Days: Tuesday, July 11th Wednesday, July 12th Thursday, July 13th
Tuesday, July 11th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-12:00 Session Workshop 1: Design and delivery of a master of science degree program for cyberpsychology: Case illustration of obstacles and opportunities from Norfolk State University
Pre-registration is required for workshops (see website)
Location: Cordelier pavilion # 1
09:00 | Design and Delivery of a Master of Science Degree Program for Cyberpsychology: Case Illustration of Obstacles and Opportunities from Norfolk State University (abstract) |
09:00-12:00 Session Workshop 3: A Masterclass on how to use virtual reality for emotional regulation and exposure for the treatment of anxiety disorders - Sponsored by C2Care
Pre-registration is required for workshops (see website)
09:00 | A Masterclass on how to use virtual reality for emotional regulation and exposure for the treatment of anxiety disorders (abstract) PRESENTER: Stephane Bouchard |
09:00-12:00 Session Workshop Cancelled: How to become familiar with virtual reality by participating in an online course (MOOC)? - Cancelled
Unfortunately, this workshop has been canceled due to insufficient registration.
09:00 | How to become familiar with virtual reality by participating in an online course (MOOC)? (abstract) PRESENTER: Anne-Marie Etienne |
13:00-13:40 Session 1: Opening talks from dignitairies
Welcoming remarks from Conference Chairs and organizers Brenda K. Wiederhold and Lise Haddouk and talks from dignitairies
13:45-15:45 Session Oral 1: Psychological aspects of online communication and social media
Location: Cordelier pavilion # 1
13:45 | Social cohesion in an online era: Opportunities and challenges on social media for vulnerable or marginalized groups (abstract) PRESENTER: Heyla Selim |
14:05 | Beyond the factor structure: The relationship between online fear of missing out and technological and psychological correlates (abstract) PRESENTER: Scott Debb |
14:25 | A large-scale study of prejudice-based cyberbullying perpetration and victimization (abstract) PRESENTER: Bojana Bodroža |
14:45 | On the importance of social touch for senior individuals and ways to ameliorate social isolation: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Ans Tummers-Heemels |
15:05 | ‘It keeps the fire burning’: A Qualitative Investigation of Adults’ Sexting Behaviour (abstract) PRESENTER: Graham Scott |
15:25 | Look at me, I am here! A diary study on parental phubbing and children’s delay of gratification (abstract) PRESENTER: Agata Błachnio |
13:45-15:45 Session Oral 2: Games and apps for (mental) health
13:45 | URBAN GAMERS LAB: techniques and tools to develop transversal competences and life skills in educational context using technologies (abstract) PRESENTER: Elvis Mazzoni |
14:05 | EvalDepApps: Assessment tool for mHealth apps whose main goal is to manage Depression (abstract) PRESENTER: Carme Carrion |
14:25 | A mobile application to train attention processes after traumatic brain injury: Rational, design and feasibility evaluation (abstract) PRESENTER: Frédéric Banville |
14:45 | App-based intervention for female orgasmic disorder in emjoy: a randomized controlled trial (abstract) PRESENTER: Ariana Vila |
15:05 | The school of heroes: an alternative to the care of high-potential patients addicted to video games by the collective creation of a serious game. (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Stora |
15:25 | The electrodermal activity of children with ASD in virtual reality tasks resembling regular actions. (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Eleonora Minissi |
13:45-15:45 Session Oral 3: Virtual reality devices for anxiety disorders
Location: Cordelier pavilion #3
13:45 | Feasibility of Virtual Reality Environments use in reduction of dental anxiety during treatment (abstract) PRESENTER: Filippo La Paglia |
14:05 | Immersive Virtual Reality-based Treatment of PTSD after Mild TBI, with and without an Eye Movement Task (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Roy |
14:25 | The Influence of Environmental Context on Social Anxiety in Virtual Scenes: A Pilot Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Patrick Mulvaney |
14:45 | Therapists are Makers: Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments Creation Capability for the Treatment of Rare Cases of Phobia and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (abstract) PRESENTER: Eric Malbos |
15:05 | Anxiety onset in adolescents: a machine-learning study (abstract) PRESENTER: Alice V. Chavanne |
13:45-15:45 Session Oral 4: The design of cybertherapy tools
Location: Cordelier pavilion #4
13:45 | Practical applications in stress research using digital technology (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrada Druica |
14:05 | Designing virtual environments for cybertherapy: a position paper (abstract) PRESENTER: Julien Nelson |
14:25 | Early Expert Involvement in the Design of an AI-driven Depression Diagnostic Aid for Psychologists (abstract) PRESENTER: Arian Sabaghi |
14:45 | A mindfulness exercise using virtual reality and biofeedback (abstract) PRESENTER: Ana Domingues |
15:05 | Adolescents' self-image on social media. Body objectification, photo manipulation, and problematic social media use (abstract) PRESENTER: Francesca Gioia |
15:25 | Integrating the user typing experience and writing layout into text-to-scene generation process (abstract) PRESENTER: Lionel Laloum |
13:45-14:46 Session Symposium 1: Telepresence in telepsychology
13:45 | Telepresence in telepsychology (abstract) PRESENTER: Lise Haddouk |
13:46 | Telepsychology: EFPA recommendations for ethical practice (abstract) PRESENTER: Tom Van Daele |
14:00 | The relationship between (social) telepresence and the working alliance in telepsychotherapy is not entirely linear, at least for CBT of anxiety disorders. (abstract) PRESENTER: Stéphane Bouchard |
14:15 | Social telepresence and telepsychology in Europe since COVID-19 (abstract) PRESENTER: Lise Haddouk |
14:30 | Telepsychotherapy for expatriate patients: benefits and limits (abstract) PRESENTER: Ludmilla Foy Sauvage |
14:45-15:45 Session Arts 1: Virtual reality and arts
14:45 | Art & Virtual Reality: Crossed inspirations towards wonder (abstract) PRESENTER: Jean-François Jégo |
16:15-18:15 Session Poster #1
Video games addiction psychodynamic treatment: a clinical case of un adolescent and his long-term evolution (abstract) PRESENTER: Xanthie Vlachopoulou |
Problematic media use among children aged 0-10: A systematic literature review (abstract) PRESENTER: Valeria Rega |
Impulsivity and Problematic Social Network Sites Use: a meta-analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Sara Bocci Benucci |
Has the Prevalence of Problematic Social Media Use Increased Globally Over the Past Six Years and Since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Meta-Analysis of All the Studies Published From 2016 to 2022 (abstract) PRESENTER: Sara Bocci Benucci |
Adolescence and " Videal " : factors of protection and vulnerability in the use of video games (abstract) |
The impact of Commercial Videogames on Social Capital: a systematic review of the literature (abstract) PRESENTER: Emma van der Schyff |
Effectiveness of an intervention for family members of persons with personality disorders in two different formats: Online vs face-to-face (abstract) PRESENTER: Verónica Guillén |
The Relationship of Emoji Usages, Self Presentation Strategies and Motives with Persuasive Messages on Social Media (abstract) PRESENTER: Lina Fawaz Alnassrallah |
Co-design in the development of a mHealth application to improve mental health: The perspective of the patients (abstract) PRESENTER: Rocío Herrero |
Virtual Ecological Assessment of Psychological Needs (abstract) PRESENTER: Georgina Cardenas-López |
Evaluation of an Online Training Program for the Identification and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (abstract) PRESENTER: Georgina Cardenas Lopez |
Acceptability of a treatment protocol based on the transdiagnostic perspective and applied in blended and group format for emotional disorders: preliminary data. (abstract) PRESENTER: Noelia Jiménez-Orenga |
Effects of Experiencing Awe in Virtual Reality on Emotions (abstract) |
IAVRS – INTERNATIONAL AFFECTIVE VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEM: validating 360-degree videos for emotions elicitation. (abstract) PRESENTER: Valentina Mancuso |
Childbirth: No longer a private moment; How videoconferencing technology allowed a family to come together for special moments during the COVID-19 pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Kathryn M. Phan |
Exploring the User Experience of a Gamified Problem-Solving Task: A Pilot Study in the Metaverse (abstract) PRESENTER: Sabrina Bartolotta |
Design and Evaluation of an Experiential-Learning-based Training in the Metaverse to Improve Soft Skills (abstract) PRESENTER: Sabrina Bartolotta |
Eating behavior in response to a virtual reality laboratory stressor. A study protocol (abstract) PRESENTER: Cristiana A. Manolache |
The body as a priority: is there a relationship between social physical anxiety and interoceptive awareness in adult women? The study protocol. (abstract) PRESENTER: Amélia Paquette |
Exposure therapy in teleconsulting using immersive photos (360°) for multiple anxieties and belonephobia. Clinical illustration, testimonial, and instructions for use (“how to do”). (abstract) PRESENTER: Cynthia Acca |
Validation of the relaxing effects of a virtual environment combined with a breathing exercise in children hospitalized in a pediatric unit (abstract) PRESENTER: Céline Stassart |
Tele-psychotherapy of anxiety and depression disorders (abstract) PRESENTER: Giuseppe Manuel Festa |
Profiling Persistence and Dropout Factors In French Adolescents Attending a Tech-focused Vocational Educational Program: a study protocol (abstract) PRESENTER: Sadia Maqsood |
An assessment of gait, balance, and cognition among elderly people living in a French nursing home. (abstract) PRESENTER: Yusuf Sani |
Synchronization of Declarative Responses to Psychometric Tests of Fear, Phobia, and Trauma with Neurophysiological Data Obtained Using Biometric Sensors: A Machine Learning Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Bryan Joseph Hilanga |
Wednesday, July 12th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:30 Session Oral 5: Social media and society
09:00 | United we stand, divided we fall: The Use of Online Social Media on Human Identification and Citizenship. (abstract) |
09:20 | The Iranian Adolescents’ Increased Net Surfing and Sexual Behavior During Covid19 Pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicole Jafari |
09:40 | Non-consensual sexting perpetration, victimization, and bystander experiences of high school students from Serbia (abstract) PRESENTER: Bojana Bodroža |
10:00 | An investigation of perceptions of politically-motivated online abuse in the context of Scottish Independence (abstract) PRESENTER: Graham Scott |
09:00-10:30 Session Oral 6: Virtual reality devices and emotion regulation
09:00 | The impact of creative Virtual Reality on decision-making and emotion regulation (abstract) PRESENTER: Milija Strika |
09:20 | Enhancing emotional well-being of patients with Parkinson’s disease: an online savoring intervention (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniela Villani |
09:40 | Promoting emotional and psychological well-being of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A feasibility study combining virtual reality and savoring (abstract) PRESENTER: Elisa Pancini |
10:00 | Exploring the mechanisms underlying savoring: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Maja Wrzesien |
09:00-10:30 Session Oral 7: Virtual reality and body image
Location: Cordelier pavilion # 1
09:00 | A cross-country validation of a visual-perceptual method to assess body image dissatisfaction and thin ideal internalization in women (abstract) PRESENTER: Giulia Corno |
09:20 | Validation of a virtual environment to assess state social physique anxiety (abstract) PRESENTER: Alice Jeanningros |
09:40 | Body dissatisfaction and self-disgust as significant predictors of body-related attentional bias. A Virtual Reality and Eye-Tracking study. (abstract) PRESENTER: Franck-Alexandre Meschberger-Annweiler |
10:00 | Eye-tracking and virtual reality-based attentional bias modification training to improve mirror exposure therapy: preliminary findings from a multiple case study with anorexia nervosa patients (abstract) PRESENTER: Mariarca Ascione |
09:00-10:30 Session Oral 8: Connected devices for aging
Location: Cordelier pavilion #3
09:00 | DUAL-Rehab: an immersive 360° dual-task based instrument for rehabilitation in aging (abstract) PRESENTER: Francesca Bruni |
09:20 | Virtual reality biofeedback as a gateway to explore the interaction between cognitive control over memory and cardiac activity (abstract) PRESENTER: Lukas Bögge |
09:40 | Adherence to a Virtual Reality Based Cognitive Intervention for Attention and Working Memory for Older Adults (abstract) PRESENTER: Javier Oltra-Cucarella |
09:00-10:30 Session Oral 9: Virtual reality and embodiment
Location: Cordelier pavilion #4
09:00 | Allocentric Full Body Illusion extends Peripersonal Space (abstract) PRESENTER: Giulia Brizzi |
09:20 | Virtual Embodiment for Changing Self-Perception Among Adolescents (abstract) PRESENTER: Reut Kapah |
09:40 | Measuring Presence in Virtual Embodiment: A Novel Behavioral Test (abstract) PRESENTER: Sara Freedman |
10:00 | Detection of Break in Presence in Full Body Illusion Using Machine Learning (abstract) PRESENTER: Stefano De Gaspari |
11:00-12:00 Session Oral 10: Social media and body image
Location: Cordelier pavilion #4
11:00 | The application of the Metacognitive Model of Desire Thinking and Craving in Problematic Social Networking Sites Use (abstract) PRESENTER: Giulia Fioravanti |
11:20 | Photo investment in young adults: the role of self-esteem, body-esteem and personality traits (abstract) PRESENTER: Gaia Cuccì |
11:40 | “I’ve learned a lot about myself this year”: Young female students’ experiences of engaging with digital fitness culture throughout the Covid-19 pandemic (abstract) |
11:00-12:00 Session Symposium 2: The neuropsychology of everyday life: examples of assessment and training of cognitive skills using virtual reality
11:00 | The neuropsychology of everyday life: examples of assessment and training of cognitive skills using virtual reality (abstract) |
11:01 | Multidimensional assessment of social cognition in severe traumatic brain injury: a pilot study using a non-immersive virtual reality serious game (abstract) PRESENTER: Eva-Flore Msika |
11:15 | Assessment of the self-reference effect at encoding in a naturalistic context: A study in people at ultra-high risk of psychosis and in schizophrenia during a virtual walk in the Latin Quarter of Paris (abstract) PRESENTER: Pascale Piolino |
11:30 | An immersive virtual reality study of the modulation of episodic memory of naturalistic events by the minimal Self in patients with a first episode of psychosis (abstract) PRESENTER: Delphine Yeh |
11:45 | REVALZ: A new tablet-based virtual reality game to train cognitive skills in everyday life and application in seniors (abstract) PRESENTER: Dana Ladon-Evans |
11:00-12:00 Session Symposium 3: People first: the human-centric paradigm as the core of the technology (r)evolution. Insights from clinical to organization psychology.
11:00 | People first: the human-centric paradigm as the core of the technology (r)evolution. Insights from clinical to organization psychology. (abstract) |
11:01 | Co-designing an Interactive Artificial Intelligent system for people with neurological lesions: a human-centric approach. (abstract) PRESENTER: Sara Ventura |
11:15 | Co-designing assistive technology with older people to tackle unwanted loneliness: the case of DIAL (abstract) PRESENTER: Rocío Herrero |
11:30 | Co-designing an Interactive system for exposure therapy in anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder (abstract) PRESENTER: Iveta Fajnerová |
11:45 | Collaborative Industrial Robotics Systems for Optimal Human-Machine Interaction: Strategies for the Human-Robot Workforce (abstract) PRESENTER: Federico Fraboni |
11:00-12:00 Session Symposium 4: A transdisciplinary e-Health Approach applied to Dysfunctional Eating Attitudes and Behaviors
Location: Cordelier pavilion # 1
11:00 | A transdisciplinary e-Health Approach applied to Dysfunctional Eating Attitudes and Behaviors. (abstract) PRESENTER: Johana Monthuy-Blanc |
11:01 | eLoriCorps-IBRS: An immersive VR-based assessment method for body image disturbances from an allocentric and egocentric perceptive (abstract) PRESENTER: Francisca Bourbeau |
11:15 | Intervenant de Poche Loricorps: An Example of Mobile Health Application (abstract) PRESENTER: Lola Tournayre |
11:30 | Machine Learning applied to body perceptions and eating attitudes and behaviors: A promising method to investigate eaters profiles (abstract) PRESENTER: Giulia Corno |
11:45 | The eSILENCE 1.2 program: From Health Education to e-Health Education (abstract) PRESENTER: Leïla Mostefa-Kara |
11:00-12:00 Session Symposium 5: Quantitative monitoring of normal and pathological human behavior
Location: Cordelier pavilion #3
11:00 | Quantitative monitoring of normal and pathological human behavior (abstract) PRESENTER: Lise Haddouk |
11:15 | Multimodal precision prevention in the field: a case study in the Reunion Island (abstract) PRESENTER: Pierre-Paul Vidal |
11:30 | A novel machine learning framework for personalized risk of fall evaluation in individuals without history of fall (abstract) PRESENTER: Ioannis Bargiotas |
11:45 | Helicopter Simulator Sickness (abstract) |
13:30-15:00 Session Oral 11: The "human side" of VR applications
13:30 | Low Cost Virtual Reality to support imaginal exposure within PTSD treatment: A case report study within a community mental healthcare setting (abstract) PRESENTER: Tom Van Daele |
13:50 | GROw, an Internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) for Adults with Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD): Preliminary Data of a Randomized Feasibility Trial (abstract) PRESENTER: Soledad Quero |
14:10 | Moving toward innovative ways to cultivate compassion. Proof of concept of VR-based tool to enhance compassion practice. (abstract) PRESENTER: Maja Wrzesien |
14:30 | Awareness Integration Theory: A Comprehensive Telehealth and Virtual Therapeutic Methodology for Individuals who Suffer from Anxiety and Depression (abstract) PRESENTER: Foojan Zeine |
13:30-15:00 Session Oral 12: Virtual reality and learning processes
13:30 | Using virtual reality in education and learning to improve nurses' students' clinical surveillance in a critical care context: A psychological perspective (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniel Milhomme |
13:50 | Houston, we have a problem: Changes in the academics’ mental models of online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. (abstract) |
14:10 | Learning processes and note-taking media in asynchronous distance learning: An EEG study (abstract) PRESENTER: Bookyung Shin |
13:30-15:00 Session Oral 13: Technology-mediated interventions to promote body wellness
Location: Cordelier pavilion # 1
13:30 | Feasibility and Acceptability of the TELEhealth Bariatric behavioural intervention to increase physical ACTIVity (TELE-BariACTIV): results for the pre-bariatric surgery phase (abstract) PRESENTER: Marine Asselin |
13:50 | Feasibility and acceptability of a novel psychological intervention with virtual reality exposure-based and exercise training aiming to reduce social physique anxiety in women with obesity (abstract) PRESENTER: Aurelie Baillot |
14:10 | Virtual Self-conversation in combination with Motivational Interviewing techniques to promote healthy lifestyle in People Living With Obesity: a Randomized Controlled Trial (work in progress) (abstract) PRESENTER: Julia Vazquez |
14:30 | Let’s focus on the Positive Affect: the Role of Positive Mood Induction Through Virtual Reality in Body Image Disturbance of Adolescents with Eating Disorders (abstract) PRESENTER: Marta Miragall |
13:30-15:00 Session Oral 14: Using big data to design VR applications
Location: Cordelier pavilion #3
13:30 | Virtual Reality Behavioral Activation as an Intervention for Adults with Major Depressive Disorder: Methods and Ongoing Research Findings (abstract) PRESENTER: Margot Paul |
13:50 | Unpaking presence in emotional synthetic environments (abstract) PRESENTER: Alice Chirico |
14:10 | Screen for image projection during surgery and a patient assistance projection system (abstract) PRESENTER: Jose Luis Mosso Lara |
13:30-14:30 Session Oral 15: Metaverse and cyberspace: from the basics to graduate university programs
Location: Cordelier pavilion #4
13:30 | Metaverse for Mental Health Care: An Evidence Map (abstract) PRESENTER: Esther Rincon |
13:45 | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) Cyberspace, Behavior and E-therapy (CYBER) (abstract) PRESENTER: Pedro Gamito |
15:30-17:30 Session Poster #2
Virtual reality experiential learning tool for social-cohesion and mental healing for refugees in Northern Uganda (abstract) |
Virtual reality gaze exposure treatment reduces fear of public speaking: A randomized controlled trial (abstract) PRESENTER: Fabian Mueller |
The use of three different stress levels in the Trier social stress test in VR (abstract) PRESENTER: Mathijs Nijland |
Predictors of subjective stress in a competitive performance task used to practice stress management with biofeedback in virtual environments: the role of perfectionism (abstract) PRESENTER: Anne Pereira |
Description of a Study Protocol: Using Serious Game in Mental Health Assessment to Identify Digital Behavioral Biomarkers of Anxiety and Depression. (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniel Vélez Marín |
A Machine Learning Approach for Anxiety Detection Using Biosensors: Description of a Study Protocol (abstract) PRESENTER: Fernanda Lima Pimentel |
Affect dynamics through virtual reality (abstract) PRESENTER: Francesca Borghesi |
Using 360° video in psychometric assessment of cognitive functions: semApp and its usability data (abstract) PRESENTER: Francesca Bruni |
Intervention Effectiveness of a Virtual Therapist Digital Application on Cognitive Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post-Stroke Patients (abstract) PRESENTER: Javad Modaresi |
Between speech and visual appearance, where is the uncanny valley? (abstract) PRESENTER: Wafâ Cherigui |
Metaverse-Based Virtual Reality: Comparing Memory Performance and User Experience in Direct and Indirect Modalities (abstract) PRESENTER: Soo Rim Noh |
Virtual metaphors and immersive technology. The new boundaries of cybertherapy in stress prevention and treatment (abstract) |
“What are they doing?”: Italian validation of spherical and standard video stimuli for actions and objects naming (abstract) PRESENTER: Claudia Repetto |
A novel experimental touch paradigm on embodied affective interaction: Investigating the interplay of space-valence associations, action-contexts, and hand-proximity effects (abstract) PRESENTER: Sergio Cervera Torres |
A virtual full-body illusion for the study of episodic memory: a protocol proposal (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Hashmi |
The sense of presence in virtual reality: Modern conceptualization and validation of a new presence questionnaire (abstract) PRESENTER: Aurélie Wagener |
Sujeto52: a VR serious game for behaviorism learning. (abstract) |
Forensic neurofeedback and prefrontal workout (abstract) PRESENTER: Iginio Sisto Lancia |
Impact of environmental variations on young adults' anxiety state and stress level during psychometric assessment. Use of virtual reality and neurophysiological sensors in a multimodal approach. Protocol to study. (abstract) PRESENTER: Donovan Morel |
VR-based training for improvement of positive body image and pain reduction in patients with chronic and acute low back pain: An illustrative example (abstract) PRESENTER: Suriia Akhmetova |
Cancelled - Personalization and gamification of an online cognitive restructuring intervention for women who have experienced sexual assault: A pilot study (abstract) PRESENTER: Thalie Flores-Tremblay |
Improve social communication skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using Virtual Reality Technology (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Castro |
Cultural adaptation and validation for the Mexican population of the Adjustment Disorder New Module (ADNM-20) (abstract) PRESENTER: Georgina Cárdenas López |
Exploring the Relationship between Fear of Falling and Sense of Presence in Virtual Environments with Risk of Falling: A Study of Physiological Activation and Balance in Healthy Adults (abstract) PRESENTER: Lise Haddouk |
19:30-22:00 Gala dinner on the Seine
Pre-registration is required for the Gala dinner (see website).
If needed, ask for directions at the Registration Desk.
Thursday, July 13th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:00 Session Oral 16: Interventions for schizophrenia and beyond
09:00 | Atelier Internet: The human computer interaction and its benefits in the care of adolescent psychotic patients in psychiatric day hospital (abstract) PRESENTER: Xanthie Vlachopoulou |
09:20 | Executive functions, daily functioning, and negative symptoms in Schizophrenia: Findings from a Virtual Cooking Task paradigm (abstract) PRESENTER: Sergio Cervera |
09:40 | An Avatar-based intervention in Second Life for female orgasmic disorder (abstract) PRESENTER: Ariana Vila |
09:00-10:00 Session Oral 17: Cyber violence and cybersecurity
09:00 | Beyond Password Protection: How cultural values, perceived vulnerability and security self-efficacy influence cybersecurity behavior in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia (abstract) PRESENTER: Heyla A Selim |
09:20 | Onlife Subjectivities Construction in Radicalization Processes. A Theoretical Perspective with some Practical Fallouts for Intelligence (abstract) PRESENTER: Carlo Galimberti |
09:40 | Relationship between cyberbullying and digital media literacy: turkish sample (abstract) |
09:00-10:00 Session Oral 18: Online therapies
Location: Cordelier pavilion # 1
09:00 | Online Virtual Reality Therapy For Specific Enhancement of Wellness and Reduction in Insomnia Among Firefighters (abstract) PRESENTER: Chris Harz |
09:20 | PIT: PTSD Internet Treatment (abstract) PRESENTER: Sara Freedman |
09:40 | Lost in Time and Space: New methods in virtual reality, metaverse, and allied sciences (abstract) |
09:00-10:00 Session Oral 19: Serious game applications
Location: Cordelier pavilion #3
09:00 | The Brain at Play: investigating motivational factors and perceived effects of high-level problem solving in video games (abstract) PRESENTER: Stefano Triberti |
09:20 | ToM-VR design and validation study: a serious game evaluating Theory of Mind (ToM)’s gradual development in 5- to 10-years-old children (abstract) PRESENTER: Filippia Doulou |
09:40 | Cancelled - Video game for cognitive remediation of attention disorders, equipped with eye-tracking technology and assisted by a Machine Learning AI (abstract) |
09:00-10:00 Session Symposium 6: Immersive Virtual Reality to assess memory and temporality: From the mental time travel into the past to the future
Location: Cordelier pavilion #4
09:00 | Immersive Virtual Reality to assess memory and temporality: From the mental time travel into the past to the future (abstract) |
09:01 | The role of bodily self-consciousness in episodic memory of naturalistic events: An immersive virtual reality study (abstract) PRESENTER: Sylvain Penaud |
09:15 | Exploration of episodic autobiographical memory formation using virtual reality: what becomes of experienced events with different emotions and implications of the self in memory? (abstract) PRESENTER: Diane Lenormand |
09:30 | Virtual reality to test the constructive episodic simulation hypothesis of the mental time travel into the future (abstract) PRESENTER: Benjamin Lesur |
09:45 | The time travel of prospective memory intentions when the mind wanders: new insight from a virtual walk (abstract) PRESENTER: Pascale Piolino |
10:30-12:00 Session Oral 20: Neurosciences and neuropsychological applications
10:30 | Hand-VR: the role of body-related stimuli in spatial memory (abstract) PRESENTER: Claudia Repetto |
10:48 | Common processes between memory and imagination: effect of temporal distance on the episodic simulation system. (abstract) PRESENTER: Lesur Benjamin |
11:06 | New horizons for neuropsychological assessment: novel software for building cognitive tasks with 360-degree videos (abstract) PRESENTER: Valentina Mancuso |
11:24 | Preemptive gain and sense of agency using electrical muscle stimulation (abstract) PRESENTER: Jihwan Kim |
11:42 | Similarity between emotional body sensation and motion maps (abstract) PRESENTER: Myeongul Jung |
10:30-12:00 Session Oral 21: Technologies for stress management
10:30 | The role of perceived self-efficacy in job interview training simulations in virtual reality (abstract) PRESENTER: Chloé Chattat |
10:48 | Is general stress a stronger predictor of social presence than social anxiety in non-clinical participants immersed in a virtual job interview? (abstract) PRESENTER: Meghan Leblanc |
11:06 | Prediction of Emotional States from Partial Facial Features for Virtual Reality Applications (abstract) PRESENTER: Stéphane Bouchard |
11:24 | An Investigation of the Impact of VR Experience Setting and Personal Meaning on Emotion Responses (abstract) PRESENTER: David Redmond |
11:42 | 360° nature video for relaxation: does the medium matter? (abstract) PRESENTER: Sylvie Bernaerts |
10:30-12:00 Session Oral 22: Health interventions and applications
Location: Cordelier pavilion # 1
10:30 | A comparative analysis of #fitspiration content from 2014 and 2021 (abstract) PRESENTER: Beth Bell |
10:48 | An online psychological intervention focused on Body Compassion in breast cancer survivors (abstract) PRESENTER: Valeria Sebri |
11:06 | Looking Through Your Eyes: Using Immersive Virtual Reality to Promote Well-Being among Cancer Survivors and Their Partners (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Sansoni |
11:24 | Healthcare Professionals’ Attitudes Towards Virtual Reality for Cancer Patients (abstract) PRESENTER: Milija Strika |
11:42 | Web-based mental imagery techniques: a feasibility study with a brief guided exercise (abstract) PRESENTER: Valeria Sebri |
10:30-12:00 Session Oral 25: Using tools provided by Artificial Intelligence applications
Location: Cordelier pavilion #4
10:30 | Prediction of the dosage of the electric stimulus needed for Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) based on patient’s pre-ictal EEG using Artificial Intelligence (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: François-Xavier Roucaut |
10:48 | XAI in Affective Computing: A preliminary study (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Stefano De Gaspari |
11:06 | Virtual Standardized Patients for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training (abstract) PRESENTER: Thomas Parsons |
11:24 | Computational analysis of political leaders' speeches using artificial intelligence and ratings (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrey Vlasov |
11:42 | GALA Inspired by Klimt's Art: Image-to-text Processing with Implementation in Interaction and Perception Studies: Library and Case Examples (abstract) |
10:30-12:00 Session Symposium 7: Interpersonal and technology dependence: Personality’s role in a digitally-connected world
Location: Cordelier pavilion #3
10:30 | Interpersonal and technology dependence: Personality’s role in a digitally-connected world (abstract) PRESENTER: Scott Debb |
10:31 | Interpersonal dependency, technology use and individual attitudes (abstract) PRESENTER: Marnee McClellan |
10:45 | Transactional Coping: Can Resilience Moderate the Impact of Technology Dependence? (abstract) PRESENTER: Emma Trierweiler |
11:00 | Updating beliefs: How personality may influence perceived online racism (abstract) PRESENTER: Katelyn Haschke |
13:30-15:00 Session Oral 23: Immersive experiences
13:30 | Being there when it happens: embodied a female victim of sexual harassment to feel her perspective. The feasibility of a 360-degree video. (abstract) PRESENTER: Sara Ventura |
13:48 | Elderly users value immersive experiences, younger adults prioritize their content: age-related differences in the positive emotions evoked by virtual reality. (abstract) PRESENTER: Katarina Pavic |
14:06 | Awe in virtual reality storytelling: exploring the contribution of priming. (abstract) PRESENTER: Assim Kalouaz |
14:24 | The digital psychological assessment (abstract) PRESENTER: Xanthie Vlachopoulou |
14:42 | Exploring the effect of different hints on flow state in Virtual Reality (abstract) |
13:30-15:00 Session Oral 24: Digital practices and medico-social issues
13:30 | Virtual reality social platforms for online synchronous learning in higher education: a mixed-methods exploratory study (abstract) PRESENTER: Anna Flavia Di Natale |
13:48 | Modelling the Contribution of Metacognitions to Compulsive Online Shopping (abstract) PRESENTER: Silvia Casale |
14:06 | Digital Self-Harm: Examining Emotionally Unstable Personality Traits and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury as Predictors (abstract) PRESENTER: Kathryn Seigfried-Spellar |
14:24 | Digital practices of family caregivers in France since the COVID-19 pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Lise Haddouk |
14:42 | Hybrid ≠ in-presence + remote. Towards organizational awareness in the implementation of hybrid meetings (abstract) PRESENTER: Carlo Galimberti |
13:30-15:00 Session Symposium 10: New trends in virtual reality and the use of biomarkers and biofeedback in mental health
Location: Cordelier pavilion #4
13:30 | New trends in virtual reality and the use of biomarkers and biofeedback in mental health (abstract) |
13:31 | The use of biofeedback and virtual reality in mental health: an introduction, historical perspective and illustration for cultural adaptations (abstract) |
13:50 | Effects of virtual reality relaxation on laboratory and real-life physiological stress markers in patients with burnout and psychiatric disorders (abstract) PRESENTER: Lisanne M. Robbemond |
14:10 | Towards predicting social anxiety from biomarkers in a VR setup (abstract) PRESENTER: Marco Scirea |
14:30 | How to adapt XR based interventions using artificial intelligence and cognitive neuroscience: the concept of Extended Reality-based Behavioral Biomarkers (XRBB) (abstract) PRESENTER: Mariano Alcaniz |
13:30-15:00 Session Symposium 8: Augmented Introspection
Location: Cordelier pavilion # 1
13:30 | Augmented Introspection (abstract) |
13:31 | Foundations of Augmented Introspection (abstract) |
13:45 | Exploring Introspection with Lucid Loop: A Neurofeedback-Augmented Immersive Experience (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexandra Kitson |
14:00 | Interoceptive technologies for Augmented Introspection (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniele Di Lernia |
14:15 | 'Numadelic' VR experiences which produce ego attenuation and connectedness comparable to psychedelics (abstract) |
14:30 | Promoting Global, Perceptual and Self-Consciousness: The Contribution of Information Technologies (abstract) |
14:45 | Exploring the Effects of Virtual Reality Induced Alterations in State of Consciousness on cognitive flexibility, creativity and perceptual experiences (abstract) |
13:30-15:00 Session Symposium 9: Affect and Emotions in Extended and Artificial Realities: Does it worth the effort?
Location: Cordelier pavilion #3
13:30 | Affect and Emotions in Extended and Artificial Realities: Is it worth the effort? (abstract) |
13:31 | Can Virtual Reality best assess peer exclusion affecting mood and emotions within an experimental design? (abstract) PRESENTER: Elvis Mazzoni |
13:45 | A new app for youth wellbeing - a metaphorical voyage from emotional awareness to emotional regulation (abstract) PRESENTER: Flavia Cristofolini |
14:00 | "Being Immersed in Aesthetic Emotions": Comparing immersive Vs. Non immersive VR in aesthetic emotions elicitation (abstract) PRESENTER: Marta Pizzolante |
14:15 | How many degrees of emotional separation are there between Real and Virtual Nature? A pilot study (abstract) PRESENTER: Eleonora Diletta Sarcinella |
14:30 | All-around mental flexibility: a psychometric tool based on ecological immersive situations (abstract) PRESENTER: Francesca Borghesi |