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09:00-09:50 Session 19: Verification
Formal verification of quantum algorithms using quantum Hoare logic

ABSTRACT. We formalize the theory of quantum Hoare logic (QHL) [TOPLAS 33(6),19], an extension of Hoare logic for reasoning about quantum programs. In particular, we formalize the syntax and semantics of quantum programs in Isabelle/HOL, write down the rules of quantum Hoare logic, and verify the soundness and completeness of the deduction system for partial correctness of quantum programs. As preliminary work, we formalize some necessary mathematical background in linear algebra, and define tensor products of vectors and matrices on quantum variables. As an application, we verify the correctness of Grover's search algorithm. To our best knowledge, this is the first time a Hoare logic for quantum programs is formalized in an interactive theorem prover, and used to verify the correctness of a nontrivial quantum algorithm.

SecCSL: Security Concurrent Separation Logic

ABSTRACT. We present SecCSL, a concurrent separation logic for proving expressive, data-dependent information flow security properties of low-level programs. SecCSL is considerably more expressive, while being simpler, than recent compositional information flow logics that cannot reason about pointers, arrays etc. To capture security concerns, SecCSL adopts a relational semantics for its assertions. At the same time it inherits the structure of traditional concurrent separation logics; thus SecCSL reasoning can be automated via symbolic execution. We demonstrate this by implementing SecC, an automatic verifier for a subset of the C programming language, which we apply to a range of benchmarks.

Reachability Analysis for AWS-based Networks

ABSTRACT. Cloud services provide the ability to provision virtual net- worked infrastructure on demand over the internet. The rapid growth of these virtually provisioned cloud networks has increased the demand for automated reasoning tools capable of identifying misconfigurations or security vulnerabilities. This type of automation gives customers the assurance they need to deploy sensitive workloads. It can also dramatically reduce the cost and time-to-market for regulated customers looking to establish compliance certification for cloud-based applications. In this industrial case-study, we describe a new network reachability reasoning tool, called Tiros, that uses off-the-shelf automated theorem proving tools to fill this need. Tiros is the foundation of a recently introduced network security analysis feature in the Amazon Inspector service now available to millions of customers building applications in the cloud. Tiros is also used within Amazon Web Services (AWS) to automate the checking of compliance certification and adherence to security invariants for many AWS services that build on existing AWS networking features.

09:50-10:20Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 Session 21: Distributed Systems and Networks
Verification of Threshold-based Distributed Algorithms by Decomposition to Decidable Logics

ABSTRACT. Verification of fault-tolerant distributed protocols is an immensely difficult task. Often, in these protocols, thresholds on set cardinalities are used both in the process code and in its correctness proof, e.g., a process can perform an action only if it has received an acknowledgment from at least half of its peers. Verification of threshold-based protocols is extremely challenging as it involves two kinds of reasoning: first-order reasoning about the unbounded state of the protocol, together with reasoning about sets and cardinalities. In this work, we develop a new methodology for decomposing the verification task of such protocols into two decidable logics: EPR and BAPA. Our key insight is that such protocols use thresholds in a restricted way as a mean to obtain certain properties of ``intersection'' between sets. We define a language for expressing such properties, and present two translations: to EPR and BAPA. The EPR translation allows to verify the protocol while assuming these properties , and the BAPA translation allows to verify the correctness of the properties. We further develop an algorithm for automatically generating the properties needed for verifying a given protocol, facilitating a fully automated deductive verification. Using this technique we have verified several challenging benchmarks, including Byzantine one-step consensus, hybrid reliable broadcast and fast Byzantine Paxos.

Gradual Consistency Checking
PRESENTER: Rachid Zennou

ABSTRACT. We address the problem of checking that computations of a shared memory implementation (with write and read operations) adheres to some given consistency model. It is known that checking conformance to Sequential Consistency (SC) for a given computation is NP-hard, and the same holds for checking Total Store Order (TSO) conformance. This poses a serious issue for the design of scalable verification or testing techniques for these important memory models. In this paper, we tackle this issue by providing an approach that avoids hitting systematically the worst-case complexity. The idea is to consider, as an intermediary step, the problem of checking weaker criteria that are as strong as possible while they are still checkable in polynomial time (in the size of the computation). The criteria we consider are new variations of causal consistency suitably defined for our purpose. The advantage of our approach is that in many cases (1) it can catch violations of SC/TSO early using these weaker criteria that are efficiently checkable, and (2) when a computation is causally consistent (according to our newly defined criteria), the work done for establishing this fact simplifies significantly the work required for checking SC/TSO conformance. We have implemented our algorithms and carried out several experiments on realistic cache-coherence protocols showing the efficiency of our approach.

Checking Robustness Against Snapshot Isolation

ABSTRACT. Transactional access to databases is an important abstraction allowing programmers to consider blocks of actions (i.e., transactions) as executing in isolation. The strongest consistency model in this context is {\em serializability}, which ensures the atomicity abstraction of transactions executing over a sequentially consistent memory. Since ensuring serializability carries a significant penalty on availability, modern databases provide weaker consistency models, one of the most prominent being \emph{snapshot isolation}. In general, the correctness of a program relying on serializable transactions may be broken when using weaker models. However, certain programs may also be insensitive to consistency relaxations, which means that all their properties holding under serializability are preserved even when they are executed over some weakly consistent database and without additional synchronization.

In this paper, we address the issue of verifying if a given program is {\em robust against snapshot isolation}, i.e., all its behaviors are serializable even if it is executed over a database ensuring snapshot isolation. We show that this verification problem is polynomial time reducible to a state reachability problem in transactional programs over a sequentially consistent shared memory. This reduction opens the door to the reuse of the classic verification technology (under sequential consistency) for reasoning about weakly-consistent programs. In particular, we show that it can be used to derive a proof technique based on Lipton's reduction theory that allows to prove programs robust.

Efficient verification of network fault tolerance via counterexample-guided refinement

ABSTRACT. We show how to verify that the configurations of large data center networks satisfy key properties such as all-pairs reachability in the presence of a bounded number of faults. To scale analysis, we define algorithms that identify network symmetries and compute small abstract networks from large concrete ones. Using counter-example guided abstraction refinement, we successively refine the computed abstractions until the given property may be verified. The soundness of our approach relies on a novel notion of network approximation: Routing paths in the concrete network are not precisely simulated by those in the abstract network but are guaranteed to be "at least as good". We implemented our algorithms in a tool called Origami and used it to verify fault tolerance properties of standard data center topologies. Our experiments demonstrate that our algorithms speed verification of fault tolerance properties dramatically, and makes it possible to verify networks out of reach of other state-of-the-art tools.

On the Complexity of Checking Consistency for Replicated Data Types

ABSTRACT. Recent distributed systems have introduced variations of familiar abstract data types (ADTs) like counters, registers, flags, and sets, that provide high availability and partition tolerance. These conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs) utilize mechanisms to resolve the effects of concurrent updates to replicated data. Naturally these objects weaken their consistency guarantees to achieve availability and partition-tolerance, and various notions of weak consistency capture those guarantees.

In this work we study the tractability of CRDT-consistency checking. To capture guarantees precisely, and facilitate symbolic reasoning, we propose novel logical characterizations. By developing novel reductions from propositional satisfiability problems, and novel consistency-checking algorithms, we discover both positive and negative results. In particular, we show intractability for replicated flags, sets, counters, and registers, yet tractability for replicated growable arrays. Furthermore, we demonstrate that tractability can be redeemed for registers when each value is written at most once, for counters when the number of replicas is fixed, and for sets and flags when the number of replicas and variables is fixed.

Communication-closed asynchronous protocols

ABSTRACT. The verification of asynchronous fault-tolerant distributed systems is challenging due to the exponential number of interleavings, unbounded message buffers, and network failures (e.g., processes crash or message loss). We propose a method that, for a class of protocols, reduces the verification of asynchronous fault-tolerant protocols to the verification of a round-based synchronous ones. Synchronous protocols are easier to verify due to fewer interleavings, bounded message buffers etc. We implemented our reduction method and applied it to several state machine replication and consensus algorithms, among which are Multi-Paxos and Chandra-Toueg's atomic broadcast. The resulting protocols are verified using existing deductive verification methods.

12:30-14:30Lunch Break
14:30-16:00 Session 22: Verification and Invariants
Interpolating Strong Induction

ABSTRACT. The principle of strong induction, also known as k-induction is one of the first techniques for unbounded SAT-based Model Checking (SMC). While elegant and simple to apply, properties as such are rarely k-inductive and when they can be strengthened, there is no effective strategy to guess the depth of induction. It has been mostly displaced by techniques that compute inductive strengthenings based on interpolation and property directed reachability (PDR). In this paper, we present KAVY, an SMC algorithm that effectively uses k-induction to guide interpolation and PDR-style inductive generalization. Unlike pure k-induction, KAVY uses PDR-style generalization to compute and strengthen an inductive trace. Unlike pure PDR, KAVY uses relative k-induction to construct an inductive invariant. The depth of induction is adjusted dynamically by minimizing a proof of unsatisfiability. We have implemented KAVY within the AVY Model Checker and evaluated it on HWMCC instances. Our results show that KAVY is more effective than both AVY and PDR, and that using k-induction leads to faster running time and solving more instances. Further, on a class of benchmarks, called shift, KAVY is orders of magnitude faster than AVY, PDR and k-induction.

Verifying Asynchronous Event-Driven Programs Using Partial Abstract Transformers

ABSTRACT. We address the problem of analyzing asynchronous event-driven programs, in which concurrent agents communicate via unbounded message queues. The safety verification problem for such programs is undecidable. We present in this paper a technique that combines queue-bounded exploration with a convergence test: if the sequence of certain abstractions of the reachable states, for increasing queue bounds k, converges, we can prove any property of the program that is preserved by the abstraction. If the abstract state space is finite, convergence is guaranteed; the challenge is to catch the point k_max where it happens. We further demonstrate how simple invariants formulated over the concrete domain can be used to eliminate spurious abstract states, which otherwise prevent the sequence from converging. We have implemented our technique for the P programming language for event-driven programs. We show experimentally that the sequence of abstractions often converges fully automatically, in hard cases with minimal designer support in the form of sequentially provable invariants, and that this happens for a value of k_max small enough to allow the method to succeed in practice.

Inferring Inductive Invariants from Phase Structures

ABSTRACT. Infinite-state systems such as distributed protocols are challenging to verify using interactive theorem provers or automatic verification tools. Of these techniques, deductive verification is highly expressive but requires the user to annotate the system with inductive invariants. To relieve the user from this labor-intensive and challenging task, invariant inference aims to find inductive invariants automatically. Unfortunately, when applied to infinite-state systems such as distributed protocols, existing inference techniques often diverge, which greatly limits their applicability.

This paper proposes user-guided invariant inference based on phase invariants, which capture the different logical phases of the protocol. The user conveys their intuition by specifying a phase structure, an automaton with edges labeled by program transitions; the tool automatically infers assertions that hold in the automaton's states, resulting in a full safety proof. The additional structure of phases provides guidance to the inference procedure about how to find an invariant.

Our results show that user guidance by phase structures facilitates successful inference beyond the state of the art. We find that phase structures are pleasantly well matched to the intuitive reasoning routinely used by domain experts to understand why distributed protocols are correct, so that providing a phase structure reuses this existing intuition.

Termination of Triangular Integer Loops is Decidable

ABSTRACT. We consider the problem whether termination of affine integer loops is decidable. Since Tiwari conjectured decidability in 2004, only special cases have been solved. We complement this work by proving decidability for the case that the update matrix is triangular.

AliveInLean: A Verified LLVM Peephole Optimization Verifier

ABSTRACT. Ensuring that compiler optimizations are correct is important for the reliability of the entire software ecosystem, since all software is compiled. Alive is a tool for verifying LLVM’s peephole optimizations. Since Alive was released, it has helped compiler developers proactively find dozens of bugs in LLVM, avoiding potentially hazardous miscompilations. Despite having verified many LLVM optimizations so far, Alive is itself not verified, which has led to once declaring an optimization correct when it was not. We introduce AliveInLean, a formally verified peephole optimization verifier for LLVM. As the name suggests, AliveInLean is a reengineered version of Alive developed in the Lean theorem prover. Assuming that the proof obligations are correctly discharged by an SMT solver, AliveInLean gives the same level of correctness guarantees than state-of-the-art formal frameworks such as CompCert, Peek, and Vellvm, while inheriting the advantages of Alive (significantly more automation and easy adoption by compiler developers).

16:00-16:30Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 Session 23: Concurrency
Automated Parameterized Verification of CRDTs
PRESENTER: Kartik Nagar

ABSTRACT. Maintaining multiple replicas of data is crucial to achieving scalability, availability and low latency in distributed applications. Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) are important building blocks in this domain because they are designed to operate correctly under the myriad behaviors possible in a weakly-consistent distributed setting. Because of the possibility of concurrent updates to the same object at different replicas, and the absence of any ordering guarantees on these updates, convergence is an important correctness criterion for CRDTs. This property asserts that two replicas which receive the same set of updates (in any order) must nonetheless converge to the same state. One way to prove that operations on a CRDT converge is to show that they commute since commutative actions by definition behave the same regardless of the order in which they execute. In this paper, we present a framework for automatically verifying convergence of CRDTs under different weak-consistency policies. Surprisingly, depending upon the consistency policy supported by the underlying system, we show that not all operations of a CRDT need to commute to achieve convergence. We develop a proof rule parameterized by a consistency specification based on the concepts of commutativity modulo consistency policy and non-interference to commutativity. We describe the design and implementation of a verification engine equipped with this rule and show how it can be used to provide the first automated convergence proofs for a number of challenging CRDTs, including sets, lists, and graphs.

What's wrong with on-the-fly partial order reduction

ABSTRACT. Partial order reduction and on-the-fly model checking are well-known approaches for improving model checking performance.  The two optimizations interact in subtle ways, so care must be taken when using them in combination.  A standard algorithm combining the two optimizations, published over twenty years ago, has been widely studied and deployed in popular model checking tools.  Yet the algorithm is incorrect.  Counterexamples were discovered using the Alloy analyzer.  A fix for a restricted class of property automata is proposed.

Integrating Formal Schedulability Analysis into a Verifed OS Kernel

ABSTRACT. Formal verification of real-time systems is attractive because these systems often perform critical operations. Unlike non real-time systems, latency and response time guarantees are of critical importance in this setting, as much as functional correctness. Nevertheless, formal verification of real-time OSes usually stops the scheduling analysis at the policy level: they only prove that the scheduler (or its abstract model) satisfies some scheduling policy. In this paper, we go further and connect together Prosa, a verified schedulability analyzer, and RT-CertiKOS, a verified single-core sequential real-time OS kernel. Thus, we get a more general and extensible schedulability analysis proof for RT-CertiKOS, as well a concrete implementation validating Prosa models. It also showcases that it is realistic to connect two completely independent formal developments in a proof assistant.

Rely-guarantee Reasoning about Concurrent Memory Management in Zephyr RTOS
PRESENTER: David Sanan

ABSTRACT. Formal verification of concurrent operating systems (OSs) is challenging, and in particular the verification of the dynamic memory management due to its complex data structure and allocation algorithm. This paper presents the first formal specification and mechanized proof of the concurrent buddy memory allocation for a real-world OS. We develop a fine-grained formal specification of the buddy memory management in Zephyr RTOS. To ease validation of the specification and the source code, the provided specification closely follows the C code. Then, we use the rely-guarantee technique to conduct the compositional verification of functional correctness and invariant preservation. During the formal verification, we found three bugs and one security flaw in the C code of Zephyr.

Violat: Generating Tests of Observational Refinement for Concurrent Objects

ABSTRACT. High-performance multithreaded software often relies on optimized implementations of common abstract data types (ADTs) like counters, key-value stores, and queues, i.e., concurrent objects. By using fine-grained and non-blocking mechanisms for efficient inter-thread synchronization, these implementations are vulnerable to violations of ADT-consistency which are difficult to detect: bugs can depend on specific combinations of method invocations and argument values, as well as rarely-occurring thread interleavings. Even given a bug-triggering interleaving, detection generally requires unintuitive test assertions to capture inconsistent combinations of invocation return values.

In this work we describe the Violat tool for generating tests that witness violations to atomicity, or weaker consistency properties. Violat generates self-contained and efficient programs that test observational refinement, i.e., substitutability of a given ADT with a given implementation. Our approach is both sound and complete in the limit: for every consistency violation there is a failed execution of some test program, and every failed test signals an actual consistency violation. In practice we compromise soundness for efficiency via random exploration of test programs, yielding probabilistic soundness instead. Violat’s tests reliably expose ADT-consistency violations using off-the-shelf approaches to concurrent test validation, including stress testing and explicit-state model checking.