This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
' | |
'Brand luxury index' | |
'Language' | |
'Luxury brand' | |
'Luxury communication' | |
'Luxury consumption' | |
A | |
abnormal returns | |
Absorptive Capacity | |
Accent | |
acculturation | |
Acquisition Cost | |
active learning | |
Adaptive Capability | |
Adaptive selling | |
Administrative Innovation | |
admiration | |
adolescents | |
adoption intention | |
ADS | |
Advertising | |
Advertising ethics | |
Advertising Processing | |
Aesthetics | |
Affective Response | |
Affordance theory | |
Affordances | |
Agility | |
AI | |
Airport | |
alcohol | |
alliance | |
Altruistic values | |
Ambidexterity | |
American | |
Analysis of Variance | |
anger | |
Antecedents | |
anti-smoking | |
Anticipated regret | |
antisocial content | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Artificial Neural Networks | |
Atmospherics | |
Attachment Theory | |
Attention | |
attitude | |
attitude toward message | |
Attitudes | |
Attractiveness | |
Augmented Reality | |
Authenticity | |
B | |
B2B | |
B2B marketing | |
B2B markets | |
Banks | |
Behavior Change | |
Behavioral intention | |
Behavioral Typology | |
Behvaioural Cues | |
Beliefs | |
Belonging | |
bias | |
Big data | |
big data analytics | |
Bilingualism | |
bimodal teaching model | |
Biospheric values | |
Bottom of Pyramid | |
bottom of the pyramid | |
Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) | |
brand | |
brand anthropomorphism | |
brand attitude | |
brand attractiveness | |
Brand campaign | |
brand connectedness | |
Brand credibility | |
brand equity | |
brand evaluations | |
Brand Experience | |
brand familiarity | |
Brand hate | |
Brand heritage | |
Brand Identification | |
brand identity | |
brand knowledge | |
Brand Love | |
Brand Loyalty | |
Brand Marketing Strategy | |
Brand misconduct | |
Brand nostalgia | |
Brand Orientation | |
brand personality | |
Brand purpose | |
brand remarkability | |
brand salience | |
brand strength | |
brand transparency | |
brand trust | |
brand-individual age | |
brands | |
Bricolage | |
Business performance | |
Business to Business | |
Business-to-business marketing | |
Buyer-Seller Relationships | |
C | |
Canadian consumers | |
Canadian organic market | |
Cancer | |
Capability | |
Caricature | |
Cartoon Analysis | |
cause marketing | |
Cause-related marketing | |
celebrity influencers | |
centrality and | |
channel migration | |
channel usage | |
charismatic | |
children | |
Children sport consumption | |
China | |
Chinese elements | |
choice model | |
chronological brand age | |
Climate change | |
climate change skepticism | |
Closed innovation | |
CME | |
cocreation | |
Code-switching | |
Codes of conduct | |
Cognitive Continuum Theory | |
cognitive effort | |
Colonoscopy surgery | |
Commercial weight-loss programs | |
Commitment | |
Communication | |
communications | |
company ownership | |
Compensatory consumption | |
competition | |
Computer Human Interaction | |
confirmatory bias | |
Congruence | |
Congruency theory | |
Congruent Health Claims | |
Consent | |
conspicuous consumption | |
construal level theory | |
Consumer | |
consumer animosity | |
Consumer behavior | |
consumer behaviour | |
consumer demographics | |
Consumer empowerment | |
Consumer ethical judgement | |
Consumer expectations | |
consumer experience | |
Consumer financial decision-making | |
Consumer forgiveness | |
Consumer Response | |
Consumer shopping experience | |
consumer social responsibility | |
Consumer values | |
Consumer Well-being | |
consumer wisdom | |
Consumer-brand relationships | |
Consumer-Firm Interactions | |
consumer-firm relationship | |
consumers | |
Consumers journey | |
Consumer–brand relationship | |
Consumer–community relationship | |
consumption choice | |
Consumption value | |
Content Analysis | |
content quality | |
Contingent Resource-Based View | |
continuity | |
Continuous Improvement | |
Contract specificity | |
cooperation | |
coordination | |
Corporate Ability | |
corporate environmental commitment | |
Corporate philanthropy | |
Corporate Social Responsibility | |
Corporate Sustainability Crises | |
Correspondence analysis | |
cosmeceutical | |
cosmetics | |
cosmopolitanism | |
Cost of adaptation | |
Cost transparency | |
country image | |
Country of origin | |
Country of origin ecological image | |
Course Development | |
Craft-making | |
Creative problem solving routines | |
Creativity | |
Credence goods | |
Credibility | |
Crib Sheets | |
Cricket | |
Crisis Management | |
Critical Mass Theory | |
CRM | |
Cross Cultural Marketing | |
cross-border customer engagement in the design process | |
cross-cultural | |
Cross-national | |
CSR | |
cultural compatibility | |
Cultural congruency | |
Cultural pride | |
cultural similarity | |
cultural transformation | |
customer | |
Customer Brand Identification | |
Customer citizenship | |
Customer commitment | |
customer demand | |
Customer Engagement | |
Customer Experience | |
Customer Experience Dimensions | |
Customer Happiness | |
Customer Involvement | |
Customer Journey | |
Customer loyalty | |
Customer Needs | |
customer orientation | |
Customer Participation | |
Customer Reviews | |
Customer satisfaction | |
Customer service | |
Customer solutions | |
Customer-directed performance | |
Cyborg | |
D | |
Data Analysis | |
Data Analytics | |
Debunking false beliefs | |
Deception | |
Decision Delegation | |
Decision Making | |
Decision Process | |
Deconsumption | |
Deliberative problem solving routines | |
Deservigness theory | |
design utility | |
Destination Image | |
Developing Country firms | |
Dictatorships | |
Digital Anxiety | |
Digital Competence | |
Digital Composure | |
digital innovation | |
Digital Marketing | |
Digital Strategy | |
Digitalization | |
Disclosure | |
discount pricing | |
disengagement | |
distributed cognition | |
distribution | |
Do-it-yourself (DIY) marketing | |
Doctoral Education | |
dynamic capability | |
E | |
E-marketing | |
e-WOM | |
Eco-products | |
ecosystem | |
Edible insects | |
Education | |
Egoistic values | |
electronic word-of-mouth | |
Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) | |
Embodied-Metaphor | |
Emerging markets | |
emotion | |
Emotional states | |
employee conditions | |
Employee engagement | |
Employee loyalty | |
Employer branding | |
Empowerment Strategy | |
Enabling and Constraining Conditions | |
endorser credibility | |
Engagement | |
engagement valence | |
Enjoyment | |
Entomophagy | |
Entrepreneurial Action | |
Entrepreneurial orientation | |
Environment Congruence | |
Environmental concern | |
Environmental dynamism | |
Environmental Locus of Control | |
Environmentally friendly consumer behaviour | |
Ephemeral marketing | |
EPPM Model | |
Escape | |
ethical company certification | |
Ethical consumption | |
Ethical decision making | |
Ethically Minded Consumer Behavior | |
Ethnographic study | |
evangelism | |
Evasive hiding | |
event study | |
evolutionary models | |
evolutionary psychology | |
eWOM | |
ewom intent | |
Expectancy-value theory | |
Experience co-creation | |
experiential education | |
experiential learning | |
Experiential Marketing | |
Expertise | |
Experts | |
Exploitation | |
exploration | |
Exploratory study | |
Export performance | |
Exporter-distributor relationships | |
Exporting | |
Extrinsic motivation | |
Eye-Tracking | |
F | |
Fairness | |
fake news | |
Fan communities | |
Fashion | |
Fashion Brand | |
Fashion Retailing | |
fast food | |
Fat | |
fear | |
fear appeals | |
Feedback Nudge | |
Female Sport Participation | |
Film marketing | |
Financial Life | |
Financial motivation | |
Financial Services | |
FinTech | |
firm performance | |
Firm-hosted online brand community | |
fit | |
Fitness Program | |
Food | |
food leftovers | |
food lifestyle | |
food marketing | |
food prevention | |
food waste | |
forecasting | |
Front-end of innovation | |
fsQCA | |
future consumers | |
G | |
Game-based learning | |
Gamification | |
Geddesian Town Planning | |
Gen Y | |
gender | |
Gender equality | |
General interior variables | |
General Systems Theory | |
Generation Z | |
generational cohorts | |
Genre | |
gift giving | |
global brands | |
Glocalisation | |
Google Trends | |
governmental assistance | |
Green "attitude-behaviour gap | |
Green behaviors | |
Green brand equity | |
Green consumer characteristics | |
Green consumption | |
Green Marketing | |
Green product | |
GRIT | |
H | |
Hand | |
head mounted displays | |
health appeals | |
Health Care | |
Health Risk Perceptions | |
healthcare marketing | |
healthcare system | |
healthy food | |
Healthy Food Purchasing Behaviour | |
Hierarchical Clustering | |
Higher Education | |
Hiking | |
History of Marketing | |
Hofstede | |
Holistic Customer Experience | |
Hospital performance | |
Hospitality | |
Hotel Attributes | |
human brand | |
human branding | |
Human-Robot Interaction | |
Humor | |
Hybrid | |
Hypocrisy | |
I | |
I-poems | |
Ice Hockey | |
Identity | |
imagination | |
immigrant inclusion | |
Immigrant integration | |
Impact Measurement | |
Implicit attitudes | |
Impulse purchase | |
Impulsiveness | |
in-class activities | |
Indecisiveness | |
India | |
individual differences | |
individual-level | |
Indivudual Cultural Values | |
Indulgence | |
influence | |
influencer marketing | |
Information asymmetry | |
Information criteria | |
information provision | |
Ingredient centrality | |
initial trust | |
Innovation | |
Innovation demand | |
Innovation management | |
Innovation performance | |
Innovation pressure | |
Innovation reputation | |
Innovativeness orientation | |
Inside-out | |
Institutional change | |
Institutional distance | |
Institutional Theory | |
institutions | |
insurance | |
Integrated Marketing Communication | |
Integrating Marketing knowledge | |
Intellectual and Practical Relevance of the Scottish Enlightenment | |
interactive multimedia | |
Interculturalism | |
Internal competition | |
Internal CSR initiatives | |
Internal Culture | |
Internal locus of control | |
Internal Marketing | |
Internal Motivation | |
International | |
international advertising | |
International business curriculum | |
International marketing | |
International Marketing Management | |
Internet of Things | |
Interpretive research | |
Intrinsic motivation | |
Involvement capability | |
Israel | |
J | |
Japanese | |
Job Performance | |
Job Stressors | |
judgment and decision making | |
K | |
kids | |
L | |
Labeling | |
Labelling | |
Latin American | |
Latin American Studies | |
law of contagion | |
leadership | |
Learner performance | |
Learning methods | |
Learning orientation | |
Legitimacy | |
Leisure community | |
Leisure involvement | |
Leisure marketing | |
Leisure social capital | |
Leisure-time activities | |
limited edition | |
low-income | |
Low-Skilled Workers | |
Loyalty | |
Loyalty intention | |
luxury | |
luxury brand | |
Luxury brand management | |
Luxury branding | |
Luxury brands | |
Luxury Company | |
luxury consumption | |
Luxury fashion | |
luxury goods | |
Luxury marketing | |
M | |
M-Commerce | |
Machine learning | |
Mall | |
Managerial coaching | |
Market Learning Capability | |
Market Orientation | |
market research | |
Market research module | |
Marketer-advertising agency | |
Marketing | |
marketing ambidexterity | |
Marketing Analytics in the Curriculum | |
Marketing Budget Allocation | |
Marketing Channels | |
marketing communications | |
Marketing Education | |
Marketing for social inclusion | |
Marketing History | |
marketing impact | |
marketing influence | |
marketing strategy | |
marketing technology | |
Marketing Theory | |
marketing thought | |
meals patterns | |
Meaningful Social Engagement | |
Measurement scale | |
Media Use Motivations | |
Mediation | |
mega-events | |
menswear | |
Mental imagery | |
Merchandise | |
message credibility | |
Message Framing | |
message persuasiveness | |
meta analysis | |
Meta-analysis | |
Micro influencer | |
Middle East | |
millennial | |
Millennial Generation | |
Millennials | |
Mindfulness | |
Mobile apps | |
Mobile commerce | |
model | |
Model selection | |
moderation | |
moral identity | |
motherhood | |
Motivation to Process | |
motivation-opportunity–ability framework | |
Motivations | |
Motivation–Opportunity–Ability Framework | |
Multi-Sided | |
multichannel retailing | |
multiple relationship quality | |
Music | |
mutual trust | |
N | |
Naive Bayes | |
Narrative advertisement | |
Nation brands | |
Navigability | |
Need for Interaction | |
need for touch (NFT) | |
Negative experience | |
Negative word-of-mouth | |
Neo-institutional theory | |
networks | |
Neuromarketing | |
new product adoption | |
New Product Development | |
New Product Performance | |
New products | |
Nigeria | |
Non-adoption | |
non-repurchase intention | |
None1 | |
None2 | |
None3 | |
Nonprofit and Nongovernmental Organizations | |
Nonprofit Organizations | |
Norway | |
Not-for-profit | |
nowcasting | |
NPD | |
NPO/NGO Marketing | |
O | |
Obesity | |
offline negative word-of-mouth | |
Omnichannel | |
Online communities | |
Online complaining | |
Online Consumer Behavior | |
online content format | |
Online Customer Journey | |
Online Daily Coupons | |
Online Gambling | |
online retailing | |
Online Reviews | |
Online Service Recovery | |
Open innovation | |
Opportunistic behavior | |
organic consumer behaviour | |
organic consumption | |
organic produce purchasing | |
Organizational citizenship behaviors | |
Organizational learning | |
Outlying Island Agriculture | |
Outside-in | |
Ownership | |
P | |
PAD scale | |
Pain | |
Pain of payment | |
parents | |
Partial least squares | |
Partial Least Squares (PLS) | |
Participative Leadership Style | |
partnership | |
Passenger behavior | |
Past | |
Past opportunistic behaviors | |
Patient experience | |
Patronage intention | |
PCA | |
Peer-influence | |
Peer-to-peer ridesharing | |
Perceived Authenticity | |
Perceived Benefits | |
Perceived betrayal | |
perceived brand age | |
Perceived enjoyment | |
Perceived justice | |
perceived moral obligation | |
Perceived performance | |
perceived quality | |
Perceived retailer service innovativeness | |
Perceived service advantage | |
Perceived Values | |
Performance | |
Personal Accomplishment | |
Personal Information | |
personal values | |
personality | |
personality and character traits | |
Personalization | |
persuasion | |
pharmaceutical | |
Philanthropy | |
pictograms | |
Pioneering Orientation | |
Place | |
place attachment | |
Planning prompts nudge | |
Platform | |
Point Collection | |
Point Redemption | |
political cause | |
Political Ideology | |
Political Marketing Communication | |
pre-loved | |
Present | |
Pressure to innovate | |
Prestige sensitivity | |
prevention | |
price consciousness | |
Price fairness | |
Price pressure | |
Price quality schema | |
price variation | |
Pricing | |
Principal Component Analysis | |
Principal-professional | |
Privacy | |
Private healthcare sector | |
private hospital | |
pro-environmental intention | |
pro-environmental self-identity | |
Proactivity | |
Processing Fluency | |
produce | |
Product adaptation | |
Product anthropomorphism | |
product attributes | |
product avoidance | |
Product Design | |
product innovation | |
product performance | |
product quality | |
Product type | |
Professional Services | |
professor brand | |
promotion | |
Propensity to Consume | |
Prospective Consumers | |
Psychological contract | |
psychological ownership | |
psychology of choice | |
Public health campaigns | |
public healthcare system | |
public hospital | |
public policy | |
Public self-consciousness | |
Public Sentiment | |
Public Transportation | |
purchase barriers | |
Purchase behavior | |
Purchase behaviour | |
purchase intent | |
Purchase intention | |
Purchase intentions | |
purchase motivators | |
Pushover manager | |
Q | |
Qualitative | |
Qualitative analysis | |
Qualitative comparative analysis | |
Qualitative research | |
Quality | |
Quality of Life | |
Quarter-life crisis | |
R | |
Readmission rates | |
Recall | |
Recession | |
recessions | |
Reconciliation | |
Redemption | |
Regionality | |
regulatory focus | |
regulatory focus fit | |
Relational Learning Capability | |
relationship learning | |
relationship marketing | |
Relationship Quality | |
relationships | |
Religious Commitment | |
Reminder systems | |
Repertory Grid Technique | |
reputation | |
Resilience | |
Resistance | |
Resource-advantage Theory | |
responsible consumption | |
Responsible consumption behavior | |
Restaurant Technology | |
restraint | |
Retail | |
Retail branding | |
retail competition | |
Retailing | |
retirement planning | |
retirement self-efficacy | |
Revenge | |
Review | |
Robots | |
Role Ambiguity | |
Role Identification | |
Role Stress | |
Rural marketing | |
S | |
Sales performance | |
sales promotion | |
Salespeople | |
Salesperson’s Proactivity | |
Salesperson’s Resilience | |
Satisfaction | |
Saudi Arabia | |
Saving energy | |
Scale | |
Scale Development | |
Scarcity | |
second-hand | |
security | |
Self-concecpt | |
Self-Control | |
Self-determination theory | |
self-disclosure | |
Self-efficacy | |
Self-expression | |
Self-expressive | |
Seller | |
Seller-Buyer Relationships | |
Semiotics | |
sensory marketing | |
Sentiment analysis | |
Service Climate | |
Service criticality | |
Service Dominant Logic | |
Service Encounter | |
Service evaluations | |
Service Experience | |
Service failure | |
service innovations | |
Service Logic | |
Service Management | |
Service network | |
Service Quality | |
Service recovery | |
Service retention | |
Service Robots | |
Service types | |
Service-Dominant Logic | |
services | |
services marketing | |
servitization | |
Set theory | |
Sharing | |
Sharing economy | |
Shopper satisfaction | |
Shopping | |
Shopping Mall | |
Shopping-cart abandonment | |
showrooming | |
Situational continuity | |
Small communities | |
Sociability | |
social cause | |
Social comparison orientation | |
social hazard | |
Social Identify Theory | |
Social inclusion | |
Social Influence | |
Social influence theory | |
Social Influencer Marketing | |
Social marketing | |
social media | |
social media anxiety | |
social media influencers | |
social media marketing | |
Social mission | |
Social Network Endorsement | |
social network positions | |
social networks | |
Social norms | |
Social Power | |
Social Proof | |
Social relations | |
social role theory | |
Social service robots | |
Social status | |
social threat appeals | |
social value | |
Social-recognition motivation | |
Solution salesperson | |
Solution selling | |
South Africa | |
spatial distance | |
Spending Decision | |
spillover | |
Sports marketing | |
stakeholders | |
start-up | |
startups | |
status | |
stock value | |
Store awareness | |
Store equity | |
Store image | |
Strategic alignment | |
Strategic change | |
Strategic marketing | |
Strategic orientation | |
Strategic orientations | |
Strategy | |
Structural equation modeling | |
structural equation modelling | |
Student and faculty experiential learning | |
Student stress reduction | |
study abroad | |
Study aids | |
subjective expected utility | |
Subsistence Marketplaces | |
Sugar-sweetened beverages | |
Supplier Dependence | |
Sustainability | |
sustainability labeled coffee | |
Sustainability Marketing | |
Sustainability orientation | |
Sustainable consumption | |
Sustainable food consumption | |
sustainable marketing | |
sustainable product | |
sustainable tourism | |
Switching barriers | |
Systematic Literature Review | |
Systematic Scoping Review | |
T | |
Tacit knowledge | |
Task-orientation | |
Teaching Marketing Metrics | |
team-building | |
Technical Innovation | |
Technology | |
Technology-Based Industrial Markets | |
tensions | |
territories | |
terrorism | |
Text Analysis | |
Text analytics | |
Text Mining | |
the theory of planned behavior (TPB) model | |
Theoretical Contribution | |
Theory of Planned Behaviour | |
Theory of relationship constraints | |
Threat appeals | |
time | |
Touch | |
touch interface | |
tourism | |
Tourism marketing | |
Tourist destination | |
trade | |
Transformative consumer research | |
Transportation | |
Trust | |
Trustworthiness | |
U | |
Uniqueness | |
unseen costs | |
Use and gratification theory | |
User-generated content site | |
User-generated Image | |
Utilitarian Company | |
V | |
Value | |
Value co-creation | |
Value Contribution | |
Value creation | |
Value Dimensions | |
Value in acquisition | |
Value in exchange | |
valued characteristics | |
Venture Creation Capability | |
Vice | |
vintage | |
Virtual Commerce | |
Virtual Hospitality | |
Virtual Reality | |
Virtual reality apps | |
Virtue and | |
Vision | |
Volunteer and Peer Support Appeals | |
VR Ecosystem | |
W | |
War | |
Warmth and competence | |
warnings | |
wealth inequality | |
Web personalization | |
Website Effectiveness | |
well-being | |
wholesale | |
Wholesaling | |
willingness to pay | |
Willingness to purchase luxury brands | |
Wine bloggers | |
Within subjects experimental design | |
WOM | |
women recreational hockey | |
womenswear | |
Word of Mouth | |
Work Engagement | |
Y | |
you-are-what-you-eat | |
Youth Olympic Games | |
Youth sport participation |