This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(Multi)-Acculturation | |
2 | |
2016 Presidential Election | |
9 | |
99 Ending | |
A | |
Absorptive capabilities | |
absorptive capacity | |
Access-based | |
activation | |
Active Learning | |
Ad Claims | |
adaptation | |
adaptive selling | |
adoption | |
ads | |
advergame | |
Advertisement | |
advertisements | |
Advertising | |
Advertising Appeals | |
Advertising effectiveness | |
Advertising Messaging | |
aesthetics of packaging design | |
affect | |
affect regulation | |
Africa | |
Age stereotypes | |
Agency-client | |
Agri-food Industry | |
AI and customer brand engagement | |
Album On-Line | |
Alcohol | |
Alcohol intoxication | |
ales effort | |
Alliance Termination | |
Alternative food | |
altruism | |
Ambassadors | |
Ambivalence | |
Antecedents of Chatbot Engagement | |
anti-consumption | |
Anticipated Guilt | |
appropriation | |
apps | |
Arousal | |
articulation | |
Artificial intelligence | |
Artificial intelligence and customer engagement | |
Aspirational Buying | |
Assimilation-contrast theory | |
Assortment Organization | |
attachment | |
Attitude | |
attitudes | |
Attitudes toward Chinese brands | |
Attitudes toward general elections | |
Attitudes toward Western brands | |
attractiveness | |
attribution theory | |
Augmented Reality | |
Authentic Advertising | |
Authentic Assessment | |
Authenticity | |
Automated Brand Engagement | |
Automated Driving | |
Automated service interactions | |
Automation and Customer Brand Engagement | |
Awareness | |
B | |
B2B | |
B2B Advertising | |
B2B Advertising Research | |
B2B electronic market | |
B2B exchange | |
B2B marketing | |
B2B networks | |
B2B selling | |
B2C advertising | |
Bandwagon Consumption | |
Bandwagon effect | |
beauty brands | |
behavioral design | |
behavioral pricing | |
behaviors | |
benign envy | |
bibliometrics | |
big data | |
Big Data Analytics | |
bilingual marketing | |
Blended class | |
Blockchain | |
Blockchain technology | |
Blockchain technology research | |
Blockchain technology use | |
Boundary spanners | |
Bounded Rationality | |
Boycott intentions | |
Brand Acquisition | |
Brand Advertising | |
Brand age | |
Brand anthropomorphism | |
brand architecture | |
Brand Attitude | |
Brand Attributes | |
brand authenticity | |
brand citizenship behaviors | |
Brand commitment | |
Brand community | |
brand complexity | |
Brand Engagement | |
brand equity | |
Brand evaluation | |
Brand Experience | |
Brand failures | |
brand hate | |
Brand heritage | |
brand identity | |
Brand Image | |
Brand Image Measurements | |
Brand Love | |
Brand loyalty | |
Brand luxury | |
Brand Management | |
Brand Manager | |
Brand Names | |
Brand oldness | |
Brand Origin | |
Brand ownership | |
Brand Pages | |
Brand perception | |
Brand perceptions | |
Brand Personality | |
Brand polarization | |
brand power | |
Brand relationship | |
Brand resonance pyramid model | |
brand rivalry | |
brand social power | |
Brand Stories | |
Brand transgression | |
Brand Trust | |
Brand Value | |
Brand Vulnerability | |
Branding | |
Brands | |
broad brand | |
Budget allocation | |
Budget Compliance | |
Budget Forecasting | |
Budget Influence | |
Budgeting | |
Burnout | |
Business change | |
Business ecosystem | |
business relationships | |
Business-to-Business | |
buy-one-give-one business model | |
Buyer Behavior | |
Buying Process | |
Buying Team | |
C | |
Camino | |
candidates as brands | |
Career management | |
Carsharing | |
case studies | |
case study | |
cashless society | |
Categorization | |
cause marketing | |
Cause type | |
Cause-related marketing | |
celebrity endorsement | |
Celebrity Spokesperson | |
Celebrity-branded products | |
Challenge | |
charitable behavior | |
charitable donations | |
charitable giving | |
Chatbot and TAM | |
Chatbot Brand Engagement | |
Chatbots | |
Childhood Memories | |
Children as Consumers | |
China | |
Chinese consumers | |
Choice | |
Choice-Based-Conjoint analysis | |
classification | |
clean slate innovations | |
Clinton | |
closed innovation | |
Closing time effect | |
Cluster analysis | |
Co-branding alliances | |
Co-creation | |
co-production | |
cognition | |
cognitive effort | |
Collaborative consumption | |
Collaborative learning | |
collage method | |
Color | |
commodity | |
Communication metaphors | |
Comparative advertising | |
Compensation | |
Compensatory consumption | |
Competition | |
Competitive reaction | |
complaint handling | |
Complaint Management | |
Complementarity | |
Conceptual Framework | |
conceptual metaphor theory | |
configuration theory | |
Confirmatory factor analysis | |
Confucianism | |
Confucius | |
congruence | |
Congruency | |
Connectivism | |
consequences | |
conservative | |
Conspicuous | |
conspicuous consumption | |
construal level theory | |
Construct Development | |
Consumer | |
Consumer acceptance | |
Consumer Acculturation | |
Consumer Behavior | |
Consumer Behaviors | |
Consumer Behaviour | |
Consumer Budgeting | |
Consumer choice | |
consumer contamination | |
Consumer data | |
Consumer Data Rights | |
Consumer decision making process | |
Consumer Empowerment | |
consumer empowerment strategies | |
Consumer Engagement | |
consumer entitlement | |
Consumer Ethnocentrism | |
Consumer Experience | |
Consumer financial decision-making | |
Consumer Information Processing | |
consumer innovator | |
Consumer Involvement | |
Consumer Motives | |
Consumer needs | |
consumer packaged goods | |
consumer perceived efficacy | |
Consumer Perception of Organics | |
Consumer Perceptions | |
Consumer Personality | |
Consumer Power | |
consumer preference | |
Consumer Procrastination | |
consumer purchase stages | |
Consumer response | |
Consumer Wellbeing | |
consumer-brand relationship | |
Consumer-retailer relationships | |
Consumers | |
consumers' asset specificity sensitivity | |
Consumers' voting habits | |
consumption | |
Consumption Behavior | |
Consumption meaning | |
Consumption motivations | |
Contenet analysis | |
Content analysis | |
content curation | |
Control | |
Convergent validity | |
Corporate Mobility | |
Corporate political advocacy | |
corporate promises | |
corporate returns | |
Corporate social activism | |
Corporate social advocacy | |
corporate social responsibility | |
Corporate’s Ethical Judgment | |
counterfactual thinking | |
counterfeit | |
counterfeit consumption | |
Counterfeits | |
Country differences | |
Country image | |
Country of Origin | |
Country-of-origin | |
Courage | |
Creative Intensity | |
Creativity | |
Critical mass | |
Critical review | |
CRM | |
Cross Cultural | |
Cross-channel integration | |
Cross-Country | |
cross-culture | |
Cross-functional integration | |
Crossmodal congruency | |
Crossmodal correspondences | |
Crowd-voting | |
Crowdfunding | |
Crowdsourcing | |
Cryptocurrencies | |
Cryptomnesia | |
CSR | |
CSR authenticity | |
cultural difference | |
Cultural institution | |
Cultural knowledge | |
cultural similarity | |
Culture | |
Cultures | |
Cusotmer Satisfaction | |
Customer Brand Engagement | |
Customer brand loyalty | |
Customer Citizenship Behavior | |
customer complaints | |
customer empowerment | |
Customer engagement | |
Customer engagement behavior | |
customer error | |
Customer Expectations | |
Customer experience | |
Customer focus | |
customer happiness | |
Customer journey | |
Customer loyalty | |
customer mistakes | |
customer mistreatment | |
Customer orientation | |
customer participation | |
customer participation management | |
Customer Perceived Value | |
customer recommendation | |
Customer retention | |
Customer satisfaction | |
Customer service experience | |
Customer Strategy | |
Customer value | |
Customer-brand relationships | |
customer-caused failure | |
Customer-employee encounters | |
Customer-to-customer connection | |
Customized product development | |
D | |
DART Model | |
data analytics | |
Data breach | |
Deal proneness | |
Death | |
Decision Making | |
Decision-making style | |
Deep learning | |
Dehumanization | |
Delocalization | |
Delphi Study | |
Demand-side strategy | |
dependency | |
Depression | |
Design value | |
Desire for Unique Products | |
Destination branding | |
Destination marketing | |
Detonated Customer Brand Engagement | |
Dialogic communication | |
digital advertising | |
digital advocacy | |
Digital Customer Brand Engagement | |
Digital Environment | |
Digital Identity | |
digital magazines | |
Digital Marketing | |
digital marketing strategies | |
Digital platforms | |
digital privacy | |
Digital selling | |
Digital Technologies | |
Digital Technologies and Customer Engagement | |
Digital transformation | |
Digitalized products | |
direct selling | |
Direct-to-consumer channels | |
Discomfort | |
Discount | |
Discourse Moves | |
Discreet consumption | |
Discriminant validity | |
Discrimination | |
disgust | |
distribution-market share relationship | |
dominance | |
donation | |
Donation campaigns | |
Drivers of Chatbot Engagement | |
Driving Behavior | |
drug injury advertising | |
Dual Processes theory | |
Dubai | |
Duration | |
Dynamic capabilities | |
dynamic pricing | |
Dynamic structural model | |
E | |
E-Commerce | |
e-WOM | |
Early Career | |
econometric modeling | |
education | |
elections | |
Electronic marketplaces | |
electronic word of mouth (eWOM) | |
Electronic Word-Of-Mouth | |
Emerging Market | |
Emerging Markets | |
emoji | |
emotion | |
emotional arousal | |
emotional attachment | |
Emotional attractiveness | |
Emotional Labor | |
Emotions | |
empathy | |
Employability | |
Employee | |
Employee Apparel | |
employee cynicism | |
Employee Spokesperson | |
Employees | |
employer branding | |
Empowerment | |
endorser type | |
Engagement | |
Ensoresemt | |
entertainment | |
entrepreneurial orientation | |
entrepreneurship | |
entry mode choice | |
Environmental behavior | |
environmental sustaianbility | |
environmentally friendly | |
Envy | |
equity theory | |
Ethical consumption | |
Ethical fashion | |
Ethical Sensitivity | |
Ethical Values | |
ethics | |
Ethnic Advertising | |
Ethnic identity | |
ethnic-based segmentation | |
ethnicity | |
ethnocentrism | |
Event Study | |
Evolutionary theory | |
eWOM | |
eWOM helpfulness | |
ewom intent | |
eWOM usefulness | |
Expatriates | |
expectancy theory | |
Expectation Confirmation Theory | |
Expense Prediction | |
Expense Tracking | |
experience | |
Experience economy | |
experience value | |
experiences | |
Experiential | |
experiential brands | |
experiential consumption | |
Experiential Learning | |
experiential value | |
experimental design | |
Expert Reviews | |
Expertise | |
Export diversification | |
Export human capital | |
export knowledge | |
Export marketing strategy adaptation | |
Export performance | |
exporting | |
Extended Auto Warranty | |
Extended Service Plan | |
Extended Warranty | |
Eye-tracking | |
F | |
face | |
face consciousness | |
Face-Saving Values | |
face-to-face interactions | |
fairness | |
Fake news | |
familiarity | |
Family Workplace Conflict | |
Fan Identification | |
Fashion | |
Fashion brands | |
fast growth | |
FCB Grid | |
feelings of shame | |
Feminism | |
Field experiment | |
Field study | |
Financial Decision Making | |
Financial deprivation | |
financial education | |
financial literacy | |
Financial Market Performance | |
financial sector | |
financial wellness | |
Firm performance | |
Firm Reputation | |
Firm Resources | |
Firm value | |
Flow | |
FMCG Advertising | |
Food | |
Food choices | |
Food consumption | |
food leftovers | |
food marketing | |
Food Myopia | |
Food Shape Abnormality | |
Food tourism | |
Food Type | |
football club | |
football manager | |
forgiveness | |
France | |
Franchising | |
Free Trade | |
free/paid software | |
Frontline employee | |
Frontline Employees | |
Frontline encounter | |
Frugal Innovation | |
Functional attitudes | |
Functional diversity | |
Functionality | |
G | |
gamification | |
GDPR | |
Gender | |
gender differences | |
Gender issues | |
gender role | |
Generational differences | |
genuine | |
genuine luxury brand | |
Gestalt Theory | |
Ghana | |
Giftgiving | |
Gifting practices | |
Global Consumer Culture | |
Global Wine Industry | |
goal pursuit | |
Goals | |
Goodness of fit | |
Google trend | |
gratitude | |
green | |
Green Advertising | |
green consumption | |
green marketing | |
Group perception | |
Guidelines | |
Guilt | |
H | |
Haptic Perception | |
Health | |
health behavioral intention | |
Health-oriented retail strategy | |
Health-Related Ambient Scent | |
Healthcare | |
hedonic | |
Hedonic Consumption | |
Hedonic products | |
Heritage sites | |
higher education | |
Human-Robot interaction | |
humor | |
Hybrid class | |
Hybrid stakeholders | |
hypocritical CSR | |
I | |
I-Poems | |
idealistic mindset | |
Identity | |
Image | |
Immigrant Consumers | |
Immigration | |
Implicit Attitude | |
Implicit Attitude Test (IAT) | |
Implicit Behavioural Measurement | |
Implicit Measures | |
implicit theory | |
Importance | |
impression formation | |
Improvisation | |
in-game advertising | |
Inadvertent Plagiarism | |
inclusive advertising | |
inclusive marketing | |
incongruence | |
Independent | |
India | |
Indian and U.S consumer | |
industrial organizations | |
inference making | |
Inferred Motives | |
Influencer | |
Influencer Marketing | |
Influencer-Follower Relationship | |
Information Bias | |
Information criteria | |
Information Processing | |
information provision | |
informedness | |
Ingredient centrality | |
Ingredient Name | |
Innovation | |
innovation determinants | |
innovation reputation | |
innovations | |
inspiration | |
institutional logics | |
Institutional moderators | |
Institutional profile | |
Institutional theory | |
insurance | |
Integrated framework | |
Integration of Information | |
Intelligent Chatbots | |
Intelligent Chatbots and Customer Engagement | |
intentions | |
Interaction | |
Interdependent | |
Interfaces | |
internal marketing | |
Internal Organizational Messaging | |
international advertising | |
international humanitarian aid | |
International Joint Venture | |
International Marketing | |
International Scholar | |
Internet of Things Services | |
Internet-Enabled Market | |
interracial sales contact | |
interruption theory | |
Interruptions | |
intrusiveness | |
Invariance | |
Inventory management | |
Involvement | |
J | |
Job Engagement | |
Job Feedback | |
Job Insecurity | |
Job Satisfaction | |
Job Stressors | |
joint consumption | |
Joint Venture Dissolution | |
judgment | |
justice restoration efficacy | |
K | |
Kalman Filter | |
Key Accounts | |
Key Customer Relationships | |
Knowledge | |
knowledge assessment | |
Knowledge Construction | |
L | |
Laddering | |
Language Labeling | |
Lay theory | |
Leadership and Managerial effectiveness | |
Leadership and Marketing | |
leadership styles | |
Learning | |
learning and training | |
Learning orientation | |
Lebanon | |
legal advertising | |
Less harmful | |
Leximancer | |
Life satisfaction | |
Life-Cycle Theory | |
Linguistic metaphors | |
Listening | |
Literature Review | |
LIWC | |
Location Based advertising | |
Logistics | |
logos | |
longitudinal study | |
loyalty | |
Loyalty program | |
Luxury | |
luxury brand | |
Luxury Brands | |
Luxury consumption | |
Luxury level | |
M | |
m-commerce | |
m-shopper | |
M-shopping | |
Machine learning | |
macromarketing | |
malicious envy | |
Managerial Challenges | |
Market orientation | |
market performance | |
Marketing | |
Marketing Alliance | |
Marketing Analytics | |
Marketing Analytics Pedagogy | |
marketing and technical resource | |
Marketing Capabilities | |
Marketing communications | |
Marketing Decisions | |
Marketing education | |
Marketing effectiveness | |
Marketing executives | |
Marketing function | |
Marketing in Latin America | |
Marketing Influence | |
Marketing knowledge integration | |
Marketing Myopia | |
marketing orientation | |
Marketing Pedagogy | |
Marketing performance | |
marketing practice | |
Marketing Relevance | |
marketing research | |
marketing resource allocation | |
Marketing Strategy | |
marketing systems | |
Marketing vocabulary | |
Marketing-Finance Interface | |
Marketplace | |
Materialism | |
Materialistic | |
Meal Planning | |
Meaning | |
Meaningfullness | |
Means-End Chain | |
Measurement scale | |
mediation | |
Mental Accounting | |
Mental Health | |
message appeal | |
Meta-analysis | |
Metaphors | |
methods | |
Metrics | |
Middle Class | |
Millennial | |
millennials | |
Mixed-Methods | |
MNC | |
Mobile advertising | |
mobile app | |
mobile apps | |
mobile commerce | |
mobile gaming industry | |
mobile payment adoption | |
Mobile promotion | |
mobile shopping | |
Mobility Behavior | |
Model ethnicity | |
Model selection | |
models | |
moderated mediation | |
Modularity | |
Money | |
Moral character | |
Moral cues | |
Moral emotions | |
moral foundation | |
Moral foundations | |
Moral identity | |
Moral judgment | |
Moral values | |
motivation | |
motivation opportunity ability framework | |
motivations | |
Motives | |
Multi-Method | |
multi-tier private brands | |
Multichannel retailing | |
multichannel services | |
multicultural consumers | |
multicultural marketing | |
Multicultural Marketplace | |
Multigroup Analysis | |
multimedia content | |
Multimodality | |
multinational enterprise (MNE) | |
Multiple store patronage | |
Music | |
mUTAUT | |
mutual trust | |
N | |
Narratives | |
Need for cognition | |
Need for Uniqueness | |
Need-for-Touch (NFT) | |
needs analysis | |
Negative affects | |
Negative critical incident | |
negative reviews | |
negativity effect | |
Network governance | |
networking | |
New Curriculum | |
New Product Development | |
Nike | |
No-substitution Policy | |
non-celebrity endorsers | |
Non-compliance | |
Non-conscious price Processing | |
Non-conscious processing | |
non-linear least squares | |
Non-participation | |
Non-profit marketing | |
Non-selection | |
Non-smokers | |
non-utilitarian value | |
nonprofit | |
Nostalgia | |
Nostalgic Cultural Brands | |
NPD | |
Nudging | |
numerical framing | |
Nutrition Assistance | |
O | |
Olfactory Cues | |
OMIE | |
On demand | |
Online Attitude Toward Product | |
online brand community | |
Online Display ads | |
Online Environment | |
online product review | |
Online Ratings | |
Online recommendation | |
Online retailing | |
Online review | |
online reviews | |
Online Shopping Cart | |
Online Shopping Motivations | |
Online store | |
open innovation | |
Opportunistic Utilization | |
Organic Food | |
Organization | |
organizational climate | |
Organizational Engagement in PDD | |
organizational silos | |
Outcome | |
Outcomes | |
Outcomes of Chatbot Engagement | |
overcorrection | |
Ownership Structure | |
P | |
Packaging | |
pain-of-payment | |
Panel Discussion | |
panhandling | |
Partial least squares | |
Partial least squares structural equation modeling | |
Past | |
Patagonia | |
peer-to-peer | |
penalties | |
penalty waiver | |
Perceived Authenticity | |
Perceived Consumer Effectiveness | |
Perceived Efficacy | |
perceived effort | |
perceived empathy | |
Perceived entitativity | |
Perceived Guilt | |
perceived past temporal distance | |
Perceived performance | |
Perceived reasonableness | |
Perceived risk | |
Perceived Value | |
Perceived warmth | |
perception | |
Perceptions | |
Performance | |
Permeability | |
Person-team fit | |
personal brand | |
Personal interviews | |
personal selling | |
Personal space | |
personality | |
personalization | |
Persuasion | |
persuasion knowledge | |
Persuasion Process | |
Persuasive website design | |
Physical attractiveness | |
Place Branding | |
Pleasure | |
point of sale donations | |
polarization | |
polarizing brands | |
political branding | |
political ideology | |
Political party branding | |
Politically Divisive Discourse (PDD) | |
polynomial regression with response surface analysis | |
POSD | |
post promotion dip | |
Post-purchase behavior | |
Post-purchase emotions | |
Post-purchase evaluation | |
Poverty | |
Power | |
power distance belief | |
Powerlessness | |
pragmatic mindset | |
Premium brands | |
Present | |
price elasticity | |
Price Promotion | |
Price sensitivity | |
Price uncertainty | |
Pricing | |
Pride | |
primacy effects | |
Priming | |
Print catalog- and online-shopping modes | |
Privacy concerns | |
Privacy issue | |
Privacy Segmentation Index (PSI) | |
private firms | |
Private hospital | |
Process Models | |
processing fluency | |
Procrastination | |
product advantage | |
product and process modularity | |
product compatibility | |
Product competition factors | |
Product Design | |
product diffusion process | |
product endorsement | |
product failure | |
Product focus | |
Product Involvement | |
product knowledge | |
product liking | |
Product Placement | |
Product Policy | |
Product Price | |
Product quality superiority | |
Product radicalness | |
Product Safety Recall | |
product sounds | |
Product type | |
Product Visibility | |
product-environment congruence | |
Product-related Behavior | |
Professional Services Firms | |
Professionalism | |
professionals | |
programmatic ad buying | |
programmatic advertising | |
Project-Based Learning | |
Proselytism | |
prosocial behavior | |
Proximity | |
psychic distance | |
Psychographics | |
psychological capital | |
Psychological Distance | |
Psychological effects | |
Psychological Myopia | |
Public healthcare system | |
Public hospital | |
Public policy | |
Puerto Rico | |
purchase | |
Purchase Behavior | |
Purchase delay | |
Purchase Intent | |
Purchase Intention | |
Purchase intentions | |
Purchase procrastination | |
purchasing | |
Q | |
Qualitative | |
Qualitative Method | |
Qualitative methodology | |
Qualitative research | |
Qualitative Study | |
Quality | |
Quality Perception | |
Quantitative Study | |
R | |
racial bias | |
RBT | |
Reaction Time Measurement | |
real | |
Real Options | |
recency effects | |
reciprocity | |
recycling | |
Regional product | |
Regulatory Focus | |
Regulatory focus theory | |
Relational Benefits | |
Relational Costs | |
relationship learning | |
relationship length | |
Relationship Model | |
Relationship Quality | |
Relationship-Management | |
Relative efficacy | |
Repeated Dissatifaction | |
research | |
research collaboration | |
Research Directions | |
Residents' perception | |
Resilience | |
Resource-based Theory | |
Responses | |
Responsible Consumption | |
Retail | |
retail distribution | |
retail scanner data | |
Retailer resonance | |
Retailing | |
retirement planning | |
retirement self-efficacy | |
Return on Investment | |
Return Policy | |
reverse innovation | |
review valence | |
Rewards | |
rightist ideologies | |
risk | |
Risk management | |
Robotic assistant | |
Robotic shopping assistant | |
Robotics | |
Role-Plays | |
Romantic Gift Giving | |
Rural sustainability | |
Rural tourism | |
S | |
Sales | |
sales education | |
Sales Force Management | |
Sales intrinsic and extrinsic motivation | |
sales management | |
Sales Organizations | |
Sales Performance | |
Sales personnel | |
sales pressure | |
Sales Processes | |
Sales Success | |
Sales Territory | |
Salesforce | |
Salesforce Automation | |
Salesforce Effectiveness | |
Salesforce Information System | |
salespeople | |
Salespeople’s performance | |
Salesperson Deviance | |
Salesperson motivation | |
Salesperson performance | |
Salesperson Storytelling | |
salesperson traits | |
Salespersons’ learning goal orientation | |
Sampling Order | |
satisfacción | |
satisfaction | |
Scale | |
Scale Development | |
Scale development and validation | |
Scarcity Appeals | |
Scepticism | |
schema congruity | |
Search engine marketing | |
Segmentation | |
Self-Benefit Message Frame | |
self-concept | |
Self-Construal | |
Self-Construals | |
Self-determination theory | |
Self-Efficacy | |
Self-Gift | |
Self-Presentation | |
Self-referencing | |
Self-Services Technologies | |
Self-Stigma | |
Selling and sales management | |
Selling Behavior | |
sense of belonging | |
sensitivity to visual cue | |
sensory information | |
sentiment | |
Sentiment analysis | |
service | |
Service adoption | |
Service automation | |
Service dominant logic | |
service employee behavior | |
Service Expectations | |
Service Experience | |
Service failure | |
service failure and recovery | |
Service Failures | |
Service innovations | |
Service networks | |
service penalty | |
Service Profit Chain | |
Service quality | |
service recovery | |
Service robots | |
service-dominant logic | |
Services Brands | |
Services Marketing | |
Servicescape | |
Sexual strategies theory | |
SFA | |
Shame | |
Shareholder Value | |
Sharing | |
sharing behaviours | |
Sharing economy | |
sharing services | |
Shopping | |
shopping experience | |
shopping mall | |
Short-term mating | |
Signaling Theory | |
Signals of quality | |
Silo-spanning communication | |
Similarity | |
Situational factors | |
Size | |
Skepticism | |
Skill development | |
Slacktivism | |
small and mid-sized firms | |
Small Firms | |
Smart contract | |
smartphone | |
SMEs | |
Smokers | |
social cognition | |
Social Commerce | |
social commerce information sharing | |
social comparison | |
Social exclusion | |
Social Identity | |
Social Influencer Marketing | |
Social Judgments | |
Social Marketing | |
Social Media | |
Social Media Influencer | |
Social Media Marketing | |
Social media sentiment | |
Social Media Usage | |
social network analysis | |
social networking sites | |
Social Power | |
Social Presence | |
Social Responsibility | |
social sustainability | |
Soft skills | |
Solution business | |
Sonic Branding | |
Sonic Logos | |
Sound Symbolism | |
Spatial distance between model and product (SDMP) | |
Special Session | |
Spill-over effect | |
Sponsorship | |
sport | |
Sport Marketing | |
Sport Rivalry | |
sports | |
Sports Sponsorship | |
Sportswomen | |
Standards of Beauty | |
Start-up Enterprise | |
Status | |
Status Consumption | |
status signaling | |
Stereotype Content Model | |
Stereotyping | |
Stock returns | |
stock-keeping units | |
Store atmospherics | |
Store employees | |
Stories in B2B Advertising | |
Stories in Business | |
Storytelling | |
strategic change | |
strategic international alliances | |
strategic marketing | |
strategic philanthropy | |
Strategies | |
Strategy | |
student learning | |
Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Subjective Income | |
Subjective Relative Income | |
subjective social inclusion | |
Subsequent Purchase intentions of unrelated brands | |
Subtle luxuries | |
Succession planning | |
Superfood | |
Superordinate Identity | |
supervisors | |
Supply chain | |
Supply chain management | |
Support for tourism development | |
surveytainment | |
Susceptibility to Normative Influence | |
suspense | |
Sustainability | |
sustainability information disclosure | |
Sustainability orientation | |
Sustainable consumption | |
Sustainable product | |
Sustainable tourism | |
switching costs | |
System Usability Scale (SUS) | |
Systematic review | |
T | |
TAM | |
target marketing | |
Targeted promotion | |
Targeting web ads | |
Task complexity | |
Task Difficulty | |
Task interdependence | |
Team cohesion | |
Team effectiveness | |
Team flexibility | |
Team stability | |
Technology | |
Technology Acceptance | |
technology acceptance model | |
Teenage girls | |
temporary disposition | |
Terroir | |
Terroir of origin | |
Terror management theory | |
text analysis | |
Texture | |
The satisfaction-loyalty link | |
Theoretical metaphors | |
Theory development | |
Theory of Planned Behavior | |
theory of planned behaviour | |
Theory on Affect | |
third place | |
Time | |
Time duration | |
Time Series Model | |
time use | |
time versus money | |
Top management emphasis | |
Topic Modelling | |
Trait competitiveness | |
Trait cooperativeness | |
Transaction cost | |
Transformation | |
transformational | |
Transformative consumer research | |
Transformative Service Research | |
transformative services | |
Transitioning economies | |
Transport Mode Choice | |
transportation | |
travel | |
trends | |
Trump | |
Trust | |
truth | |
Twitter-LDA | |
U | |
U.S | |
UK | |
Umbrella Brands | |
uncertainty | |
Unconscious Thinking | |
Underage Consumers | |
Underrepresented Groups | |
Unethical behavior | |
Unstructured Data | |
Usability | |
Usage based insurance | |
User Experience | |
user innovation | |
User innovation mindset | |
User input | |
User-design | |
User-generated Content | |
UTAUT2 | |
utilitarian | |
Utilitarian Consumption | |
utilitarian value | |
V | |
Valence | |
Validity | |
Value | |
value appropriation | |
value co-creation | |
Value Cocreation | |
value creation | |
value destruction | |
Value proposition | |
Value-Belief-Norm | |
Values | |
values led | |
Variety seeking | |
Vice | |
video review | |
Virtual Public Consumption | |
virtual reality | |
Virtual trade shows (VTS) | |
virtual world | |
Virtue and | |
Virtue Ethics | |
Visual communication | |
Voicethread | |
Voluntourism | |
voting intention | |
W | |
Watch industry | |
Waterpipe smoking | |
Wearables | |
Website evaluation | |
weight analysis | |
well-being | |
Western vs. Eastern Advertising | |
Wholesale price | |
willingness to co-create | |
Willingness to Pay | |
Willingness-to-pay | |
Win/lose decision | |
Wine | |
Woke-washing | |
WOM | |
Women and Minorities | |
Women as Managers | |
word-of-mouth | |
work meaning | |
Workplace Deviance | |
World Heritage City | |
Y | |
Yelp | |
Young adult consumers | |
YouTube |