The International Workshop on Description Logics is the main annual event of the DescriptionLogic research community. It is the forum at which those interested in description logics, fromboth academia and industry, meet to discuss ideas, share information, and compare experiences.The workshop explicitly welcomes submissions from researchers that are new to the area andprovides quality feedback via peer-reviewing, while at the same time being of an inclusivenature with a very high acceptance rate. There are only informal (electronic) proceedings andinclusion of a paper in these proceedings should not preclude its publication in other venues.Further information can be found on the DL web pages at http://dl.kr.org/.

This volume contains the papers presented at the 35th International Workshop on DescriptionLogics (DL 2022) held in Haifa, Israel, August 7–10, 2022. It was part of the Federated LogicConference (FLoC 2022), together with a number of other relevant events including the 19thInternational Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2022)and the 20th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2022). For the firsttime after three years, the waning COVID-19 pandemic allowed us to hold DL 2022 as a purelyin-person event, after one purely virtual and one hybrid edition.

We received 38 submissions, of which 4 were later withdrawn for varying reasons. Outof the remaining 34 submissions, 18 were accepted as regular papers, 15 were accepted asextended abstracts, and one submission was rejected. In one case acceptance was conditional,the conditions of which were later met by the authors. Every submission received at least threereviews provided by 71 Program Committee members and 1 external reviewer.

In conjunction with FLoC, DL 2022 offered exciting and diverse program, which in additionto the technical papers, included six keynotes by leading experts:

  • Hybrid Answer Set Programming: Opportunities and Challenges, Thomas Eiter, TU Wien,Austria (Joint DL+NMR invited talk)
  • SMT-based Verification of Distributed Network Control Planes, Aarti Gupta, PrincetonUniversity, NJ, US (FLoC plenary talk)
  • Harnessing the Power of Formal Verification for the $Trillion Chip Design Industry, ZiyadHanna, Cadence Design Systems, CA, US & University of Oxford, UK (FLoC Keynote)
  • Rectifying Classifiers, Pierre Marquis, CRIL-CNRS/Université d’Artois, Lens, France (JointDL+NMR invited talk)
  • Charting the Borderland – Decidability in Description Logics and Beyond, Sebastian Rudolph,TU Dresden, Germany (DL invited talk)
  • Knowledge Extraction Based on Forgetting and Subontology Generation, Renate A. Schmidt,University of Manchester, UK (DL invited talk)

The audiences of DL and NMR 2022 were able to enjoy an exceptional cross-pollinationopportunity in form of four joint DL+NMR program sessions which together with the twojoint invited talks included presentations of 3 NMR papers and 6 DL papers. We would like toexpress special thanks to the co-chairs Giovanni Casini and Laura Giordano of NMR 2022 fortheir interest in such an extended program collaboration with this year’s DL.

It is a tradition of DL workshops to award a prize for the best contribution that was primarilyproduced by a student or by students. This year’s Best Student Contribution Award waspresented to Fajar Haifani for the paper “Connection-Minimal Abduction in EL via Translation toFOL” co-authored by Patrick Koopmann, Sophie Tourret, and Christoph Weidenbach. This yearthe winner was chosen chosen from 22 student papers. The choice was made at the discretionof the co-chairs carefully taking into the account the nominations received from the reviewersof each paper and their actual reviews.

We are indebted to the Program Committee and the additional reviewers for their invaluableefforts in providing helpful and informative reviews for all submissions in a timely fashion. Foradvice and support we thank the members of the DL Steering Committee. We are thankfulto our publicity co-chairs and to the local organization of FLoC 2022. The organization andreviewing process was simplified a lot by the EasyChair conference management system andwe thank CEUR for publishing these proceedings. The workshop would not be possible withoutthe submissions and participation of all the people that make DL such a great community.

We are grateful to the Artificial Intelligence Journal and the European Association for ArtificialIntelligence for committing generous funds for students and invited speakers, and to theFoundation for Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR Inc.) for theircontinuous and long-therm support of DL Workshops.

Ofer Arieli
Martin Homola
Jean Christoph Jung
Marie-Laure Mugnier
August 1, 2022