Author:Guillaume Dardenne



3D mesh, 3D pose estimation2, 3D-printed implant, 3D printed model, 3D reconstruction, 3D registration, 3D ultrasound, anatomical landmarks, Anterior Pelvic Plane, Automatic landmarks localization, Bone3, Bone Segmentation, caos2, challenge, Computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery, Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery., CT scan, CT scans2, cup orientation, custom implant, custom implants, deep learning4, depth camera2, discourse analysis, distal femoral landmark registration, Extended field-of-view, Fully Conventional Network, Generative Adversarial Networks, Hip Center2, image stitching, Implant Design, in vitro study, knee, knee joint2, knee joint replacement, Knee MRI, knee surgery, Lateral Decubitus Position, Least-Moving-Point algorithm, Lewinnek, manual localization of anatomical landmarks, markerless2, measurement device, MRI, nnU-Net, Orthopaedics2, Orthopedic, Patient specific instruments, Pelvic mobility, Pelvic parameters, pelvic tilt3, pelvis, pose estimation2, Precision, preoperative planning, PSI, range of motion, registration2, RGB-D sensors, Safe Zone2, Segmentation5, Shape and pose models, Statistical Shape Model2, statistical shape models, SterEOS, surgeon's point-of-view, surgical instruments, surgical navigation, surgical planning, THA3, TKA, total hip arthroplasty4, Total Knee Arthoplasty, Total knee arthroplasty2, U-Net, Ultrasound4.