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A Second Layer Grid Protection System Based on Solid State Relay in Automatic Bi-Directional Smart Meter

EasyChair Preprint 1866

6 pagesDate: November 7, 2019


Now a days the industrial and non–industrial consumers are using traditional electromechanical as well as digital energy metering instruments. The prime reason to upgrade the traditional electromechanical energy meter is to avoid the cost of labour and executives, lack of flexibility, reliability, accuracy and live tracking system. Automatic Metering Interface (AMI) can be used to improve the accuracy in billing, live monitoring of energy consumption and economic power supply. Such transparency has been achieved by using smart digital energy meter with the help of Zigbee, Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access X (WIMAX), Global System for Mobile (GSM) communication based wireless data transfer mode and PLC communication based wired data transfer mode. AMI can be provided to measure the consumed conventional energy by the consumer as well as power delivered to the grid from the localized small scale non–conventional power generation unit. This can be helpful to calculate the net amount of power transfer between suppliers and consumers with dynamic pricing through bidirectional communication system containing securely paired master slave mode during installation. The AMI can also secure the power transmission and localized power generation unit from the indiscriminate electrical faults. AMI offers reliable protection and securely maintain the stability of power system with the preliminary fault detection through an inbuilt tripping circuit designed and installed against the standard value of the parameters associated with the power system. This paper presents a brief review of research work going on construction of the smart meter, comparison of the internal construction of the AMI, advantages and disadvantages of AMI in present system and communication system of the smart metering technology along with the new approach of the tripping mechanism to handle the preliminary faults in the power system intelligently.

Keyphrases: AMI, AMR, Bidirectional Smart Meter, Flexi Meter, Tripping Mechanism in Smart Meter

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Suvamoy Bhattacharyya and Ushnik Chakrabarti and Anindya Nag and Sudhangshu Sarkar},
  title     = {A Second Layer Grid Protection System Based on Solid State Relay in Automatic Bi-Directional Smart Meter},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 1866},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2019}}
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