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25-years of SAT
11:00 | 25 years of SAT: Modern SAT Techniques / Remembering Hans van Maaren ABSTRACT. The talk will have two parts: 1. Modern SAT solvers combine rewriting techniques with conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) search to maximize performance. Rewriting techniques improve the encoding of problems and they can further simplify formulas after CDCL search found useful clauses. The most effective rewriting technique is bounded variable elimination combined with subsumption. Together they reduce the size of industrial problems substantially. Other powerful rewriting techniques are shrinking clauses (vivification) and eliminating redundant clauses. Each rewriting technique can enable simplifications by other rewriting techniques. The order in which they are applied impacts the effectiveness. Novel value selection heuristics are also key to modern SAT solving. Assigning decision variables to the last implied value facilitates rapid restarts to improve the quality of learning while staying in a similar part of the search space. Additionally, the search is guided toward a solution using assignments obtained by local search techniques. These heuristic improvements boosted modern SAT solver performance on satisfiable formulas. 2. Remembering Hans van Maaren |
11:30 | On the performance of deep generative models of realistic SAT instances PRESENTER: Jesús Giráldez-Cru ABSTRACT. Generating realistic random SAT instances ---random SAT formulas with computational characteristics similar to the ones of application SAT benchmarks--- is a challenging problem in order to understand the success of modern SAT solvers solving this kind of problems. Traditional approaches are based on probabilistic models, where a probability distribution characterizes the occurrences of variables into clauses in order to mimic a certain feature exhibited in most application formulas (e.g., community structure), but they may be unable to reproduce others. Alternatively, deep generative models have been recently proposed to address this problem. The goal of these models is to learn the whole structure of the formula without focusing on any predefined feature, in order to reproduce all its computational characteristics at once. In this work, we propose two new deep generative models of realistic SAT instances, and carry out an exhaustive experimental evaluation of these and other existing models in order to analyze their performances. Our results show that models based on graph convolutional networks, possibly enhanced with edge features, return the best results in terms of structural properties and SAT solver performance. |
12:00 | PRESENTER: Mikolas Janota ABSTRACT. This paper applies machine learning (ML) to solve quantified SMT problems more efficiently. The motivating idea is that the solver should learn from already solved formulas to solve new ones. This is especially relevant in classes of similar formulas. We focus on the enumerative instantiation---a well-established approach to solving quantified formulas anchored in the Herbrand's theorem. The task is to select the right ground terms to be instantiated. In ML parlance, this means learning to rank ground terms. We devise a series of features of the considered terms and train on them using boosted decision trees. In particular, we integrate the LightGBM library into the SMT solver CVC5. The experimental results demonstrate that ML-guided enables us to solve more formulas and reduce the number of quantifier instantiations. |
Lunch will be held in Taub lobby (CP, LICS, ICLP) and in The Grand Water Research Institute (KR, FSCD, SAT).
14:00 | Introducing Intel(R) SAT Solver ABSTRACT. We introduce Intel(R) SAT Solver (IntelSAT) -- a new open-source CDCL SAT solver, written from scratch. IntelSAT is optimized for applications which generate many mostly satisfiable incremental SAT queries. We apply the following Incremental Lazy Backtracking (ILB) principle: in-between incremental queries, backtrack only when necessary and to the highest possible decision level. ILB is enabled by a novel reimplication procedure, which can reimply an assigned literal at a lower level without backtracking. Reimplication also helped us to restore the following two properties, lost in the modern solvers with the introduction of chronological backtracking: no assigned literal can be implied at a lower level, conflict analysis always starts with a clause falsified at the lowest possible level. In addition, we apply some new heuristics. Integrating IntelSAT into the MaxSAT solver TT-Open-WBO-Inc resulted in a significant performance boost on incomplete unweighted MaxSAT Evaluation benchmarks and improved the state-of-the-art in anytime unweighted MaxSAT solving. |
14:30 | Improvements to the Implicit Hitting Set Approach to Pseudo-Boolean Optimization PRESENTER: Matti Järvisalo ABSTRACT. The development of practical approaches for efficiently reasoning over pseudo-Boolean constraints has recently received increasing attention as a natural generalization of SAT solving. Analogously, solvers for seudo-Boolean optimization draw inspiration form solving techniques developed for maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) solving. Recently, first practical solver lifting the implicit hitting set (IHS) approach---one of the most efficient approaches in modern MaxSAT solving---to the realm of PBO was developed, employing a PB solver as a core extractor together with an integer programming solver as a hitting set solver. In this work, we make practical improvements to the IHS approach to PBO. We propose the integration of solution-improving search to the PBO-IHS approach, resulting in a hybrid approach to PBO making use of both types of search towards an optimal solution. Furthermore, we explore the potential of variations of core extraction within PBO-IHS---including recent advances in PB core extraction, allowing for extracting more general PB constraints compared to the at-least-one constraints typically relied on in IHS---in speeding up PBO-IHS search. We validate these ideas in the realm of PBO-IHS by showing that the empirical efficiency of PBO-IHS---recently shown to outperform other specialized PBO solvers---is further improved by the integration of these techniques. |
15:00 | Certified CNF Translations for Pseudo-Boolean Solving PRESENTER: Andy Oertel ABSTRACT. The dramatic improvements in Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solving since the turn of the millennium have made it possible to leverage state-of-the-art conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) solvers for many combinatorial problems in academia and industry, and the use of proof logging has played a crucial role in increasing the confidence that the results these solvers produce are correct. However, the conjunctive normal form (CNF) format used for SAT proof logging means that it has not been possible to extend guarantees of correctness to the use of SAT solvers for more expressive combinatorial paradigms, where the first step is to translate the input to CNF. In this work, we show how cutting-planes-based reasoning can provide proof logging for solvers that translate pseudo-Boolean (a.k.a. 0-1 integer linear) decision problems to CNF and then run CDCL. To support a wide range of encodings, we provide a uniform and easily extensible framework for proof logging of CNF translations. We are hopeful that this is just a first step towards providing a unified proof logging approach that will also extend to maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) solving and pseudo-Boolean optimization in general. |