Download PDFOpen PDF in browserDevelopment of Anthropometric Databases and Predictive Models for Designing Ergonomic Classroom Desks for Junior Secondary School StudentsEasyChair Preprint 1434511 pages•Date: August 7, 2024AbstractThis study explores the development of comprehensive anthropometric databases and the application of predictive models to design ergonomic classroom desks specifically tailored to the dimensions of junior secondary school students. Accurate anthropometric data is essential for understanding the physical dimensions and growth patterns of students, allowing for the creation of furniture that supports their ergonomic needs. The research involves collecting and standardizing extensive anthropometric data, including measurements such as height, weight, and body proportions. Predictive models, including regression analysis and machine learning techniques, are employed to forecast future growth patterns and inform desk design. By integrating these forecasts, the design process can produce desks with adjustable features that accommodate both current dimensions and future growth. The study aims to enhance student comfort, support proper posture, and extend the usability of classroom furniture, ultimately contributing to a more effective and supportive learning environment. Keyphrases: - **Adaptive Design**, - **Adjustable Furniture**, - **Anthropometric Database**, - **Classroom Desks**, - **Comfort and Support**, - **Educational Furniture Design**, - **Ergonomic Design**, - **Furniture Usability**, - **Growth Patterns**, - **Longitudinal Data**, - **Machine Learning**, - **Posture Support**, - **Predictive Modeling**, - **Regression Models**, - **Smart Technologies**, - **Sustainable Furniture Solutions**, - **Time-Series Forecasting**, - **User-Centric Design**