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Experiences of a Sustainability Pedagogical Project in the 3D VR Space

EasyChair Preprint no. 3658

9 pagesDate: June 21, 2020


Education for the environment and sustainability is central to all levels of the education system. In the course of our pedagogical practice, we try to create programs and opportunities for teacher training, namely for teachers aged 6-12, which help prospective teachers to effectively implement sustainability education and develop children's environmental culture and attitudes. In the process of this, the formation of environmentally conscious behavior of young people participating in education and the development of a sense of responsibility are central objectives. We have to do all this by adapting to the needs and interests of the digital generation beyond the direct natural experiences. The study presents a sustainability pedagogical project implemented in teacher education combined with 3D VR space. The practical project presented in the study is the initial phase of an action research aimed at mapping students ’environmental awareness before the project and then after the project is completed.

During the project, we combined the traditional methods that can be used effectively in an offline environment, and we also worked in the MaxWhere 3D VR space in accordance with the needs and interests of the digital generation. Our goal is to increase learning efficiency by combining offline and online learning environments.

Keyphrases: digitális kultúra, fenntarthatóságpedagógiai projektek, MaxWhere 3D VR

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Viktória Kövecsesné Gősi},
  title = {Experiences of a Sustainability Pedagogical Project in the 3D VR Space},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 3658},

  year = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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