Days: Monday, February 3rd Tuesday, February 4th Wednesday, February 5th
Monday, February 3rd
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
17:00-18:00 Session 1: Opening Panel on AI and Education Discourse
Owen Henkel: Moderator
Discussants: Art Graesser, Panayiota Kendeou, Sashank Varma
Location: Alpine-Balsam
Opening Panel on AI and Education Discourse PRESENTER: Art Graesser |
18:00-19:00 Session 2: AI Driven Assessment
Location: Alpine-Balsam
18:00 | Charactering Dimensions of Thought Disorder with Large Language Models (abstract) PRESENTER: Peter Foltz |
18:20 | Do Large Language Models Perceive the Same Event Boundaries as Humans? (abstract) PRESENTER: Sashank Varma |
18:40 | Using LLMs to help With Story Retell Assessment (abstract) PRESENTER: Owen Henkel |
19:00-21:00 Session 3: Poster Session I and Reception
Location: Foyer, Boulderado
A Review of Topic Change During Communication (abstract) PRESENTER: Lauren Flynn |
Using Synthetic Data to Improve the Performance of Automated Summary Scoring (abstract) PRESENTER: Wesley Morris |
Enhancing the Cross-Domain Generalizability of Collaborative Discourse Classification with Large Language Models (abstract) PRESENTER: Chelsea Chandler |
Representation Learning for Reading Behaviors: Integrating Cognitive Models with Deep Learning (abstract) PRESENTER: Ekta Sood |
Self-regulation of digital reading: effects of a long intervention in high-school students (abstract) PRESENTER: Ladislao Salmerón |
From Textual Product to Text Production: Engaging Teachers in Writing Process Feedback (abstract) PRESENTER: Justin Young |
Aligning to Adults Is Easy, Aligning to Children Is Hard: A Study of Linguistic Alignment in Dialogue Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Dorothea French |
Do English Noun Phrase Structures Make Mathematics More Difficult? (abstract) |
Too Hard or Just Right? How Difficulty Affects Student Engagement (abstract) PRESENTER: Christopher Steadman |
An eye-tracking study of idiom processing by readers with Autism (abstract) PRESENTER: Inmaculada Fajardo |
Tuesday, February 4th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
17:00-18:00 Session 4: Discourse in Education
Location: Alpine-Balsam
17:00 | Assessment of Training Data for Asset-based Technology (abstract) PRESENTER: Jaclyn Ocumpaugh |
17:20 | Putting the Brain Back in the Eye-Mind Link (abstract) PRESENTER: Megan Caruso |
17:40 | An NLP investigation of difference and overlap between ELL and native speakers’ writing styles (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Goldshtein |
18:00-20:00 Session 5A: Poster Session II and Reception
Location: Foyer, Boulderado
“It feels like we're not meeting the criteria": Examining and mitigating the cascading effects of bias in automatic speech recognition in spoken language interfaces (abstract) PRESENTER: Kelechi Ezema |
Differences in sensitivity to situational and perceptual changes between hearing and deaf individuals when processing stories in American sign language (abstract) PRESENTER: Joe Magliano |
Debunking learning myths: from scientific research to YouTube videos (abstract) PRESENTER: Inmaculada Fajardo |
Individual Differences in Thought Patterns and Their Influence on Phenomenology of Reading (abstract) PRESENTER: Püren Öncel |
Cognitive reserve effects on cognitive and discourse production processing in healthy aging (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrea Marini |
Could word lists and short films help young students to write informative texts ? (abstract) |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Tier 2 and 3 Reading Interventions for Middle School Readers (abstract) |
Impact of Tier 2 Reading Intervention on 7th-Grade Multilingual Learners (abstract) PRESENTER: Sarah Kocherhans |
AI Teammates and Inclusion Analytics: Revolutionizing Equity in STEM Collaboration (abstract) PRESENTER: Nia Nixon |
Supporting Teacher Noticing in Classroom Discourse with Generative AI Analytics (abstract) PRESENTER: Fanjie Li |
18:00-20:00 Session 5B: Demonstrations
Location: Foyer, Boulderado
Detection and support of states of collaboration through discourse using the Jigsaw Interactive Agent (JIA) (abstract) PRESENTER: Peter Foltz |
Hybrid Human AI Tutoring Technology (HAT) Demo (abstract) PRESENTER: Sidney D'Mello |
Intelligent Texts for Enhanced Lifelong Learning (iTELL) (abstract) PRESENTER: Wesley Morris |
Wednesday, February 5th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
17:00-18:00 Session 6: Features of Reading
Location: Alpine-Balsam
17:00 | Detecting Unreliable Narration (abstract) PRESENTER: Peter Dixon |
17:20 | Text comprehension in adults with cognitive and communicative disabilities (abstract) PRESENTER: Jakob Åsberg Johnels |
17:40 | Assessment of Elementary Students' Detection of Text Structure Inconsistencies (abstract) PRESENTER: Lexi Elara |
18:00-18:40 Session 7: Misinformation and Trust
Location: Alpine-Balsam
18:00 | The contributions of prior topic beliefs and general reading comprehension skill to evaluating and writing about contradictory claims about childhood vaccines (abstract) PRESENTER: Catherine McGrath |
18:20 | The Role of Trust in Science/Scientists on Belief in Information and Knowledge Revision: A Theoretical Framework (abstract) PRESENTER: Victoria Johnson |
18:40-19:00 Session 8: Winter Text Business Meeting: Discussing WT&D 2026 and Beyond
All are invited to discuss the conference and what we can do next year to make it even better!
Location: Alpine-Balsam
19:00-21:00 Session 9: Closing Poster Session and Reception
Location: Foyer, Boulderado
Emotions and Multiple Document Comprehension: Static or Dynamic? (abstract) PRESENTER: Varun Athilat |
Agency in Reward Devaluation: Fear of Happiness and Feedback Selection (abstract) PRESENTER: Mya Urena |
Linguistic Analysis of Veteran Job Interviews to Assess Effectiveness in Translating Military Expertise to the Civilian Workforce (abstract) PRESENTER: Caroline J. Wendt |
Linguistic Alignment and Suspicion in 911 Calls (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicholas Duran |
Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Analyzing Neurodivergent Learners’ Reading Interactions with Webcam Based Eye Tracking (abstract) PRESENTER: Stephen Hutt |
A Critical Discourse Analysis: News Media Portrayals of Gaza (abstract) PRESENTER: Danielle Shariff |
Examining the Robustness of Large Language Models by Language Complexity (abstract) |
Collective Language: A Replication of Collective Narcissism using LLMs (abstract) |
Modeling Susceptibility to Cognitive Attacks in Operational Teams (abstract) PRESENTER: Emily Doherty |
Dependency Bigrams as a Measure of Collocation Use in Learner Writing (abstract) |