This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Abstract interpretation | |
Abstract Transformers | |
affine loops | |
Alive | |
alternating automata | |
Anonymous Protocols | |
approximation | |
architecture | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Asynchronous distributed systems | |
Asynchronous Event-Driven Programs | |
asynchrony | |
automata | |
Automated Reasoning | |
automated verification | |
Autonomous Vehicles | |
autonomy | |
B | |
Barrier Certificates | |
binary decision diagrams | |
biological systems | |
Boolean Algebra Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA) | |
boolean closure | |
boolean combination | |
Boolean functional synthesis | |
Boolean logic | |
Bounded Model Checking | |
Bounded Synthesis | |
buddy memory allocation | |
Büchi emptiness | |
C | |
C semantics | |
C11 concurrency | |
cache-coherence protocols | |
CAT | |
chemical reaction networks | |
cloud computing | |
Co-safaty automata | |
communicating automata | |
compiler verification | |
compositional | |
Computational Learning Theory | |
concurrency | |
concurrent memory management | |
Concurrent Programs | |
consistency | |
Constrained Horn Clauses | |
constraint solving | |
Continuous Systems | |
Controller synthesis | |
counterexample-guided abstraction refinement | |
counterexample-guided inductive synthesis | |
Cyber-physical systems | |
D | |
decidability | |
decidable logic | |
Deductive verification | |
Delay Differential Equations (DDEs) | |
Diagonal constraints | |
Discounted-sum comparator | |
Discounted-sum inclusion | |
Distibuted protocols | |
distributed protocols | |
Distributed Systems | |
E | |
Effectively proposition logic (EPR) | |
elementary functions | |
enumerative algorithm | |
F | |
falsification | |
fault tolerance analysis | |
Finite Abstraction | |
first order logic | |
fixed size bit-vectors | |
floating-point arithmetic | |
Floating-Points | |
Formal methods | |
Formal verification | |
Forward analysis | |
Functional Reactive Programming | |
G | |
games | |
H | |
HyperLTL | |
Hyperproperties | |
hypersafety | |
I | |
implemetation | |
Inductive Invariants | |
Inductive Proofs | |
infinite alphabets | |
infinite state | |
Infinite State Symbolic Model Checking | |
infinite-domain data | |
infinite-state | |
Information Flow Control | |
integer programs | |
Interpolation | |
Invariant generation | |
invariant inference | |
Invertibility Conditions | |
Isabelle/HOL | |
K | |
k-induction | |
k-safety | |
L | |
language equivalence | |
language inclusion | |
Lean | |
Linear hybrid automaton | |
linear loops | |
linearizability | |
Linearization | |
LLVM | |
local reasoning | |
Lyapunov Functions | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Mapping | |
Markov chains | |
Membership | |
memory models | |
memory object model | |
message passing concurrency | |
Metric Temporal Logic | |
Mission-Time LTL | |
model checking | |
Model Counting | |
monitoring | |
Multi-agent systems | |
N | |
network verification | |
Neural Network Verification | |
Nonlinear Systems | |
notions of correctness | |
O | |
on-the-fly | |
operating systems | |
optimization | |
OS Kernel | |
overfitting | |
P | |
parameter identification | |
Parameterized Systems | |
parametric timed automata | |
parametric timed pattern matching | |
partial order reduction | |
Peephole Optimization | |
performance | |
Platform | |
Probabilistic Bisimulation | |
Probabilistic Programs | |
Probabilistic simulation | |
probabilistic verification | |
Program Reachability | |
Program Synthesis | |
Program Verification | |
Proof Assistant | |
Property Directed | |
Property Directed Reachability | |
Protocol | |
Q | |
QBF | |
Quantified Boolean Formulas | |
Quantifier Elimination | |
Quantifiers | |
Quantitaive inclusion | |
Quantitative games | |
Quantitative Information Flow | |
Quantitative verification | |
Quantum computing | |
Queue invariant | |
R | |
Reachability | |
reachability analysis | |
Reactive Systems | |
Real-time Properties | |
Real-Time Scheduling | |
Reduction Proof | |
Reduction techniques | |
refinement | |
refinement map | |
register automata | |
Reinforcement learning | |
Relational Interfaces | |
relaxed memory model | |
rely-guarantee reasoning | |
repair | |
replicated data types | |
Replicated Systems | |
Rewriting | |
Robustness | |
Runtime Verification | |
S | |
Safety | |
Safety and stability | |
Safety automata | |
SAT | |
Satisfiability Checking | |
satisfiability modulo theories | |
Schedulability Analysis | |
Security | |
Security Mitigation | |
self composition | |
Separation Logic | |
session types | |
Shield | |
signal temporal logic | |
Simulation | |
Simulations | |
skipping simulation | |
SMT | |
SMT solving | |
SMT-based model checking | |
Snapshot Isolation | |
Spectral analysis | |
Spin | |
Stability | |
statistical model checking | |
stepwise refinement | |
Stochastic games | |
Stochastic model checking | |
stochastic processes | |
stochastic systems | |
Strategies | |
Strategy synthesis | |
Stream-based Monitoring | |
Strings | |
stuttering simulation | |
SyGuS | |
Symbolic algorithm | |
symbolic automata | |
Symbolic Timed Transition Systems | |
Synchronous distributed systems | |
syntax-guided synthesis | |
Synthesis | |
T | |
Temporal Logics | |
Term Enumeration | |
termination | |
testing | |
timed automata | |
Timed Temporal Properties Model Checking | |
Timed Temporal Properties Validity | |
Timing Side Channels | |
U | |
Unbounded message queues | |
Unbounded verification | |
Unrealizability | |
user-guided invariant inference | |
V | |
Vector addition systems | |
verification | |
W | |
weak consistency | |
Weak Memory Model | |
Z | |
Zones |