Days: Monday, March 4th Tuesday, March 5th Wednesday, March 6th Thursday, March 7th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
- Welcome Neil Ebenezer, Team Leader, HVT (
- Africa Urban Mobility Observatory (AUMO), Justin Coetzee, GoMetro,
Africa Urban Mobility Observatory Role of Informal Paratransit Report: Big Data to Enable Inclusive, Low-Carbon Mobility’
- Computer vision for public transport, Sierra Leone, Giles Lipscombe, ITP
- Tackling Africa’s road safety and emissions from the source, Uganda, Michael Wanyama, AutoSafety
- Decision Support Systems for Resilient Strategic Transport Networks in Low Income Countries, University of Southampton and University of Oxford. Mbayang Thiam, UAD
‘FINAL REPORT: Decision support systems for resilient strategic transport networks in low-income countries’
- Road Note 31, Angella Lekea, TRL
‘Road Note 31: A Guide to the Structural Design of Surfaced Roads in Tropical and Sub-tropical Regions (online edition)’
- City Retrofit, Carolyne Mimona, ITDP
‘Final Report and Capacity Building Strategy: City Retrofit for All’
‘Inclusive TOD in Eastern Africa: A Guide to Local Development Planning’
- Transitions, in informal public transport and the role of Inclusive Interchanges, LAMATA and Vectos (SLR), Tim Durant, Vectos and Seun Sonoiki, LAMATA.
‘Informal Public Transport Routemap & City Comparative Analysis: Executive Summary’
- Walking at the heart of transport, Carly Koinange, UNEP
‘Our walking is our asset’: Exploring the way in which walking is valued in pedestrian practice and policy in African cities’
- She Can tool, Seun Sonoiki, LAMATA.
‘Tackling Sexual Harassment in sub-Saharan African Transport: Changing Attitudes, Meeting Needs’
- Overseas Road Note 21 – Enhancing the Mobility of Disabled People: A Guidelines for Practitioners, Tom Fleming, ITP.
‘Road Note 21 (RN21): Enhancing the mobility of people with disabilities. Part 1: Guidelines for Policymakers’
‘Road Note 21 (RN21): Enhancing the mobility of people with disabilities. Part 2: Guidelines for Practitioners’
- Safety and Mobility Challenges for Persons with Disabilities living in Mekelle City, Dmtsu Gebremariam, Mekelle University
- Using Creative Participatory Approaches for Inclusive Climate Resilient Transport in Africa. Gary Haq, SEI and the University of York.
‘Using creative participatory approaches for inclusive climate resilient transport in Africa: Guidelines for Practitioners’
‘Utilisation d’approches participatives et innovantes pour un transport inclusif et résistant au changement climatique en Afrique’
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
10:55 | Gendered Differences in Mobility and the Demand for Transport in Ethiopia (abstract) PRESENTER: Anastasiia Arbuzova |
11:20 | CANCELLED (abstract) PRESENTER: Fritz Grosse-Weischede |
11:45 | Gender and Power Relations in Transport Sector: Sexual Harassment in Public Transport in Nairobi, Kenya (abstract) PRESENTER: Judith Waudo |
12:10 | Evaluating Transit Safety of Women Traders in Last-Mile Supply Chain in Metropolitan Lagos (abstract) PRESENTER: Fagbenro Abiola |
12:35 | Building capacity of transport professionals in African cities to more effectively address sexual harassment of women when they travel |
10:55 | Comparing Walking Infrastructure Quality & User Experience in Sub-Saharan African Secondary Cities: a Case Study of Nakuru (Kenya) and Jinja (Uganda) (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Gladys Nyachieo |
11:20 | Paving the Path to People's Wellness: a Comprehensive Review of Walkable Road Investments in Southwestern Nigeria's State Budgets (abstract) |
11:45 | From Roads to Public Space: Walking with Different Identities to Understand an Urban Intervention (abstract) PRESENTER: Sara Marquez Martin |
12:10 | The Influence of Urban Street Infrastructure on Pedestrian Well-Being on Kotokuraba Street, Cape Coast, Ghana (abstract) PRESENTER: Caroline Matara |
12:35 | The Relationship Between Street Design and Walking in the Global South: a Systematic Review (abstract) PRESENTER: Karel Martens |
10:55 | Comparing National Road Safety Culture Among Bus Drivers in Norway and Ghana (abstract) PRESENTER: Enoch F Sam |
11:20 | Accident Blackspot Evaluation Study on Trunk Roads in the Eastern Region of Ghana (abstract) PRESENTER: Elizabeth Arjarquah |
11:45 | Framework Conditions, Driving Style, and Passenger Falls Among Bus Drivers in Ghana and Norway (abstract) PRESENTER: Jenny Blom |
12:10 | Drivers’ Perception of Road Safety in African Cities, with a Focus on Kampala City in Uganda (abstract) PRESENTER: Moris Thibenda |
12:35 | Safety and Mobility Challenges for Persons with Disabilities living in Mekelle City |
10:55 | The Political Economy of Adoption and Implementation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Case Study of Proposed Nairobi BRT (abstract) PRESENTER: Francisco Achwoka |
11:20 | Enhancing Governance for Inclusive Urban Transport Policy Reform: a Case Study of the Bus Rapid Transit System in Tanzania (abstract) PRESENTER: Leonard Mwesigwa |
11:45 | Institutional Factors Influencing Transport Innovation Implementation: the Case of Accra’s Bus Rapid Transit Project. (abstract) PRESENTER: Edmund Teko |
12:10 | Phasing-in Bus Transit Systems in Cities with Low Public Transport Regulation: an International Comparison and Policy Lessons (abstract) PRESENTER: Emmanuel Theodore Asimeng |
12:35 | Can Electric Shared Mobility Increase the Effectiveness of Feeder Systems to Bus Rapid Transit Stations in African Cities? (abstract) PRESENTER: Shukurat Bankole |
10:55 | Advancing Socially Just Public Transport in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Case of Kenya and Zambia (abstract) PRESENTER: Catherine Gateri |
11:20 | Assessing Equity in Mobility Through Shared Risks and Misfortunes. (abstract) |
11:45 | Bringing Moral Clarity to Urban Planning: Developing Data-Driven Metrics of Spatial Justice for Neighbourhood Accessibility (abstract) PRESENTER: Ruth Nelson |
12:10 | ‘It Troubles Much the Heart’: Mobility Poverty and Social Exclusion – Insights from Zomba (Malawi) and Kakamega (Kenya) (abstract) PRESENTER: Winnie Sambu |
12:35 | Transport Justice in Sub-Saharan Africa Challenges, Tools, Perspectives (abstract) PRESENTER: Bishop Mughogho |
10:55 | Gaining Insight into the Travel Time Characteristics of Paratransit Trips: Assessing the Impact of a Limited Stops and Dwell Time Policy (abstract) PRESENTER: George Ukam |
11:20 | Using Minibus Taxi GPS Data for Trip Quantification and Planning. (abstract) PRESENTER: Lourens de Beer |
11:45 | A Two-Stage Bootstrap-DEA and Ordinary Least Square Approach for Efficiency-Based Assessment of Paratransit Services in Mixed Traffic (abstract) PRESENTER: Charles A Adams |
12:10 | Travel Time Reliability - a Comparative Assessment of Formal and Informal Public Transport in Johannesburg, South Africa (abstract) PRESENTER: Imuentinyan Aivinhenyo |
12:35 | A qualitative exploration of township-dweller's mobility for discretionary activity participation during off-peak hours in Cape Town (abstract) PRESENTER: Ayanda Fischer |
14:00 | How Do African Urban Dwellers Deal with Public Transport to Meet Their Everyday Travel Needs? Insights from Dakar, Senegal (abstract) PRESENTER: Gaele Lesteven |
14:25 | Knowing the Benefits of One Mode over the Other’: Daily Trade-Offs and Decision-Making Among Marginalized Transport Users in Malawi and Kenya (abstract) PRESENTER: Gail Jennings |
14:50 | Long-Term Travel Behaviour Impacts of COVID-19 on Marginalized Households in Cape Town (abstract) PRESENTER: Bradley Rink |
14:00 | An Investigation into Child Pedestrian Behaviour and the Physical Road Environments Around Schools in the Cape Metropolitan Area (abstract) PRESENTER: Marion Sinclair |
14:25 | An Observational Study of the Use and Non-Use of Footbridges by School Children in Ghana (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Thomas Ojo |
14:50 | Capability Approach to Inclusive Mobility and Safety of Public School Girls with Disability in Benin City, Nigeria (abstract) PRESENTER: Stanley Ojekere |
14:00 | Safe Walking Routes to School: the Case of Cape Town (abstract) PRESENTER: Nthabiseng Gumede |
14:25 | Strengthening Commercial Motorcyclist Safety in Dodoma, Tanzania: an Evidence-Based Road Safety Awareness Campaign (abstract) PRESENTER: Marwa Chacha Magoti |
14:50 | Road Traffic Crash Fatalities Involving Motorized Two- and Three-Wheelers in Ghana (abstract) PRESENTER: Williams Ackaah |
14:00 | Acceptable Crowding Is Determined by Passengers, Not by Service Contracts (abstract) |
14:25 | Fatigue Among Bus Drivers in Norway and Ghana: Examining the Influence of Working Conditions and National Road Safety Culture (abstract) PRESENTER: Enoch F. Sam |
14:50 | Emerging Technologies and Transportation System in Urban Cities in Africa: Lessons from Lagos State (abstract) PRESENTER: Ibrahim Hassan |
14:00 | The Impact of Transport Expenditure on Other Household Expenditures in South Africa (abstract) PRESENTER: Mienke Knipe |
14:25 | Examining the Spatial Disparities of Urban Public Transport Fares in Kumasi, Ghana – Are Fares Consistent or Deliberately Vague? (abstract) PRESENTER: Gift Dumedah |
14:50 | Transport Equity in South Africa How Much Progress Was Made over the Last Two Decades? (abstract) PRESENTER: Marianne Vanderschuren |
14:00 | Working Conditions of Bus Crews on the Maputo Metropolitan Structural Network: an Exploratory Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Constancio Augusto Machanguana |
14:25 | Relationships Between Paratransit Passenger Satisfaction and Driver Representation and Remuneration in Sub-Saharan Africa (abstract) PRESENTER: Roger Behrens |
14:50 | Emerging Business Models and Service Options for Motorcycle Taxis: Insights from 10 Cities in Sub-Saharan Africa (abstract) PRESENTER: Simon Ntramah |
15:45 | Harare's Commuter Diversity: Insights into Public Transport Preferences for Informed Policy (abstract) PRESENTER: Masimba Tutsirai Mapfurira |
16:10 | The Journey from Home: Experiences of Persons with Disabilities of the Urban Transport System in Accra Metropolis, Ghana (abstract) PRESENTER: Prince Odame |
16:35 | The Transport-Related Problems Facing Pupils on Their Trips to School – a Case of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (abstract) PRESENTER: Betty Mbwilo |
15:45 | On the way to school: developing a framework and a methodology to understand the links between active travel to and from school, the built environment and health among adolescents (abstract) PRESENTER: Joaquín Romero de Tejada |
16:10 | Urban Spaces Designs, Children Travel and Safety in Sub-Saharan Africa. the Case of Nairobi and Kumasi Cities (abstract) PRESENTER: Anne Kamau |
16:35 | Socio-Economic Correlates of Active Transportation Among 10-12 Year-Old School Children in Nairobi City County in Kenya (abstract) PRESENTER: Sylvester W. Onyango Hayker |
15:45 | Assessment of Motorcycle Accident on Public Health Facilities in Lagos (abstract) PRESENTER: Fagbenro Abiola Hammed |
16:10 | Travel Pattern and Safety of the Elderly in Accessing Public Transport: Experience from Ikotun, Lagos (abstract) PRESENTER: Christy Bisiriyu |
16:35 | Identification of Pedestrian Crash Hotspot Locations Using Spatial Analysis and Contributing Factors to Injury Severity in Ilala Municipal, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (abstract) PRESENTER: Jaqueline Masaki |
15:45 | Public Transport System Challenge and Solution Case Study of Abuja (abstract) PRESENTER: London Musa Bala |
16:10 | Analysing the Spatial and Temporal Variation of Bus Service Quality: the Case of Maputo Metropolitan Area. (abstract) PRESENTER: Classio Joao Mendiate |
16:35 | The Introduction and History of Trains in South Africa (abstract) |
15:45 | Public Transport Design Approaches for Heterogeneous Populations: a Study of Santiago, Cape Town, and Johannesburg (abstract) PRESENTER: Namatirai Cheure |
16:10 | Moving from Mobility Poverty to Mobility Security: a Framework for Analyzing Mobility Outcomes Among Marginalized Groups and Geographies in Kenya and Malawi. (abstract) PRESENTER: Alisha Myers |
16:35 | Urban Roads: Enablers or Barriers to Walking? Insights from Kigali, Rwanda (abstract) PRESENTER: Karel Martens |
15:45 | An Assessment of Factors Affecting Daily Profitability of Informal Minibus (Danfo) Transport Operators in Lagos State: a Case Study of Alimosho LGA (abstract) PRESENTER: Adetoyese Oguntimehin |
16:10 | A Framework for Assessing the Financial Sustainability of Minibus Taxi Route Typologies by Means of Onboard Trip Data Cluster Analysis (abstract) |
16:35 | Cashless Fare Collection Systems Acceptability in the Paratransit Sector in Cape Town (abstract) PRESENTER: Aruho Apollo Tinka |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
10:30 | Lessons in Traffic: Nairobi's School Term Congestion and Equity Challenges (abstract) PRESENTER: Constant Cap |
10:55 | Sexual Violence and Harassment in Lagos Public Transport (abstract) PRESENTER: Adewale Alade |
11:20 | How Do Various Population Groups Experience Personal Safety: the Case of Cape Town (abstract) PRESENTER: Nkhensani Biko |
11:45 | Accessibility Practices and Experiences in Cities in Transition to Sustainable Mobility: Maputo and Freetown Through a Lens of Disadvantage (abstract) PRESENTER: Joaquín Romero de Tejada |
12:10 | The Potential for Carpooling and Accompanying Reductions in Congestion Levels – the Case of Cape Town, South Africa (abstract) PRESENTER: Sharifa Nalubega |
12:35 | Towards an Understanding of Educational Migration in Africa (abstract) |
10:30 | ‘If You Don't Love It, You'Re Not Going to Love It’: Exploring the Motivations of Car-Owning Commuter Cyclists in Cape Town (abstract) PRESENTER: Gail Jennings |
10:55 | Exploring the Landscape Within Which to Establish Cycling as a Prominent Mode (abstract) PRESENTER: Gerhard Hitge |
11:20 | A Cycling Route Directness Tool for Suburbs in Cape Town: an Assessment of Connectivity of Cape Town's Bicycle Lane Network (abstract) PRESENTER: Phano Liphoto |
11:45 | Non-Motorised Transport Infrastructure Provision, Policies and Strategies in Secondary Urban African Towns: the Case of Namibia (abstract) PRESENTER: Kevin Chomore |
12:10 | Unveiling the Journey: Exploring Active Mobility User Needs and Preferences in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Focus on Ethiopia (abstract) PRESENTER: Azeb Tesfaye Legese |
12:35 | Motorcyclists’ Red-Light Behaviour at Traffic Light Intersections in the Accra Metropolis, Ghana (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Thomas Ojo |
10:30 | Assessment of Under-Reporting of Road Traffic Fatalities: Application of the Capture-Recapture Method in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (abstract) PRESENTER: Meron Getachew |
10:55 | Assessing Road Safety Measures Influencing Motorists’ Behaviours in Metropolis Lagos, Nigeria (abstract) PRESENTER: Sunday Stephen Ajemunigbohun |
11:20 | Road Safety in the Southern African Development Community: a Composite Desktop Benchmarking Review of Member States (abstract) |
11:45 | Applying the Food Deserts Theory in the Field of Road Safety for Small Traffic Analysis Zones in Cape Town (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexandra Newlands |
12:10 | Vulnerable Road Users’ Safety Assessment Along the Eight-Lane Roadway - a Case of Kimara – Kibaha Roadway Section in Tanzania (abstract) PRESENTER: Jaqueline Masaki |
12:35 | Estimating Road Traffic Deaths in Accra, Ghana Using the Capture-Recapture Method (abstract) PRESENTER: Raphael Awuah |
10:30 | Residential Location and Trip Making Behaviour of the Elderly in a Developing City, Nigeria: Towards an Inclusive and Equitable Society (abstract) PRESENTER: Oluwayemi Aderibigbe |
10:55 | Understanding the Conditions for Passengers to Consider Accepting Transfers Between MyCiTi and Minibus-Taxi Services (abstract) PRESENTER: Kapil Singh |
11:20 | Navigating the Healthy Path: the Role of Mobile Technology in Enhancing Pedestrian Wayfinding and Wellness Perception in Nigeria (abstract) PRESENTER: Rasheed Azeez |
11:45 | An assessment of Non-motorised Transportation (NMT) in policy and practice: The case of Zambia (abstract) PRESENTER: Wilma Nchito |
12:10 | Commuter Preference Study in Cape Town Using Case 2 Best-Worst Scaling (abstract) PRESENTER: Maxine Nokuthula Thanjekwayo |
12:35 | Understanding the Factors Influencing Residents’ Use of Minibus Taxis: a Case Study on Dunoon (abstract) PRESENTER: Dineo Mogotsi |
10:30 | Real Time Smart Road Traffic Flow Management System in a Developing Country (abstract) PRESENTER: Joanne Mahugu |
10:55 | How Displaying Alternative Routes’ Travel Times on Dynamic Message Signs Can Reduce Congestion in African Cities – Lessons from a Case Study in Michigan, USA (abstract) PRESENTER: Valerian Kwigizile |
11:20 | Evaluating Traffic Signal Optimisation Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Norbert Matilya |
11:45 | Microscopic Evaluation of Traffic Operations on Urban Arterial Roads: the Case of Ongwediva, Namibia (abstract) PRESENTER: Obed Bore |
12:10 | Enhancing Urban Mobility Through Traffic Flow Analysis: a Case Study of Avenida de Marginal in Maputo City (abstract) PRESENTER: Lauro Mota |
12:35 | Estimation of PCE Factors for Traffic at Signalized Intersections for Capacity Analysis in Monrovia (abstract) PRESENTER: Miller Garmi |
10:30 | Africa’s Uncertain Futures: Reconceptualising Long-Term Transport Planning Practice in Cape Town Using Deep Uncertainty Techniques (abstract) PRESENTER: Marli Swart |
10:55 | Conflicting Interests: Negotiating a Process of Inclusion in the Integrated Public Transport Network Plan (abstract) |
11:20 | Urban Transport and Model Circulation in African Cities: Identifying Trajectories and Development Paths (abstract) PRESENTER: Gaele Lesteven |
11:45 | Investigating the Challenges Faced with the Implementation of the Sustainable Urban Transport Master Plan Within the City of Windhoek’s Public Transport Division (abstract) |
12:10 | An Initial Activity-Based Travel Demand Model for Nairobi’s Paratransit (abstract) PRESENTER: Obiora Nnene |
12:35 | Informalization of Transport and Efficiency of Governance of Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Transport in West Africa: the Need for Co-Production (abstract) PRESENTER: Vivien Meli Meli |
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10:30 | Does Car-Based Ride-Hailing Experience Explain Car Ownership and Use Aspirations Among Young Adults? Empirical Insights from Ghana (abstract) |
10:55 | Current and Emerging Trends on the Applications of Digital Technologies in Public Transportation – a Bibliometric Review (abstract) PRESENTER: Kiara Lawrence |
11:20 | Impact of Innovation Adoption on the Competitiveness of Transport Service Companies in Sub-Saharan Africa (abstract) |
11:45 | Perceptions and Potential Adoption of Shared Ride-Hailing Among College Students in South Africa (abstract) PRESENTER: Imuentinyan Aivinhenyo |
12:10 | Transition to Electric Mobility in Sub-Saharan Africa: Data on Attitudes and Preferences Towards Electric Mobility in Kenya (abstract) PRESENTER: Tang Li |
10:30 | Development of a Cloud-Based Mobile-App Tracking System for Outbound Logistics Distributions Functions (abstract) PRESENTER: Joseph Femi Odesanya |
10:55 | Dry Port Location Analysis Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach: the Case of Ethiopia (abstract) PRESENTER: Helen Zewdie Kine |
11:20 | Assessing the Logistics of the Dairy Supply Chain in Low-Income Countries to Improve Its Performance: a Case Study in Ethiopia (abstract) PRESENTER: Girma Gebresenbet |
11:45 | An Evaluation of Cold Chain Logistics for Frozen Fish Importation and Its Distribution Among Selected Importers in Lagos (abstract) PRESENTER: Olaitan Oladipo |
12:10 | Influence of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Bus-Only Lanes on Travel Mode Choice: a Case Study of Cape Town, South Africa (abstract) |
10:30 | Developing a Simplified Model for Safety Management System in African Transport Companies (abstract) PRESENTER: Tor-Olav Nævestad |
10:55 | Towards Safer Roads for All Users: Exploring the Safe Systems Approach to Road Safety in Kenya (abstract) |
11:20 | Beyond the Breakdown: How Disabled and Abandoned Vehicles Shape Traffic Patterns and Safety (abstract) |
11:45 | Evaluating the Stakeholders' Perception of Inland Waterways Safety in Nigeria (abstract) PRESENTER: Joshua Adetunji Odeleye |
12:10 | Potential for Implementation of Safe Systems Principles in African Countries: Recommendations Based on a Systematic Comparison of Six Countries (abstract) PRESENTER: Tor-Olav Nævestad |
10:30 | Young Men’s Daily Mobility Needs and Practices in Two Low Income Neighbourhoods of Cape Town: Reflections on First Mile Experiences, Using an Innovative Community Peer Research Methodology (abstract) PRESENTER: Bulelani Maskiti |
10:55 | Transforming African Cities Towards Sustainable and Equitable Growth Through Transit Oriented Development: Case Study in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (abstract) PRESENTER: Yuki Takada |
11:20 | Accessibility in African Cities: a Systematic Literature Review and Directions for Future Research (abstract) |
11:45 | Unveiling the Nexus of Dignity and Paratransit for Inclusive Mobility: a Case Study of Nairobi (abstract) PRESENTER: Wambũi Kariũki |
12:10 | Gradual Transformation of African Cities into Smart Cities, Case of the City of Douala. (abstract) |
10:30 | Space Dynamics and Urban Transport Governance in the Metropolitan Region of Maputo (Mozambique): a Preliminary Analysis (abstract) |
10:55 | Motorists' Acceptability of Road Pricing in Lagos, Nigeria: the Importance of Car Access and Improved Mobility Options (abstract) PRESENTER: Fatai Yakeen |
11:20 | Evaluation of the Road Network Structures Based on the Impact on Trip Movement: Case Study of Selected 11 Cities (abstract) PRESENTER: Yonas Minalu Emagnu |
11:45 | Road Transport Infrastructure Financing Schemes in Nigeria: a Critical Appraisal (abstract) PRESENTER: Ibraheem Abdul-Azeez |
12:10 | The Non-Ergodic Africa: a Perspective of Transport Research (abstract) |
10:30 | The Rate and Order of Charging: Striving for Maintained Mobility Patterns with Electric Minibus Taxis (abstract) PRESENTER: Brendan Pretorius |
10:55 | The Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure on the Mobility of Electric Vehicle Users in Ghana (abstract) PRESENTER: Williams Ackaah |
11:20 | Evaluation of Electric Vehicles Dependent Strategy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Transport System (abstract) PRESENTER: Tesfamichael Eticha |
11:45 | Consideration to Be Made for the Design-Build Operate-Maintain (DBOM) of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Facilities for the South African Minibus Taxi Industry (abstract) PRESENTER: Rudi Kriel |
12:10 | Powering the South African Transport System – Moving Ahead (abstract) PRESENTER: Tanya Lane-Visser |
13:35 | The Use of USSD as a New Survey Approach in the Development of Sustainable Mobility Indicators by Means of a Pilot in 5 African Cities: Extended Abstract (abstract) PRESENTER: Justin Coetzee |
14:00 | Detecting Pedestrians and Vehicles on Urban Roads Using Computer Vision (abstract) PRESENTER: Shail Damarasingh |
14:25 | Remote Detection of Potholed Road Segments Using Widely Available Commercial Floating Car Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Megan Bruwer |
13:35 | Assessing the Viability of Blue Ocean Strategy Implementation in the Last Mile Delivery Services in Lagos (abstract) PRESENTER: Ayobami Folarin Elegunde |
14:00 | A Study of the Causal Relationship Between Overlapping Quadruple Governance Authority and the Perennial Traffic Gridlock in the Apapa Port Area of Lagos State, Nigeria (abstract) |
14:25 | Stakeholders’ Management and Sustainable Freight Transport Logistics in a Developing Economy (abstract) PRESENTER: Olawale Hammed |
13:35 | Yellow Fever in School Transport : the Case of Kenya (abstract) PRESENTER: Anne Kamau |
14:00 | Assessment of Traffic-Related Noise Levels and Its Implications on Public Health: City of Kumasi, Ghana (abstract) PRESENTER: Fidelma Ibili |
14:25 | Explaining High Fatality Rate Amongst Vulnerable Road Users : an Analysis of Social Profiling Strategies Employed by the Traffic Offices and Road Safety Policy Outcomes in Kenya (abstract) |
13:35 | Mobility Crisis and the Search for Alternatives: the Advent of Commercial Motorcycle in Kano Metropolis 1986-2013 (abstract) |
14:00 | The Role and Impact of Motorcycle-Taxis: a Systematic Review (abstract) PRESENTER: Tom Courtright |
14:25 | Ride-Hailing and Sustainable Mobility in Nigeria: Issues and Probably Solution (abstract) PRESENTER: Olayiwola Giwa |
13:35 | Researching Transport Poverty in Informal Settlements in the African Context (abstract) |
14:00 | Advancing Adaptive Transport Solutions for Informal Settlements: Navigating Constraints and Options in the Buffalo City Municipality, South Africa (abstract) PRESENTER: Natal Buthelezi |
14:25 | Towards a Transportation/Mobility Grounding for Toilet Access Crisis in Africa (abstract) PRESENTER: Jacqueline Klopp |
13:35 | Estimating Three-Wheeler Emissions in Urban Areas of the Global South Using Remote Sensing Data, Open Data and Gps Tracking Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Mirko Goletz |
14:00 | Bottom-up Determination of Greenhouse Gases Emissions by Commercial Vehicles in Lagos: a Quest to Localized Sustainable Transportation (abstract) PRESENTER: Chinenye Okafor |
14:25 | On-Road Vehicular Traffic Emissions Inventory and Air Quality on Major Roadways in Lagos City (abstract) PRESENTER: Samuel Ajayi |