This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Abnormal Stock Return | |
accommodation | |
acquirer | |
acquisition performance | |
active learning | |
Advertising efficacy | |
Advertising symbols | |
Airbnb | |
Airline services industry | |
ambidexterity | |
anthropomorphism | |
asymmetries in risk | |
attractiveness | |
Attrition Management | |
authenticity | |
availability | |
B | |
B-Corps | |
B2B | |
B2B relationships | |
Banking industry | |
Bibliometrics | |
big data | |
Biotechnology | |
blockchain | |
Born global | |
Born global firms | |
Boundary spanning | |
Brand attitude | |
Brand Community | |
brand credibility | |
Brand Engagement | |
brand equity | |
brand forgiveness | |
brand globalness | |
brand identification | |
brand localness | |
Brand management | |
brand personality | |
Brand Relationships | |
Brand Stereotype | |
brand transgressions | |
Brand-extension strategies | |
Business network stability | |
business-to-business service | |
C | |
Celebrity endorsement | |
Celebrity Entrepreneur | |
Chile | |
China | |
Chronological age | |
Clarity | |
classroom diversity | |
climate change beliefs | |
Cobranding Announcement | |
cognitive age | |
collaborative innovation | |
collectivism | |
Commitment | |
communication | |
conflict | |
construal level | |
construal level theory | |
consumer | |
consumer affinity | |
consumer animosity | |
consumer behavior | |
consumer behaviour | |
Consumer Culture Positioning | |
Consumer culture positioning strategies | |
consumer engagement | |
consumer ethics | |
Consumer Ethnocentrism | |
consumer intentions | |
consumer purchase intention | |
Consumers xenocentrism | |
consumption | |
Content marketing | |
Control-based strategy | |
COO | |
COO-related effects | |
corporate discourse | |
Corporate social irresponsibility | |
corporate social responsibility | |
cosmopolitanism | |
Country image | |
country of origin | |
country-of-origin | |
cross-border | |
cross-cultural | |
Cross-cultural comparison | |
cross-cultural consumer behaviour | |
cross-cultural interaction | |
cross-cultural research | |
cross-culture | |
cross-nation | |
Cross-national differences | |
crowdfund | |
Crowdfunding | |
Crowdsourcing | |
Cruise lines | |
CSR | |
CSR support | |
Cultural cluster | |
Cultural dimensions | |
cultural values | |
culturally motivated pricing | |
Culture | |
Customer Delight | |
Customer engagement | |
Customer Engagement Value | |
customer experience | |
customer interaction | |
customer journey | |
Customer Relationship capabilities | |
Customer satisfaction | |
customer value | |
D | |
Data mining | |
decisionmaking | |
destination | |
Diaspora marketing | |
Differentiation | |
digital education | |
digital infrastructure | |
digital paywall | |
Digital piracy behaviour | |
digitalization | |
Distrust | |
diversification | |
domestic country bias | |
domestic/foreign brands | |
downside losses | |
dual-attitudes | |
Dynamic capability | |
E | |
e-commerce | |
e-WOM | |
economic factors | |
Education | |
Efficacy | |
Elderly | |
emerging economy | |
Emerging market | |
Emerging Markets | |
emerging research trend in marketing | |
enablers | |
Entrepreneurial firm | |
entrepreneurship | |
environmental psychology | |
environmentalism | |
enviropreneurial orientation | |
ethical branding advantage | |
ethical marketing | |
ethical product strategy | |
Ethics | |
ethnic product typicality | |
Ethnocentrism | |
Evasive answer bias | |
Event Study | |
Expansion Pace | |
Experiential products | |
experiment | |
Experimental Research | |
experiments | |
exploitation | |
exploration | |
Export assistance | |
export barriers | |
Export customer relationships | |
export performance | |
export product strategy | |
exporting | |
exporting SMEs | |
Eyetracking | |
F | |
Facebook brand communities | |
fair trade | |
Fashion consciousness | |
fashion specialty retail | |
fast-moving consumer goods | |
Firm growth | |
Firm-specific advantage | |
Food and Beverages | |
Food chain | |
For-benefit organisations | |
foreign backers | |
Foreign exit | |
foreign product purchase | |
Foreign sounding brand names | |
Foreign Subsidiary | |
foreign versus domestic markets | |
France/Germany | |
franchising | |
Fuzzy expert system | |
G | |
Gender | |
general factor of personality | |
global brand management | |
global brands | |
Global Consumer Culture | |
Global Consumer Research | |
Global Contingencies | |
global identity | |
global innovation | |
Global marketing | |
Global Marketing Capabilities | |
global marketing research | |
global media industry | |
global retail brand | |
global sales strategy | |
globalization | |
grafting | |
gravity models | |
growth mindset | |
H | |
happiness | |
health care | |
Health Care Marketing | |
Heterogeneity | |
hierarchical loyalty programs | |
I | |
Inbound internationalization | |
India | |
individualism | |
industry orientation | |
innovation | |
Innovation capability | |
innovation collaboration | |
Innovation Diffusion | |
institutional environment | |
institutional theory | |
International advertising | |
international entrepreneurial orientation | |
international expansion | |
international joint ventures | |
international market knowledge | |
International market selection | |
international marketing | |
International marketing strategy | |
international markets | |
international performance | |
international retailing | |
international services | |
Internationalization | |
internationalization barriers | |
internationalization intention | |
internet penetration | |
Interorganizational exchange | |
Interpersonal trust | |
Interpersonal trust development | |
Interrupted time-series analysis | |
Item nonresponse | |
J | |
Japan | |
Jordan | |
K | |
Key Account Management | |
Key Account Manager | |
Knowledge acquisition | |
Knowledge appropriability mechanisms | |
Knowledgeability | |
L | |
lack of money | |
Language Labeling | |
Language proficiency | |
Late starter | |
Learning by Doing | |
life satisfaction | |
liking | |
local brands | |
Local Consumer Culture | |
local firm | |
loyalty | |
Loyalty Programs | |
Luxury | |
luxury brands | |
Luxury Goods | |
luxury services | |
M | |
Managerial Decision Making | |
managerial perception | |
Market entry | |
market orientation | |
Market Sensing | |
market turbulence | |
marketing | |
Marketing capability | |
Marketing Doctrine | |
Marketing Mix Standardization | |
marketing strategy | |
Material products | |
mathematical model | |
measurement invariance | |
medical tourism | |
membership maintenance | |
membership upgrading | |
Meta-Analysis | |
Micro-finance | |
Mid-level managers | |
mixed method approach | |
MNCs in Developing Countries | |
MNEs | |
Mobile social media advertising | |
Model | |
moral views | |
Morocco | |
Mortality salience | |
motivation | |
Movies | |
multi-level modeling | |
multidimensional customer-based brand equity | |
Multinational corporations | |
Multiple country-of-brand origins | |
music and software industry | |
N | |
national cultures | |
national identity | |
Nationalism | |
Need for Cognition | |
New Product Success | |
new store openings | |
newspaper | |
non-sensory product | |
Non-Student Sample | |
normative source | |
Nostalgic products | |
O | |
olive oil supply chain | |
omnichannel | |
online consumer experience | |
Online engagement | |
online purchase | |
online retail | |
online retailing | |
online reviews | |
Open Innovation | |
Operations capability | |
organic goods | |
organizational legitimacy | |
organizational slack | |
out-of-stocks | |
outward FDI | |
P | |
P2P platform | |
panel unit-root testing | |
Patent litigation | |
Pedagogy | |
perceived customer bias | |
Perceptual Inaccuracies | |
performance | |
Platform business | |
political causes | |
Political Orientation | |
power distance orientation | |
Prediction | |
Principles | |
privacy | |
Private labels | |
Proactive nostalgia | |
Product Development Capabilities | |
product innovation | |
programs | |
progress framing | |
Propositions | |
protectionism | |
proximity | |
Public Interest | |
purchase | |
purchase behavior | |
Q | |
Qualitative | |
Qualitative Research | |
quality systems | |
R | |
R&D capability | |
regulatory focus | |
Regulatory quality | |
Relational Competences | |
Relational Dynamics | |
relational governance | |
relationship development | |
Relationship Marketing | |
relationship value and switching cost dependence | |
Religion exports | |
reputation | |
Reputational advantage | |
responsible enterprise | |
Responsible tourism | |
retail | |
retailer-owned brands | |
Retention Strategies Scale | |
Return behavior | |
Return policies | |
S | |
S-D logic | |
Sales | |
salient | |
sanctions fear theory | |
Satellite Data | |
Satisfaction | |
Scale Development | |
scent marketing | |
self-construal | |
self-disclosure | |
self-esteem | |
Self-Perception | |
self-product congruity attitude | |
senior models | |
Sense of community theory | |
sensory cues | |
sensory marketing | |
sensory product | |
Sentiments | |
Service business | |
Service Ethnocentrism | |
Service Fairness | |
service network | |
Service Quality | |
Services | |
Sharing Economy | |
Shopping intention | |
Signaling Theory | |
Signalling Theory | |
Skill | |
Slow internationalizer | |
Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) | |
SME | |
social causes | |
Social content marketing strategy | |
Social Identity | |
social identity threat | |
social influences | |
Social media | |
Social media engagement | |
social norms | |
social responsibility | |
Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Model | |
specialization | |
Sports Marketing | |
Stakeholder engagement | |
Stakeholder theory | |
States of India | |
Status consumption | |
stereotype content model | |
stereotypes | |
Store characteristics | |
Strategic international entry | |
strategy | |
Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm | |
student resilience | |
Subjective age | |
substitution costs | |
Survey questionnaires | |
sustainability | |
sustainability labelling | |
sustainable business | |
Sustainable strategy | |
synthetic control | |
systematic risk | |
T | |
teaching and learning | |
technology | |
the over-fifty market | |
Theme parks | |
Theory of news value | |
Theory of Planned Behavior | |
threats | |
TMT commitment | |
Tobin’s q | |
tourism | |
tourism services | |
tourists behaviour | |
trade war | |
Training | |
transaction costs | |
transformation expectations | |
triad | |
TripAdvisor | |
trust | |
Trust incongruence | |
Trust Transference | |
U | |
U.S. and Japan | |
UK | |
United Arab Emirates | |
United Arab Emirates (UAE) | |
upside gains | |
Urban middle-class consumers | |
User Generated Reviews | |
V | |
value co-creation | |
W | |
WeChat local moments promotional advertising | |
Word-of-mouth | |
Y | |
young audience |