This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
3 | |
3D Printing | |
A | |
Absorptive capacity | |
Action Research | |
Ad audience | |
Adolescents | |
advertisement | |
Advertising | |
Advertising Agencies | |
advertising appeals | |
Advertising recognition | |
Advocacy | |
Affective and behavioral impact | |
Africa | |
Ageing population | |
Agricultural marketing | |
AI-CRM | |
Air Quality | |
Alcohol | |
Alma mater | |
Altruism | |
ambidexterity | |
ambient lighting | |
AMS | |
Analytical processing | |
anger | |
Apriori algorithm | |
Articulated Naturality Web | |
Artificial empathy | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Artisanship | |
Assessment-based certificates | |
Assortment Size & Attractiveness | |
Asymmetric dominance | |
Attendee Perceptions | |
attention | |
attitude functions | |
Attitude toward the ad | |
Attitude toward the brand | |
attitude towards the brand | |
Attitudes | |
Attitudes towards business ethics | |
attitudinal loyalty | |
Attraction effect | |
Attribution | |
attribution theory | |
Attrition | |
Audience diversity | |
Augmented Reality | |
Authenticity | |
automated text analysis | |
Automation | |
Autonomous motivation | |
B | |
B2B | |
B2B marketing | |
B2B Salesperson Social Media Usage | |
Barriers to participation | |
Behavior change | |
Behavioral control | |
behavioral intention | |
behavioral intentions | |
behavioral loyalty | |
Behavioral relevance | |
Behaviors Compensation | |
behaviour change | |
best-worst scaling | |
Bibliometric Analysis | |
Bibliometric study | |
Big Data | |
Big Data Analytics | |
Big Data Analytics capability set | |
Big-5 Personality Traits | |
Binge-drinking | |
Blockchain | |
brand | |
Brand Activism | |
Brand Addiction | |
Brand alliances | |
Brand Approach | |
Brand architecture | |
Brand Attachment | |
Brand attitude | |
Brand cooperation | |
Brand crisis | |
brand deletion | |
brand destination | |
Brand Engagement | |
Brand Equity | |
Brand Experience | |
Brand Forgiveness | |
Brand Gender | |
Brand grief | |
Brand growth | |
Brand Happiness | |
brand hate | |
brand heritage | |
Brand Image | |
brand impressions | |
Brand Legitimacy | |
Brand Love | |
Brand loyalty | |
Brand Meaning | |
brand museums | |
brand passion | |
Brand penetration | |
brand personality | |
Brand placement | |
Brand proximity | |
brand purpose | |
Brand relationship | |
brand relics | |
Brand responses | |
brand transgressions | |
Brand trust | |
Brand Visualization | |
Brand-Cause Fit | |
Brand-Generated Content | |
Branding | |
Burnout | |
Business to Business marketers | |
business-to-business | |
bystander virtual presence | |
C | |
C2C interactions | |
Caffeine | |
Carbon labeling | |
Casting | |
Categorization of Knowledge Hiding | |
Causal AI | |
Causal inference | |
CCT | |
Celebrities Endorsement | |
Celebrity | |
celebrity endorsement | |
certificate development | |
Channel-transvection | |
Charity Brand | |
Chatbot | |
Children | |
China | |
Choice | |
Choice for others | |
choice modeling | |
City Branding | |
classification of life events | |
Climate Change | |
Cluster Analysis | |
Co-brand Image | |
Co-brand positioning | |
Co-client roles | |
co-creation | |
Co-location | |
CO2-labeling | |
Cognitive absorption | |
Cognitive Elaboration | |
Collage Construction | |
Color | |
color effectiveness | |
Common Grounding | |
communication | |
Communication of Sustainability | |
communication quality | |
Community Engagement | |
Comparative advantages | |
comparative advertising | |
Comparative Advertising Strategies | |
Competence | |
Competitive advantage strategy | |
Competitiveness | |
Comprehension | |
Compromise effect | |
Compulsive Buying | |
computational social science | |
Conceptual framework | |
Conceptual metaphor | |
Conceptualization | |
Conference Strategies | |
Confucius virtues | |
conjoint analysis | |
consent | |
Consequential choices | |
Conservation of resources theory | |
Conspicuous consumption | |
conspicuous shopping | |
Conspiracy | |
Construal Level | |
construal level theory | |
consumer | |
Consumer animosity | |
Consumer attitude | |
Consumer attitudes | |
Consumer behavior | |
Consumer behaviour | |
Consumer brand relationship | |
Consumer Choice | |
consumer culture | |
consumer empowerment advertising | |
Consumer engagement | |
consumer ethnocentrism | |
Consumer Experience | |
Consumer forgiveness | |
consumer generated ad | |
Consumer happiness: | |
Consumer heterogeneity | |
Consumer identity | |
Consumer identity project | |
Consumer Issue Knowledge | |
consumer movements | |
Consumer responses | |
Consumer Trust | |
Consumer Value | |
Consumer-Brand Engagement | |
consumer-brand relationships | |
consumerism | |
consumers | |
consumper behavior | |
Consumption | |
Consumption of Higher Education | |
Content Analyses | |
content strategy | |
Context effect | |
Context effects | |
Controversial advertising | |
Conversational CRM | |
Coolness | |
cooperative performance | |
corporate communication | |
Corporate Crisis Communication | |
corporate performance | |
Corporate Responsibility | |
Corporate social irresponsibility | |
Corporate social responsibility | |
Cosmopolitanism | |
counterfactual thinking | |
Country-of-origin | |
Couriers | |
course engagement | |
Covid 19 | |
COVID-19 | |
COVID-19 pandemic | |
craft | |
craft consumption | |
craftmanship | |
Creative Selling | |
Creativity | |
cross national research | |
cross-cultural complainants | |
Cross-cultural research | |
cross-platform analysis | |
Crowdfunding | |
crowdsourcing | |
CSR | |
CSR activity | |
CSR perception | |
cultural differences | |
Cultural distance | |
cultural orientations | |
Culture | |
culture-ladenness | |
Cultures | |
Customer Agility | |
Customer behaviour | |
Customer citizenship behavior | |
Customer complaint | |
Customer deviance | |
customer engagement | |
Customer experience | |
Customer Happiness | |
Customer Heterogeneity (CH) | |
Customer insight | |
Customer journey | |
Customer Knowledge | |
customer network | |
Customer outcomes | |
Customer participation | |
Customer participation in brand CSR movements: | |
Customer perspective | |
Customer reactance to other customers | |
Customer Relationship Management | |
Customer relationship proneness | |
Customer Retention | |
Customer Retention Strategies | |
Customer-Employee Interaction | |
Customer-to-Customer Interactions | |
customers loyalty | |
Customers’ readiness | |
Cycling | |
Cycling clubs | |
D | |
Danger control | |
Dark triad | |
Data Quality | |
Dataveillance | |
deception detection | |
deceptive marketing | |
decision comfort | |
Decision tree methods | |
Decision-making | |
deconsumption | |
Deepfakes | |
Defensive Marketing | |
Degree of specialization | |
DEI | |
DEIJ | |
delegation | |
Delphi Method | |
Depth interview | |
Designers | |
Desire for reconciliation | |
Destination branding | |
Difference-in- Difference | |
Differentiation | |
Digital | |
Digital advertising | |
Digital Design | |
Digital escape rooms | |
Digital marketing | |
Digital Placemaking | |
Digital Platforms | |
Digital technology | |
Digital Transformation | |
digitalization | |
Digitam platforms | |
Direct Comparative Advertising | |
Dirichlet model | |
Disability | |
Disclosure | |
Discount | |
discourses | |
Diversity | |
Donation | |
E | |
E-commerce | |
e_commerce | |
Ease of use | |
Eating habits | |
Eco-labels | |
Economic News | |
educational escape rooms | |
Effectiveness | |
effort investment | |
electronic word of mouth | |
ELM | |
email advertising | |
email marketing | |
embeddedness | |
embodiment | |
Emerging market | |
emerging markets | |
emoji | |
emojis | |
Emotion as social information theory | |
emotional advertisement | |
Emotional Intelligence | |
Emotional Labor | |
Emotional responses | |
Emotions | |
empathy | |
Employee engagement | |
Employee retention | |
Employees’ perceived competence | |
Employees’ perceived helpfulness | |
empowerment | |
endorsement | |
endorsements | |
endorser-brand congruency | |
enthusiasm | |
Entomophagy | |
Entrepreneurship | |
Entreprenurial marketing | |
Entreprenurial struggle | |
environmental concern | |
EPRM | |
Equity | |
Ethical consumption | |
Ethical food | |
Ethics | |
Ethnic restaurants | |
Ethnography | |
Evaluation-Adoption-Routinization (EAR) | |
Event study | |
Exchange | |
Executives’ Social Network | |
Exogenous brand crisis | |
Expatriates | |
Experience | |
Experiential consumption | |
Experiential Learning | |
experiment | |
Experimental methods | |
Experimentation | |
Expertise | |
Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) | |
Extended-mind | |
Eye tracking | |
eye-tracking | |
F | |
faculty-partnered industry certificate | |
failure | |
fairness perceptions | |
fairy tales | |
fake online reviews | |
family values | |
fan attachment | |
Fashion anxiety | |
Fashion Apparel | |
fashion brands | |
Fashion Gen Z | |
Fashion Industry | |
Fashion innovativeness | |
Fashion sensitivity | |
Fear | |
Fear Appeal | |
Fear control | |
Fintech | |
firm network | |
Firm risk | |
Firm value | |
Firm-hosted social media brand communities | |
Fitspiration | |
Flow | |
flow state | |
Fluency | |
FOMO effect | |
Font size | |
Food acculturation | |
Food Industry | |
Food marketing | |
Food neophobia | |
Food ordering apps (FDAs) | |
food retailing | |
Food supply chain | |
food-related behavior | |
Football | |
foreign brands | |
forewarning | |
formative measurement | |
France | |
Freedom-of-choice | |
fsQCA | |
functional advertisement | |
future research directions | |
G | |
Gamification | |
Gender | |
gender differences | |
Gender fluidity | |
gender stereotypes | |
Gender subtext | |
Gender-neutrality | |
general conditions of use | |
Gift | |
global consumer culture | |
global south | |
Goal contents | |
Goal framing | |
goal performance | |
goal proximity | |
Goals | |
Government Bond | |
graphic design | |
Green advertising | |
Green products | |
group | |
guilt | |
H | |
Halo effect | |
handicraft product | |
Happiness | |
Haptic Feedback | |
Health | |
Health communication | |
health concern | |
Health research | |
Health-Behavior | |
Health-Belief-Model (HBM) | |
healthcare marketing | |
Healthcare professionals as influencers | |
Healthcare professionals on social media | |
Heavy buyers | |
Hedonic buying | |
Hedonic Orientation | |
helping | |
Herd Behaviors | |
Heritage Brand | |
Heuristics | |
Higher education | |
Hofstede | |
Homophily | |
Human Brand | |
Hybrid-reality | |
hyper-personalization | |
Hyperpersonalised adverts | |
I | |
I-commerce | |
Idea evaluation | |
ideology | |
idiosyncratic risk | |
Imagery processing | |
Imagination | |
Immersion | |
Immersive experience | |
Immersive experience of using XR | |
Immersive Presence Theory | |
impact | |
Implementation intentions | |
Implied motion | |
Importance-performance map analysis (IPMA) | |
Impression Management | |
impulsive shopping | |
In-depth interviews | |
in-store | |
incentive alignment | |
incentive premium | |
Inclusion | |
inclusive marketing | |
index | |
Individual Competitive Intelligence Quality | |
Individualism/collectivism orientations | |
inferred negative motive | |
influencer credibility | |
Influencer Marketing | |
influencer-brand collaboration | |
influencer-consumer similarity | |
informant-generated visuals | |
information risk | |
Information seeking | |
innovation | |
Innovation Adoption | |
Innovation Diffusion | |
Innovation gender subsistence | |
innovativeness | |
Innovativeness cues | |
Insect-based food | |
Intangible products in Metaverse | |
integrative framework | |
Intention to use | |
Intention to use virtual agents | |
Interaction | |
interactivity | |
intercultural marketing | |
Internal reference price | |
International marketing | |
International travel destination choice | |
interpersonal communications | |
Interpersonal influence | |
intrinsic motivations | |
IPO | |
Ipsos Datacovid | |
Islamic banking | |
J | |
job review | |
Job Satisfaction | |
Justice | |
K | |
Kanji | |
Kindness | |
knowledge dissemination | |
Knowledge Integration Capabilities (KICs) | |
L | |
label | |
Latin | |
LDA | |
league popularity | |
Learning Effectiveness | |
Lecture-based Learning | |
Legitimacy | |
life course model | |
life events | |
Life-course framework | |
Likability | |
Liminality | |
Linguistics | |
list of life events | |
Literature review | |
live-streaming shopping | |
lived experience | |
Localness | |
location visibility | |
Location-based | |
logo | |
long-term memory | |
Long-term orientation | |
Longitudinal study | |
Loss of scarcity | |
Loyalty | |
Loyalty Program | |
Lurking | |
Luxury | |
Luxury Brand | |
Luxury branding | |
luxury brands | |
Luxury value | |
M | |
maladaptive shopping behaviors | |
Mandates | |
market research methods | |
Market systemS | |
Marketers | |
marketing | |
Marketing Academia | |
marketing activation | |
marketing agency | |
marketing and communications | |
marketing channel relationship | |
marketing communication | |
marketing curriculum | |
Marketing education | |
Marketing exchange | |
marketing intensity | |
marketing management | |
Marketing Outsourcing | |
marketing pedagogy | |
Marketing Research | |
Marketing Strategy | |
Marketing Theory | |
Marketing-Finance Interface | |
marketplace politics | |
Masculinity | |
mass customization | |
Masstige | |
Masstige Brand | |
match-up hypothesis | |
Materialism | |
materiality | |
maximum difference scaling | |
McKinsey 7-S framework | |
Meaning | |
Meaningful work | |
Meat substitutes | |
Media Buying | |
Media Literacy | |
Media Planning | |
medical device branding | |
medical device industry | |
medical device sales | |
medical devices | |
Medical information on social media | |
meditation | |
mental imagery | |
Message Framing | |
meta-analysis | |
Metaverse | |
Metaverse adoption | |
Millennials | |
Mindfulness | |
Mindsets | |
Minimalism | |
Minority groups | |
mistrust | |
Mixed method | |
mobile applications | |
Mobile shopping apps | |
mobile use | |
Modernization | |
Moment of truth | |
MOOC | |
moral agency | |
Moral Foundations Theory | |
Morality | |
Morality as Cooperation | |
motherhood | |
Motivation | |
Motivations | |
Multiple Case | |
Multiple price perceptions | |
N | |
Nano-influencers | |
National brand | |
Natural Interaction | |
Natural language processing | |
Nature-Based Solutions | |
Necessary condition analysis (NCA) | |
Negative advertising | |
Negative appeal | |
Negative consumer emotion | |
Negative Emotions | |
negative online reviews | |
Negative publicity | |
negative word-of-mouth | |
neo-nationalist movement | |
Net resources inventory | |
netnography | |
New Hybrid Products | |
New product | |
New Product Adoption | |
new product development | |
New product development adoption | |
New Product Development Speed | |
New Product Launch | |
New Product Success | |
New Technologies | |
newsletter customization | |
NFTs | |
Non-Fungible-Tokens | |
Non-traditional | |
NPS | |
NRC emotion lexicon | |
Null hypothesis significance testing | |
Nutrition | |
O | |
obsessive-compulsive shopping | |
Offensive Marketing | |
older adults | |
Olfactory perception | |
Omnichannel | |
Omnichannel approach | |
online business | |
Online communities | |
Online consumer misbehavior | |
online deviant behavior | |
online dysfunctional behavior | |
Online engagement | |
Online Gambling | |
Online learning | |
Online MBA | |
Online Participation | |
Online presence | |
Online retailer | |
Online retailing | |
online review | |
Online reviews | |
online sales configurator | |
Online scarcity | |
Online service recovery | |
Online shopping | |
online teaching | |
Online trust | |
OOS | |
organic food | |
organization and time management | |
organization performance | |
organizational performance | |
Organizational purpose | |
Oriented Ideals | |
OSA | |
P | |
p-curve | |
p-hacking | |
pandemic | |
Para-social relationship | |
Parasocial relationships | |
Pareto share | |
Partial least squares (PLS) | |
participatory design | |
partner switch | |
passion | |
past | |
patient-informedness | |
PEB | |
Pedagogy of play | |
Peer-to-peer exchanges | |
perceived control | |
perceived ethicality | |
Perceived Manipulative Intent | |
Perceived manipulativeness | |
Perceived marginalization | |
Perceived Residual Value | |
Perceived usefulness | |
Perceived value | |
Perceived Value Of A Consumption Practice | |
performance | |
Performance Feedback | |
Personality | |
Personification | |
Perspective-taking | |
persuasion | |
persuasive communication | |
PESTEL analysis | |
phenomenology | |
physical activity | |
Place Attachment | |
Place branding | |
plant-based meat | |
Pleasure | |
PLS Method | |
PLSpredict | |
Point of sale | |
Pokémon Go | |
Political Marketing | |
Politics | |
Pornography | |
positive emotions | |
positive psychology | |
post typology | |
Post-Use Behaviour | |
practice theory | |
Pre-contact trust | |
Pre-loved | |
Pre-owned | |
Predictive power | |
predictive validity | |
Preference reversal | |
Prefiguration | |
presence | |
Preventive advertising | |
Price | |
Price fairness | |
Price judgment | |
Price promotion | |
Price sensitivity meter | |
Privacy concern | |
Privacy cookie notice | |
Private label | |
Private label branding strategy | |
Private label tier | |
Private labels | |
Pro-environmental behaviors | |
proactive service recovery | |
PROCESS Model | |
product deletion | |
product importance | |
Product Innovation | |
Product Labels | |
product newness | |
product packaging | |
Product placement | |
product recommendation | |
Product Survival | |
prosocial | |
Protective motivation theory | |
psychological distance | |
psychological empowerment and ownership | |
Psychological Ownership | |
Public complaints | |
Public Services Announcements | |
publication bias | |
Purchase intention | |
Purchase intentions | |
Q | |
QCA | |
Qualitative | |
Qualitative Research | |
R | |
Rarity principle | |
reactance | |
realism | |
reallocation of resources | |
Really new products | |
recall | |
Reciprocity | |
Recommendations | |
recommender system | |
Recycling | |
Relatedness-supportive CSR: | |
relationship quality | |
Religiosity | |
religious practices | |
Repurchase intention | |
Requests | |
Resale | |
Research Ethics | |
Research underrepresentation | |
Resource access and use | |
Resources | |
Resources access and develop | |
responsible tourism | |
Retail | |
Retail banking: | |
Retail Patronage | |
Retail Services | |
Retailer brand equity | |
retailer loyalty | |
Retailers | |
Retailing | |
Retargeting | |
Retire consumers | |
Retirement | |
Review of Knowledge Hiding Literature | |
Review revision | |
Reviews | |
Rhetorical Figures | |
Ridesharing platforms | |
Risk | |
Ritual of Exchanged Favours | |
Robusta Coffee | |
role model | |
S | |
sales and technology | |
Sales commissions | |
sales management | |
sales performance | |
sales personnel | |
Sales promotion | |
Sales team’s perceptions | |
Sales-Marketing Interface | |
salespeople | |
Salesperson | |
Salesperson Counterproductive Knowledge Hiding | |
Satiric humor | |
satisfaction with sales representatives | |
Scaling | |
Scarcity marketing | |
Scarcity message | |
SCB | |
Schema theory | |
Second-hand | |
Sedentary Behaviors | |
Segmentation | |
Segmentations | |
Self- Acceptance | |
Self-brand connection | |
Self-Determination Theory | |
Self-Discrepancies | |
Self-Discrepancy | |
Self-efficacy | |
Self-enhancement bias | |
self-esteem | |
Self-evaluations | |
Self-Identity Projects | |
Self-Service Technologies | |
self-tracking | |
selling | |
Selves | |
semiotics | |
Sensory illusion | |
Sensory Interfaces | |
Sensory marketing | |
Service & Analytics | |
Service Brands | |
Service Employee | |
Service experience | |
service experiences | |
Service failure | |
service failure and recovery | |
Service Innovation | |
Service quality | |
service recovery | |
Service robots | |
Services | |
Servicescape | |
shared decision making | |
Sharing economy | |
shopping addiction | |
Shopping Behaivour | |
short-term memory | |
Signaling Theory | |
Sistematic Literatura Review | |
Skeptical Consumers | |
Skepticism | |
Skilled Workers | |
Small Businesses | |
Small firms | |
Small Talk | |
Smart cities | |
smart garments | |
Smart Retail | |
Smart retail technologies | |
Smart Retailing | |
Socia media impression mangement perceptions | |
Social advertising | |
Social chatbots | |
Social commerce | |
Social distance | |
social influence | |
Social Learning | |
social marketing | |
Social Media | |
social media brand community | |
social media complaining | |
Social Media Engagement | |
Social media influencer | |
Social media marketing | |
Social Media Self Efficacy | |
social media skills | |
Social Networking Sites | |
social representations | |
Social sustainability | |
Social values | |
Social-Cultural Expectations | |
Socio-cultural practices | |
socioeconomic status | |
Software as a Service (SAAS) | |
Sonic Branding | |
South Texas | |
Spatial presence of XR in Metaverse | |
spiritual value | |
Spirituality | |
sport team brand personality | |
Status concern | |
stereopsis | |
Store-in-store agreements | |
Strategic alliance | |
Strategic targeting | |
Strength of ties | |
stress | |
Structural equation modeling (SEM) | |
structuration theory | |
Student engagement | |
Students' Choice of University | |
Subjective financial well-being | |
Subjective knowledge | |
Subjective wellbeing | |
Subscription-based services | |
Subsistence contexts | |
Supply chains | |
survey research | |
Sustainability | |
Sustainable Advertisements | |
Sustainable Brand Marketing | |
Sustainable consumer behavior | |
sustainable consumption | |
Sustainable Consumption Behaviour | |
sustainable routines | |
Swift guanxi | |
Switching customers in stores | |
SWOT Analysis | |
System efficiency | |
Systematic Literature Review | |
T | |
Talent | |
Teaching | |
technologies | |
Technology | |
Technology adoption | |
technology enhanced learning | |
Technology socialisation | |
Technology use | |
Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) | |
Text mining | |
text sentiment | |
Thailand | |
The mind | |
the Self | |
thinking styles | |
Three-way interaction | |
tiny house | |
Tiny House Movement | |
Tobacco | |
Topic modeling | |
tourist | |
TOW Matrix | |
Traceability | |
Traditional methods | |
travel | |
Trust | |
Trustworthiness | |
truth bias | |
type of product | |
typeface | |
Typology | |
U | |
Ubiquitous artefactual illusion | |
UK | |
Unethical practices | |
University Social Responsibility (USR) | |
Usage intention | |
user effort | |
user engagement | |
user influence | |
user motivation | |
user participation | |
user-generated content | |
Uses and gratifications theory | |
UTAUT2 | |
Utilitarian Orientation | |
V | |
Vaccination | |
Vaccination campaign | |
Vaccination intention | |
Value co-creation | |
Value Orientation | |
value-needs matrix | |
values | |
Values for customer | |
Values from customer | |
veracity | |
Vintage | |
Virtual Agents | |
Virtual Assistants | |
Virtual community | |
Virtual Reality | |
Virtual Self | |
Virtue signalling | |
Visual design | |
Visual information | |
visual marketing | |
Volition | |
Voluntariness | |
W | |
Warmth | |
Wealth Management | |
wearables | |
Web atmosphere | |
Webcare | |
website design | |
Website quality | |
website type | |
websites | |
Wedding consumption | |
Well-being | |
Wellbeing | |
willingness to pay | |
Word of mouth | |
word-of-mouth | |
WorldCup | |
Y | |
YouTube channel |