This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Access mode | |
Access modes | |
Active modes | |
Adaption time | |
Adoption | |
AFCS System | |
Agent-Based Modeling | |
Agent-based simulation modelling | |
Alternative Graph | |
Ant Colony Optimization | |
Appraisal | |
AV | |
B | |
Bayesian inference | |
Bayesian machine learning | |
Bayesian structural time series | |
Berth assignment | |
big data | |
binary logistic regression | |
Branch and trunk networks | |
Bus bunching | |
Bus dispatching | |
Bus driver | |
Bus Lane | |
Bus Priority | |
Bus Rapid Transit | |
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) | |
Bus Ridership Prediction | |
bus services | |
Bus station | |
Bus Transit Network Design | |
Buses | |
C | |
CAD/AVL System | |
Capacity constraint | |
causal statistical modelling | |
Choice modeling | |
Choice set | |
Clustering | |
Column generation | |
combinatorial optimization | |
Computers | |
congestion | |
Congestion charges | |
Consumer Behavior | |
Cost-Benefit Analysis | |
Covid | |
COVID-19 | |
Crew preferences | |
Crew scheduling | |
Critical mass | |
Crowding | |
Crowding prediction | |
Crowding valuation | |
D | |
Data | |
Data analysis | |
data mining | |
Data standardization | |
day of the week | |
Day-Off Patterns | |
delay propagation | |
demand responsive bus services | |
Demand Responsive Transit (DRT) | |
Demand Variation | |
demand-responsive transportation | |
Depot Management System (DMS) | |
Dial-a-ride Problem (DARP) | |
discrete choice model | |
disruption | |
Driver earnings | |
Duopoly market | |
dyadic analysis | |
Dynamic mode decomposition | |
Dynamic Traffic Assignment | |
Dynamic Wireless Charging | |
E | |
elasticity | |
Electric Bus | |
Electric carsharing systems | |
Electric Vehicle | |
empirical study | |
Equity | |
F | |
Fairness | |
fare policy | |
feeder service | |
Feeder services | |
First and Last Mile | |
flexible bus | |
flexible bus services | |
flexible public transport | |
Flexible Transportation Services (FTS) | |
Future Transport Systems | |
G | |
Game theory | |
Genetic Algorithm | |
Google Popular Times | |
GPS tracking | |
GTFS-R | |
H | |
Headway Control Tool | |
Headway regularity | |
High-dimensional time series | |
High-speed rail station | |
Holding strategy | |
Home location | |
HOV Lane | |
I | |
Incident Detection | |
Indian Railways | |
Instance Reduction | |
Integer programming | |
Integrated Planning | |
Integrated Vehicle and Crew Scheduling | |
Integration of timetabling and passenger routing | |
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) | |
ITS Learnings | |
J | |
Jerusalem | |
L | |
Latent class | |
Level-of-service attributes | |
Limited-stop service design | |
Line Planning | |
link travel time | |
London | |
Lower bound | |
LSTM | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Marginal Delay | |
Market Scenarios | |
MATSim | |
missing value | |
Mixed-Fleet | |
Mixed-Integer Linear Programming | |
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) | |
mobility diversity | |
Mobility network | |
mobility platforms | |
Modal choice | |
Modal shift | |
Mode choice | |
modular autonomous vehicles | |
Modular-vehicle transit service | |
Multi line control | |
Multi-Criteria Decision Making | |
Multiline transit operations | |
Multimodal Mobility | |
Multimodal travel | |
Multiobjective Optimization | |
N | |
Naïve approach | |
Network Design | |
network topology | |
nonparametric statistics | |
O | |
On-demand mobility | |
On-Demand Public Transportation | |
on-demand transit | |
On-time performance | |
One-way carsharing | |
OneBusAway | |
Operations | |
Optimal Location | |
Optimisation | |
Optimization | |
Order cancellation | |
origin-destination | |
Origin-destination matrices | |
P | |
PageRank | |
Pandemic Effects | |
panel data | |
Passenger assignment | |
passenger behaviour | |
passenger counts | |
passenger distribution | |
Passenger Information System | |
Passenger walking distances | |
passengers | |
passive data | |
Perception | |
Periodic timetabling | |
periodicity | |
Personalised crew rostering | |
Physiological data | |
pickup and delivery problem | |
Planning | |
Point of Interest | |
prediction | |
Product Service System (PSS) | |
Profit | |
public bus transport | |
Public Transit | |
Public transit service operation | |
Public transport | |
public transport networks | |
Public transport perceptions | |
Public transport systems | |
Public transportation | |
R | |
railway | |
Railways | |
Real-time crowding | |
real-time Railway Traffic Management | |
recoverability | |
Regularity | |
Reliability | |
Rescheduling infrastructure | |
resilience | |
restoration | |
Revealed Preference | |
Ride-hailing | |
ride-pooling | |
Ride-sourcing | |
Ridership | |
Ridership forecasting | |
Ridesourcing | |
Risk analysis | |
Robustness | |
Rolling Stock | |
Rostering | |
Rotation Planning | |
Route choice | |
S | |
schedule synchronization | |
Scheduling and Dispatch (VPSD) | |
season | |
service | |
Shared Automated Vehicles | |
Short-term and Medium-term | |
single line | |
Smart card data | |
Smartcard data | |
Solution-Based Sampling | |
Solvability | |
South America | |
Spatial and temporal flexibility | |
Spatiotemporal analysis | |
Stated choice | |
Stated choice experiment | |
Stated preference | |
Station catchment area | |
stochastic optimization | |
strategic alighting passenger | |
Survey | |
Sustainability | |
synchronized transfers | |
System Routes | |
T | |
time-dependent data | |
Time-evolving system | |
time-of-day | |
timetable design | |
Timetabling | |
traffic | |
train delay | |
Train Routing Selection | |
Train station choice | |
Transit Application | |
Transit ITS | |
Transit Networks | |
Transit ridership | |
Transit station | |
Transit system | |
Transit trip assignment | |
Transport demand modelling | |
Transport Foresight | |
Transportation | |
Transportation Network Companies | |
Travel Activity | |
Travel behaviour | |
Travel survey data | |
travel time correlation | |
Travel time density | |
Travel time perception | |
Trip Planner | |
Trip Pricing | |
U | |
Uncertainty | |
Urban mass transit | |
Urban public transport | |
urban rail | |
User equilibrium | |
V | |
valid inequality | |
variable neighbourhood search | |
Vehicle formation | |
Vehicle location data | |
Vehicle Planning | |
vehicle platooning | |
Vehicle Scheduling | |
W | |
Waiting time | |
Wifi/Bluetooth | |
Z | |
zoning |