This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
abduction | |
abductive intuitionistic logic | |
aggregates | |
Airline scheduling | |
Algebraic Data Types | |
Algebraic Model Counting | |
Answer Set Programming | |
Answer Sets | |
answer-set programming | |
approximate counting | |
Approximation Fixpoint Theory | |
artificial intelligence | |
ASP | |
Automated planning | |
B | |
Belief Revision | |
Beyond NP | |
Big data | |
Building Information Modelling | |
C | |
Catamorphisms | |
Co-stable Model Semantics | |
Commonsense reasoning | |
compatibility | |
complexity analysis | |
Computing Education | |
Conformance Checking | |
consistency | |
Constrained Horn Clauses | |
constraint | |
Constraints | |
Contracts | |
controlled natural languages | |
D | |
data graphs | |
Data mining | |
Datalog | |
Datalog± | |
Declarative Process Mining | |
decomposition | |
deep learning | |
definite clause grammars | |
dependency trees | |
Difference logic | |
disjunctive programs | |
Disjunctive Rules | |
Distribution semantics | |
Dynamic consistency checking | |
E | |
emulation | |
epistemic uncertainty | |
Event Calculus | |
existential rules | |
Explainable AI | |
Explainable planning | |
explanation | |
F | |
first-order logic | |
Fixpoint Semantics | |
Forgetting | |
Function Symbols | |
Functional logic programming | |
Fuzzy Description Logics | |
fuzzy logic | |
G | |
Goal-Directed | |
Goal-Directed evaluation | |
Graph Neural Networks | |
graph node property prediction | |
Gringo | |
ground term similarity relations | |
H | |
High School Students | |
human computer interaction | |
Human-robot collaboration | |
Hybrid Knowledge Bases | |
Hybrid MKNF Knowledge Bases | |
Hyper-parameters tuning | |
I | |
implementing sequent calculi in Prolog | |
Inductive Logic Programming | |
intensional concepts | |
Interpretation | |
J | |
Job-shop Scheduling Problem | |
justification | |
justification theory | |
K | |
KALM | |
knowledge authoring | |
Knowledge Compilation | |
Knowledge Representation | |
Knowledge representation and reasoning | |
L | |
Large-Neighbourhood Search | |
Log Generation | |
Logic of Here-and-There | |
Logic of Paradox | |
logic programming | |
logic programming and automated reasoning | |
Logic Programming and Machine Learning | |
Lower-regular | |
M | |
machine learning | |
MAP inference | |
MKNF | |
modal operators | |
Model reconciliation | |
modularity | |
Monte Carlo techniques | |
Multi-shot solving | |
Multilayer Perceptrons | |
N | |
Narrowing strategies | |
natural language processing | |
Negation as Failure | |
nested regular path queries | |
neural symbolic artificial intelligence | |
Neural-symbolic integration | |
neuro-symbolic computing | |
Non-monotonic logical reasoning | |
Normal Logic Programs | |
O | |
ontology | |
Ordered Disjunction | |
P | |
Paraconsistency | |
Parameter learning | |
parameterized complexity | |
Partial Stable Models | |
polynomial time hierarchy | |
porting | |
Preferential semantics | |
ProB | |
Probabilistic Logic Programming | |
Probabilistic reasoning | |
Program Verification | |
Programming Errors | |
Prolog | |
Q | |
Quantified logics | |
Query Checking | |
Query rewriting | |
R | |
Reasoning about action and change | |
resolution | |
S | |
scheduling | |
Search space exploration | |
semantics | |
Smart Devices | |
Stable Model Semantics | |
stable models | |
Stable-Unstable Semantics | |
Stanza | |
Statistical relational artificial intelligence | |
stochastic logic programming | |
Strong Equivalence | |
symbolic vs. neural AI | |
Symmetry Breaking Constraints | |
T | |
temporal pattern matching | |
temporally-constrained effects of events | |
Ternary satisfaction relation | |
text graphs | |
theorem provers for intuitionistic propositional logic | |
theorem synthesis | |
Theory of intentions | |
Three-valued Logic | |
tractable reasoning | |
transformation | |
Tree decomposition | |
Treewidth | |
Treewidth-aware reductions | |
tuple-generating dependency | |
Typicality in Description Logics | |
U | |
Uncertainty | |
Uniform equivalence | |
unifying framework | |
V | |
visual question answering | |
W | |
well-founded semantics |