Days: Monday, November 7th Wednesday, November 9th Thursday, November 10th
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Registation desk open
09:30 | Public Transport Policy Challenges in Chile |
COVID impacts on ridership and performance I
11:15 | Evaluation of the short-term and medium-term impact of COVID-19 onto public transit ridership (abstract) PRESENTER: Hiroshi Shimamoto |
11:45 | A Personalized PageRank Method for COVID-19 Transmission Risk Estimation Based on Transit Smart Card Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Jiali Zhou |
12:15 | Public transport shifting to active and private modes in five South American capitals during Covid-19 pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Ricardo Giesen |
Travel behavior for access modes and ride-hailing
11:15 | What is the market potential for on-demand services as a train access mode? (abstract) PRESENTER: Nejc Geržinič |
11:45 | Determinants of Primary and Secondary Access Mode Choices to High-speed Rail Hub (abstract) PRESENTER: Kittipong Tissayakorn |
12:15 | How travel time in ride-hailing is valued compared to public transport: a Revealed Preference approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Menno Yap |
Service reliability and bus drivers
11:15 | Elements that influence a bus driver to use headway regularity tools: a Santiago public transit system case study. (abstract) PRESENTER: Felipe Delgado |
11:45 | Bayesian inference for link travel time correlation of a bus route (abstract) PRESENTER: Xiaoxu Chen |
12:15 | Investigating Bus Drivers' Characteristics and Satisfaction by Physiological, Vehicular, and Environmental Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Guy Wachtel |
Congestion management and valuation
14:00 | A Systematic Review on Public Transport Crowding Valuation Studies (abstract) PRESENTER: Rupam Fedujwar |
14:30 | Congestion in near capacity metro operations: optimum boardings and alightings at bottleneck stations (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Daniel J. Graham |
15:00 | Assessing Public Transport Passenger Attitudes Towards a Dynamic Fare Model Based on In-Vehicle Crowdedness Levels and Additional Waiting Time (abstract) PRESENTER: Avi Tillman |
Empirical analysis of demand and travel times
14:00 | Potential and challenges faced in generating Origin-Destination matrices from Wifi data. (abstract) PRESENTER: Léa Fabre |
14:30 | Perceived travel times in a multi-modal urban public transport network: impact of a major network change (abstract) PRESENTER: Menno Yap |
15:00 | Is Bus Ridership Peaking? An Analysis of Pre-COVID Ridership and Service Frequency Trends by Time-Period (abstract) PRESENTER: Kari Watkins |
Transit assignment models
14:00 | Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Multimodal Travel Itineraries (abstract) PRESENTER: Thomas Horstmannshoff |
14:30 | Bimodal transit trip assignment algorithm for the evaluation of major transit projects (abstract) PRESENTER: Tim Spurr |
15:00 | A Dynamic Hyperpath-Based Markovian Traffic Assignment Approach for Transit Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Ricardo de La Paz Guala |
Transit network design
16:00 | Improving the Solvability of Public Transport Problems Using System Routes (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Alexander Migl |
16:30 | A robust Bus Network Design methodology under demand variation (abstract) PRESENTER: Marco Petrelli |
Ride-hailing service modelling
16:00 | Multimodal shifts with shared autonomous demand-responsive transport: A case study of Jerusalem (abstract) PRESENTER: Golan Ben-Dor |
16:30 | Service Dynamics of Two-Sided Ridesourcing Platforms: A Bottom-Up Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Arjan de Ruijter |
BRT and bus priority lanes
16:00 | Evidence from GTFS-R that Bus Priority Lanes reduce Marginal Delay (abstract) PRESENTER: Tingsen Xian |
16:30 | GPS-Based Incident Detection Algorithm for Two-Lane Bus Rapid Transit Systems: Case Study of Istanbul Metrobus (abstract) PRESENTER: Sadullah Goncu |
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09:00 | Behavioural insights on transit ridership futures post COVID-19 |
Passenger data analytics and inferences I
10:45 | Modulated spatiotemporal clustering of smart card users (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Martin Trépanier |
11:15 | Characterising urban mobility diversity with dyadic analysis (abstract) |
11:45 | Constructing Passenger Trips and Tours Using Data from an Experiment with the “OneBusAway” Application (abstract) PRESENTER: Hyungsub Jee |
12:15 | Examining the importance of level-of-service attributes from public transport riders’ perspective: A comparison between New Zealand and Israel (abstract) PRESENTER: Dmitry Tsadikovich |
On-demand service design
10:45 | A demand-responsive feeder service with mandatory and clustered optional stops (abstract) PRESENTER: Pieter Vansteenwegen |
11:15 | Zonal Design of Flexible Bus System Under Spatial and Temporal Demand Uncertainty (abstract) PRESENTER: Enoch Lee |
11:45 | Hyper-pool: pooling private trips into high-occupancy transit-like attractive shared rides (abstract) PRESENTER: Rafał Kucharski |
12:15 | A demand-responsive public bus system with short-cut trips (abstract) PRESENTER: Dilay Aktas |
Timetable design
10:45 | Periodic or aperiodic timetables? The case of a single line (abstract) PRESENTER: Anita Schöbel |
11:15 | An Exact Integer Linear Programming Formulation for the Passenger Oriented Timetabling Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Pedro José Correia Duarte |
11:45 | Enhancing the Interaction of Railway Timetabling and Line Planning with Infrastructure Awareness (abstract) PRESENTER: Florian Fuchs |
12:15 | Timetable generation and optimization (abstract) |
Rubustness and resilience analysis
14:00 | The robustness value of rail infrastructure: A framework to quantify and optimise infrastructure robustness benefits (abstract) PRESENTER: Menno Yap |
14:30 | Resilience analysis in railway networks: combining link restoration and traffic management (abstract) PRESENTER: Nikola Besinovic |
15:00 | Topological analysis of public transport networks' recoverability (abstract) PRESENTER: Renzo Massobrio |
COVID impacts on operations and crowding perceptions
14:00 | Estimation of crowding factors under pandemic in Santiago, Chile (abstract) PRESENTER: Ricardo Giesen |
14:30 | Crowding valuation in public transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Oded Cats |
15:00 | Optimising urban mass public transport operations during a pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Ramandeep Singh |
Vehicle and crew scheduling I
14:00 | Revisiting the Richness of Integrated Vehicle and Crew Scheduling (abstract) PRESENTER: Stefan Voss |
14:30 | An algorithmic approach for lower bound calculation in railway crew scheduling (abstract) PRESENTER: Anoop K P |
15:00 | The multi-depot electric vehicle scheduling problem with stochastic travel time and energy consumption (abstract) PRESENTER: Léa Ricard |
Vehicle and crew scheduling II
16:00 | Crew rostering with fair satisfaction of personal preferences (abstract) PRESENTER: Ana Wemans |
16:30 | Profit-based Optimisation of Rolling Stock Rotations: a case study from North America (abstract) PRESENTER: Ricardo L. Saldanha |
Modular vehicle operations
16:00 | Modular autonomous vehicle routing with synchronized transfers and vehicle platooning (abstract) PRESENTER: Joseph Chow |
16:30 | Optimal planning and operating strategies in modular-vehicle transit service system (abstract) PRESENTER: David Z.W. Wang |
Electric bus fleets: optimal charging location and service design
16:00 | An advanced genetic algorithm for large-scalemmixed-fleet multi-terminal electric bus scheduling (abstract) PRESENTER: Tommaso Bosi |
16:30 | Optimal Charging Station Deployment for Dynamic Wireless Charging in Electrical Bus Route (abstract) PRESENTER: Oren Nahum |
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09:00 | Using game theory to understand public transport in the age of autonomous vehicles |
Passenger data analytics and inferences II
10:45 | Share of Strategic Alighting Passengers combining Automatic Passenger Counting and OpenStreeMap (abstract) PRESENTER: Rémi Coulaud |
11:15 | Inferences of Home Locations using Smartcard Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Durba Kundu |
11:45 | Evaluating route choice-set generation methods for public transport modeling (abstract) PRESENTER: Marcela Munizaga |
Transit service design
10:45 | Path-Oriented Synchronized Scheduling Using Time-Dependent Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Kelvin Lee |
11:15 | An integer optimization model for allocation of bus lines to the stops of a bus terminal (abstract) PRESENTER: Therese Lindberg |
11:45 | The impact of using a naïve approach in the limited-stop bus service design problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Homero Larrain |
12:15 | Partially Flexible Demand Responsive Transit services (abstract) PRESENTER: Hillel Bar-Gera |
Passenger demand predictions
10:45 | Effectiveness of trip planner data in predicting short-term bus ridership (abstract) PRESENTER: Ziyulong Wang |
11:15 | Real-time forecasting of metro origin-destination matrices with high-order weighted dynamic mode decomposition (abstract) PRESENTER: Zhanhong Cheng |
11:45 | Explaining station demand patterns using Google Popular Times data (abstract) PRESENTER: Teethat Vongvanich |
12:15 | CB-LSTM Model for Prediction of Crowding in Transit System (abstract) PRESENTER: Arpit Shrivastava |
Innovative solutions: perceptions and pathways
14:00 | Incorporating User Acceptance Probabilities in Optimizing Profit of Carsharing Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Seyma Bekli |
14:30 | MaaS (Mobility as a Service) Market Futures Explored (abstract) PRESENTER: Marcus Enoch |
Real-time dispatching and control
14:00 | Principles for setting single or multiline bus holding control based on network characteristics (abstract) PRESENTER: Oded Cats |
14:30 | Dynamic Multiline Vehicle Dispatching Strategy in Transit Operations (abstract) |
Real-time railway operations
14:00 | Evaluating the influence of train routing selection in real-time railway traffic management (abstract) PRESENTER: Marcella Samà |
14:30 | Dependencies in railway operations: Schedule versus reality and resulting prediction difficulties (abstract) PRESENTER: Thomas Spanninger |
Equity and fairness in public transport
15:30 | Incorporating Elements of Fairness and Equity in Multiobjective Optimal Spatial Budget Allocation of Transit Services: Application for the City of Nicosia, Cyprus (abstract) PRESENTER: Filippos Alogdianakis |
Public transport data handling
15:30 | The Hubballi-Dharwad Transit ITS, India: Case Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Krishna Bajpai |
16:00 | Standardizing Transit Survey Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Gregory Newmark |
Ride-hailing platform operations
15:30 | Optimal cancellation penalty for competing ride-sourcing companies under waiting time variability (abstract) PRESENTER: Enoch Lee |
16:00 | A Generative Model of Ride-Hail Driver Shifts: Time, Duration, and Location (abstract) PRESENTER: Gregory Erhardt |