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08:30-09:00Coffee & Refreshments
09:00-10:30 Session 110E
(Invited) User Interface Design in the HolPy Theorem Prover

ABSTRACT. HolPy is a new interactive theorem prover implemented in Python. It is designed to achieve a small trusted-code-base with externally checkable proofs, writing proof automation using a Python API, and permit a wide variety of user interfaces for different application scenarios. In this talk, I will focus on the design of user interfaces in HolPy. While most interactive theorem provers today use text-based user interfaces, there have been several existing work aiming to build point-and-click interfaces where the user perform actions by clicking on part of the goal or choosing from a menu. In our work, we incorporate into the design extensive proof automation and heuristic suggestion mechanisms, allowing construction of proofs on a large scale using this method. We demonstrate the approach in two common scenarios: general-purpose theorem proving and symbolic computation in mathematics.

Accelerating Verified-Compiler Development with a Verified Rewriting Engine
PRESENTER: Jason Gross

ABSTRACT. Compilers are a prime target for formal verification, since compiler bugs invalidate higher-level correctness guarantees, but compiler changes may become more labor-intensive to implement, if they must come with proof patches. One appealing approach is to present compilers as sets of algebraic rewrite rules, which a generic engine can apply efficiently. Now each rewrite rule can be proved separately, with no need to revisit past proofs for other parts of the compiler. We present the first realization of this idea, in the form of a framework for the Coq proof assistant. Our new Coq command takes normal proved theorems and combines them automatically into fast compilers with proofs. We applied our framework to improve the Fiat Cryptography toolchain for generating cryptographic arithmetic, producing an extracted command-line compiler that is about 1000x faster while actually featuring simpler compiler-specific proofs.

10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Session 112E
Seventeen Provers under the Hammer

ABSTRACT. One of the main success stories of automatic theorem provers has been their integration into proof assistants. Such integrations, or “hammers,” increase proof automation and hence user productivity. In this paper, we use the Sledgehammer tool of Isabelle/HOL to find out how useful modern provers are at proving formulas of higher-order logic. Our evaluation follows in the steps of Böhme and Nipkow’s Judgment Day study from 2010, but instead of three provers we use 17, including SMT solvers and higher-order provers. Our work offers an alternative yardstick for comparing modern provers, next to the benchmarks and competitions emerging from the TPTP World and SMT-LIB.

The Isabelle ENIGMA

ABSTRACT. We significantly improve the performance of the E automated theorem prover on the Isabelle Sledgehammer problems by combining learning and theorem proving in several ways. In particular, we develop targeted versions of the ENIGMA guidance for the typed Isabelle problems, targeted versions of neural premise selection, and targeted strategies for E. The methods are trained in several iterations over hundreds of thousands untyped and typed first-order problems extracted from Isabelle, leading to a large improvement of the automation both in the typed and untyped setting.

Automatic Test-Case Reduction in Proof Assistants: A Case Study in Coq
PRESENTER: Jason Gross

ABSTRACT. As the adoption of proof assistants increases, there is a need for efficiency in identifying, documenting, and fixing compatibility issues that arise from proof assistant evolution. We present the Coq Bug Minimizer, a tool for *reproducing buggy behavior* with *minimal* and *standalone* files, integrated with coqbot to trigger *automatically* on Coq reverse CI failures. Our tool eliminates the overhead of having to download, set up, compile, and then explore and understand large developments: enabling Coq developers to easily obtain modular test-case files for fast experimentation. In this paper, we describe insights about how test-case reduction is different in Coq than in traditional compilers. We expect that our insights will generalize to other proof assistants. We evaluate the Coq Bug Minimizer on over 150 CI failures. Our tool succeeds in reducing failures to smaller test cases in roughly 75% of the time. The minimizer produces a fully standalone test case 89% of the time, and it is on average about one-third the size of the original test. The average reduced test case compiles in 1.25 seconds, with 75% taking under half a second.

12:30-14:00Lunch Break

Lunches will be held in Taub lobby (CAV, CSF) and in The Grand Water Research Institute (DL, IJCAR, ITP).

14:00-15:30 Session 115D
Use and abuse of instance parameters in the Lean mathematical library

ABSTRACT. The Lean mathematical library mathlib features extensive use of the typeclass pattern for organising mathematical structures, based on Lean’s mechanism of instance parameters. Related mechanisms for typeclasses are available in other provers including Agda, Coq and Isabelle with varying degrees of adoption. This paper analyses representative examples of design patterns involving instance parameters in the current Lean 3 version of mathlib, focussing on complications arising at scale and how the mathlib community deals with them.

The Zoo of Lambda-Calculus Reduction Strategies, and Coq
PRESENTER: Tomasz Drab

ABSTRACT. We present a generic framework for the specification and reasoning about reduction strategies in the lambda calculus representable as sets of term decompositions. It is provided as a Coq formalization that features a novel format of {\em phased} strategies. It facilitates concise description and algebraic reasoning about properties of reduction strategies. The formalization accommodates many well-known strategies, both weak and strong, such as call by name, call by value, head reduction, normal order, full $\beta$-reduction, etc. We illustrate the use of the framework as a tool to inspect and categorize the ``zoo'' of existing strategies, as well as to discover and study new ones with particular properties.

Formalizing the set of primes as an alternative to the DPRM theorem (short paper)
PRESENTER: Cezary Kaliszyk

ABSTRACT. The DPRM (Davis-Putnam-Robinson-Matiyasevich) theorem is the main step in the negative resolution of Hilbert's 10th problem. Almost three decades of work on the problem have resulted in several equally surprising results. These include the existence of more refined diophantine equations with a reduced number of variables, as well as the explicit construction of polynomials that represent specific sets, in particular the set of primes.

In this work, we formalize these constructions in the Mizar system. We focus on the set of prime numbers and its explicit representation using 10 variables. It is the smallest representation known today. This formalization is the next step in the research on formal approaches to diophantine sets following the DPRM theorem.

15:30-16:00Coffee Break