Kassas |
11:50 | Estimation Fusion Based on a Simplified Model for the Cross-Covariance of Local Estimation Errors (abstract) PRESENTER: Qi Tang |
10:30-12:10 Session 5D: Methods for Target Tracking - Part I
Location: Musikalen
10:30 | A Joint Multiple Hypothesis Tracking and Particle Filter Approach for Aerial Data Fusion (abstract) PRESENTER: Francesco d'Apolito |
10:50 | Hypothesis Exploration in Multiple Hypothesis Tracking with Multiple Clusters (abstract) PRESENTER: Lars-Christian Tokle |
11:10 | Robustness in Multiple-Hypothesis Tracking (abstract) |
11:30 | Visibility Informed Bernoulli Filter for Target Tracking in Cluttered Environments (abstract) PRESENTER: Timothy Glover |
11:50 | Message passing multitarget tracking with out-of-sequence measurements (abstract) PRESENTER: Luigi Chisci |
10:30-12:10 Session 5E: SS3: Real-time Critical Perception Tasks in the Context of Automated Driving
Location: Operetten
10:30 | Uncertainty Aware EKF: a Tracking Filter Learning LiDAR Measurement Uncertainty (abstract) PRESENTER: Ruixin Niu |
10:50 | Sensor Data Fusion in Top-view Grid Maps using Evidential Reasoning with Advanced Conflict Resolution (abstract) PRESENTER: Christian Kinzig |
11:10 | A New Method of Non-Deep Network for Fast Vehicle Detection (abstract) PRESENTER: Xihong Zhong |
11:30 | Real-time Seamless Image Stitching in Autonomous Driving (abstract) PRESENTER: Christian Kinzig |
11:50 | Combined Road Tracking for Paved Roads and Dirt Roads: LiDAR Measurements and Image Color Modes (abstract) PRESENTER: Bianca Forkel |
12:10-13:40 Lunch
Location: Lobby
13:40-15:20 Session 6A: SS2: Advanced Nonlinear Filtering - Part II
Location: Verdefoajén
13:40 | Robust Iterative Learning Observers Based on a Combination of Stochastic Estimation Schemes and Ellipsoidal Calculus (abstract) PRESENTER: Andreas Rauh |
14:00 | Dirac Mixture Reduction Using Wasserstein Distances on Projected Cumulative Distributions (abstract) PRESENTER: Dominik Prossel |
14:20 | Density Approximation Error Assessment and Compensation in Point-Mass Filter (abstract) PRESENTER: Jakub Matoušek |
14:40 | Hybrid Neural Network Augmented Physics-based Models for Nonlinear Filtering (abstract) PRESENTER: Tales Imbiriba |
15:00 | Particle flow Gaussian particle filter (abstract) PRESENTER: Karthik Comandur |
13:40-15:20 Session 6B: SS9: Estimation and Fusion for Navigation - Part II
Location: Operan
13:40 | Continuous-Discrete Filtering and Smoothing on Submanifolds of Euclidean Space (abstract) PRESENTER: Simo Särkkä |
14:00 | Cooperative mmWave PHD-SLAM with Moving Scatterers (abstract) PRESENTER: Hyowon Kim |
14:20 | Dynamic Clustering for GNSS Positioning with Multiple Receivers (abstract) |
14:40 | Point-Mass Filter in Land and Air Terrain-Aided Navigation: Performance Evaluation (abstract) PRESENTER: Jindrich Dunik |
15:00 | Residual Colour Scale-Space Gradients for Reference-based Face Morphing Attack Detection (abstract) PRESENTER: Raghavendra Ramachandra |
13:40-15:20 Session 6C: Robust Tracking
Location: Spegelsalen
13:40 | A Fast and Robust Maneuvering Target Tracking Method without Markov Assumption (abstract) PRESENTER: Xiujuan Lu |
14:00 | On the Fixed-Interval Smoothing for Jump Markov Nonlinear Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Yi Liu |
14:20 | Accuracy Study on Target Localization Using Acoustic Bearing Measurements Including Urban Reflections (abstract) PRESENTER: Luisa Still |
14:40 | Linear Fusion with Element-Wise Knowledge (abstract) PRESENTER: Jiří Ajgl |
15:00 | Robust Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter with Inaccurate Noise Covariances (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Yiru Lian |
13:40-15:20 Session 6D: SS5: Intelligent Sensing and AI for Healthcare Technologies
Location: Operetten
13:40 | Unsupervised dynamic modeling of medical image transformations (abstract) PRESENTER: Niklas Gunnarsson |
14:00 | Privacy Preserving Multi-class Fall Classification Based on Cascaded Learning And Noisy Labels Handling (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Leiyu Xie |
14:20 | Automated Movement Detection with Dirichlet Process Mixture Models and Electromyography (abstract) PRESENTER: Lyudmila Mihaylova |
14:40 | Evidential Decision Fusion of Deep Neural Networks for Covid Diagnosis (abstract) PRESENTER: Michele Somero |
15:00 | Machine Learning and ADHD Mental Health Detection - A Short Survey (abstract) PRESENTER: Christian Nash |
13:40-15:20 Session 6E: Methods for Target Tracking - Part II
Location: Musikalen
13:40 | Event-Based Kalman Filtering Exploiting Correlated Trigger Information (abstract) PRESENTER: Benjamin Noack |
14:00 | Neural Enhanced Belief Propagation for Data Assocation in Multiobject Tracking (abstract) PRESENTER: Mingchao Liang |
14:20 | Self-Assessment for Single-Object Tracking in Clutter Using Subjective Logic (abstract) PRESENTER: Thomas Griebel |
14:40 | Feature-Based Multi-Object Tracking With Maximally One Object Per Class (abstract) PRESENTER: Jan Krejčí |
15:00 | PFET: Multi-Vehicle Tracking with Pseudo-Feature Embeddings for Traffic Video Surveillance (abstract) PRESENTER: Qingyou He |
15:20-15:50 Coffee Break
Location: Lobby
15:50-17:30 Session 7A: SS2: Advanced Nonlinear Filtering - Part III
Location: Verdefoajén
15:50 | Deterministic Gaussian Filtering based on Herding (abstract) PRESENTER: Laura M. Wolf |
16:10 | Rejection Sampling from Arbitrary Multivariate Distributions Using Generalized Fibonacci Lattices (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniel Frisch |
16:30 | Desensitized Extended Kalman Filter with Stochastic Approach to Sensitivity Reduction and Adaptive Weights (abstract) PRESENTER: Jaroslav Tabacek |
16:50 | Particle Filter with LMMSE Importance Sampling (abstract) PRESENTER: Kristen Michaelson |
15:50-17:30 Session 7B: SS16: Intelligence for Situation Understanding and Sense-Making
Location: Spegelsalen
15:50 | Fusion of sentence embeddings for news retrieval (abstract) PRESENTER: Lauro Snidaro |
16:10 | Reasoning with conceptual graphs and evidential networks for multi-entity maritime threat assessment (abstract) |
16:30 | Hybrid Deep RePReL: Integrating Relational Planning and Reinforcement Learning for Information Fusion (abstract) |
16:50 | Elements of an Ethical AI Demonstrator for Responsibly Designing Defence Systems (abstract) ![]() |
17:10 | Tackling Threatening behavior through a Semantic Approach (abstract) |
15:50-17:30 Session 7C: Radar, LiDAR, and Image Sensors
Location: Musikalen
15:50 | Coordinates and Conversions for Surface-Wave Radar (abstract) ![]() |
16:10 | Bayesian Sensor Fusion of GNSS and Camera With Outlier Adaptation for Vehicle Positioning (abstract) |
16:30 | Thermal and Visible Deep Homography Fusion (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Benoit Debaque |
16:50 | Meta-Cognition. An Inverse-Inverse Reinforcement Learning Approach for Cognitive Radars (abstract) PRESENTER: Kunal Pattanayak |
17:10 | Targetless Lidar-camera registration using patch-wise mutual information (abstract) PRESENTER: Matthias Hermann |
15:50-17:30 Session 7D: Navigation and Situation Awareness
Location: Operan
15:50 | An Effective Measure of Uncertainty of Basic Belief Assignments (abstract) |
16:10 | An Integrated Localization Method for Mixed Near-Field and Far-Field Sources Based on Mixed-order Statistic (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Shixing Yang |
16:30 | Lessons Learned in The Development of Quantitative Operator Situational Awareness Assessment Methods for Small-Scale Unmanned Aircraft Systems (abstract) |
16:50 | A Comparison of Correlation-Agnostic Techniques for Magnetic Navigation (abstract) PRESENTER: Josh Hiatt |
17:10 | Passive Sensor Fusion and Tracking in Underwater Surveillance with the GLMB model (abstract) PRESENTER: Murat Uney |
Wednesday, July 6th
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10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
Location: Lobby
10:30-12:10 Session 9A: SS6: Advances in Motion Estimation using Inertial Sensors - Part I
Location: Operan
10:30 | Exploitation of the Conditionally Linear Structure in Visual-Inertial Estimation (abstract) PRESENTER: Zoran Sjanic |
10:50 | VQF: A Milestone in Accuracy and Versatility of 6D and 9D Inertial Orientation Estimation (abstract) PRESENTER: Thomas Seel |
11:10 | Indoor SLAM Using a Foot-mounted IMU and the local Magnetic Field (abstract) PRESENTER: Manon Kok |
11:30 | Posterior linearisation filter for non-linear state transformation noises (abstract) PRESENTER: Matti Raitoharju |
11:50 | Towards Inertial Human Motion Tracking with Drift-Free Absolute Orientations using only Sparse Sources of Heading Information (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Lorenz |
10:30-12:10 Session 9B: SS14: Sensor Models and Calibration Techniques
Location: Spegelsalen
10:30 | Data fusion strategies for improving resilience to sensor noise in cable-stayed tower monitoring (abstract) PRESENTER: Juliane Regina de Oliveira |
10:50 | Camera Calibration with Unknown Time Offset between the Camera and Drone GPS Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Yaakov Bar-Shalom |
11:10 | Analysis of Multiple Positions for the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration of a Multi-Beam LiDAR (abstract) PRESENTER: Dominik Ernst |
11:30 | Systematic Error Source Analysis of a Real-World Multi-Camera Traffic Surveillance System (abstract) PRESENTER: Leah Strand |
11:50 | Note on Autocorrelation of the Residuals of the NCV Kalman Filter Tracking a Maneuvering Target - Part 2 (abstract) PRESENTER: Paul Miceli |
10:30-12:10 Session 9C: Nonlinear Filtering and Monte Carlo Methods - Part I
Location: Verdefoajén
10:30 | An Improved B-spline Extended Object Tracking Model using the Iterative Closest Point Method (abstract) PRESENTER: Karl-Magnus Dahlén |
10:50 | Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture filtering with an active sonar using BELLHOP simulation (abstract) PRESENTER: Jason F. Ralph |
11:10 | Data Fusion for Radio Frequency SLAM with Robust Sampling (abstract) PRESENTER: Erik Leitinger |
11:30 | Inference of Stochastic Disease Transmission Models Using Particle-MCMC and a Gradient Based Proposal (abstract) PRESENTER: Conor Rosato |
11:50 | An Optimal Transport Perspective on Gamma Gaussian Inverse-Wishart Mixture Reduction (abstract) PRESENTER: Alessandro D'Ortenzio |
10:30-12:10 Session 9D: Random Sets, Point Processes and Finite Sets Statistics
Location: Musikalen
10:30 | A multi-Bernoulli Gaussian filter for track-before-detect with superpositional sensors (abstract) PRESENTER: Elinor Davies |
10:50 | The PHD Filter for Target Swarms and Its Gaussian Mixture Implementation (abstract) PRESENTER: Wenxin Li |
11:10 | Gaussian trajectory PMBM filter with nonlinear measurements based on posterior linearisation (abstract) PRESENTER: Angel Garcia-Fernandez |
11:30 | A Fast Poisson Multi-Bernoulli Filter for Multi-Object Tracking (abstract) |
11:50 | A Circular Detection Driven Adaptive Birth Density for Multi-Object Tracking with Sets of Trajectories (abstract) PRESENTER: Patrick Hoher |
12:10-13:40 Lunch
Location: Lobby
13:40-15:20 Session 10A: SS11: Extended Object and Group Tracking - Part I
Location: Musikalen
13:40 | Track-to-Track Fusion for Elliptical Extended Targets Parameterized with Orientation and Semi-Axes Lengths (abstract) PRESENTER: Kolja Thormann |
14:00 | Extended Target Tracking with a Particle Filter Using State Dependent Target Measurement Models (abstract) PRESENTER: Martin Michaelis |
14:20 | Multi-Frame Track-Before-Detect for Scalable Extended Target Tracking (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Shixing Yang |
14:40 | Robot Joint Tracking With Mobile Depth Cameras for Augmented Reality Applications (abstract) PRESENTER: Antonio Kleber Zea Cobo |
15:00 | CNN-based Shape Estimation for Extended Object Tracking using Point Cloud Measurements (abstract) PRESENTER: Simon Steuernagel |
13:40-15:20 Session 10B: SS6: Advances in Motion Estimation Using Inertial Sensors - Part II
Location: Operan
13:40 | Event-Domain Knowledge in Inertial Sensor Based State Estimation of Human Motion (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Tom Lucas Koller |
14:00 | RNN-based Observability Analysis for Magnetometer-Free Sparse Inertial Motion Tracking (abstract) PRESENTER: Simon Bachhuber |
14:20 | A Look at Improving Robustness in Visual-inertial SLAM by Moment Matching (abstract) PRESENTER: Rui Li |
14:40 | On Particle Filters with High Complexity Combinatorial Likelihood Functions (abstract) PRESENTER: Roy Streit |
15:00 | Real-time localization for mobile machines by fusing barometric altitude measurements with surface profiles (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Lukas Michiels |
13:40-15:20 Session 10C: Nonlinear Filtering and Monte Carlo Methods - Part II
Location: Verdefoajén
13:40 | Lambda:Omicron - A new prediction model to track maneuvering objects (abstract) PRESENTER: Matteo Tesori |
14:00 | A Model Selection criterion for the Mixture Reduction problem based on the Kullback-Leibler Divergence (abstract) PRESENTER: Costanzo Manes |
14:20 | Particle-balanced context-based filtering for hypothesis maintenance in sparse sensor coverage situations (abstract) PRESENTER: Philip Nell |
14:40 | A comparison between PMBM Bayesian track initialisation and labelled RFS adaptive birth (abstract) PRESENTER: Angel Garcia-Fernandez |
15:00 | A Two-stage Transition Correction Function for Adaptive Markov Matrix in IMM Algorithm (abstract) PRESENTER: In Ho Lee |
13:40-15:20 Session 10D: Resource Management
Location: Spegelsalen
13:40 | Robust Jamming Resource Allocation for Cooperatively Suppressing Multi-station Radar Systems in Multi-jammer Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Jun Li |
14:00 | LPI-Based Joint Node Selection and Power Allocation Strategy for Target Tracking in Distributed MIMO Radar (abstract) PRESENTER: Xiujuan Lu |
14:20 | Joint Detection Threshold Optimization and Transmit Resource Allocation for Targets Tracking in Clutter with Colocated MIMO Radar Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Xiujuan Lu |
14:40 | Optimal Linear Fusion of Dimension-Reduced Estimates Using Eigenvalue Optimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Robin Forsling |
15:00 | Communication-Efficient and Privacy-Aware Distributed LMS Algorithm (abstract) PRESENTER: Ashkan Moradi |
15:20-15:50 Coffee Break
Location: Lobby
15:50-17:30 Session 11A: SS8: Wearable Technology for Sensing and Perception
Location: Operan
15:50 | Electrodes selection for cortical auditory attention decoding with EEG during speech and music listening (abstract) PRESENTER: Adèle Simon |
16:10 | Linearized Direction of Arrival (abstract) PRESENTER: Clas Veibäck |
16:30 | A Tightly-Integrated Magnetic-Field aided Inertial Navigation System (abstract) PRESENTER: Chuan Huang |
16:50 | Drone Ego-Noise Cancellation for Improved Speech Capture using Deep Denoising Autoencoder Assisted Multistage Beamforming (abstract) PRESENTER: Yanjue Song |
15:50-17:30 Session 11B: SS13: Quantum Algorithms for Data Fusion and Resources Management
Location: Spegelsalen
15:50 | On the effective action and the Cramer Rao bound for multi-target tracking parameters (abstract) |
16:10 | Quantum Kernel Based Data Fusion (abstract) PRESENTER: Leonhard Kunczik |
16:30 | Towards Bundle Adjustment for Satellite Imaging via Quantum Machine Learning (abstract) PRESENTER: Thore Gerlach |
16:50 | Planar 3D Assignment For Sensor Resource Allocation (abstract) |
17:10 | Double Deep Q Networks for Sensor Management in Space Situational Awareness (abstract) PRESENTER: Benedict Oakes |
15:50-17:30 Session 11C: SS11: Extended Object and Group Tracking - Part II
Location: Musikalen
15:50 | Matching of Multiple Moving Ground Targets Observed by Aerial Cameras Based on 2D Kinematics (abstract) PRESENTER: Yan Han Lau |
16:10 | Extended Target Tracking with Constrained PMHT (abstract) PRESENTER: Jean-Francois Bariant |
16:30 | Extent Estimation of Sailing Boats Applying Elliptic Cones to 3D LiDAR Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Tim Baur |
16:50 | Accumulated State Densities Filter for Better Separability of Group-Targets (abstract) PRESENTER: Hosam Alqaderi |
17:10 | A vehicle detector based on notched power for distributed acoustic sensing (abstract) PRESENTER: Marco Fontana |
15:50-17:30 Session 11D: SS10: Directional Estimation
Location: Verdefoajén
15:50 | Circular Discrete Reapproximation (abstract) PRESENTER: Kailai Li |
16:10 | The State Space Subdivision Filter for SE(3) (abstract) PRESENTER: Florian Pfaff |
16:30 | Cooperative Heading Estimation with von Mises-Fisher Distribution and Particle Filtering (abstract) PRESENTER: Maija Mäkelä |
16:50 | Mathematical morphology on directional data (abstract) PRESENTER: Konstantin Hauch |
17:10 | Association and Fusion of Range-Azimuth Tracks (abstract) PRESENTER: Ali Emre Balcı |
Thursday, July 7th
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10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
Location: Lobby
10:30-12:10 Session 13A: SS12: Localization for Autonomous Systems - Part I
Location: Operan
10:30 | Decentralized Collaborative Localization with Map Update using Schmidt-Kalman Filter (abstract) PRESENTER: Maxime Escourrou |
10:50 | A Geometric Approach to Passive Localisation (abstract) PRESENTER: Theofilos Triommatis |
11:10 | Sensor Fusion and Optimal Platform Trajectory Planning for Ground Target Localization with Terrain Uncertainty and Measurement Biases (abstract) PRESENTER: Ratnasingham Tharmarasa |
11:30 | Experimental Validation of Single Base Station 5G mmWave Positioning: Initial Findings (abstract) PRESENTER: Yu Ge |
11:50 | Fault tolerant cooperative localization using diagnosis based on Jensen Shannon divergence (abstract) PRESENTER: Zaynab El Mawas |
10:30-12:10 Session 13B: SS7: Multiple Sensor Data Processing for Tracking, Classification and Intentionality Prediction - Part I
Location: Musikalen
10:30 | A Learning Distributed Gaussian Process Approach for Target Tracking over Sensor Networks (abstract) |
10:50 | A Variational Bayes Association-based Multi-object Tracker under the Non-homogeneous Poisson Measurement Process (abstract) PRESENTER: Runze Gan |
11:10 | An Improved Two-Stage Based Multi-frame Track-Before-Detect Algorithm in Radar systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Xiujuan Lu |
11:30 | Addressing data association by message passing over graph neural networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Bernardo Camajori Tedeschini |
11:50 | Self-Assessment and Robust Anomaly Detection with Bayesian Deep Learning (abstract) PRESENTER: Nidhal Bouaynaya |
10:30-12:10 Session 13C: Bayesian Inference and Decision Theory
Location: Verdefoajén
10:30 | Recursive Joint Cramér-Rao Lower Bound for Nonlinear Parametric Systems with Colored Noise (abstract) PRESENTER: Xianqing Li |
10:50 | On the Observability of Gaussian Models using Discrete Density Approximations (abstract) PRESENTER: Ariane Hanebeck |
11:10 | Uncertainty Aware Quickest Change Detection: An Experimental Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Lance Kaplan |
11:30 | SOLBP: Second-Order Loopy Belief Propagation for Inference in Uncertain Bayesian Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Federico Cerutti |
11:50 | Fast optimize-and-sample method for differentiable Galerkin approximations of multi-layered Gaussian process priors (abstract) PRESENTER: Simo Särkkä |
10:30-12:10 Session 13D: Methods for Classification and Decision Making
Location: Spegelsalen
10:30 | Paraphrasing Techniques for Maritime QA system (abstract) PRESENTER: Fatemeh Shiri |
10:50 | Unsupervised Clustering of Marine Vessel Trajectories in Historical AIS Database (abstract) PRESENTER: R. Praveen Jain |
11:10 | On the Theoretical Convergence and Error Sensitivity Analysis of Yayambo for Fusion of Probabilistic Classifier Outputs (abstract) PRESENTER: Jordan Felicien Masakuna |
11:30 | Classification and Fusion of Two Disparate Data Streams and Nuclear Dissolutions Application (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Nageswara Rao |
11:50 | LiDAR-Landmark Modeling for Belief-Space Planning using Aerial Forest Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Jonas Nordlöf |
12:10-13:40 Lunch
Location: Lobby
13:40-15:20 Session 14A: SS7: Multiple Sensor Data Processing for Tracking, Classification and Intentionality Prediction - Part II
Location: Musikalen
13:40 | Detection of outliers in classification by using quantified uncertainty in neural networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Magnus Malmström |
14:00 | Deep Learning for Audio Visual Emotion Recognition (abstract) PRESENTER: Lyudmila Mihaylova |
14:20 | Efficient Factorisation-based Gaussian Process Approaches for Online Tracking (abstract) |
14:40 | UAV-enabled Edge Computing for Optimal Task Distribution in Target Tracking (abstract) PRESENTER: Lyudmila Mihaylova |
15:00 | Notes on the Product Multi-Sensor Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter and its Implementation (abstract) PRESENTER: Martin Herrmann |
13:40-15:20 Session 14B: SS12: Localization for Autonomous Systems - Part II
Location: Operan
13:40 | Trilateration Using Motion Models (abstract) |
14:00 | Using Probabilistic Geometrical Map Information For Train Localization (abstract) PRESENTER: Wendi Löffler |
14:20 | Error-State Unscented Kalman-Filter for UAV Indoor Navigation (abstract) PRESENTER: Klaus Kefferpütz |
14:40 | Feature Based Multi-Hypothesis Map Representation for Localization in Non-Static Environments (abstract) PRESENTER: Kristin Nielsen |
15:00 | Visual-Inertial Odometry aided by Speed and Steering Angle Measurements (abstract) PRESENTER: Andreas Serov |
13:40-15:20 Session 14C: SS4: Data Fusion for Industry 4.0
Location: Spegelsalen
13:40 | Efficient Task Allocation in Smart Warehouses with Multi-Delivery Stations and Heterogeneous Robots (abstract) PRESENTER: Juha Röning |
14:00 | Sensor Fusion for Detection and Localization of Carbon Dioxide Releases for Industry 4.0 (abstract) PRESENTER: Gianluca Tabella |
14:20 | Fusion of Sentiment and Asset Price Predictions for Portfolio Optimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Mufhumudzi Muthivhi |
14:40 | Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration Method for a Trinocular Multimodal Camera Setup (abstract) PRESENTER: Carsten Plasberg |
15:00 | Evaluation and comparison of eight popular Lidar and Visual SLAM algorithms (abstract) PRESENTER: Bharath Garigipati |
13:40-15:20 Session 14D: Stochastic Processes
Location: Verdefoajén
13:40 | Gaussian Process Regression with Grid Spectral Mixture Kernel: Distributed Learning for Multidimensional Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Richard Cornelius Suwandi |
14:00 | Continuous Model Evaluation and Adaptation to Distribution Shifts: A Probabilistic Self-Supervised Approach (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Gregor Pavlin |
14:20 | Intention-Aware Motion Modeling Using GP Priors With Conditional Kernels (abstract) PRESENTER: Linfeng Xu |
14:40 | Gaussian Approximation Filter Based on Divergence Minimization for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Liping Guo |
15:00 | Deep Learning For Online Time Series Trend Prediction (abstract) PRESENTER: Morgan Blem |
15:20-15:50 Coffee Break
Location: Lobby