Andrea DeSa
Organization: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education: University of Toronto
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Program for Wednesday, October 16th

Andrea DeSa is an aspiring educator in the Master of Teaching program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Her passion is to create inclusive and stimulating classroom experiences for students from all walks of life. As an Indian-Canadian woman, she is excited to be in positions where she can empower and create oppurtunities for women, students of color, sexual minorities. students with disabilities and all induviduals who require empowerment through education! 

Andrea has completed her under-graduate degree at the University of Toronto. There she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree with distinction. majoring in French Language Learning and Equity studies in 2018.

During her undergraduate degree she was fortunate to have been part of a research team wherein the team conducted  two linguistic experiments to gain data on French language aquisition in second language learners. This research was presented at University of Toronto in class. 

Andrea has also completed a course with Harvard University in 2018 about education policies in the United States as insight on how to create a better educational system in Canada.

Currently, Andrea is a graduate student and teacher candidate in the Masters of Teaching program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in the University of Toronto with the hopes of gaining her OCT (Ontario Certified Teacher) certificate.