Days: Sunday, June 16th Monday, June 17th Tuesday, June 18th Wednesday, June 19th Thursday, June 20th Friday, June 21st
Sunday, June 16th
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Monday, June 17th
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09:30-10:45 Session C1: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Technologies - Part 1
09:30 | Analysis of Satellite Imagery Sources for Change Detection Mapping of Livingston Island, South Shetlands Archipelago (abstract) PRESENTER: Lyubka Pashova |
09:45 | PRISMA Second Generation Concept Design for Optimized Data Acquisition and Responsiveness in Disaster Management (abstract) PRESENTER: Ilaria Cannizzaro |
10:00 | An Iteration Algorithm of Aerosol Retrieval from Dual-Wavelength Mie Lidar Observations (abstract) |
10:15 | Hyperspectral Image Classification with Bagging and Boosting Ensemble Methods (abstract) |
10:30 | Citizens’ Perception Mapping of Urban Public Space Lighting Based on Nighttime Light Remote Sensing Imagery (abstract) PRESENTER: Weili Jiao |
09:30-10:45 Session L1: Map Design and Production - part 1
09:30 | Cartographic and GIS Products and Their Long-Term Digital Preservation (abstract) PRESENTER: Martin Rechtorik |
09:45 | GeoBlueTrail: a Middle-Scale Geotourist Map Series in Hungary (abstract) PRESENTER: Márton Pál |
10:00 | Models and Model System – Theoretical Aspects and Opportunities of Projections and Prognosis (abstract) |
10:15 | Examples of Modern Uses of Historical Land Cadastre Maps in Legal Procedures in Poland (abstract) PRESENTER: Barbara Prus |
10:30 | Developing of Algorithm for Land Surface Temperature Calculating and Mapping. Case Study: Mitrovica Municipality in Kosova (abstract) PRESENTER: Petar Penev |
09:30-13:00 Session P1: Poster session
The Power of Maps - from Maps for Legal Purposes to Maps for Investment Use – Lessons from Poland (abstract) PRESENTER: Barbara Prus |
Using of UAV Data for Monitoring of Organic Einkorn (abstract) PRESENTER: Milen Chanev |
Comparison of 3D Model Creation Methods of Historical Objects (abstract) PRESENTER: Ondrej Vystavel |
Smart Civil Engineering Supported by Geodesy and Cartography (abstract) PRESENTER: Ondrej Vystavel |
Relating Grassland Use Intensity Components to the Temporal and Phenological Patterns of Earth Observation Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Šimon Opravil |
Expert Interpretation of Satellite Imagery: the Role of Field Practices in Training Specialists for Artificial Intelligence Image Analysis (abstract) |
10:45-11:15Coffee Break
11:15-12:30 Session C2: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Technologies - Part 2
11:15 | Analysis of the Condition of Forests Occupying Floodplain Terraces Along the Lower Current of Veleka River for the 2021-2023 Period Using Remotely Sensed Data (abstract) |
11:30 | Radiometric Characteristics and Calibration of Multi-spectral LiDAR Intensity Data: Physical Analysis and Experiment Validation (abstract) |
11:45 | Land Use Land Cover Classification of Rwanda using Machine Learning in Google Earth Engine (GEE) (abstract) PRESENTER: László Zentai |
12:00 | Remote Sensing and GIS-Based Spatial Mapping and Analysis of Forest Fire Impact on Different Cadastral Property Types (abstract) |
12:15 | Detecting farmland shelterbelts based on deep learning method and Sentinel-2 data in Northeast China Plain (abstract) PRESENTER: Hui Ma |
11:15-12:30 Session L2: Map Design and Production - part 2
11:15 | The new State Map Series of the Czech Republic by the Land Survey Office (abstract) |
11:30 | Flood Risk Assessment Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process: a Case Study of Bozkurt District, Kastamonu Province (abstract) PRESENTER: Muhammed Enes Atik |
11:45 | Technology for the Development of Tactile Maps of Historic Gardens (abstract) |
12:00 | Comparison of Automatic Cartographic Generalization Using Object-Based Image Classification (abstract) |
12:15 | Sofia Real Time Traffic Spatial Modeling Based on Temporal Probe Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Aleksandar Todorov |
12:30-14:30Lunch Time
15:30-16:30 Session KS1: Keynote Session - 1
15:30 | Earth Observation and its Challenges |
16:00 | Exploring Digital Earth and the Metaverse |
16:30-17:00Coffee Break
17:00-18:00 Session KS2: Keynote Session - 2
17:00 | To be announced |
17:30 | About the Default Nature of Maps |
Tuesday, June 18th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:30 Session C3: UAV Applications and New Trends
09:00 | Comprehensive Reconstruction of the Pre-Dam Landscape in the Vltava River Valley Using Advanced Geoinformatics Methods (abstract) PRESENTER: Tomáš Janata |
09:15 | Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Techniques for UAV Image Semantic Segmentation (abstract) |
09:30 | GIS-Based UAV Route Planning for Disaster Management (abstract) PRESENTER: Edina Hajdú |
09:45 | Algorithm for Aerosol Retrieval Regarding the Polarization of Coarse and Fine Mode (abstract) PRESENTER: Weiyuan Yao |
10:00 | Development of Ecological State Maps of the Yertysh River Territory Using UAVs for Monitoring Changes in the Region's Ecological Balance (abstract) PRESENTER: Marzhan Toguzova |
10:15 | Identification/Extraction of Plane-Circular Feature from Aerial Photographs UAV (abstract) PRESENTER: Plinio Temba |
09:00-10:30 Session ISDE L3: Special ISDE Plenary Session “Digital Earth: Geospatial Sources, Technologies and Visualization”
09:00 | ISDE: An International Collaboration Platform |
09:15 | Digital Twins and Disaster Risk Reduction (abstract) |
09:30 | Glacier Velocity Monitoring Using Satellite SAR Images (abstract) PRESENTER: Adrian Yordanov |
09:45 | Underwater Terrain Visualization on Map Platforms Enhanced by WEBGPU (abstract) PRESENTER: Yucheng Shu |
10:00 | Spatial Data Visualization in Collaborative iVR (abstract) PRESENTER: Zdeněk Stachoň |
10:15 | Discussion |
09:00-13:00 Session P2: Poster session
Spatial Data Infrastructure Optimization through Segment-Based Algorithm Integration: A Case Study of Armenian NSDI (abstract) PRESENTER: Mariam Petrosyan |
Thematic Mapping of Bulgarian Forests Based on Multi-Frequency SAR Data (abstract) |
Feasibility Analysis of Road Defect Inspection Using Laser Deflection Based on Spatial Correlations (abstract) PRESENTER: Jiasong Zhu |
Using Satellite Data to Identify Heterogeneity in Wheat Crop Development from Organic Einkorn (abstract) PRESENTER: Milen Chanev |
Dynamics of the Urban Territory of Istanbul Province (Republic of Türkiye) for the 1985-2018 Period (abstract) PRESENTER: Velimira Stoyanova |
Thermal Remote Sensing of Vegetation in Research and Education (abstract) |
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Session C4: GIS Technologies and Related Disciplines
11:00 | The Spatiotemporal Database of the Territory - a Tool for Studying Changes in the Landscape (abstract) PRESENTER: Michal Kepka |
11:15 | The Linear Morphostructures Identification and Mapping, Using DEM Analysis. Case Study of the Territory of the Republic of Armenia (abstract) PRESENTER: Lilit Sargsyan |
11:30 | Digital Analysis of Spatial Distribution of the Pulmonary Cancer in Romania (abstract) PRESENTER: Andreea Karina Gruia |
11:45 | Data System Development of the Hungarian National Geosite Inventory (HUNGI) (abstract) PRESENTER: Márton Pál |
12:00 | GIS Analysis of the State of Natural-Territorial Complexes and Time Scale (abstract) |
12:15 | Methods of Spatial Data Analysis in the Federal State Information System "Unified Digital Platform "National Spatial Data System" (abstract) PRESENTER: Oleg Barsukov |
11:00-12:30 Session L4: Cartography and GIS in Education
11:00 | ESRI Bulgaria |
11:15 | History of Cartographic Higher Education in Hungary: 70th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Department of Cartography, EöTvöS LoráNd University (abstract) |
11:30 | The Role of Cartography in the Teaching of School Geography, Taking into Account Modern Trends (on the Example of Georgia) (abstract) PRESENTER: Saba Modebadze |
11:45 | Map Compilation and “VGI” Contribution by Secondary School Students in VITI - Kosova (abstract) PRESENTER: Bashkim Idrizi |
12:00 | Preliminary Study on Narrative Map Design for History Teaching in Middle School (abstract) PRESENTER: Xiaoyan Liu |
12:15 | Current Questions in the Design and Production of Maps for Studying the Earth Sciences Module in Universities (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Darya Glebova |
12:30-14:30Lunch Time
14:30-16:00 Session L5: Cartography and GIS in Education
14:30 | Storytelling in School Cartography: Experiences and Proposals (abstract) |
14:45 | Common Data Environment (CDE) in the Context of the Process of Education and Presentation of Geodata (abstract) PRESENTER: Ondrej Vystavel |
15:00 | Integrating Geospatial Techniques into Learners' School Curriculum to Mitigate Climate Change (abstract) PRESENTER: Catherine Njore |
15:15 | ReMAP - a New Life for out-of-Date Maps (abstract) PRESENTER: Edina Hajdú |
15:30 | Between Tradition and Technology: A Comparison of School World Atlases Regarding Aspects Affecting Map Readers (abstract) |
15:45 | Cartography and GIS in Education. Geospatial Digital Engineering: Training of Specialists and Implementation of Technologies in the Real Sector of Economy. (abstract) |
16:00-17:00 Session CM1: Commission Meeting - ICA Commission on Cartography and Children
Wednesday, June 19th
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09:00-10:30 Session C5: Cartographic Visualization - Part 1
09:00 | Defining Terrain Passability on a Detailed Level Based on Open-Source Data – a Case Study of Selected Regions in Poland (abstract) PRESENTER: Wojciech Dawid |
09:15 | Cartographic Analysis of Earthquake Hazard and Risk Maps for the Sofia Region (abstract) PRESENTER: Lyubka Pashova |
09:30 | Electronic atlas and geoinformation system of the unified tourist-recreational complex (on the example of Racha-Lechkhumi and Zemo Imereti (Georgia)) (abstract) PRESENTER: Tengiz Gordeziani |
09:45 | The Impact of Land Consolidation on the Change of Landscape Structure: Case Studies from Slovakia (abstract) PRESENTER: Monika Kopecká |
10:00 | The Visualization of Data Used in Public Administration Applying Cartographic Techniques (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexandra Grecu |
10:15 | Sightlines of Democracy: An Eye-Tracking Study on Election Map Engagement (abstract) PRESENTER: Stanislav Popelka |
09:00-10:30 Session L6: 3D Cartographic Modelling
09:00 | Interactive Cartography of Air Quality: a Method for Traffic Pollution Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Karel Jedlicka |
09:15 | Cultural Heritage and Geodiversity in One Place: the Rozafa Castle in Albania (abstract) PRESENTER: Drisela Kraja |
09:30 | Map as a Tool for Community Building in Distance Education Institutions (abstract) PRESENTER: Marketa Beitlova |
09:45 | Immersive 3D Geovisualizations of Geosites in Different Scales. Combining High-Resolution UAV Data with a Virtual Reality Environment (abstract) PRESENTER: Apostolos Papakonstantinou |
10:00 | Czech Railways: Integrating Historical Data and 3D Visualization Techniques (abstract) PRESENTER: Vojtěch Cehák |
10:15 | 3D Maps for Education Purposes: New Classification and Modern Design (abstract) |
09:00-13:00 Session P3: Poster session
Mapping and Modelling of 27 Sept 2021 Crete Earthquake Deformation (abstract) PRESENTER: Mila Atanasova-Zlatareva |
Creating Earthquake Maps for the Using GIS (abstract) PRESENTER: Mila Atanasova-Zlatareva |
Interactive Web Map of Earthquakes in the Balkan Peninsula (abstract) PRESENTER: Petar Latunov |
GIS Modeling of Natural Factors for Flood Risk Assessment in the Mesta River Basin (SW Bulgaria) (abstract) PRESENTER: Petja Ivanova-Radovanova |
Cartographic Analysis of Avalanche Danger in the Mountainous Region of Adjara (abstract) PRESENTER: Sophio Gorgijanidze |
Spatio-Temporal Data Model and GIS-Based Analysis for Assessing the Risk and Predicting the Impact of Snowstorms, Blizzards and Icing on Transport Infrastructure: Study for the Territory of Bulgaria (abstract) PRESENTER: Tamara Ilieva |
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:15 Session C6: Cartographic Visualization - Part 2
11:00 | Chorematic Diagrams – a Visual Representation of the Reality (abstract) PRESENTER: Dariusz Dukaczewski |
11:15 | Mapping and GIS analysis of landscape diversity of Georgia (in the background of the world) (abstract) PRESENTER: Gocha Gudzuadze |
11:30 | Evaluation and Selection of Methods and Forms of Cartographic Presentation of Demographic Indicators (abstract) PRESENTER: Marko Simić |
11:45 | An attempt to arrange the Landscape and Soil maps with the cartographic and GIS methods (Soil Map of Georgia on landscape basis) (abstract) PRESENTER: Robert Maglakelidze |
12:00 | Cartographic Image and Engineering Psychology (abstract) |
11:00-12:15 Session L7: Web Cartography and Digital Atlases
11:00 | Geospatial Analysis of Ski Resorts in Central Europe: Evaluating the Attractiveness of an Area Based on Data and GIT (abstract) |
11:15 | Information Sharing and Multi-Level Publishing Service Platform Construction of Thematic Atlas (abstract) PRESENTER: Xiaomei Gao |
11:30 | Web GIS Application for the Valorisation of Archaeological Resources in the Dobrogea Region (abstract) PRESENTER: Vasile Gabriel Dascălu |
11:45 | Exploring Methods for Evaluation of Dynamic and Interactive Maps (abstract) PRESENTER: Tomáš Vaníček |
12:00 | Geoinformation Web Mapping of Socio-Demographic Processes of the Regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (abstract) PRESENTER: Roza Kelinbayeva |
12:15-13:15 Session CM2: Commission Meeting - ICA Commission on Maps and the Internet
13:15-14:30Lunch Time
14:30-16:00 Session Seminar L8: Seminar on Disaster Risk Reduction - Solutions and Innovations
14:30 | Scenario Cognition for Urban Disaster Response Based on the User Attention Model - the Progress of CJISTCP (abstract) PRESENTER: Jie Shen |
14:45 | Large Forest Fire in Bohemian Switzerland National Park – GIS Support of the Emergency Management (abstract) |
15:00 | Investigation of Avalanche-Prone Areas of East Kazakhstan Based on Space Imagery Materials (abstract) PRESENTER: Zhanna Assylkhanova |
15:15 | Quality of OSM Data in the Context of Their Use in the Crisis Management Process (abstract) PRESENTER: Krzysztof Pokonieczny |
15:30 | OGC API and LDPROXY: an Updated and Contemporary Approach to Geodata Provision in Disaster Mapping (abstract) PRESENTER: Franz-Josef Behr |
15:45 | Leveraging Web Mapping for Enhanced Rockfall Hazard Understanding and Mitigation: A Case Study in the Imereti Limestone Massif (Georgia)" (abstract) PRESENTER: Nikoloz Kapanadze |
16:00-17:00 Session CM3: Commission Meeting - ICA Commission on Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management
Thursday, June 20th
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09:00-10:15 Session L9: Digital Transformation and Digital Twins | Geoinformation for Smart Cities
09:00 | On the combination of dynamic features into 3D city models (abstract) PRESENTER: Michal Kepka |
09:15 | Integrating BIM and GIS: Experiences with Different Data Formats and Software Packages (abstract) PRESENTER: Özlem Korkmaz |
09:30 | Urban Green Spaces Classification and Mapping Using Remote Sensing Data: Sofia Case Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Rumiana Vatseva |
09:45 | Integration of Landmarks Extracted from Human Route Descriptions Using NLP into Indoor Navigation Network Model (abstract) |
10:00 | Using Geoinformation In Evaluating Istanbul with Smart City Indexes Focusing on Smart Living & Smart People (abstract) PRESENTER: Sezin Çidam |
09:00-13:00 Session P4: Poster session
Stakeholders Insights on the Geological Maps Accessibility and Usability in Poland (abstract) PRESENTER: Katarzyna Jóźwik |
Mapping the Tourist Infrastructure of the Rural Areas (for Example the Stara Planina Tourist Region) Using GIS Technologies (abstract) |
Evaluation of Complexity and Similarity of Line Objects for Cartographic Generalization (abstract) |
GIS Application in Forest Mapping and Inventory Using Aerial Orthoimages (abstract) |
Pindus Trail Navigator: a Webmap Application for the Long-Distance Mountain Path of Pindus Trail, Pindos Mountain Range, Greece (abstract) PRESENTER: Panagiotis Sotirios Dittopoulos |
Eye Tracking in Cartography: Research on the Perception of Symbols and Sign Systems in Web Maps (abstract) |
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
10:45-12:00 Session L10: Geospatial Analysis and Data Mining - Part 1
10:45 | Fine Grained Bike-Sharing Demand Forecasting with an Interpretable Multi-Level Graph Neural Network (abstract) PRESENTER: Jingbiao Chen |
11:00 | Application of SLAM LIDAR Scanning for 3D Digitalization of the Murfatlar Rock Complex in Romania (abstract) PRESENTER: Asparuh Kamburov |
11:15 | Digital Mapping of the Tuberculosis in Romania Using GIS Technologies (abstract) PRESENTER: Andreea Karina Gruia |
11:30 | Map of Tomorrow: How AI Is Transforming Modern Cartography (abstract) |
11:45 | Fire Stations in the Forestry Around the World: Data, Infrastructure and Features to Manage Forest Fires (abstract) |
12:00-14:00Lunch Time
14:00-15:30 Session L11: Map Projections and Geodetic Coordinate Systems | Geospatial Analysis and Data Mining Part 2
14:00 | Standard Parallels Choice for Lambert Conformal Conic Projection for Bulgaria - BGS2005 (abstract) PRESENTER: Temenoujka Bandrova |
14:15 | Conic Map Projections with Coincident Secant and Standard Parallels (abstract) |
14:30 | Parallel Computation of Flow Directions and Flow Accumulation on Hexagonal Discrete Global Grid System (abstract) PRESENTER: Anastasia Shurygina |
14:45 | Borders in Czech lands as a cultural-historical phenomenon (abstract) PRESENTER: František Mužík |
15:00 | Physical-Geographical and Cartometric Analysis of the Border Zone of the South-Eastern Part of the Georgian-Azerbaijani State Border (Davit Gareja Monastery Complex and Adjacent Territories) (abstract) PRESENTER: Revaz Tolordava |
15:15 | Application of the Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (Rema) for the Mapping of Tangra Mountains on Livingston Island (abstract) PRESENTER: Asparuh Kamburov |
14:00-16:00 Session W: Workshop - Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environments as a Tool for Enhancing Social Cohesion: Studium Terra Incognita
15:30-16:30 Session CM4: Commission Meeting - ICA Commission on Map Projections
Friday, June 21st
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09:00-13:00 Session P5: Poster session
Management of Floods Caused by Blocking of River Valleys by Cartographic Method (abstract) PRESENTER: Sopio Gorgijanidze |
Application of GIS in Labor Force Development in the Rural Areas of North East Bulgaria (abstract) |
Land Use and Land Cover Change in the Chepinska Valley for 30 Years Period (abstract) PRESENTER: Velimira Stoyanova |
A Geological 3D Model of Koziakas Mountain Range, Thessaly, Central Greece (abstract) PRESENTER: Panagiotis Sotirios Dittopoulos |
Remote Sensing and Gis Application in Surface Water Quality Assessment: an Example from the Chepinska River Basin (Western Rhodopes, Bulgaria) (abstract) PRESENTER: Emilia Tcherkezova |
Designing a Spatial Database for the Anthropogenic Impact on the Natural Environment at River Basin Scale: a Case Study of the Chepinska River Basin (Western Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria) (abstract) PRESENTER: Emilia Tcherkezova |
09:30-11:00 Session L12: GIS for Geology, Natural Sciences and Ecosystems - Part 1
09:30 | Application of Geospatial Analyzes in the Detection of Traffic Accident Patterns (abstract) PRESENTER: Suzana Lović Obradović |
09:45 | GIS Analysis of the Results of Polluting Substances Influence on the Example of the Zestafoni Municipality (Georgia) (abstract) |
10:00 | Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for Agricultural Surveys (abstract) PRESENTER: Yana Lipiyska |
10:15 | Development of Geographic Information Systems in Georgia − Contemporary Challenges (abstract) |
10:30 | Development and Implementation Model in GIS for Water Pipe Criticality Assessment (abstract) PRESENTER: Amir Rexha |
10:45 | Restoration of Biodiversity and Spatial Management of Landscape Planning (on the Example of Bolnisi Municipality - Georgia) (abstract) PRESENTER: Lali Goginava |
11:00-11:30Coffee Break
11:30-12:45 Session L13: GIS for Geology, Natural Sciences and Ecosystems - Part 2
11:30 | Landscape-Ecological Assessment Mapping and GIS Analysis of Adjara and Upper Svaneti (abstract) PRESENTER: Gocha Gudzuadze |
11:45 | The creation and development of an integrated database of land resources in Georgia using GIS technologies (abstract) |
12:00 | Floods Vulnerability Detection by the GIS Topographic Position Index. the Blato River Case Study (abstract) |
12:15 | GIS Technologies in Geological Research of East Kazakhstan (abstract) PRESENTER: Yerkebulan Bekishev |
12:30 | Evaluative Cartography and GIS Analysis of Viticulture (on the example of Kakheti region, Georgia) (abstract) |