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10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 Session 11: Synthesis
Synthesizing Approximate Implementations for Unrealizable Specifications

ABSTRACT. The unrealizability of a specification is often due to the assumption that the behavior of the environment is unrestricted. In this paper, we present algorithms for synthesis in bounded environments, where the environment can only generate input sequences that are ultimately periodic words with finite representations of bounded size. We provide automata-theoretic and symbolic approaches for solving this synthesis problem, and also study the synthesis of approximative implementations from unrealizable specifications. Such implementations may violate the specification in general, but are guaranteed to satisfy the specification on at least a specified portion of the lassos. We evaluate the algorithms on several different types of arbiter specifications.

Quantified Invariants via Syntax-Guided-Synthesis

ABSTRACT. Programs with arrays are ubiquitous. Automated reasoning about arrays necessitates discovering properties about ranges of elements at certain program points. Such properties are formally specified by universally quantified formulas, which are difficult to find, and difficult to prove inductive. In this paper, we propose an algorithm based on an enumerative search that discovers quantified invariants in stages. First, by exploiting the program syntax, it identifies ranges of elements accessed in each loop. Second, it identifies potentially useful facts about individual elements and generalizes them to hypotheses about entire ranges. Finally, by applying recent advances of SMT solving, the algorithm filters out wrong hypotheses. The combination of properties is often enough to prove that the program meets a safety specification. The algorithm has been implemented in a solver for Constrained Horn Clauses, FreqHorn, and extended to deal with multiple (possibly nested) loops. We show that FreqHorn advances state-of-the-art on a wide range of public array-handling programs.

Efficient Synthesis with Probabilistic Constraints

ABSTRACT. We consider the problem of synthesizing a program given a probabilistic specification of its desired behavior. Specifically, we study the recent paradigm of distribution-guided inductive synthesis (digits), which iteratively calls a synthesizer on finite samplesets from a given distribution. We make theoretical and algorithmic contributions: (1) We prove the surprising result that digits only requires a polynomial number of synthesizer calls in the size of the samepleset, despite its ostensibly exponential behavior. (2) We present a property-directed version of digits that further reduces the number of synthesizer calls, drastically reducing synthesis time on a range of benchmarks.

Membership-based Synthesis of Linear Hybrid Automata

ABSTRACT. We present two algorithmic approaches for synthesizing linear hybrid automata from experimental data. Unlike previous approaches, our algorithms work without a template and generate an automaton with nondeterministic guards and invariants, and with an arbitrary number and topology of modes. They thus construct a succinct model from the data and provide formal guarantees. In particular, (1) the generated automaton can reproduce the data up to a specified tolerance and (2) the automaton is tight, given the first guarantee. Our first approach encodes the synthesis problem as a logical formula in the theory of linear arithmetic, which can then be solved by an SMT solver. This approach minimizes the number of modes in the resulting model but is only feasible for limited data sets. To address scalability, we propose a second approach that does not enforce to find a minimal model. The algorithm constructs an initial automaton and then iteratively extends the automaton based on processing new data. Therefore the algorithm is well-suited for online and synthesis-in-the-loop applications. The core of the algorithm is a membership query that checks whether, within the specified tolerance, a given data set can result from the execution of a given automaton. We solve this membership problem for linear hybrid automata by repeated reachability computations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm on synthetic data sets and on cardiac-cell measurements.

Overfitting in Synthesis: Theory and Practice
PRESENTER: Saswat Padhi

ABSTRACT. In syntax-guided synthesis (SyGuS), a synthesizer's goal is to automatically generate a program belonging to a grammar of possible implementations that meets a logical specification. We investigate a common limitation across state-of-the-art SyGuS tools that perform counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS). We empirically observe that as the expressiveness of the provided grammar increases, the performance of these tools degrades significantly.

We claim that this degradation is due to overfitting. We formally define this phenomenon and prove no-free-lunch theorems for the SyGuS setting. These theorems indicate a fundamental tradeoff between performance of synthesizers and expressiveness of grammars.

A standard approach to mitigate overfitting in machine learning is to run multiple learners with varying expressiveness in parallel. We demonstrate that this insight can immediately benefit state-of-the-art SyGuS tools. However, running multiple instances of a synthesizer can be computationally expensive. We propose a novel technique called hybrid enumeration that runs a single synthesizer instance by interleaving different grammars, and outperforms the winner of the SyGuS competition (Inv track) by solving more problems as well as achieving a 5x speed up.

Proving Unrealizability for Syntax-Guided Synthesis

ABSTRACT. We consider the problem of automatically establishing that a given syntax-guided-synthesis (SyGuS) problem is unrealizable (i.e., has no solution). Currently, no technique exists for solving this problem for SyGus instances in which the grammar describing the search space contains infinitely many programs. By encoding the synthesis problem's grammar G as a nondeterministic program P_G, we reduce the unrealizability problem to a reachability problem such that, if a standard program-analysis tool can establish that a certain assertion in P_G always holds, then the synthesis problem is unrealizable.

Our method can be used to augment any existing SyGus tool so that it can establish that a successfully synthesized program q is optimal with respect to some syntactic cost -- e.g., q has the fewest possible if-then-else operators. Using known techniques, grammar G can be automatically transformed to generate exactly all programs with lower cost than q -- e.g., fewer conditional expressions. Our algorithm can then be applied to show that the resulting synthesis problem is unrealizable. We implemented the proposed technique in a tool called NOPE. NOPE can prove unrealizability for 59/132 variants of existing linear-integer-arithmetic SyGus benchmarks, whereas all existing SyGus solvers lack the ability to prove that these benchmarks are unrealizable, and time out on them.

12:30-13:00Lunch Break (catered)
14:30-15:10 Session 12: Model checking
BMC for Weak Memory Models: Relation Analysis for Compact SMT Encodings

ABSTRACT. We present Dartagnan, a bounded model checker (BMC) for concurrent programs under weak memory models. Its distinguishing feature is the memory model as part of the input. Dartagnan reads CAT, the standard language for memory models which allows to define x86/TSO, ARMv7, ARMv8, Power, C/C++, and Linux kernel concurrency primitives. A BMC with memory models as input presents a challenge. One has to encode not only the program but also its semantics as defined by the memory model. What makes Dartagnan scale is its relation analysis, a novel static analysis technique that significantly reduces the size of the encoding. Based on the constraints imposed by the memory model, relation analysis computes domain approximations deciding which parts of the encoding can be safely omitted. Dartagnan matches or even exceeds the performance of model-specific verification tools such as Nidhugg and CBMC, as well as the performance of Herd, a CAT-compatible litmus testing tool. Compared to the unoptimized encoding, the speed-up is often more than two orders of magnitude.

The artifact is available at:

When Human Intuition Fails: Using Formal Methods to Find an Error in the “Proof” of a Multi-Agent Protocol

ABSTRACT. Designing protocols for multi-agent interaction that achieve the desired behavior is a challenging and error-prone process. The standard practice is to manually develop proofs of protocol correctness that rely on human intuition and require significant effort to develop. Even then, proofs can have mistakes that may go unnoticed after peer review, modeling and simulation, and testing. The use of formal methods can reduce the potential for such errors. In this paper, we discuss our experience applying model checking to a previously published multi-agent protocol for unmanned air vehicles. The original publication provides a compelling proof of correctness, along with extensive simulation results to support it. However, analysis through model checking found an error in one of the proof’s main lemmas. In this paper, we start by providing an overview of the protocol and its original “proof” of correctness, which represents the standard practice in multi-agent protocol design. We then describe how we modeled the protocol for a three-vehicle system in a model checker, the counterexample it returned, and the insight this counterexample provided. We also discuss benefits, limitations, and lessons learned from this exercise, as well as what future efforts would be needed to fully verify the protocol for an arbitrary number of vehicles.

Extending nuXmv with Timed Transition Systems and Timed Temporal Properties

ABSTRACT. nuXmv is a well-known symbolic model checker, which implements various state-of-the-art algorithms for the analysis of finite- and infinite-state transition systems and temporal logics. In this paper, we present a new version that supports timed systems and logics over continuous super-dense semantics. The system specification was extended with clocks to constrain the timed evolution. The support for temporal properties has been expanded to include MTL_{0,\infty} formulas with parametric intervals. The analysis is performed via a reduction to verification problems in the discrete-time case. The internal representation of traces has been extended to go beyond the lasso-shaped form, to take into account the possible divergence of clocks. We evaluated the new features by comparing nuXmv with other verification tools for timed automata and MTL_{0,\infty}, considering different benchmarks from the literature. The results show that nuXmv is competitive with and in many cases performs better than state-of-the-art tools, especially on validity problems for MTL_{0,\infty}.

Cerberus-BMC: a Principled Reference Semantics and Exploration Tool for Concurrent and Sequential C

ABSTRACT. C remains central to our infrastructure, making verification of C code an essential and much-researched topic, but the semantics of C is remarkably complex, and important aspects of it are still unsettled, leaving programmers and verification tool builders on shaky ground. This paper describes a tool, Cerberus-BMC, that for the first time provides a principled reference semantics that simultaneously supports (1) a choice of concurrency memory model (including substantial fragments of the C11, RC11, and Linux Kernel memory models), (2) a modern memory object model, and (3) a well-validated thread-local semantics for a large fragment of the language. The tool should be useful for C programmers, compiler writers, verification tool builders, and members of the C/C++ standards committees.

15:10-16:00 Session 13: Cyber-physical systems and machine learning
Multi-Armed Bandits for Boolean Connectives in Hybrid System Falsification

ABSTRACT. Hybrid system falsification is an actively studied topic, as a scalable quality assurance methodology for real-world cyber-physical systems. In falsification, one employs stochastic hill-climbing optimization to quickly find a counterexample input to a black-box system model. Quantitative robust semantics is the technical key that enables use of such optimization. In this paper, we tackle the so-called scale problem regarding Boolean connectives that is widely recognized in the community: quantities of different scales (such as speed [km/h] vs.\ rpm, or worse, rph) can mask each other's contribution to robustness. Our solution consists of integration of the multi-armed bandit algorithms in hill climbing-guided falsification frameworks, with a technical novelty of a new reward notion that we call hill-climbing gain. Our experiments show our approach's robustness under the change of scales, and that it outperforms a state-of-the-art falsification tool.

StreamLAB: Stream-based Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems

ABSTRACT. With ever increasing autonomy of cyber-physical systems, monitoring becomes an integral part for ensuring safety of the system at runtime. StreamLAB is a monitoring framework with high degree of expressibility and strong correctness guarantees. Specifications are written in real-time Lola, a stream-based specification language with formal semantics. StreamLAB provides an extensive analysis of the specification, including the computation of memory consumption and run-time guarantees. We demonstrate StreamLAB on typical monitoring task for cyber-physical systems, such as sensor validation and system health checks.

Verifai: A Toolkit for the Formal Design and Analysis of Artificial Intelligence-Based Systems

ABSTRACT. We present verifai, a software toolkit for the formal design and analysis of systems that include artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) components. verifai particularly seeks to address challenges with applying formal methods to perception and ML components, including those based on neural networks, and to model and analyze system behavior in the presence of environment uncertainty. We describe the initial version of verifai which centers on simulation guided by formal models and specifications. Several use cases are illustrated with examples, including temporal-logic falsification, model-based systematic fuzz testing, parameter synthesis, counterexample analysis, and data set augmentation.

The artifact package can be downloaded at Instructions available at ~/cav19/VerifiedAI/README

The Marabou Framework for Verification and Analysis of Deep Neural Networks

ABSTRACT. Deep neural networks are revolutionizing the way complex systems are designed. Consequently, there is a pressing need for tools and techniques for network analysis and certification. To help in addressing that need, we present Marabou, a framework for verifying deep neural networks. Marabou is an SMT-based tool that can answer queries about a network's properties by transforming these queries into constraint satisfaction problems. It can accommodate networks with different activation functions and topologies, and it performs high-level reasoning on the network that can curtail the search space and improve performance. It also supports parallel execution to further enhance scalability. Marabou accepts multiple input formats, including protocol buffer files generated by the popular TensorFlow framework for neural networks. We describe the system architecture and main components, evaluate the technique and discuss ongoing work.

16:00-16:30Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 Session 14: Probabilistic systems, runtime techniques
Probabilistic Bisimulation for Parameterized Systems
PRESENTER: Chih-Duo Hong

ABSTRACT. Probabilistic bisimulation is a fundamental notion of process equivalence for probabilistic systems. Among others, it has important applications including formalizing the anonymity property of several communication protocols. There is a lot of work on verifying probabilistic bisimulation for finite systems. This is however not the case for parameterized systems, where the problem is in general undecidable. In this paper we provide a general framework for reasoning about probabilistic bisimulation for parameterized systems. Our approach is in the spirit of software verification, wherein we encode proof rules for probabilistic bisimulation and use a decidable first-order theory to specify systems and candidate bisimulation relations, which can then be checked automatically against the proof rules. As a case study, we show that our framework is sufficiently expressive for proving the anonymity property of the parameterized dining cryptographers protocol and the parameterized grades protocol, when supplied with a candidate regular bisimulation relation. Both of these protocols hitherto could not be verified by existing automatic methods. Moreover, with the help of standard automata learning algorithms, we show that the candidate relations can be synthesized fully automatically, making the verification fully automated.

Semi-Quantitative Abstraction and Analysis of Chemical Reaction Networks

ABSTRACT. Analysis of large continuous-time stochastic systems is a computationally intensive task. In this work we focus on population models arising from chemical reaction networks (CRNs), which play a fundamental role in analysis and design of biochemical systems. Many relevant CRNs are particularly challenging for existing techniques due to complex dynamics including stochasticity, stiffness or multimodal population distributions. We propose a novel approach allowing not only to predict, but also to explain both the transient and steady-state behaviour. It focuses on qualitative description of the behaviour and aims at quantitative precision only in orders of magnitude. First we build a compact understandable model, which we then crudely analyse. As demonstrated on complex CRNs from literature, our approach reproduces the known results, but in contrast to the state-of-the-art methods it provides an explanation, with virtually no computational cost and thus offers unprecedented scalability.

PAC Statistical Model Checking for Markov Decision Processes and Stochastic Games

ABSTRACT. Statistical model checking (SMC) is a technique for analysis of probabilistic systems that may be (partially) unknown. We present an SMC algorithm for (unbounded) reachability yielding probably approximately correct (PAC) guarantees on the results. On the one hand, it is the first such algorithm for stochastic games. On the other hand, it is the first practical algorithm with such guarantees even for Markov decision processes. Compared to previous approaches where PAC guarantees require running times longer than the age of universe even for systems with a handful of states, our algorithm often yields reasonably precise results within minutes. We consider both the setting (i) with no knowledge of the transition function and (ii) with knowledge of the topology of the underlying graph.

Symbolic Monitoring against Specifications Parametric in Time and Data
PRESENTER: Masaki Waga

ABSTRACT. Monitoring consists in deciding a log meets a given specification. In this work, we propose an automata-based formalism to monitor logs in the form of actions associated with time stamps and arbitrarily data values over infinite domains. Our formalism uses both timing parameters and data parameters, and is able to output answers symbolic in these parameters and in the log segments where the property is satisfied or violated. We implemented our approach in an ad-hoc prototype, and experiments show that its high expressive power still allows for efficient online monitoring.

STAMINA: STochastic Approximate Model-checker for INfinite-state Analysis
PRESENTER: Thakur Neupane

ABSTRACT. Stochastic model checking is a technique for analyzing systems that possess probabilistic characteristics. However, its scalability is limited as probabilistic models of real-world applications typically have very large or infinite state space. This paper presents a new infinite state CTMC model checker, STAMINA, with improved scalability. It uses a novel state space approximation method to reduce large and possibly infinite state CTMC models to finite state representations that are amenable to existing stochastic model checkers. It is integrated with a new property-guided refinement approach that improves the analysis accuracy. Demonstration of the tool on several benchmark examples shows promising results in terms of analysis efficiency and accuracy compared with a state-of-the-art CTMC model checker that deploys a similar approximation method.