Days: Thursday, September 5th Friday, September 6th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
At Cycling Research Board 2024 at ETH Zurich, sessions which are moderated by Urban Cycling Institute staff will be facilitated slightly differently. Sessions marked "moderated by UCI" will involve back-to-back short presentations from each speaker followed by a critical discussion amongst attendees on specific elements of the research which the speaker would like to gain feedback on.
If your presentation is in a session led by a member of the Urban Cycling Institute team, please prepare a short 6-8 minute presentation outlining your research. It is advised to come with a critical question/discussion point to pose to attendees of that session for brainstorming. For example, it could be how to overcome a barrier of the research, advice on future directions of the project, developing future research questions, or advice on analysis. We emphasise clear goals and tangible outcomes, while fostering collaboration to consolidate research questions. Urban Cycling Institute staff will be in touch with those involved shortly.
09:00 | The obduracy of road infrastructure: an analysis of cycling at intersections (abstract) PRESENTER: Dimitri Marincek |
09:05 | Is there something like a "Copenhagenize" effect? A comparative study in 13 European cities (abstract) PRESENTER: Sergio A. Useche |
09:10 | Identifying and connecting Low Traffic Neighbourhoods for optimal cycle network growth (abstract) PRESENTER: Chris Larkin |
09:15 | Fast & Furious: Extreme events and non-Gaussian velocities in urban car traffic (abstract) PRESENTER: Malte Schröder |
09:00 | Assessing the influence of bike lane allocation on network traffic performance using microsimulation (abstract) PRESENTER: Ying-Chuan Ni |
09:20 | Linked Cycle + Public Transport policy modelling to fit the carbon reduction agenda (abstract) PRESENTER: Crispin Cooper |
09:40 | Revealing who rides the storm: A mode choice model with heterogeneous weather preferences (abstract) PRESENTER: Mads Paulsen |
10:00 | Some open source tools for cycle modelling (abstract) PRESENTER: Crispin Cooper |
09:00 | Cycling as Traffic: The Importance of a Transport Planning Discourse for Cycling in Low-Cycling Contexts (abstract) PRESENTER: Robert Egan |
09:20 | Electrifying Efficiency, Why Employers Should Offer E-Bikes Like Company Phones (abstract) |
09:40 | Cycling Stories : vignettes of the texture and depth of marginalized Dutch cycling experiences (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Tahmoressi |
09:00 | Enhancing Cycling Research With Customer Journey Mapping: Insights For More Inclusive Cycling (abstract) PRESENTER: Sam Delespaul |
09:00 | E-Scooters vs. Cycling or E-Scooters and Cycling? (abstract) PRESENTER: Rebecca Hunziker |
09:30 | Rethinking methods for planning support: replicating existing patterns or planning for inclusive, enabling future mobility? (abstract) PRESENTER: Christian Werner |
10:00 | Improving mobility equity: developing the Cycling Potential Index. (abstract) PRESENTER: Roxani Gkavra |
11:00 | ‘Keeping an Eye’ and ‘Wrapping Up’: E-Cargo Bikes as a Technology of Cycle-Parenting in Ireland (abstract) PRESENTER: Robert Egan |
11:20 | Prefiguring children’s right to the cycling city (abstract) |
11:40 | How do bicycles improve women's mobility and access to essential services and economic opportunities? (abstract) |
11:00 | Naturalistic micromobility data: opportunities and threats (abstract) PRESENTER: Marco Dozza |
11:20 | Cycling comfort and self-stated cyclist type: The role of rural leisure and typical cycling habits (abstract) PRESENTER: Yangqian Cai |
11:40 | Incorporating discrete route choice models into agent-based simulations (abstract) PRESENTER: Adrian Meister |
12:00 | An Agent-Based Model to simulate urban mobility policies in favour of active modes (abstract) PRESENTER: Alistair Ford |
At Cycling Research Board 2024 at ETH Zurich, sessions which are moderated by Urban Cycling Institute staff will be facilitated slightly differently. Sessions marked "moderated by UCI" will involve back-to-back short presentations from each speaker followed by a critical discussion amongst attendees on specific elements of the research which the speaker would like to gain feedback on.
If your presentation is in a session led by a member of the Urban Cycling Institute team, please prepare a short 6-8 minute presentation outlining your research. It is advised to come with a critical question/discussion point to pose to attendees of that session for brainstorming. For example, it could be how to overcome a barrier of the research, advice on future directions of the project, developing future research questions, or advice on analysis. We emphasise clear goals and tangible outcomes, while fostering collaboration to consolidate research questions. Urban Cycling Institute staff will be in touch with those involved shortly.
11:00 | Teaching and Learning through Cycling: Stories from Amsterdam (abstract) PRESENTER: Robert Patrick |
11:05 | Once Upon a Time: Creative and Engaging Storytelling for Cycling (abstract) |
11:10 | Institutional logics for urban mobility choices amongst Nigerian urban residents and African diaspora in Netherlands (Presented via Zoom) (abstract) PRESENTER: Inah Okon |
11:00 | Fast-lane for cycling infrastructure: On the effectiveness and efficiency of cycling infrastructure planning processes (presentation to open for workshop) (abstract) PRESENTER: Arnór B Elvarsson |
11:45 | A Network for the People: Planning User-Friendly Bike Highways in Solothurn with Levels of Traffic Stress. (abstract) PRESENTER: Sascha Attia |
11:00 | Same same but different – Examining the influence of city-related factors on diverse cycling behaviors (abstract) PRESENTER: Lißner Sven |
11:45 | Fair Recommendations for Cyclists (abstract) PRESENTER: Bernhard Wieser |
Lunch and Poster Session
Poster Session
BikeAlytics - Floating BIKE Data for Transport Analytics (abstract) PRESENTER: Thomas Wischer |
A physical microscopic bicycle energy model (abstract) |
More than meets the eye - Wider economic benefits of bicycle infrastructure (WEBBI) (abstract) PRESENTER: Keke Merz |
Building a Planning Tool for the E-Bike City Vision (abstract) PRESENTER: Ayda Grisiute |
The promise of floating bike data, are you a believer? (abstract) PRESENTER: Felix Henriksson |
Evaluating Conference Impact: Amplifying the Importance of Nurturing the Urban Cycling Community - From Bottom to Top (abstract) PRESENTER: Valeria Leyva Reyes |
Human-centric digital twins: a contradictio-in-terminis or a useful tool to plan the cycling city? (abstract) PRESENTER: Lucas van der Meer |
Residential bicycle parking infrastructure in urban streetscapes (abstract) |
Analyzing Cyclist Stress in Traffic Through Data Fusion (abstract) PRESENTER: Anna Takayasu |
Resilient on two wheels: How disruptions are getting us on bikes (abstract) PRESENTER: Maik Bock |
Interactive "Fishbowl" Conversation Session with all delegates
Five (preselected) participants start seated on the stage. Cycling-related questions are asked by a moderator to the 5 participants. Participants take turns answering this first question. After answering or speaking 2 times, the participant leaves the stage and another participant from the audience (can be anyone) will fill the empty seat. The questions and conversation continues with each new participant and the rotation continues with the aim of hearing opinions of all audience members at least once each.
16:30 | Detecting Statistically Significant Changes in Cycling Volumes Based on Crowdsourced GPS-Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Emely Richter |
16:50 | Roundabout safety: bicyclists’ perceptions (abstract) PRESENTER: Ian Trout |
17:10 | Improved cycling risk - more threatening car traffic? (abstract) PRESENTER: Wout Baert |
16:30 | Safety Implications of Bicycle Sharing Systems: A Case Study from Konya, Turkey (abstract) PRESENTER: Ömür Kaygisiz |
16:50 | Agent-Based Study of the Cycling Potential in a Medium-Sized City (abstract) PRESENTER: Gregor Rybczak |
17:10 | Understand the effect of e-bike trial in substituting Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT) (abstract) PRESENTER: Anna Barrero |
16:30 | Cycling safety campaigns. A way to perpetuate the hegemony of the car? (abstract) |
16:50 | Assessing Public Preferences for Urban Street Re-Design: A Stated Choice Experiment (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Wicki |
17:10 | Exploring the narrative behind Zurich’s E-Bike City Research Project: a thematic analysis of self-identifying transport user types (abstract) PRESENTER: Catherine Elliot |
16:30 | Emergency Streets Countermeasure to Enable Urban Cycling and Livability (abstract) |
16:30 | How Does Selective Attention For Cyclists Work?: Analysis Of Attention In The Perception Process (abstract) |
At 18:00, Walk to Die Waid Restaurant together from HIT building. Drinks begin at 18:30, dinner begins at 19:00
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Limited to 30 participants.
Must Register HERE. Link stops working after 30 people registered.
Meeting location: Europaallee 1A, 8004 Zürich (Meet near Sihlpost Hiltl building on corner, across from main train station in city center)
09:00 | Conceptualizing Spatial Nudging: A Theoretical Framework for Integrating Interventions to Promote Cycling (abstract) PRESENTER: Ayda Grisiute |
09:20 | Safety perceptions and e-cycling: The role of the road environment and implications in mobility (abstract) |
09:40 | Green Infrastructure and Cycling Behaviour: A Discrete Choice Experiment in Trieste (abstract) PRESENTER: Chiara Ricchetti |
At Cycling Research Board 2024 at ETH Zurich, sessions which are moderated by Urban Cycling Institute staff will be facilitated slightly differently. Sessions marked "moderated by UCI" will involve back-to-back short presentations from each speaker followed by a critical discussion amongst attendees on specific elements of the research which the speaker would like to gain feedback on.
If your presentation is in a session led by a member of the Urban Cycling Institute team, please prepare a short 6-8 minute presentation outlining your research. It is advised to come with a critical question/discussion point to pose to attendees of that session for brainstorming. For example, it could be how to overcome a barrier of the research, advice on future directions of the project, developing future research questions, or advice on analysis. We emphasise clear goals and tangible outcomes, while fostering collaboration to consolidate research questions. Urban Cycling Institute staff will be in touch with those involved shortly.
09:00 | Understanding the mechanisms of change in a multi-city US cycling capacity building organisation (abstract) PRESENTER: Lilian Markfort |
09:05 | Improving active mobility on Bonaire: a 4 year multidisciplinary project in the Caribbean Netherlands (abstract) PRESENTER: Dylan Power |
09:10 | Exploring the Role of Bottom-Up Cycling Initiatives in Immigrant Integration: A Comparative Study - Peru & South Africa (abstract) ![]() |
09:15 | Building a Cycling Culture in Nairobi: A Case Study of Nairobi Central Business District (Presented via Zoom) (abstract) |
09:00 | Organising integrated urban mobility: Exploring cycling's role through an action net analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Russell Cannon |
09:20 | Shaping our Cycling Culture – case example from the winter cycling capital Oulu (abstract) ![]() |
09:40 | Inclusive cycling mobilities: Experiences with assisted cycling services for elderly care home residents (abstract) |
09:00 | A Workshop on Public Outreach Via Social Media (abstract) ![]() |
09:00 | Smarter cycling, safer cycling? Acceptance of advanced bicycle technologies – a cross-country comparison (abstract) PRESENTER: Nora Studer |
09:30 | Crafting A Mobile Platform for unreported Incident Notation to close the data Gap (abstract) PRESENTER: Thomas Hug |
10:00 | Let’s talk about representativeness – a framework for evaluating primary data sources for cycling indicators (abstract) PRESENTER: Emely Richter |
11:00 | A systematic evaluation of travel time based accessibility provided by bicycles (abstract) PRESENTER: Marco Miotti |
11:20 | RADBEST: Cycling guidance under constrained road conditions (abstract) PRESENTER: Rebecca Hunziker |
11:40 | Green Wave for Cyclists: An Overview from Practical Implementations (abstract) PRESENTER: Md Azizur Rahman |
12:00 | Exploring the effects cycling infrastructure improvements in a broader mode-choice experiment (abstract) PRESENTER: Lucas Meyer de Freitas |
At Cycling Research Board 2024 at ETH Zurich, sessions which are moderated by Urban Cycling Institute staff will be facilitated slightly differently. Sessions marked "moderated by UCI" will involve back-to-back short presentations from each speaker followed by a critical discussion amongst attendees on specific elements of the research which the speaker would like to gain feedback on.
If your presentation is in a session led by a member of the Urban Cycling Institute team, please prepare a short 6-8 minute presentation outlining your research. It is advised to come with a critical question/discussion point to pose to attendees of that session for brainstorming. For example, it could be how to overcome a barrier of the research, advice on future directions of the project, developing future research questions, or advice on analysis. We emphasise clear goals and tangible outcomes, while fostering collaboration to consolidate research questions. Urban Cycling Institute staff will be in touch with those involved shortly.
11:00 | Cycling safety based on historical crashes: A comparison of the Netherlands and Switzerland (abstract) PRESENTER: David Zani |
11:05 | Enriching OpenStreetMap Data using Computer Vision and Street View Imagery (abstract) |
11:10 | Cycle storage and access in terraced housing: barriers and opportunities to increase cycle mode share (abstract) |
11:15 | Estimating the socio-economic impacts of cycling in the EU (abstract) |
11:00 | Translating best practice into context: getting from «they can» to «we can» (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Liebi |
11:00 | Global Learning, Local Implementation: Developing a Cycling Curriculum to Influence Decision-Making (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicholas Meltzer |
Workshop (capacity 24 people)
11:00 | Developing a methodology to assess health and well-being impacts of employee active mobility: lessons from the bicycle industry (abstract) PRESENTER: Inah Okon |
Vote for best presentation, workshop, and poster during this time.
Optional activity: Join the Switzerland branch of Women in Cycling in a discussion over lunch in Siemens Auditorium.
13:30 | Exploring free-riding behavior: An instrumented bicycle study on the influence of infrastructure design on cycling (abstract) PRESENTER: Danil Belikhov |
13:50 | Classification of bicycle infrastructure in OpenStreetMap (abstract) PRESENTER: Miroslawa Lukawska |
14:10 | Cyclists’ delays at urban intersections (abstract) PRESENTER: Ueli Isenschmid |
13:30 | How will an E-Bike City change our accessibility? (abstract) PRESENTER: Lukas Ballo |
13:50 | ‘Abandon your cars and get on your bikes’: segmentation and behaviour change approaches in a bicycle-hostile city (abstract) |
14:10 | Cycling to work - using entropy balancing to decompose changes in bike share over time (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicole Reinfeld |
14:30 | City Climate Initiative Bikes instead of Cars (abstract) |
At Cycling Research Board 2024 at ETH Zurich, sessions which are moderated by Urban Cycling Institute staff will be facilitated slightly differently. Sessions marked "moderated by UCI" will involve back-to-back short presentations from each speaker followed by a critical discussion amongst attendees on specific elements of the research which the speaker would like to gain feedback on.
If your presentation is in a session led by a member of the Urban Cycling Institute team, please prepare a short 6-8 minute presentation outlining your research. It is advised to come with a critical question/discussion point to pose to attendees of that session for brainstorming. For example, it could be how to overcome a barrier of the research, advice on future directions of the project, developing future research questions, or advice on analysis. We emphasise clear goals and tangible outcomes, while fostering collaboration to consolidate research questions. Urban Cycling Institute staff will be in touch with those involved shortly.
13:30 | Cycling through Criticism: Decoding Media Impact on Frankfurt’s Ride towards Urban Change (abstract) PRESENTER: Jana Busse |
13:35 | Routinizing a Mobility Practice: Exploring the Impact of Social Environment on the Iteration between Cognition and Everyday Cycling (abstract) |
13:40 | Bridging the Transportation Gap: Empowering Communities in Jinja City Through Sustainable Mobility Solutions. (abstract) PRESENTER: Hellen Kakungulu |
13:30 | Workshop on social and material practices for cycle repair (workshop) (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Tahmoressi |
13:30 | Workshop on Ensuring Cycling Safety at Road Construction Site: Identifying Key Safety Perception Criteria (abstract) |
14:15 | Bicycle parking dreamscapes: Reimagining existing apartment building sites (abstract) PRESENTER: Maximilian Freude |
Participants scan QR code to vote online for best poster, presentation and workshop