This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
0 | |
0-1 integer linear decision problem | |
A | |
almost-sat | |
Anytime MaxSAT | |
API | |
assumptions | |
Awards | |
B | |
Backtracking | |
BDD | |
Best paper award | |
Best student paper award | |
bi-objective optimization | |
Blake Canonical Form | |
Bryant | |
C | |
CDCL | |
Certificates | |
CNF | |
CNF Encoding | |
CNF translation | |
Competitions | |
conflicts | |
core extraction | |
correction sets | |
Counting Proof Systems | |
cutting planes | |
D | |
decision procedure | |
deep generative models | |
deep learning | |
Design Automation | |
DQBF | |
DQBF Solver | |
dynamic symmetry breaking | |
E | |
Emaj-SAT | |
encoding | |
F | |
fixed-parameter tractability | |
G | |
graph isomorphism | |
H | |
heuristics | |
I | |
implicit hitting set approach | |
incremental MaxSAT | |
incremental SAT | |
instantiation | |
integer programming | |
K | |
k-SAT | |
L | |
Leximax | |
Library of encodings | |
lower bounds | |
M | |
machine learning | |
matroid | |
Max#SAT | |
max-sat | |
maximum satisfiability | |
MaxSAT | |
MC Competition | |
minimum hitting sets | |
model counting | |
Modeling | |
Modelling | |
Multi-Objective Optimisation | |
Multi-objective optimization | |
O | |
OBDD | |
OBDD-based proof systems | |
optimization | |
P | |
packing coloring | |
parallel algorithms | |
parameterized complexity | |
pareto front enumeration | |
presentations | |
Prime Implicants | |
proof checking | |
proof complexity | |
proof logging | |
Proofs | |
Propositional satisfiability | |
Pseudo-Boolean optimization | |
pseudo-Boolean reasoning | |
pseudo-Boolean solving | |
pseudo-industrial random SAT | |
Q | |
Q-resolution | |
QBF | |
QBF Competition | |
QBF Programming | |
QBF proof complexity | |
QU-resolution | |
quantifier elimination | |
quantifiers | |
Quantum Computing | |
R | |
Realistic SAT generators | |
rectangle decision lists | |
Reimplication | |
resolution | |
restrictions | |
Rota's basis conjecture | |
runtime prediction | |
S | |
SAT | |
SAT competition | |
SAT modulo Symmetry (SMS) | |
SAT preprocessing | |
SAT solver | |
SAT solving | |
Satisfiability | |
Satisfiability Coding Lemma | |
Sequent Calculus | |
SMT | |
solution reconstruction | |
solution-improving search | |
solver portfolios | |
Solving | |
Sorting Networks | |
Special event | |
SSAT | |
Stochastic Boolean Satisfiability | |
strategy extraction | |
symmetry detection | |
T | |
Tool framework | |
Treewidth | |
Tseitin formulas | |
twin-width | |
U | |
unsatisfiable cores | |
V | |
Verification | |
W | |
weakening | |
Weighted Max#SAT | |
weighted model counting | |
Weighted Projected Model Counting |