Days: Monday, February 3rd Tuesday, February 4th Wednesday, February 5th

Monday, February 3rd

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17:00-18:00 Session 1: Opening Panel on AI and Education Discourse

Owen Henkel: Moderator

Discussants: Art GraesserPanayiota KendeouSashank Varma

Location: Alpine-Balsam
Opening Panel on AI and Education Discourse
PRESENTER: Art Graesser
18:00-19:00 Session 2: AI Driven Assessment
Location: Alpine-Balsam
Charactering Dimensions of Thought Disorder with Large Language Models (abstract)
PRESENTER: Peter Foltz
Do Large Language Models Perceive the Same Event Boundaries as Humans? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Sashank Varma
Using LLMs to help With Story Retell Assessment (abstract)
PRESENTER: Owen Henkel
19:00-21:00 Session 3: Poster Session I and Reception
A Review of Topic Change During Communication (abstract)
PRESENTER: Lauren Flynn
Using Synthetic Data to Improve the Performance of Automated Summary Scoring (abstract)
PRESENTER: Wesley Morris
Enhancing the Cross-Domain Generalizability of Collaborative Discourse Classification with Large Language Models (abstract)
PRESENTER: Chelsea Chandler
Representation Learning for Reading Behaviors: Integrating Cognitive Models with Deep Learning (abstract)
Self-regulation of digital reading: effects of a long intervention in high-school students (abstract)
From Textual Product to Text Production: Engaging Teachers in Writing Process Feedback (abstract)
PRESENTER: Justin Young
Aligning to Adults Is Easy, Aligning to Children Is Hard: A Study of Linguistic Alignment in Dialogue Systems (abstract)
PRESENTER: Dorothea French
Do English Noun Phrase Structures Make Mathematics More Difficult? (abstract)
Too Hard or Just Right? How Difficulty Affects Student Engagement (abstract)
An eye-tracking study of idiom processing by readers with Autism (abstract)
Tuesday, February 4th

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17:00-18:00 Session 4: Discourse in Education
Location: Alpine-Balsam
Assessment of Training Data for Asset-based Technology (abstract)
PRESENTER: Jaclyn Ocumpaugh
Putting the Brain Back in the Eye-Mind Link (abstract)
PRESENTER: Megan Caruso
An NLP investigation of difference and overlap between ELL and native speakers’ writing styles (abstract)
PRESENTER: Maria Goldshtein
18:00-20:00 Session 5A: Poster Session II and Reception
“It feels like we're not meeting the criteria": Examining and mitigating the cascading effects of bias in automatic speech recognition in spoken language interfaces (abstract)
PRESENTER: Kelechi Ezema
Differences in sensitivity to situational and perceptual changes between hearing and deaf individuals when processing stories in American sign language (abstract)
PRESENTER: Joe Magliano
Debunking learning myths: from scientific research to YouTube videos (abstract)
Individual Differences in Thought Patterns and Their Influence on Phenomenology of Reading (abstract)
PRESENTER: Püren Öncel
Cognitive reserve effects on cognitive and discourse production processing in healthy aging (abstract)
PRESENTER: Andrea Marini
Could word lists and short films help young students to write informative texts ? (abstract)
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Tier 2 and 3 Reading Interventions for Middle School Readers (abstract)
Impact of Tier 2 Reading Intervention on 7th-Grade Multilingual Learners (abstract)
PRESENTER: Sarah Kocherhans
AI Teammates and Inclusion Analytics: Revolutionizing Equity in STEM Collaboration (abstract)
Supporting Teacher Noticing in Classroom Discourse with Generative AI Analytics (abstract)
18:00-20:00 Session 5B: Demonstrations
Detection and support of states of collaboration through discourse using the Jigsaw Interactive Agent (JIA) (abstract)
PRESENTER: Peter Foltz
Hybrid Human AI Tutoring Technology (HAT) Demo (abstract)
PRESENTER: Sidney D'Mello
Intelligent Texts for Enhanced Lifelong Learning (iTELL) (abstract)
PRESENTER: Wesley Morris
Wednesday, February 5th

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17:00-18:00 Session 6: Features of Reading
Location: Alpine-Balsam
Detecting Unreliable Narration (abstract)
PRESENTER: Peter Dixon
Text comprehension in adults with cognitive and communicative disabilities (abstract)
Assessment of Elementary Students' Detection of Text Structure Inconsistencies (abstract)
18:00-18:40 Session 7: Misinformation and Trust
Location: Alpine-Balsam
The contributions of prior topic beliefs and general reading comprehension skill to evaluating and writing about contradictory claims about childhood vaccines (abstract)
The Role of Trust in Science/Scientists on Belief in Information and Knowledge Revision: A Theoretical Framework (abstract)
PRESENTER: Victoria Johnson
18:40-19:00 Session 8: Winter Text Business Meeting: Discussing WT&D 2026 and Beyond

All are invited to discuss the conference and what we can do next year to make it even better! 

Location: Alpine-Balsam
19:00-21:00 Session 9: Closing Poster Session and Reception
Emotions and Multiple Document Comprehension: Static or Dynamic? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Varun Athilat
Agency in Reward Devaluation: Fear of Happiness and Feedback Selection (abstract)
Linguistic Analysis of Veteran Job Interviews to Assess Effectiveness in Translating Military Expertise to the Civilian Workforce (abstract)
Linguistic Alignment and Suspicion in 911 Calls (abstract)
PRESENTER: Nicholas Duran
Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Analyzing Neurodivergent Learners’ Reading Interactions with Webcam Based Eye Tracking (abstract)
PRESENTER: Stephen Hutt
A Critical Discourse Analysis: News Media Portrayals of Gaza (abstract)
PRESENTER: Danielle Shariff
Examining the Robustness of Large Language Models by Language Complexity (abstract)
Collective Language: A Replication of Collective Narcissism using LLMs (abstract)
Modeling Susceptibility to Cognitive Attacks in Operational Teams (abstract)
PRESENTER: Emily Doherty
Dependency Bigrams as a Measure of Collocation Use in Learner Writing (abstract)