This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Achievement-Oriented Behavior | |
Action-based view | |
Advertising | |
advertising regulation | |
Advertising-in-general | |
Advocates | |
African immigrant | |
Afro-Brazilians | |
ambient temperature | |
Anger | |
Applications "apps | |
Assimilation effect | |
At-Risk Gamblers | |
Attention | |
Attitude towards ad | |
Attitude towards brand | |
attitudes toward advertisement | |
attitudes toward advertising | |
attitudes toward the external sponsor | |
Attitudinal loyalty | |
Attitudinal reciprocity | |
attraction cluster equity | |
attraction diversity index | |
attribution theory | |
Augmented Reality | |
authenticity | |
B | |
B2B Buyer-seller | |
B2B Pricing | |
B2B Supplier-Customer Relationship | |
Behavioral loyalty | |
Behavioral pricing | |
benign envy | |
Big Data | |
Blockers | |
boomerang effect | |
Brand affect | |
Brand attachment | |
Brand attitudes | |
brand awareness | |
Brand Community | |
Brand Culture | |
Brand engagement | |
Brand enhancement behaviors | |
Brand Equity | |
Brand experience | |
Brand loyalty | |
Brand management | |
brand personality | |
Branding | |
Brexit | |
Buying behavior | |
C | |
Capability | |
Celebrity-endorsement | |
certification of events | |
Champagne | |
Charging Services | |
Charitable giving | |
Charity | |
chatbots | |
China | |
Climate change | |
Co creation | |
Co-creation | |
Communications | |
Community | |
Community Activity | |
Community based brand equity | |
Company Social Responsibility | |
Competitive strategy | |
complexity | |
Compulsive buying | |
Conjoint analysis | |
Connected store | |
construct measurement -reliability and validity issues | |
Consumer Agency | |
Consumer attitude | |
Consumer behavior | |
Consumer Behaviour | |
Consumer empowerment | |
Consumer impulsiveness | |
Consumer misbehavior | |
Consumer Omni-channel Motivation | |
Consumers' attitudes | |
consumption | |
content analysis | |
context-mechanism-outcome | |
Cooperation | |
Coordination | |
corporate social responsibility | |
Cosmetics | |
country personality | |
creating value through marketing | |
Creative audiences | |
Creativity | |
Credibility | |
Critical review | |
Crowdscouring | |
Crowdsourcing | |
CSR reporting | |
Cultural Capital | |
cultural heritage tourism | |
Culture | |
Culture of targeting | |
Customer Behavior | |
Customer Discovery | |
Customer empowerment | |
Customer engagement | |
Customer engagement behavior | |
Customer information sharing | |
Customer orientation behavior | |
Customer Perceived Risk | |
Customer return | |
customer satisfaction | |
D | |
Dairy Firm | |
Data Envelopment Analysis | |
data ethics and data integrity | |
Deep acting | |
Design Thinking | |
Destination values | |
developing economies | |
Digital marketing | |
Digital media | |
Discovery | |
Discrimination | |
Distributive Justice | |
Doctoral Colloquium | |
Donate intention | |
Donation attitude-behaviour gap | |
Double jeopardy | |
E | |
E-commerce | |
economic animosity | |
Economic Satisfaction | |
Effectiveness | |
efficiency measurement | |
Electric Vehicles | |
Electroencephalogram | |
electronic word-of-mouth | |
emerging market | |
Emotion | |
Emotions | |
Employee brand-building behaviors | |
Employee engagement behavior | |
Empowerment | |
Empowerment to create | |
Empowerment to select | |
Engagement | |
Entrepreneurship | |
environmental attitudes | |
environmental behavioral intentions | |
environmental impacts | |
environmental intervention | |
Environmental Orientation | |
Ethical Consumption | |
Ethical decision-making | |
Ethics | |
event impacts | |
Event Study | |
event support | |
Experiential | |
Experiential Learning | |
Experiment | |
Experimental design | |
experimental study | |
Expert Reviewers | |
external validity | |
Eye-Tracking | |
F | |
fan resistance | |
Fear Appeal | |
Firm Market Value | |
Firm Value | |
Food Consumption | |
food decisions | |
food perception | |
Formative Scale | |
future discounting | |
Fuzzy Front-End | |
G | |
Gamification | |
general country image | |
general product attitude | |
Global Reporting Initiative | |
globalization | |
Governmental Policies | |
GPS Data | |
Green marketing | |
Grocery retailing | |
Guilt | |
Guilt induction | |
H | |
Halal Labeling | |
Health care | |
Healthcare | |
Heartrate | |
Hedonic products | |
Help-Seeking | |
Heterogeneous Beliefs | |
Heuristic theory | |
Hope | |
Human Values | |
hybrid organizations | |
Hybridization | |
Hypercompetitive environment | |
I | |
Idea Generation | |
identity | |
Identity Marketing | |
Ideology | |
impact of brand familiarity and attachment | |
implicit attitude | |
Impulse buying | |
Impulsive buying | |
Impulsiveness | |
In-store stimuli | |
India | |
industry-wide crises | |
Information cue | |
Information order effect | |
Information processing | |
Innovation | |
innovative and transformative marketing | |
Innovativeness | |
Insights to why manuscripts get rejected | |
institution theory | |
integrated promotions | |
Interaction quality | |
Internal Branding | |
internationalization | |
Internet compulsive buying tendency | |
Involvement | |
J | |
Journal review process | |
K | |
Kuan Im | |
L | |
Language effect | |
Leader-Member Exchange | |
Learning | |
legitimacy | |
Licensing Regulation | |
Logistics Service Quality | |
logo-brand perceived congruence | |
longitudinal impact of change | |
Longitudinal research | |
Loyalty | |
M | |
M-commerce | |
M-purchase | |
macromarketing | |
malicious envy | |
Market Orientation | |
Marketing | |
marketing for public entities | |
Marketing Research | |
marketing strategy | |
Marketing theory | |
marketing/development | |
Media consumption | |
Mehrabian and Russel | |
mental imagery | |
Merchandising | |
Message Frame | |
meta-analysis | |
Methodology | |
micro-enterprises | |
Millennials | |
Mixed Logit | |
Mobile | |
Mobile commerce | |
Mobile purchase | |
Moderation Effect | |
Motivation | |
Motivations | |
motives | |
Multi-Group Analysis | |
Multichannel | |
Multidisciplinary | |
Multilingual | |
music tempo | |
Muslim Market | |
Mystery creation | |
Mystery solving | |
N | |
Neuro Marketing | |
Neurological Investigation | |
New product program | |
New Product Success | |
Newspaper | |
NFL | |
NGO | |
Non-Economic Satisfaction | |
non-profit sector | |
nongovernmental organization marketing | |
Norm violations | |
not-for-profit organization marketing | |
not-for-profit organizations | |
O | |
offensive advertising | |
omnichannel | |
Omnichannel experience | |
On-Demand | |
Online consumer | |
Open Innovation | |
Opportunism | |
Organization Agility | |
Organization Learning | |
P | |
Package design | |
Packaging | |
PAD | |
Partitioned price | |
perceived organizational behavior | |
Performance | |
Personal Branding | |
Personal values | |
Phygital experience | |
Phygital Shopping Incentive | |
Physical Screen Sharing Behavior | |
Physiological indicator | |
pilgrimage | |
place attachment | |
Playfulness | |
pleasure-arousal-dominance | |
PLS | |
Poetry | |
Political Marketing | |
Positioning | |
Positive behavior change | |
Power | |
practitioner | |
Price Demands | |
Price fairness | |
Price Pressure | |
pro-environmental campaign | |
pro-environmental choice | |
Process control | |
process evaluation | |
Product Category | |
Product evaluation | |
Product Involvement | |
Product judgment | |
Product Returns | |
Product strategy | |
product temperature | |
product typicality | |
Product-Service System | |
Prosocial behavior | |
Purchase Intention | |
purchase intentions | |
Q | |
QCA | |
Qualitative | |
Questions | |
R | |
Racial Prejudice | |
radical logo change | |
Rap video | |
realist evaluation | |
Rebuilding | |
Rebuilding Relationship Quality | |
Reckless Drivers | |
Regulatory Focus | |
Relational energy | |
Relationships | |
Religious cognition | |
Resource disintegration | |
resource usage | |
resources and capabilities | |
Retail | |
Retail marketing | |
return policy leniency | |
Reverse Supply Chain | |
Rituals | |
Road Safety | |
S | |
S-D logic | |
sacred and profane | |
Sales Force Management | |
Sales promotions | |
sample and data quality issues | |
Scale development | |
Schwartz values theory | |
secondary versus primary data issues | |
segmentation | |
Self-congruence | |
self-congruity | |
Self-construal | |
Self-identification | |
Self-regulation | |
Self-service Technologies | |
semiotics | |
sensory marketing | |
sensory perception | |
Servant leadership | |
Service delivery behaviors | |
Service satisfaction | |
Service-Dominant Logic | |
Services | |
Servicescapes | |
Shopper | |
Shopper Behavior | |
Shopping experience | |
Shopping mall | |
Shopping path | |
signaling theory | |
skepticism | |
Social approval | |
Social Identity Theory | |
Social Marketing | |
Social marketing campaigns | |
Social media | |
social networking site | |
Social recognition | |
special session | |
Spirituality | |
Sponsorship | |
Sport | |
sports fans | |
sports sponsorships | |
Stakeholder theory | |
Stereotypes | |
Store Satisfaction | |
strategic change | |
Strategic emphasis | |
Strategy Development | |
Structural Equation Modelling | |
subjective well-being | |
success factors | |
Supplier-OEM Relationship | |
Supply Chain | |
supply chain management | |
Supply Chain Orientation | |
supply chains | |
Surcharge | |
Sustainability | |
Sustainability marketing | |
Sustainable development | |
Sustainable marketing | |
Sustainable Supply Chains | |
T | |
Targeting | |
Teaching | |
Team-Based Learning | |
Technology | |
Technology adoption | |
Technology-enabled tools | |
technology-mediated communication | |
Television | |
Thailand | |
Theory of document content | |
Tightness-looseness | |
Timing | |
Top Management Support | |
TopDog | |
transforming economies | |
Transitional servicescapes | |
Treatment of customers | |
Treatment of employees | |
trust | |
U | |
Underdog | |
Unfolding analysis | |
Unplanned buying | |
USA | |
user-generated-advertising | |
Utilitarian product | |
Utilitarian products | |
Utilitaristic | |
V | |
Valence | |
Value co-destruction | |
Value congruence | |
Values | |
variety-seeking behavior | |
Verbal tone | |
Vietnam | |
visceral cues | |
Voter Behaviour | |
W | |
Web 2.0 | |
Website Environments | |
Word choice |